Grace did you give your SIL the tutu and headband you made for the little one??
When is she due?
I can't wait for my baby shower

there's going to be so much pink!
Honey why did they change your due date??
You never know when the baby could come. One day it could just happen!
Some women know its comming because you have light contractions for a few days before.
But not me, my water just broke one day (one night I should say lol) when my water broke I was sleeping (2am) and it woke me up. I was having a dream I was on the phone with my cousin and I was telling her I had something really important to tell her but I had to answer the call on the other line first. When I went to answer the other call I woke up! It was a crazy dream!
I had no idea though that day that I would have been going into labor. But if I look back at that day I had HORRIBlE heartburn, which I never really had. So maybe that was a sign
My friend just had her daughter back in Jan (her 2nd kid) and she said the only "sign" she had the day she wen into labor was a nose bleed. She was washing her hands in the bathoom at work and all of. Sudden her nose just started bleeding! With her first she didn't remember anything (it was almost 10yrs ago)
Who knows maybe one day it will just happen!!
Hopefuly sooner than later