My 'goal' just kept being extended. At first it was 3 days then 6 weeks, then 12 weeks, then 6 months etc. I gave up when i got to a year and decided to go down the self weaning route.
just out of interest for 'extended' bf's. how often do you feed your LO's?
just out of interest for 'extended' bf's. how often do you feed your LO's?
Not sure I'm classed as extended but Oli feeds all night long, in the morning and currently a couple of times during the day. He did drop his day time feeds but then got a virus a few weeks ago and fed like a newborn, so he's a bit addicted again.
I highly commend the lady for breastfeeding her 4 year old in public. Good on her!
just out of interest for 'extended' bf's. how often do you feed your LO's?
just out of interest for 'extended' bf's. how often do you feed your LO's?
Not sure I'm classed as extended but Oli feeds all night long, in the morning and currently a couple of times during the day. He did drop his day time feeds but then got a virus a few weeks ago and fed like a newborn, so he's a bit addicted again.
amelie was like that until she hit 2! total booby baby.
i dont think i've ever seen one person breastfeed in publicthat's awful isn't it. unless i've just not looked.