Those who dont let you lo see/watch the tv...

I think this has gone a bit far.... everyone is entitled to there opinions, i disagree with mommacat, however i don't think she quite deserves this!

Oh please. i have recieved nothing but rude and sarcastic remarks, been laughed at, been called dumb, been told i am keeping my child in a bubble, and so on....And i have provided much more links to support my views than anyone here has. no one has yet to debunk anything i've said. i benefit in no way from speaking with any of you. Even OP could agree, that i don't deserve a lot of what has been said to me^ Just go back a few pages into the thread to refresh your memory, k. Hypocrites. All i see is sarcasm and rudeness.

"Its funny because out of all the people on this thread that sit in front of a TV like a "zombie", you are the dumbest of the lot."

"I see what you mean though MommaCat, my son saw a can of coke in Asda the other day, came home, cut the sugar into neat lines and hoovered that shit up. Next minute, the baby's humping the cat, Jack's high as a kite and I'm a quivering wreck of sexual frustration thanks to all those damn sexy ads on Beebies. Jesus what a day."

"I'm so sorry to Sophia, she will now live a life of being a tv addict and not have endorphins realeased into her brain unless she sees sexy music videos."

"She's in her jumparoo looking at her monkey rather sexily now. All your fault."

"Fin has started humping pillows... have we found the cause?"

I thought people where being rough on your as the thread starter did ask then you where jumped on but thats your opinion, I have mine which never attacked any one. However you have called people dumb for watching tv here , thats just not on at all. :nope: I dont call others dumb for not doing as I do.

I'm confused about what your saying? I just wanted peoples opinions as to why they dont let their child watch tv as I was in two minds about it....Like i said..I don't agree with mommacats views, however I don;t think she deserves all the mickey taking for it..we all have our OPINIONS and that is hers, I was actually sticking up for her not slating her!!
My reply wasnt for you only I see you where quoted sorry about that I just dont like being called an idiot because I like watching tv.
You are all focusing on only one aspect it seems : subliminal messages.

I have brought up many other issues aside from subliminals, yet no one seems to touch upon them. (along with facts )taken from several different sources including mainstream websites, documentaries, and studies carried out by prestigious universities, as to explain why i dont own a television. You can tell me as much as you'd like that they are not fact, and that the studies arent reputable, and that is totally fine with me. You are stating your opinion i am not forcing you to believe me. Just don't poke fun at me and tell me it's definitely not true when you have zero studies, documentaries, or articles to present in counter arguement. I could see if you could present me with a study that was done, for example, that shows that subliminal messaging has zero impact what so ever in the brain. instead of just saying things like "Well it does not affect me." "i'm not sure why they would put it there but i know it doesn't hinder my decision making"
Can you? please? just one study? Please.

Even mainstream websites are admitting it does. Here is yet ANOTHER study i have found, carried out by the University of London. and ScienceDaily is a mainstream website i am sure.

The reason i am encouraging you so much to do your own research is because i seem to be the only one here doing so. And i never called anyone stupid. Please don't put words in my mouth.

This will be my last visit to this forum. I promise.
"The large majority of research has found that subliminal messages do not produce strong or lasting changes in behavior."

No one really cares that you don't own a tv, I don't think. To each their own.

Don't make fun or say rude things like our children are going to be zombies with their mouth held open and drool running out because they see 30 minutes of tv.
Well I know in my case, I cannot be bothered to look for any of these studies that refute what you're saying because I am far too busy actually enjoying my life rather than getting completely wound up about the fact that people on a forum won't listen to me or agree with me.

I can't speak for everyone on here though, of course.

There will be studies that refute what you say, because there are studies on virtually everything and as with most things there will probably be studies that will say one thing and another study that completely disagrees with it.

I don't understand why you're getting so wound up about it? Why the hell do you care what people on an internet forum think of you so much? Why are you so desperate for us to agree with you?

You seem a little OTT on the subject to say the least, and tbh you come accross as a little crazy.

Just give it up - we're not buying what you're selling :dohh:
But if you don't have a TV, what's all your furniture pointed at??

(this is a joke btw)

I think this needs to stop now's all getting a bit silly.
You are all focusing on only one aspect it seems : subliminal messages.

I have brought up many other issues aside from subliminals, yet no one seems to touch upon them. (along with facts )taken from several different sources including mainstream websites, documentaries, and studies carried out by prestigious universities, as to explain why i dont own a television. You can tell me as much as you'd like that they are not fact, and that the studies arent reputable, and that is totally fine with me. You are stating your opinion i am not forcing you to believe me. Just don't poke fun at me and tell me it's definitely not true when you have zero studies, documentaries, or articles to present in counter arguement. I could see if you could present me with a study that was done, for example, that shows that subliminal messaging has zero impact what so ever in the brain. instead of just saying things like "Well it does not affect me." "i'm not sure why they would put it there but i know it doesn't hinder my decision making"
Can you? please? just one study? Please.

Even mainstream websites are admitting it does. Here is yet ANOTHER study i have found, carried out by the University of London. and ScienceDaily is a mainstream website i am sure.

The reason i am encouraging you so much to do your own research is because i seem to be the only one here doing so. And i never called anyone stupid. Please don't put words in my mouth.

This will be my last visit to this forum. I promise.

There's no reason for you to leave this forum upset. Granted, the sarcasm directed at you by several posters was unwarranted, but please keep in mind that many of your posts came across as angry and belittling, even if you didn't intend them to. :flower:
But if you don't have a TV, what's all your furniture pointed at??

(this is a joke btw)


weirdly mines not at my tv it all points towards the fire place the tv is off at the side. I think we like the heat here :thumbup::haha:
Well I bet when the op posted it she wasn't expecting 27 pages of utter bollocks...

I'm watching nigella persuade me to eat mince pies, now I'm ruining my waistline as well as my brain doh!!
Well I bet when the op posted it she wasn't expecting 27 pages of utter bollocks...

I'm watching nigella persuade me to eat mince pies, now I'm ruining my waistline as well as my brain doh!!

I wish there was something that would persuade me to get up off of my arse and wash the dishes, do some laundry and pick up the floor. :haha:
I love how you still ask for studies then say you won't be back to read them, lol.

NOBODY here disputes that TV has an effect on our brain, we just disagree that its as drastic as you make it out to be or that it is always a negative effect.
"We use heterogeneity in the timing of television’s introduction to different local markets
to identify the effect of preschool television exposure on standardized test scores later in life. Our preferred point estimate indicates that an additional year of preschool television exposure raises average test scores by about .02 standard deviations. We are able to reject negative effects larger than about .03 standard deviations per year of television exposure. For reading and general knowledge scores, the positive effects we find are marginally statistically significant, and these effects are largest for children from households where English is not the primary language, for children whose mothers have less than a high school education, and for non-white children. To capture more general effects on human capital, we also study the effect of childhood television exposure on school completion and subsequent labor market earnings, and again find no evidence of a negative effect."
And her is a mainstream article that links to and discusses another study.
Wow! Just got to the end of this thread - that's 2 hours of my life I won't get back again!

I am undecided on the TV debate. Whilst mommacat's views are quite extreme there is certainly some truth in what she's said. I'd quite like to be a TV free household as I think it does waste a lot of time. I'd rather be doing than watching others do. I spend far too much time watching tv really and its a habit I'd like to break. I also don't want LO to get into the habit of watching tv.

Some of you have wondered if its fair to prevent children from watching tv in case they are ridiculed by their peers. I don't think though that we should change our parenting choices to make sure our children fit in. I was made fun of at school because I wasn't allowed to watch certain tv programmes but it never did me any harm. I certainly won't be allowing LO to watch tv just so she can fit in at school. I'd rather be teaching her that it's ok to be different.

Overall I think this thread has raised some interesting points and I'll have to do a bit more research before making up my mind wether to allow tv or not.
I think I waste far more time on BnB than I do watching tv :haha:
have read through your studies. and i can i see their proof as to why children arent effected by tv is because they are now receiving higher test scores than ever at school.

Well, could it possibly be because school standards have been dramatically lowered?
again, from a mainstream website:

The situation in Pennsylvania mirrors what has happened in many of the 26 states that have adopted high school exit exams. As deadlines approached for schools to start making passage of the exams a requirement for graduation, and practice tests indicated that large numbers of students would fail, many states softened standards, delayed the requirement or added alternative paths to a diploma.

People who have studied the exams, which affect two-thirds of the nation’s public school students, say they often fall short of officials’ ambitious goals.

“The real pattern in states has been that the standards are lowered so much that the exams end up not benefiting students who pass them while still hurting the students who fail them,” said John Robert Warren, an expert on exit exams and a professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
I think I waste far more time on BnB than I do watching tv :haha:

I do both at the same time! TV on and BnB on laptop! LO will only nap on me so am glued to the sofa for hours. I suppose I could read a book but damn tv is too addictive! Mommacat was right about that part. I'd much rather read a book but tv draws me in!
Im drawn to this thread more then the TV...... (maybe it has done me a favour) ;)
If you had actually read the study I posted, you would realize it was done by comparing test scores on children born in the 40s and 50s...
Seriously... you are on your high horse about us not bothering to read the data you post and you are even more guilty since the slightest skimming of either link I posted would have shown you that the data had nothing to do with current test score standards. SHEESH!

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