Hi Sarah! How are you? I'm ok still having lots of tummy pains.
Faythe due date day!! That's crazy, feels like last month you were annoching the bfp! Xx
She refused to do the sweep and it's taking alot not to type out a massive fecking rant.
well, ladies. i am going crazy staying in this house for so long. one can only stare at the same walls for so long before going mad. i think i'm going to attempt to take ds and dog for a walk and to the park today. i just cannot take being cooped up one more minute!
I feel like I'm about to have an emotional breakdown. Go look in 3rd tri at all the ladies having sweeps from 38 weeks, and then tell me why, when at full term 40 weeks, I've been refused.
I can't effing walk. Infact I can't do very much at all and she couldn't give two shits. Started spouting off how it was dangerous. Dangerous? How?! I'm full term for christ sake.
Surely not giving me a helping hand along and leaving it to the last minute for a medical induction is much worse, or am I losing the plot?