I guess each to their own, but if I saw a woman bf'ing her 4 year old I would think it rather odd. I wouldn't say anything tho, that's her business!*
I'm actually more surprised at the women who BF but feel they have to hide in their car or a bathroom! Why do you feel you have to do that? Because people stare? Because you would be "whipping them out in public" as someone put it
I think that's a shame, I really do! I would have loved to have able to BF my LO for more than the 5 measly days I managed. I would be proud to BF him in public and wouldn't give a toss what anyone thought!
I have breast fed in a doctors office (in the exam room, not the waiting room), and in the back of my moms car when we had to take a road trip with LO, but thats about the extent of my NIP.*
I don't feel comfortable nursing in public for a few reasons. For one, I just don't have it down yet. She latches fine, but she doesn't always stay on and she'll get fussy and wriggle around, and I don't know how to be subtle about it. I'm afraid everyone would get an eyefull. Another reason is that there are just too many wierdos out there. As much as we hate it, the breast has become a sexual thing. I personally think that the breast as food, and the breast as a sexual thing are two seperate relationships, but I don't know that other people think that and I don't really want someone to see me breast feeding my child and then I can't get the thought out of my head that they're thinking something gross and perverted. Just a personal fear of mine. It is sad though because I do feel like I'm confined to my home. I wish I was brave enough, but I'm just not. Where I'm from I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've ever seen a woman nurse in public in my life. Yes, it's sad, and yes, I'm pathetic for letting it affect me to the point where I have stigmatized it myself, but I really can't help it.