Thyroid-related infertility...again!

Hi everyone, I have also just come across this thread and found it interesting. I also can't believe how so many problems you ladies have had with such incompetent doctors. I have been very fortunate this year as my doctor is very in tune with the times. Earlier this year I was sent for various forms of blood tests as I have been told I possibly have a mild case of ehlers danlos syndrome. One of these blood test was not just for my thyroid but for my thyroid antibodies, when the results came back my thyroid was normal but the antibodies was high. My doctor said that they can now tell that my thyroid hasn't failed and caused it to become over or under-active but it will at sometime in the future like a window of time as such.

Well now I have to not only have it completely checked yearly but as he know I am ttc, he wants me to make sure that the midwifes check my complete thyroid bloodworks but my antibodies as well regularly so that they can regulate it if needs be for me and the baby's well being.

I hope all of you ladies get your doctors to listen to you or find a new competent doctor to help you get your bfp's. As for me I am going to see what next the couple of cycles bring and hopefully I will have my bfp alongside you.
Just for the record - nipple discharge is also a symptom of hypothyroid. Hypothyroid can cause an increase in the production of prolactin which in turn can delay/prevent ovulation.

I had all the symptoms of hypothyroid but my results showed low levels of T4, free T4 and T3, but my TSH was 0.9. My results basically read that I was both hypo AND hyper. The Dr refused to do anything but repeat the tests the following year. I decided to pay to see a private Dr who specialised in thyroid disorders and looks at the whole picture - not just the results of the TSH tests. He gave me a choice of medications, synthroid (T4) or Armour (a naturally produced medication with T4 and T3). I've been on Armour for 3 years now and it's transformed my life! I have to pay for the medication myself as UK Drs won't prescribe it but it's worth every penny. I have my levels checked every 6 months but I've been stable. My T3/T4 levels are now within the normal range and TSH is at 1.1.

Good luck ladies!
I love this thread! I was diagnosed with hypothryoidism in Aug with my thryroid at 3.12 which my FS said was considered "normal" by most standards but with my 2 m/c's and symptoms that he thought that could be the reason. With the newest research to maintain a healthy pregnancy, he said we needed to get my level to below 2.5 and then decide where to go next. i have been on synthroid for 2 months and now my level is 1.18 and i feel so much better!! I'm not tired all the time and some of my hair has been filling in. The worst symptom i had was just fatigue and tired all the time! I took about a 2 hour nap every day and was just generally blah. I feel great now! I go back to the FS in 2 weeks and i'm excited to see what is next. So you should definitely find a good doctor. I thought mine was normal because of the number i had but i knew something did not feel right.
Hi Ladies,

Another under active thyroid one here, TTC! I was diagnosed last year and my level was 6.7. I started .50mcg of Levothyroxine and my levels dropped down to the 2 range after a few months. Then this past summer they went up to 4.6 again so my dosage was upped to .75 mcg of Levoxyl. This has down the trick and has lowered me down to 1.2.

Hubby and I are trying for the first time now. I don't think the first time around will be a BFP but you never know. I test if a few days! I am glad to find a thread of ladies just like me! =)
This is interesting, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 10 years ago at the age of 20 with a TSH level of 105 (seems like a lot higher than most of you). I've been taking synthroid 50 since then. I always had my annual checks, etc. When we started TTC nearly 2 years ago my TSH was around 2,3 which doctor said normal, he wanted the TSH below 2,5 that's all. I always had perfect 4 weeks cycles. January 2011 my TSH came back 2.7 he still said it's an acceptable level. We had all the fertility tests including DH's SA, everything looked perfect. we tried 2 cycles with clomid ended with BFN, then I had a HSG everything came back clear. And we had 2 IUI cycles with injectables, follies were great, sperm was perfect, still ended up with BFN. We're having IVF on late january 2012 and before that I wanted to have thyroid checked again, went to a different doctor and TSH came back 3.16. She now raised my dosage to 75 and we'll see if TSH is under 2 in about 3 weeks. If this was the reason we had unexplained infertility it'll be a huge shock to me. It would mean we wasted 2 years and a lot of money for a silly reason. Wow, if you were able to get this far thanks for reading :) I'll certainly update if I get a BFP after my TSH comes between 1-2.
105 monalisa! That's crazy :wacko:

I got discharged from Outpatients Clinic in August this year after 3 consecutive months of normal range TSH & FT4. Took me 11 months and lots of dosage changes before I got there in the end. However I have still not conceived since the normal results :growlmad: which does make me mad as I caught pg3 whilst at my highest TSH (11.4) and pg4 with a TSH of 9.24. It doesn't make sense...however I think it's now my age working against me!
Hollybush, I know that's crazy and doctors didn't find why I had this that young, no family history etc.
I'm sorry for your losses, until now all the articles I've read stated that hypothyroidism generally doesn't cause infertility but it causes miscarriages.
I hope you get your sticky BFP soon
hi frnds....m 25 yrs old,proper weight,very irregular periods...m ttc frm 5 months..had blood test last week...found thyroid thats y m not getting much time it will take to get thyroid at normal level?so that i can conceive asap?....plz help...thanks

I replied to you on this thread:
Hi ladies,

I just wondered if this also affected male fertility?
We have just found out tha my DH has thyroid problems, he's waiting to back to the doctor to find out more. We've been TTC for 18 months and no luck, he's had two SA's both showing low sperm morphology but everything else was fine. Can't help but wonder if this is contributing to our problems? x

The answer is yes. Here is a good site that explains male infertility in more detail:

Here is the excerpt that talks about the thyroid being a factor:

Faulty Thyroid Gland-- Explanation: The thyroid gland directs cell metabolism. (Metabolism is the rate at which cellular functions occur). Sperm production can be may be affected by changes in metabolism.

Symptoms: Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone) has symptoms that include agitation, restlessness, insomnia, muscle fatigue, shakiness, jumpy reflexes and irritability.

Hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone) has symptoms that include sleepiness, poor reflexes, hair loss, slurred speech, and constipation.

Treatment: Hyperthyroidism is treated with drugs that reduce thyroid hormone production, or the thyroid gland may be radiated. Hypothyroidism is treated by thyroid replacement therapy.
Hello there, I can't tell you how glad I am to find this thread. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the New Year with a TSH of 6.5 from a blood test taken last August. I don't know what the other levels were. Been TTC for 18mnths or so, and getting very down about it, and in a weird way this diagnosis is a bit of a relief - so there was a reason nothing was happening! Everyone else seems to make getting pregnant look so easy. Did you feel like that too?

I hope other readers can learn from my mistake. I'd had this blood test taken about 4 months before to start the whole NHS investigations into infertility but when I rang to find out the blood test results in August, the GP receptionist told me it was all fine, all normal. Then when I went into the docs 4 months later after having collapsed, the GP told me that the last blood test showed that, in addition to low blood platelets, my thyroid was low. She broached the idea of antidepressants with me, but I asked her to treat me for the thyroid instead! So she started me on 50mcg. Have to see the doc tomorrow to get results for latest test, but whilst I'm feeling better than I did, I'm really hoping they'll up the dose as I am still struggling to find the energy to do everyday things. But guess what? I had the "helpful" receptionist telling me my blood results came back all fine this morning. Please don't take what they tell you at face value! I learned that the hard way.
Also, do any of you hypo TTC ladies have any fibroids? I have an intramural one, and I read somewhere that thyroid and fibroid problems go together.
Here's hoping tomorrow I find out my blood results are heading in the right direction! Reading all your posts has really helped me, here's hoping for some BFPs for us all XXX
I have also suffered with my thyroid,we were ttc for 18 months b4 i found out my was over active.i decided to have mine removed in November as meds weren't working quick enough so I'm still waiting for my bfp but hopefully it won't be to long now
Hello there, I can't tell you how glad I am to find this thread. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the New Year with a TSH of 6.5 from a blood test taken last August. I don't know what the other levels were. Been TTC for 18mnths or so, and getting very down about it, and in a weird way this diagnosis is a bit of a relief - so there was a reason nothing was happening! Everyone else seems to make getting pregnant look so easy. Did you feel like that too?

I hope other readers can learn from my mistake. I'd had this blood test taken about 4 months before to start the whole NHS investigations into infertility but when I rang to find out the blood test results in August, the GP receptionist told me it was all fine, all normal. Then when I went into the docs 4 months later after having collapsed, the GP told me that the last blood test showed that, in addition to low blood platelets, my thyroid was low. She broached the idea of antidepressants with me, but I asked her to treat me for the thyroid instead! So she started me on 50mcg. Have to see the doc tomorrow to get results for latest test, but whilst I'm feeling better than I did, I'm really hoping they'll up the dose as I am still struggling to find the energy to do everyday things. But guess what? I had the "helpful" receptionist telling me my blood results came back all fine this morning. Please don't take what they tell you at face value! I learned that the hard way.
Also, do any of you hypo TTC ladies have any fibroids? I have an intramural one, and I read somewhere that thyroid and fibroid problems go together.
Here's hoping tomorrow I find out my blood results are heading in the right direction! Reading all your posts has really helped me, here's hoping for some BFPs for us all XXX

I have 3 fibroids, all intramural and i am scheduled to have mine surgically removed March 12. I didn't know there was any relation between hypothyroidism and fibroids! where did you read that?
Stunt Girl,

As long as your levels are in a normal range (even if you need medication to get there), conceiving should be not a problem. I have hypothyroidism and my levels were at 1.2 when TTC. The 3rd cycle I got my BFP. The only difference is once you get the BFP, you typically need a higher dose of medication.

Fingers crossed for your BFP!!
Yeah, in the one specific to hypothyroidism, there's an extensive chapter about fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
I'm kind of mourning the loss of my ability to breastfeed my first baby, now that I know that my lack of milk was likely caused by my thyroid. Knowing that I has thyroid disease, you think the doctors would've checked it after my delivery, eh? But...they didn't and I just never was able to produce milk...and I have huge boobs!

Omg, you almost made me cry now. Came across this thread. Thank you, no, really, thank you for raising awareness for this waaaaaay underestimated illness. I was diagnosed 8 months ago with hypothyroidism. My level kept rising from 2 to 13.9 last month, and they just recently changed my Levothyroxine dose. Although my fs did tell me flat out last cycle that I will not get pg with this level, but still prescribed Clomid. For what??? My level did go down quickly, within two weeks (!), but I never could relate my lack of milk to a thyroid problem 10 years ago, when I gave birth to my son. And I had huge boobs too! Before that, in a different pg, I had a threatened miscarriage, was bleeding very very heavily, and no one could tell me what was causing it. I ended up having an abortion cause couldn't take it anymore. And since than I can not get pregnant for 9 years! I suspect it was due to thyroid all along but I just didn't know.

Now I have a huge question. If my TSH was between 13.5 and 13.9 for the past three months, can I still get pg this coming cycle if my level has only been lower for two weeks? Now it is at 3.27. But I read that eggs take 3 months to mature. I am so worried the eggs that are maturing in my follies right now may all be defective. Please advice ASAP!!

Thank you and sorry if m message is a little chaotic and emotional.
I have developed fibroids in between my last pregnancy in May 2011 and a pelvic ultrasound I had in October due to awful one sided pain. They are apparently v.small (the biggest is 1cm). My doc said they can develop at any time but didn't mention my being hypothyroid as a cause

Katrus78: I have conceived twice when my TSH was abnormal, pg#3 was conceived with a TSH of 11.4 and pg#4 was conceived with a TSH of 9.24. Since my levels have stabilised (TSH <5) I haven't had a whiff of a BFP :(

It isn't recommended to conceive with an under active thyroid. Safe ranges are between 1 and 2. Even when my range was 4.1, my Dr. told me under no circumstances to become pregnant because it can cause major birth defects.

I conceived on the 3rd try with my TSH at a consistent 1.2. Once my thyroid got under control, my cycles stabilized and I began exercising and eating right. I truly believe this was the key to my BFP. All the best to you!!
Hollybush, I heard that you can concieve with higher levels of TSH but it will most likely result in m/c. I will be checking my level in two weeks again as I am preparing for IVF next month.
Hollybush, I heard that you can concieve with higher levels of TSH but it will most likely result in m/c. I will be checking my level in two weeks again as I am preparing for IVF next month.

Well yes that is what happened to me on pg3 & pg4, pg1 & pg2 we don't know as we had no idea my thyroid was acting up, even if it was back then. My thyroid problem was initially found out 4 months before I fell pg with #3 but my GP refused treatment (I am in the UK) with a TSH of 10.2 as it was "just over normal range". I went to see the consultant when 7 weeks pg on #3 and he noticed the previous TFT and ordered another TFT straight away but 2 weeks' later it was too late as the baby had died a few hours after the scan at 7 weeks.

I was under Outpatients care when I fell with pg4 and had just literally conceived when I got the 9.24 result. My BFP came a week later. The TFT taken 8 weeks prior to that showed my levels to be hyperthyorid with a TSH of 0.01. Even though my meds were increased again on the very day of the 9.24 result I miscarried at 6 weeks naturally, which had never happened to me before which makes me feel it was a chromosome issue (pg#3 was tested and found to be chromosomally normal).

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