If you don't agree then that's fine, but to me it just doesn't make sense. I'm just putting that out there.
4 year old children in caves (or mud huts, or bronze age shacks) would have certainly nursed had they not self-weaned, breast milk being a very essential source of nutrition when grocery stores didn't exist.
4 year olds walk around with cups of milk or little cartons, heck, you get a bottle of milk with your kid's McDonalds happy meal. Babies, toddlers, children - they all want to drink non-water liquids. Heck, my toddler is running around with a sippy cup of milk right now...
Aliss, I think what you write is always full of informed information and well written, and I do enjoy reading your posts. I would comment that above you h
ave written I guess highlights why it isnt necessary to extend breastfeed, as we have evolved to be able to suplement our nutrition with other sources. No it wasnt wrong however many years ago, just as slaughtering animals with blunt spears and dragging your partner by the hair and clubbing them to show affection, but times change and evolve and therefore as do attitudes and what is deemed as the norm...
You're right, that we have been able to supplement with other sources, but that doesn't mean technology is better.
Many people also deem those sources to be inferior
1. Vegans, who feel that the agricultural system is cruel (and tbh, I can't disagree with that). Stabbing a wild pig with a spear is far less cruel then current pork production!
2. Lactose intolerant- cow's milk is not easily digestible by many people
3. Those that argue that human breast milk is superior for humans, so why would they put a cow's milk into a cup and give that?
4. The mothers who breastsfeed the 4 year old - her child is hungry, her child wants nutritious milk, why not just give it straight from the source?
"Paleolithic" eating is a newish trend in fitness, based on how humans were designed to eat - nuts, fresh fruits, cold meats, vegetables, and not much else. Extended breastfeeding, IMO, falls into this category - nourishing the body from the most simple basic sources that their body was designed to eat from.
As for clubbing women, well, I think there are some things that can be seen as good advancements and some that are not. 100 years ago, many of us would be grandmothers by now and wouldn't be allowed to vote.
If a woman doesn't wish to feed her 4 year old then there's nothing wrong with that - but I don't see how another woman should feel shamed for doing it. But then again, I am from Western Canada, where it is not common to see it in public but women, in general, are not ashamed to breastfeed extended. I myself was breastfed until 3. I was taught it was normal. Many of you girls are from the UK and have been told over and over and over by families that it is not. Most women in the world probably still think it's okay to not wean your child from the breast until they are ready.