I'm freaking out right now! My opk is so dark! And its only CD11!
Oh I hope I do ovulate soon, I dont want ovulation to interfer with the SA
Here's a pic. The right is yesterday and left is today
Yes I always do them in the am. yes I know your not supposed to but I can always tell when I get my surge because there is skill a change in the color intensity.
I've never had this dark of an opk at cd11. I think I might o at cd14 or 15!!!
I'm going to opk later tonight and see how tha looks. I always confirm it with a pm test
Ultra Sound Results: No Follicles, Either Side. Shitty. She said they may up my dose of clomid, and that that's why these ultrasounds are a good thing. That I may be releasing immature eggs or something, IDK, she's gonna call me back. My biggest one was under 8mm on my right ovary. She said they were looking for 18x18
Tecumseh is back on track with TTC He's even agreed to the clomid! Lol, even though I have still not quite mentioned that I took it this month But I guess it doesn't matter anyway. According to the doc it didn't even work!
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