Pasted from journal

Hi everyone, I have finally got 10 mins to sit down & write my birth story. I am soooo in love with my wonderful son, Jack James Davies Born on his due date!! weighing 7lb14oz
So after getting regular contractions at home for 2 hours I got to the hospital just after 3am, they confirmed my waters were leaking but I was net yet dilating, the contractions were getting stronger & more frequent very quickly & by 9am I was 3cm dilated & the contractions were progressing fast, they gave me a short of diamorphine & I was using gas & air, other than that one shot which seemed to wear off quite quick, I used only gas & air as I went from being 5cm at 11am to fully dilated at 1pm so time to start pushing!! My contractions were so strong & they changed, I felt like my whole body was trying to turn inside out & told the midwife (who was fantastic) that I needed to push. She was shocked when I was fully dilated! My mum bless her had got to the hospital by 11am asshe booked the forst train down when she heard I was in labour, she releived my sister & mum was the biggest help, I couldn;t have done it without her. James was with me the whole time & he was great, he was obviously having trouble seeing me in that much pain but just having him there was enough, he was the midwife's assistant passing her everything & doing whatever she said, je was shaking while giving me drinks while I was pushing, my mum was holding me & pushing with me. After 2 hours of pushing they had to call the doctors in as baby seemed stuck. I was in so much pain & was so exhausted, I didn't see an end in sight as he was not moving, his head could be seen but was not coming any further, it was tourture. It ended up being about 6 people in the room & a vontouse was used, I also had to be cut which finally worked & Baby Jack came out at 4.17pm, they showed him to us, we saw he was a boy & the moment between me & James was amazing, he was shaking & there were tears, I had a cuddle with Jack & couldn't beleive what had happened.
They gave me the injection to deliver the placenta but it didn;t work, 3 different people tried to get the placenta out but only bits were coming, it was extremely painful & I was losing a lot of blood. I was so exhausted & sore I couldn't hold my head up & I felt like I couldn't bonf with Jack straight away. Mum & James gave him his first feed & cuddles & he seemed a really happy baby
Another doctor came to see me & tried to manually remove the placenta again while I used gas & air, it was so painful & didn't work, James was upset at seeing this & said she has had enough, The midwife even agreed he shouldn't have put me through that. I didn't go into theatre to have it manually removed until 8.30 so they left me waiting far too long really. I had to have a spinal for the procedure so was numb from the waist down so after going the whole birth without an epidural etc I ended up having to have a spinal for that. After the procedure in which they stitched me up & removed all placenta & afterbirht, they brought James & Jack round to see me & they said "here come the men in your life" it was an amazing moment & I looked at them both so full of love. James went home & I went to the ward with baby Jack who was the only baby there who didn;t cry in the night, I was so proud! I had to press the buzzer to get the nurses to help me see to him etc as I was still numb & I only managed about 2 hours sleep that night.
We finally got home about 3pm yesterday which was such a releief. I am on 2 lots of tablets which are iron, 2 lots of painkillers & antibiotics, I also have an injection that I need to have in my tummy for the next 6 days to prevent any clots after the procedure. The midwife is doing her first home visit today & she needs to show me & James how to do the injections. I have a list of other questions for her too.
Jack passed all the health visitor checks etc but it seems he has talipese which is apparently like club foot? they are referring him to physio but they didn't seem too concerened. He also has a sore head still from the suctionm but other than that he is perfect, he is so well behaved, he makes squeaking noises when he is sleeping & it's so cute. I love him soooo much it's unture & although I always thought it was silly when people said newborns look like their parents, he really has got his dad's eyes, even the midwife said it
The first night at home with him was good, I managed to get some sleep but obviously was up when he needed me which was only twice really, he really is a good baby so far
This morning we were both nervous as it's all so new, the steriliser, the nappies, the feeds etc, we just want to make sure we are doing it all ok. I will feel better once the midwife has been today.
I am very very sore & bleeding alot which I guess is all normal, but everytime I look at James with Jack I melt, he is so amazing with him & I feel like I am so so lucky.
I said after all the trauma never again but Jack is more than worth it. I am still taking it all in.
Over all, I am the luckiest girl in the world, my son is perfect, my OH is amazing, I could not ask for more. I am so in love xxxx
Here are some pics of our on in the hours after brith & with his nanny & his lovely daddy.
Thank you so much to everyone who has been on this journey with me, you have all been amazing I have made some great friends xxx