Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Ready- so glad your step son took it well:) I crammed my toe on a stupid chair....then went shopping to babys r us after i knew it hurt....stupid. Because after that shopping trip, I was literally in tears over a toe! Lol. Who woulda thunken.

Love- luckily im not too swollen! Well, now my foot is, but it wasn't before I clumsily slammed it on the chair. I do agree though, I cant see my feet and what they are going to hit, so thats how it happened! haha. I hear you on the occasional chocolate, however, I was told friday by my nurse not to have any candy or cake or sweets wonder if thats just til my class wed and I learn how to manage. I had a few yummies yesterday at my sister;s shower....maybe thats how I stubbed my toe. Diabetic coma. Hahahahhaa. kidding, of course.

What a klutz I am.
Ny- what a terrible nurse. Seriously, who tells a pregnant woman they can't have ANY yummies?!?! I really wouldn't worry too much if you had just a little. Even highly diabetic people can have a little here and there without keeling over so I'm sure you can too. Afterall, you've made it this far just fine. So you may have to make a few adjustments to help keep your sugar lowered (if you in fact have GD) but that doesn't mean you have to eliminate all sweets and goodies. It's like being on a diet to lose weight, you can have a little of this and that, just not as much as before. Sometimes I think doctors and nurses just like to scare you by the way they say things. Just take it easy and by all means have a piece of chocolate or else everyone around you is going to suffer lol (kidding).
No, they will! hahah. Its been bad now that im laying with my foot up, and need some comfort food, and crave chocolate, and a vicodin. And the damn carrots are NOT comforting! Lol.
Thanks Ny! I knew he would be excited...we've been talking about siblings for a long time, and he asks now & then when it will be. I think that all made him very ready for it. Now, just hoping that his mother doesn't say things to lessen his enthusiasm. Oh, the joys of blended families.

Love, I just registered what your ticker says...despite all your cramping & readiness, your little guy still has a week or two of cookin' to do! It sucks that your early labor has been so drawn out. Did your doc have any thoughts about why that is? Maybe the starting & stopping of labor early on contributes to it or something? I don't think most people have the types of contractions you've been having for such a long time...
ny- well then woman get yourself some chocolate!! Better yet, have someone else get you some chocolate!! lol.

ready- just keep expressing how happy and wonderful this is around stepson and I'm sure anything negative his mother could possibly say will roll right off of him. I think if you keep him included in on things it'll keep him so thrilled that nothing will bring him down. Perhaps take him to your gender scan? I'm sure he'd find that super exciting.

My ticker isn't accurate, at least I don't believe it to be. Since I switched doctors after 20 weeks he is going by the very first date they put in my records from my first scan, which is August 11. Since then all of my following scans have shown July 31st as being more accurate but he won't adjust the dates. His partner even sent me for a scan several weeks back because I was measuring big and the scan showed LO measuring perfectly for the end of July. The scan I had while in the hospital even measured him for being about the 31st of July so this due date he has me at of August 11 is quite frustrating. I have a doctors appointment at 4:10 so I'm going to have a talk with him about all the cramping and contractions I've been having and see if there is anything he will do to speed things along, like a sweep or something. I'm just getting so worn down with all of this, emotionally and physically. It's one of those sh*t or get off the pot sort of things. I can handle the pain and discomfort quite well, it's the knowing this isn't going to result in anything that is unbearable.
NYP - I looooove the name EASTON! I absolutely love Eli as well. We have had names picked out for over a yr, as we planned for EVERY scenario.... boy/girl, boy1 boy2/girl1 girl2, boy1 girl2, etc..... When Little Dylan/Dylynn passed last month, we eliminated that name and just picked up on the next one... Our daughter is Kenydi and so we are on to Kaden/Kayden.... sorry that you are having sooo much trouble with the test, get the 3 hr. I failed with Kenydi, and as LOVE mentioned, for me, it was the carbs....

ROSA - That's GREAT!!!

READy - Flutters = AWESOME!!

DEE - I had my FXD, and hoping for the best, the best has happened, soooo glad your little bean is well. Keep on Stickin on Bean!!!!

As for me, I am on CD 13, and hoping that there are some ov opportunities ahead. We are ready!
did u have gd then mrs? lucky u with your names all lined up!
ny- well then woman get yourself some chocolate!! Better yet, have someone else get you some chocolate!! lol.

ready- just keep expressing how happy and wonderful this is around stepson and I'm sure anything negative his mother could possibly say will roll right off of him. I think if you keep him included in on things it'll keep him so thrilled that nothing will bring him down. Perhaps take him to your gender scan? I'm sure he'd find that super exciting.

My ticker isn't accurate, at least I don't believe it to be. Since I switched doctors after 20 weeks he is going by the very first date they put in my records from my first scan, which is August 11. Since then all of my following scans have shown July 31st as being more accurate but he won't adjust the dates. His partner even sent me for a scan several weeks back because I was measuring big and the scan showed LO measuring perfectly for the end of July. The scan I had while in the hospital even measured him for being about the 31st of July so this due date he has me at of August 11 is quite frustrating. I have a doctors appointment at 4:10 so I'm going to have a talk with him about all the cramping and contractions I've been having and see if there is anything he will do to speed things along, like a sweep or something. I'm just getting so worn down with all of this, emotionally and physically. It's one of those sh*t or get off the pot sort of things. I can handle the pain and discomfort quite well, it's the knowing this isn't going to result in anything that is unbearable.
I've been wondering this...should the due date be updated by how the baby measures, or stick with what is believed to be the ovulation date (or the prediction from the first scan). I don't know...maybe they stick with the first date known, and then from there some babies are bigger and some are smaller for the "same" gestation. I would think they would not want your guy to cook for TOO long, but it doesn't seem like you are near that limit quite yet. FX that he will strip your membranes, at least...

Thanks--hopefully our guy keeps up his excitement through the process. I had thought about taking him to the gender scan, but I've gotten cold feet on it since part of me just wants to share it with DH. Oh I also got the result of our quad-screen; all looks good for not having chromosome issues. And I got the cutest gift this weekend. Little baby towel and washclothes and a spa robe! I mean, come on, a robe? It is too cute.
My daughter didn't want to come with to any scans....she said that was gross! Lol. Silly girl.

About the due date.....I never thought of this, but they put me back a week at my first scan at like 6 thats what they have gone by this whole time. I wonder if they should have stuck with my LMP and if then im further, and my scheduled c section may be too late? Idk, I should ask about this!
Ready- I'm just not convinced that the first scan dates are accurate. They dated me at 5+6 at what was supposed to be a 7 week scan, but there was a heartbeat which seems a little early for not even 6 weeks? I could accept that as accurate if every other scan wasn't consistent with me being farther along. Even the previous doctor moved my date up after my second scan but this doctor is still going by the first scan dates not even lmp which would have put me at the 4th of August. I'm going to have a talk with him today and see what we can do. Clearly my body is ready as it's been trying for a while to get things going. It's not even mild prelabor, it's pretty intense and I really don't think they are Braxton hicks contractions. It's almost like my body just sort of gives up after a while. Going by August 11, I'd be almost 39 weeks so I don't see why it would be an issue to try and help things along. He's certainly fully developed, especially with the 2 steroid injections I had while in the hospital so there are no medical concerns in having him now.

Ny- it's always worth talking it over with your doctor. Have your dates been consistent since your first scan (not off by more than a day or so)? If they have been then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Either way you'll get your section whether you go into labor or it's scheduled.
It really is confusing, between LMP, O date, unknown implantation date, a different due date estimate at every ultrasound, and all of these damn fruit & vegetable comparisons. ARGH! I dunno what the answer is except maybe it isn't such a science afterall. At all of my scans so far, I have measured 4 or 5 days further along than what my ticker says. Shrug.

I know your cramps haven't been mild getting-ready type things, which is why it's that much more important to discuss it with your doc today. I haven't known anyone to have strong contractions for so many days without really dilating... Let us know what he says!
Oh yea, I just thought about that, my scans have followed the measurements well, so i must have really been a week behind from the start. So all is well. I am due 19th but we already discussed c section on the 12th. yay! Im trying to make it possible to trick or treat so want to do it the very soonest that I can!
I'm pretty sure whoever it was that came up with the fruit and vegetable comparisons was either stupid or on drugs at the time, perhaps both. I really don't know what the correct answer is for due date. Hell, there may not even be one. It's some day in the future when the baby decides it's time or you can whine enough that the doctor helps you along lol. A sad truth that it'll happen when it happens, regardless if you're ready, more than ready or not ready at all.

My doctors appointment went really well. I'm at a 3-3 1/2 which is better than before. Here I was hoping he'd tell me I was at a 5 or something-- very much wishful thinking. He did a sweep without me asking!! It wasn't much a one, just stretched me out a little bit more (which is kind of painful to be honest). There was blood and mucus on his glove which made me happy. Who would have thought something so gross would make me happy lol. He said he normally doesn't do this until at least 39 weeks but I'm close enough and he can tell I'm ready to be through with this pregnancy lol. He's such a nice guy. I'm going back on Thursday (though he'll be out of town Wednesday through Monday) to see one of his partners if I haven't gone into labor by then for another sweep, the real thing this time. I've been cramping since I left the doctors office, which really wasn't all that long ago, but I'm hoping that this kicks things into gear. DH and I are both off tomorrow and my doctor is on call so it sounds like the perfect time to have a baby! Fingers crossed!!
Kylar- I have a consult appt on wed and may just say I want that 3 hr test becuase yea, my numbers were 186 so that doesnt seem high enough to just assume i;ve got it without actually doing the 3 hour test.....

Kylar- did you do the monitoring at home with blood sugar levels all the time? What did you eat?!? Im at a loss as to what I can grab for quick food. I dont have time to cook a damn chicken every meal or snack. Plus, I dont really like chicken for this pregnancy!

I really want chocolate. Lol. I just feel guilty now.

Doesnt help that my poor pinky toe is broken! Im a mess. No chocolate and a broken toe with no pain meds? Come ON!

Gimme a break already![/QUOT

Yes I had to check them an hr after each meal with a glucose monitor :( I had a realllly hard time the first month or so figuring out what to eat, I just didnt want to eat meat and veggies all the time, it was really hard, but after trial and error i found more and mroe things i could eat. like at mcdonalds id get a double bacon cheese burger and there was enough meat in there to fill me up but i had to take off the top bun =( too much carb. But i learned i could eat that without it messing up my blood sugar, so i would find thing i knew were safe and kinda stick to the same meals, got boring, but it worked. i also am a huge pasta person so that one was really hard, but hamburger helper makes whole wheat kinds and so i bought those a lot for dinners! If you end up having it for sure i'll help you figure out some things to eat! =)
EDIT- I just saw that you said hamburger helper has WHEAT forget this next sentence! Lol. Oh, hamburger helper pasta is ok? That seems like it would mess things up a lot with its saltiness and carbs. I suppose with so much protein that helps balance it huh. Did you eat fruit or ever have sweets? I want sweets!

Yes, burgers are a big menu item for me since finding out as i've found they dont mess my sugars up much. Must be all the protein.
So.. I think I've had my bloody show... I went to the bathroom a while ago and wiped away this gross bloody mucus. I've been having a lot of painful cramps in my lower back and across my lower abdomen that are slowly getting worse. I wasn't actually expecting this minor sweep to do anything and though I'm not getting my hopes up just yet I think this may actually turn into something.
And for the not so great news-- the cramps have died down. But I imagine a bloody show has to be progress... Right? I know you can start losing your plug several weeks beforehand but a bloody show is different, I think. Worse case scenario I get another sweep on Thursday. This one wasn't much, just very quick so it would be more impressive if it did the trick. If I have to go in on Thursday for another sweep I'm betting that does it!

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