Jessica, that is awful about your job, but sadly, the norm for the States and retail. Does your job carry your health insurance and will they offer you benefits for part-time?

Kayla, wow! You definitely have a full plate going, but I don't doubt for a minute that you'll get through all of it! So, we will have Christi, Laura, M, and you POAS? I cannot wait!

And Roxas is a cutie!
T3, it sounds like your mum is going to need angio and I am sorry to hear that. Luckily, it is a very routine procedure and she should feel better almost immediately. And she is young, but just bc she needs it now, does not mean she'll be looking at a lifetime of problems. If she makes some lifestyle changes, there is no reason why this cannot be a one off.
Ummm M, no. IDK anyone with an electric lawn mower around here.
Grace, Heather, T1, T2, and LLL...Happy Monday!