is second morning really better. I usually only do am, I know your not susposed to but when I surge its DARK, so there's no way ill miss it. I'm going to test again about 5 pm maybe 6.
Oh that looks really really close to me
Do you get darker ones though? You said your used to that brand, so could there still be a darker one?
If you keep opking and they get lighter id call that positive!
Myself....I know how dark my opks get and I'm never satisfied until the test line is dark before the dye had finished running through the strip lol
Hello ladies. Just wanted to send a quick hello to you all and I still try get on and read this as much as possible but havent always the chance to post. I am wishing the best for you all. xx
I had my little girl Matilda on 7 April weighing 6lbs 9oz after a 22 hour labour. xx
Grace and Jess - looks like all is happening with you two, hope you are getting plenty of BDing in although Jess i guess you are waiting til after tomorrow
I've had NO BD time, lol. Will make sure we go tonight though. I've been working late every night, so he's fast asleep when I come home, but I'm off tonight, so I will deffo get some sexy time. I probably won't get home till midnight tomorrow though, but I'll figure it out
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