could be just an irritation. just try to take it easy hun and not lift too heavy etc. my dr said bleeding in first tri is actually very common.
so tired this morning. could not sleep had a nightmare at 4am about this darn placenta abrupting during labor. kept running through all the things i will need to tell the dr when i am actually in labor. this is kinda silly really. i'm only 20 weeks.
ive been ttc for 2 n half years ,dropped on really fast with my last 2 (was even on the pill with my second)found out i had pcos about 9 months back but decided we would take a couple of months to chill b4 we ttc on cycle 2 on clomid and ovulated first month but no bfp so heres fingers crossed for this 5dpo so carnt test till next week .did a sneaky one today but gonna wait now dont wanna be diheartend .
I hope they agree to it. My MW made the appt today for me after I called her up in tears.
Ideally I'd like it to happen naturally before then but I have a feeling it won't
About a quarter size. I wouldn't be worried but it being bloody is scaring me. That's not at all remotely normal. Had to put up a fuss to be seen today. Not happy with me dr at all at this point. I shouldn't have to fight tooth and nail to be seen for a legitimate complication. Makes me feel like I'm making it up! He asked if I'm sure it came from that area. Um yes I'm not a moron, I know where it came from! I kept it to show him so he knows I'm not making this up.
Faythe, hope baby comes soon for you
Just waiting for scan now. Yeah, it's been a rough time. Was not expecting this at all! Ds pregnancy seems like a walk in the park now