Morning all! So nice to see everyone back in our thread. Feels like its been ages since we all spoke!
Mrs S, congrats on getting accepted, that is fantastic news! your wee man is so cute too!
Grace - I tried squinting from all angles but cant really see anything, sorry! Next month is your month though! im sure of it!
B - How are you doing? Have you got a wee bump yet?
T2 - How are things going with you? Havent heard from you in ages!
M - How are you feeling?
T3 - Hope your visit to your mum went well, I hope she feels better soon.
Laura -

Missed you!!
Heather - Thinking of you and your little bean. Keep us informed of how things are going.
Jess - That sucks about your workplace, it annoys me when employers discrimate against pregnancy!
Anyone I have inadvertantly missed -

hope you are all doing well!