Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

ready!!! EEEEK!!! :happydance: :happydance: Sounds like you've had your first movements!! That's so exciting!! They don't feel like much to start, more of a "was that... ??" but give it a few weeks and those movements will be full blown kicks and jabs. Soon your kidneys and ribs will be fair game to LO lol. I know there isn't any real pressure for him to be born today, I'm just so anxious to get him out at this point. I was really hoping for a July baby, for no other reason than the fact that my birthday is in July. But you're right, maybe he prefers an August birthday.

Dee- I'm so sorry to hear you're bleeding. :hugs: Is it just spotting or? Have you taken a test recently to see what your lines are like? I know how hard it is to keep optimistic, but I had bleeding around 7 weeks as well and as ready mentioned, ny spotted for quite a while early on. With my loss the bleeding was exactly the same as it was this time and just as far along, but this time was different. My fingers are tightly crossed for you and your little one. Even if you don't have any hope, I'll have plenty of hope for you.

Rosa- That's absolutely fab!! Your doctor sounds amazing. It's wonderful that he was ready to get you in this cycle! The mock transfer doesn't sound very fun, but at least your doctor is thorough and wants to know exactly what he's dealing with to get it right when it's time for the actual transfer. I'm so excited for you!! Your bfp is just around the corner!!!
Rosa- That's absolutely fab!! Your doctor sounds amazing. It's wonderful that he was ready to get you in this cycle! The mock transfer doesn't sound very fun, but at least your doctor is thorough and wants to know exactly what he's dealing with to get it right when it's time for the actual transfer. I'm so excited for you!! Your bfp is just around the corner!!!

Evidently, the biggest problem with the transfers (mock and real) is the trying not to pee all over your doctor's face. :rofl: Sounds like fun. I'm sure ladies have before, but I really don't want to join that "club."

The quick appts and aggressiveness (not bedside manner, but moving quickly) is part of why I love this doc. I don't want to sit around on my hands all day, let's just figure this out and make a baby already! He's pretty great. I'm so glad the insurance thing worked out. He said it was because he liked us too much to lose us. Awwwww shucks...:blush: Whatever the reason, I'm glad.
Dee- I would suggest progesterone pills RIGHT away. I had my spotting start at 6 weeks and was sure this was it and it was over again and we saw a baby that day on ultrasound, so at that point I made them give me progesterone. With bleeding for 6 weeks, I believe thats what helped my body keep the pregnancy. Good luck to you and relax as much as possible!

Rosa- wow. That is intense! Starting IVF is such a big step! Do they say what the percentage or odds or whatever that it will work for you? Sounds like an awesome doc. I love that he wants to do a test drive to be so ready!

Ready- cngrats on the movment! Amazing to feel so early on.....its so wonderful!

I got my results on GD test from yesterday and I have it:( Well, I failed the 1 hour test and they don't have me doing the 3 hour one....not sure why, as I've read that its the routine procedure and my levels werent above 200. But guess I have GD and now everything is changed. :( Im so so so sad and feel guilty and having a tough time with it. Gotta figure out how to eat now, and if anything is wrong with my baby and how much to be monitored. Sigh. I am so ready to be done with all the bull!
Rosa- :rofl: I'd be terrified of peeing on the doctor, but worse case scenario it happens and he's not all that shocked. Not like you'd be the first or the last. You could always send him a card if it happens-- " I'm sorry I peed on your face, it wasn't person just sort of happened " lol

ny- maybe you should give them a call and see why they don't want to do the 3 hour test. perhaps eating that morning affected the test somehow? If you do have GD it's not the end of the world. As long as you watch what you eat you should be just fine. I'm sure your doctor will help you work everything out.
Yea...I have a consult apointment wed morning of next week, and then a diabetes class wed afternoon.....

Weird thing is, OH bought me a blood reader thingy and i've done a reading before and after eating now, and its not high either quite normal really. So now im unsure as to if i have it or not, but they say I do. I plan to monitor all weekend, and see what happens.
I'd mention that at your consult. The glucose test is more concentrated, but plenty of people fail that one but pass the 3 hour. You could always ask them to retest you if you have doubts after testing your sugar all weekend. Even if they are convinced you have it, you should be quite fine if you keep an eye on your readings at home. If you do have GD it's not so bad as you only have another 10-ish weeks left before you're LO is here.
ny, i dont think eating had anything to do with it as i was advised to eat something small without sugar in it before going for mine next week as if not it will make me nauseous and more than likely puking before the hour is up.
Ready- Movement! How exciting! I looooove the name Gavin! Have a blast at your big summer party this weekend!! Is it tomorrow?

Dee- How are you doing? I'm so sorry that you are having a stressful time but like the ladies have said.. It definitely can be completely normal. But I understand that where you are coming from, that it is very hard to relax. Please try your best to relax though. It's the best for you and baby! :hugs:

Rosa- Wow! Everything is moving right along!! How great is that! Oh you will have to keep me posted on EVERYTHING because I may be right behind you. And I mean everything! From the shots and injectables and if you pee on your doctor! :rofl: There are so many women where IVF works on the first shot! That may just be all you need! How exciting!

Ny- I am sorry you didn't get good results today. :hugs: Do not feel guilty though! Like Love said, maybe you can be restested after testing this weekend. But if you do have it, you will learn how to manage it and you and baby smurf will be great!

Love- How are you??

Nothing going on with me! I'm the boring one. :haha: AF is almost gone so hubby and I are on a strict BD schedule. So if you don't hear from me every other day.. You know why. ;) Haha!
Kiki- "haven't seen Kiki in a few days, wonder where she's gone?" "in bed draining DH of all his baby making fluid lol"
Just don't break him lol.

I don't really know how I am at this point, to be honest. I'm frustrated, exhausted and emotional. DH and I had a nice go at each other when we got home from work followed by a nap. Woke up with pretty strong cramping that greatly intensified with contractions. Of course it eased up after a while. Now I'm laying on the couch rather uncomfortable with fairly painful cramps that make me hold my breath from time to time. They are really low in my pelvis and radiate through to my lower back. The intensity varies a bit but it's a fairly constant pain. I want to say the sex has gotten this ball rolling finally but as soon as I say that everything will stop. So I'm just waiting it out, impatiently.
If Love is gone for a while we will also know what she is doing! Haha...well either that or having a baby. But you can post an update during labor better than during sex:)

I am still watching my bloods, and not eating sugar. So its been perfect numbers...but not sure if thats cuz no sugar or not so tempted to push it on my own and eat or drink something kinda sugary and test an hour later....just to see! Not that I want to push them up high, and I wouldn't ever have something as concentrated as what they give you at the test, but just like a tootsie roll or seomthing small and see what happens. I am recording everything to ask them next wed and maybe I dont end up having it if my blood sugars stay within normal range. Or maybe not too bad, and my freaking out over a huge diet change is all for nothing. Some bodies can handle more than others in this situation so maybe mine is ok with carbs and sugars in moderation.

Kiki- sometimes boring is good, but I hope that your rigorous BD schedule works this time! When do you start temping, and are you taking anything to help BFP this cycle? I was on bcomplex and baby aspirin and can't remember if anything else but feel like there was more....Oh yea, OH was taking the bcomplex and lots of other vits. I think it makes a difference to have the men taking stuff to help those swimmies be strong and fast.
I'll be the crazy woman updating from my phone every few minutes during labor lol. Certainly a lot easier than updating while having sex, plus I don't think DH would be very pleased if I was clicking away on my phone while we are trying to be intimate. "you just have at it dear, I'm just going to let the ladies know what's going on" :rofl: guarantee I'd never get any ever again.

Ny- it's not really the sugary food that are the biggest concern in regards to blood sugar. It's the carbs that get you because whatever carbs aren't used for energy turn to sugar in the body. My grandmother, uncle, several aunts and sister have diabetes so I've learned quite a bit from them. The low carb diets tend to help a great deal. In my opinion it doesn't sound as though you have GD, perhaps maybe just a tiny bit. I would just keep checking yourself after you eat sticking to your normal diet before you go drastically changing things up when it may not be necessary. It's possible that you failed the 1 hour test as a fluke. We all have of days and maybe that was yours. Just keep an eye on things, maybe cut down a little on the carbs but from what you've said it doesn't sound like your diet needs a complete makeover just yet.

So I'm pretty convinced I'm going to be pregnant FOREVER. I got next to no sleep last night because the cramps hurt to the point where I couldn't get comfortable or put them out of my mind long enough to fall asleep. After trying to head to bed they got worse and spread across my whole stomach rather than just my lower back and abdomen. Finally managed to pass out sometime after 3 to wake up this morning feeling just fine-- aside from being absolutely exhausted. I don't know what my body is doing. It really felt like I was going into labor then absolutely nothing today. DH and I are going to have sex again when we get off work and see if that helps-- seemed to do something yesterday. Hell, maybe we will spend the whole day getting busy to try to speed things along. I'm just so frustrated with all this revving up for absolutely nothing. If I'm going to be in pain, at least make it go somewhere not just stop 10ish hours later. GRRRR!
Love, I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. :hugs: Just think in a few days you'll be so happy! Hang in there.

Ny, no sugar?! :hugs: That deserves a hug.

Rosa- Wow! Everything is moving right along!! How great is that! Oh you will have to keep me posted on EVERYTHING because I may be right behind you. And I mean everything! From the shots and injectables and if you pee on your doctor! :rofl: There are so many women where IVF works on the first shot! That may just be all you need! How exciting!

I will let you know everything. I'm less nervous every day, and more excited. And then, a random thought comes into my mind and I'm like omg what if THAT happens?! :haha: There's always something to worry about. It's what I do. I'm hoping it works the first shot, and the odds are good (well at least better than trying naturally), but I know there is a chance it wont' work. Doc says that their clinic has 66% with 2 embies and about 50something with 1 emby. He said he recommends 1 the first time for someone my age, especially since my tubes are the ONLY issue.
Dee- I would suggest progesterone pills RIGHT away. I had my spotting start at 6 weeks and was sure this was it and it was over again and we saw a baby that day on ultrasound, so at that point I made them give me progesterone. With bleeding for 6 weeks, I believe thats what helped my body keep the pregnancy. Good luck to you and relax as much as possible!

Rosa- wow. That is intense! Starting IVF is such a big step! Do they say what the percentage or odds or whatever that it will work for you? Sounds like an awesome doc. I love that he wants to do a test drive to be so ready!

Ready- cngrats on the movment! Amazing to feel so early on.....its so wonderful!

I got my results on GD test from yesterday and I have it:( Well, I failed the 1 hour test and they don't have me doing the 3 hour one....not sure why, as I've read that its the routine procedure and my levels werent above 200. But guess I have GD and now everything is changed. :( Im so so so sad and feel guilty and having a tough time with it. Gotta figure out how to eat now, and if anything is wrong with my baby and how much to be monitored. Sigh. I am so ready to be done with all the bull!

That sucks hun! But if it makes you feel any better I had it the entire pregnancy! It was really tough, but at least you only have part of your pregnancy left then you can go back to normal! That is really strange to not do the 3 hr test though? Never heard of that, bc they say sometimes people fail the 1 hr and pass the 3 hr! That's why I was having so many u/s and dr appts bc of the GD. I had the Non stress tests 2 times a week and monthly ultrasounds :( But it's worth it to make sure the baby is healthy!!
Kylar- I have a consult appt on wed and may just say I want that 3 hr test becuase yea, my numbers were 186 so that doesnt seem high enough to just assume i;ve got it without actually doing the 3 hour test.....

Kylar- did you do the monitoring at home with blood sugar levels all the time? What did you eat?!? Im at a loss as to what I can grab for quick food. I dont have time to cook a damn chicken every meal or snack. Plus, I dont really like chicken for this pregnancy!

I really want chocolate. Lol. I just feel guilty now.

Doesnt help that my poor pinky toe is broken! Im a mess. No chocolate and a broken toe with no pain meds? Come ON!

Gimme a break already!
Love- I saw your FB update that it might "be it" ...and then it went away you say! Im sorry! Still thinking of you and can't wait for an announcement:)

Did my sister's shower today so that got me all excited for baby things and we went and picked out our stroller and our crib at babys r us:) We didn't buy them yet, but will go get them. I have lots of other small necessity stuff bought so feel more prepared finally! Woohoo!
Ladies! My little one is ok!! Just back from the scan and we saw the heartbeat and everything :)
Measures exactly 8 weeks 1 day (couldnt believe my ticker was spot on!)
I have another scan booked for 12 weeks :)
They said sometimes there is no explanation for a little bleeding but i should try not to over do it and no BDing for one week after seeing blood (we have not BDed since the BFP!)
I am soooo happy :happydance::happydance::cloud9:

Hope everyone is ok - i have not read the thread properly yet.
Dee, so happy for you! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Kiki & Rosa, I'm glad you two can share the next steps together :thumbup:

Ny, I'm with everyone here--get the 3 hour test, we're not convinced!

Love, you poor thing :( Hang in there...he definitely wants an August birthday, but FX that it is sometime earlier this week yet!

We had our big summer bash this weekend and it was so much fun...tons of people and food, great to see everyone, but I must say completely exhausting. I did the lion's share of the clean up that night and the next day (hubby was puking his guts out during the night), and I had to spend the entire rest of Sunday laying on my couch immobile. On the the plus side, we told my stepson this weekend & he is just thrilled! He can't wait to be a big brother, and keeps coming up to me and rubbing my belly and saying hi to the baby. Too cute! Also, yesterday I felt more baby movement while I was lying so still on the couch--like a little goldfish turning over. :cloud9:
Ny- if you want some chocolate then by all means have some chocolate!! A little won't hurt-- plus the more you deny yourself the worse it'll be once you actually cave and have some. Instead of a piece or two you'll eat a whole pound!! I'm guilty of doing something very similar.. I'm sorry about your toe. I'm surprised I haven't taken a toe off on the corner of something yet. With this belly in the way I'm pretty much unaware I have feet these days. And you'd think having Flinstone feet (because they are so swollen) would be hard to miss.

Yeah 10 wonderful hours of painful cramping and contractions. I was sure that was it but of course I managed go fall asleep just hours before having to be up for work and everything stopped. I'm convinced he is planning on staying in there forever. What crib and stroller did you end up deciding on!?!?

Dee- :happydance: I knew everything was going to be just fine!! Just like ny, ready and myself you have a very sticky bean after a loss. Funny how it turned out this way. And you get to join the not so wonderful club of "I bleed for no reason and it scares me to death but my little bean still okay!" I suppose the only upside to this club is getting a peak at LO a few extra times lol.

Ready- it sounds like you had such a wonderful time!! I'm sorry you were stuck with most of the cleaning up, especially after being the one to do most of the cleaning beforehand. Did DH drink to much at this fun party of yours that left him sick the next day or was it a bug of some sort? That's wonderful news about your stepson!! I bet he's going to have a ball helping you pick out things for the nursery and he'll be such a big help once the baby is here. Is he hoping for one gender over another? So your bean is now a goldfish lol. The first movements are always so wonderful-- then your bladder becomes a soccer ball and your ribs something to kick off of in the uterus swimming pool. Just wait till you have to pee and LO thinks you've given him or her a new toy lol.

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