Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Thank you so much ladies. :hugs: You are all so wonderful. Rosa, you are right. CD1 is always the hardest. I'm doing a little better now that the work day is over and I was able to see my hubby. He had already left early for work this morning before I got up and knew AF was here so it has been a tough day. We have decided that the stress free approach isn't working for us.. so give us back the stress! haha. Temping, opk's, BDing.. oh my! I'm giving it one more cycle before I ask my doctor to give me another HSG to check the tube. I just want to make sure it's still open and i'm not wasting time. Then we will take it from there..

Thanks again Ladies! :flower:
Thank you so much ladies. :hugs: You are all so wonderful. Rosa, you are right. CD1 is always the hardest. I'm doing a little better now that the work day is over and I was able to see my hubby. He had already left early for work this morning before I got up and knew AF was here so it has been a tough day. We have decided that the stress free approach isn't working for us.. so give us back the stress! haha. Temping, opk's, BDing.. oh my! I'm giving it one more cycle before I ask my doctor to give me another HSG to check the tube. I just want to make sure it's still open and i'm not wasting time. Then we will take it from there..

Thanks again Ladies! :flower:

Kiki, remind me have one blocked tube? What did the doc say? Did he/she suggest an IUI or anything, or to keep trying naturally? I'm glad to hear you're doing better. :hugs: It'll happen for us, too. It's just taking way longer than we want. :flower:
Rosa- I only have one tube to begin this process with due to cysts and endometriosis and had surgery to remove right ovary & tube. Had no idea going into this what the left was like and conceived on the 3rd month with the ectopic. Which is probably due to endo on my left side too. Had the hsg and by a miracle my only tube with the ectopic was open. My doc suggested ivf anyway but I wanted to keep trying naturally for a while since ivf is so expensive.

And boy oh boy is it taking us a while! We are due for our bfp's! :)

Typing this while a first response commercial comes on and says "your body knows your pregnant before you do" I want to say. "No! My body tells me I'm pregnant when I'm not!" :laugh2:
MrsMM- I'm so sorry for your loss, and such a recent one. You've come to the right place though; the majority of us have had a loss (some more than one) and can offer understanding and support. Even the wonderful ladies who have been fortunate to never experience a loss offer the best support I've found. If it weren't for these ladies I wouldn't have gotten my bfp and certainly wouldn't have made it this far in my pregnancy. These ladies are by far the most wonderful women I've ever met.

Leeze- welcome back!! Our thread has, sadly, died down quite a bit but it's still chugging along. Most of the ladies that joined us left at some point after getting their bfp. The ladies we have left don't seem to be going anywhere any time soon. Though soon we are going to have to update our thread from ttc to new mummies because our lovely rosa and kiki are next.

kiki- I'm so very sorry af got you. I hate seeing you struggle every month. As rosa said, CD1 is always the worst but it only gets better from here. At least you gave the stress free approach an honest shot. It doesn't work for everyone. If stressing over opk's, temping and bding is what helps you get your much deserved bfp then we'll be right here obsessing with you! Have you spoken to your doctor about your lack of a bfp since your HSG? I can't recall, were you going to try clomid? Something tells me that you and rosa are going to get your bfps together, since you've come all this way together so far.

These days I'm terrible at keeping up. I peek in often to read the new posts but never get the chance to respond. It seems like as soon as I get off work I pass out on the couch for several hours, make dinner then pass out again. It feels like no matter how much I sleep it just isn't enough. I saw my doctor on Monday, he did an internal exam with a speculum and found a raw spot on my cervix but didn't seem too concerned. He said if by my next appointment (this coming Monday) I hadn't given birth he's going to start poking and prodding around in there to get things going. I'm having more intense cramps daily and I feel a lot of pressur on my cervix so I don't think it'll be much longer, at least I hope. A coworker of mine told me she had a feeling it was going to be Friday (fingers crossed!!). In May one of our pharmacists gave birth and the morning it happened this coworker pretty much got up and said "today's the day" and sure enough our pharmacist had her baby. So here's to hoping she has a knack for these things and I go into labor on Friday.
Aw - thanks ladies for being so lovely! Seems like it's a great supportive group here!

Kiki - it took me 9 months after my miscarriage to get my next BFP. Don't give up hope, honey. xx
Kiki- it took me about 14 months for my bfp after MC. I very much hope it does not take you that long, but I had no medical intervention and suddenly it happened, and i've got the sticky one Ive dreamt of. So really, anytime, it can and will happen! Just sometimes takes foreeeever!

Love, hope you have a baby tomorrow! Lol.

Have my GD test today and my first pelvic exam and have to get my Rhogam shot. NOT excited, I hate pelvic exams! Lol.

Anyone know about eating before the GD test? No one told me to fast, so this morning I have eaten, but its at 1. Should I be skipping lunch?
Ny- I'd skip lunch. Not sure why they are doing the GD test in the afternoon.. The nurse told me they are best done in the morning before you've eaten but maybe that's just how they do it here. I wouldn't eat before going but definitely bring something to munch on after or plan on stopping somewhere. Pelvic exams really aren't that bad. I'm so used to them at this point. I have been getting them weekly since I went into the hospital. Yes they are uncomfortable, but they don't take long. Every time I have to do something I don't really want to I just keep telling myself how worth it it is in the end.

Oh!! Have you come up with any names for your little man?
Good luck today, Ny!!

Nice to hear from you Love, but don't worry if you can't get on here to reply. We're going to assume all is well and will just be biting our nails waiting to hear your exciting news :) I hope it happens soon; you must be so exhausted with all of this early labor business....

16 weeks today; I can't believe it! BTW, I find the fruit/vegetable baby sizing to be obnoxious. Anyone else? I was an apple and now an onion? Both come in a variety of actual diameters, so what does that even mean? One week it said I was a shrimp, and someday it will say sweet potato. These are very different shapes, not just sizes! Can't we just go by inches? Gracious.
Love, yea I tried for early morning for three diff days this week, at 2 different clinic locations. Supposedly all full. Wth? Really? So I just ate an egg for breakfast but nothing more so hope I'm fine. Idk why pelvic exams just get me all anxious.....guess I'm always afraid it will cause bleeding, and am so afraid of bleeding after the first trimester from hell! The rhogam shot hurts too right j the muscle! But yes, it is all for a good cause and nothing compared to birth.

Ready seems crazy you are so far. I love this, all our good pregnancies finally. Almost seems like a weird coincidence that we both randomly have a good one after 2 losses. No clue why this work the way they do!

So, no name for my mister. I call him bean, and can't picture a name on him. What is wrong with me. Is this some sort of way to distance myself? Idk, I don't want to do that's not sure what's going on. OH qnr my daughter really want him named......
I don't know why ttc works like this; I guess it is one of those big things in life that we simply can't plan. It's bigger than us... So have OH or your daughter been putting up some names, since they want one chosen? We can help vote over here if you want :)

We have a boy name but struggle big time with a girl's. Every now and then we'll throw out a girls name and see how it sounds but nothing really sticks. I suggested Emery to DH this week because I like the nickname "emie" but he says emery is a boy's name. Boo.
Emery is cute! we are throwing around a few. My daughter wants an E name to match her. So, i am trying so hard to grant her wish, but proving difficult. I love Eli but being told a lot its too similar to Ella. Which it kind of is. But I love that name. Such a Bummer. I like luca, but oh hates. I thought Ella and luca sound cute. Now I've just thought of Evan or Easton but don't feel in love yet. I thought Oh loves Jude and Liam, which I suggested both. I like Jude better, but Ella doesn't like. So um feeling like most of the time I just don't want to even think about it all!
There are several others we have thrown around too.....just randomly though.
How about something that ends like Ella instead, like Noah? Or... Ethan? Evan is a nice name. Names are tough--good thing we have a long time to decide!
I think Avery is a girls name thats quite unusual.
I like Grace and Faith and Matilda and for boys i like Michael and Jack and Robert.
LOVEINBINARY - Thank you so much. I have enjoyed all the information that I have gotten from BnB from the other threads I joined prior and during pregnancy. I was hopeful that I would find a thread such as this when I sadly had to find a M/C thread. I or we, are very hopeful and prayerful that we can try again soon and that this bean sticks! :flower:
Ready- It's not so much that I can't get on to reply... it's more like I've passed out on the couch and then wake up too groggy to do much of anything lol. But I do keep an eye on what's going on, that I can at least do lol. I'm hoping it happens soon as well, I'm really not good with waiting when it comes to something I want. Jeeze, 16 weeks already.. where has the time gone?!?!? I told you the time would just fly!!

Yeah.. I had the fruit ticker for a while then got rid of it because, as you said, it makes absolutely no sense. One week you are a lemon then another a lime? I don't know who came up with this concept, but they are clearly mistaken. I've seen some really small apples and some ginormous lemons.. Plus, the idea of going to the store to pick out some produce and thinking "that could be my baby" is just a bit much. Sorry DH, no pears this week because it makes me feel like I'm eating my baby.

Ny- maybe your city is just overpopulated with pregnant women? Or, more likely, they don't want to have all that many appointments per day. An egg shouldn't affect much, it's just protein. I think at some point you need to relax on the bleeding. The stress of worrying about a pelvic exam is likely to do more harm than the actual pelvic exam. Since I've been out of the hospital I've taken on a more relaxed approach to just about everything. I'm honestly convinced that all the stress in my life is what caused me to go into preterm labor and since I've cut out much of what caused me so much stress things have been so much better.

So no name for LO? I'd had the name picked out since 17 weeks, DH at first didn't like it. When he finally came around to the name (and agreed it was a perfect match) he didn't want to finalize it 'just in case'. It took weeks of coercing to get him to agree that we wouldn't find a more suitable name. With all the worry you have, I don't doubt that you are afraid naming him will in some way harm him. Just be sure you name him after he's born! I'm not sure he's going to like being called bean for the rest of his life lol.

Liam is a nice name. I found the hardest part in picking a name was finding one that fit with our last name. We had a rough time picking a boy name. So many sounded nice but nothing clicked. Then one morning I woke up and just knew what his name would be. Eventually it'll hit you.

MrsMM- BnB is such a wonderful place. I started coming here over 2 years ago when I first found out I was pregnant and stayed through my loss. After that I didn't have the strength to post but I lurked around for a while until about a year later when DH and I were ready to try. I don't know how women before our time managed ttc, pregnancy, birth and loss without the support system I've found here. My fingers are tightly crossed for you that this next little bean of yours is super sticky. We seem to have luck on this thread after a loss.
I didn't even get my Damn pelvic and now I want it. Lol. Since I was expecting it, seems like a waste to not have one! Bah. So I have not had a pelvic since 5 this normal? I trust the docs, but guess here they just don't do them often......

Love, yea OH brought up the fact also that Bean would not be a suitable name for our baby. Lol. Wish something clicked like Eli did.....sigh.
As far as I know they don't normally do pelvic exams throughout pregnancy unless they are checking for something specific or there is a reason one is necessary. Before I ended up in the hospital I hadn't had a pelvic exam since about 22-23 ish weeks and that was only because I had switched doctors. I'm pretty sure they want to poke around in there as little as possible to keep from irritating the cervix.

What was wrong with the name Eli that is preventing you from choosing it?
Eli and Ella seem to be a tad too close.....ya know?

I guess im expecting a pelvic cuz with Ella i felt like we did more often. Plus at the scheduling the lady said i'd have one today! Then my doc says nope, not til 36 weeks. Yay! Makes me happy:) Now I pray to have no diabetes~
Eli doesn't sound to close Ella in my opinion. Plus Ella wanted an 'e' name to match hers so it sounds suiting to me. Remember, it doesn't matter what other people think of the name, all that matter is that you like it. FIL made negative comments when we told him we were naming LO Roman. He said that it wasn't a masculine name and that he would get beat up in school. We could care less what he thinks of the name we've chosen. We love the name and nothing anyone says is going to change our opinion of it. Just remember, there is always going to be someone who has some sort of comment.

A lot has changed in medicine since you had Ella. Perhaps when you had her they did pelvic exams more often but have since reduced the frequency. 36 weeks sounds about right from what my doctor has said. They will also do your group b strep test then too, it's just a swab.

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