haha mammag ur so funny lol its positive ok now get to bed lol
oh ok what time is it there??? Its 5pm herehaha mammag ur so funny lol its positive ok now get to bed lol
LmaoNo bed till tonight
DH won't be home till 5 and even then have to wait for the boys to fall asleep! So it won't be till late, want to make sure I can lie down for at least an hour later so that cancels out the sneaky steal a minute sex! We did that last month and I'm wondering if that's why we didn't catch the eggy? So I'm going to wait till tonight so I can relax after!
I have never tried the soft cup thing. Lol.
I have never tried the soft cup thing. Lol.
I've thought about it, even had them in my hand at wal-mart last cycle, but I changed my mind, I just know I'll wind up putting it in wrong and 1. Block the sperm from my cervix instead of holding them there 2. Get it stuck and have to have a humiliating experience where my OB removes it and/or 3. Completely convince DH that I am crazyLol.
Would it surprise you guys if I told you I'm kind of a Bitch in real life? Lol, I get PM's on here (one of which prompted this post) just to tell me how helpful I am and/or asking questions etc., but IRL I'm shy and people tend to assume that I'm snobby. I'm really not, I am a nice person and I feel things very deeply, but I am quick to complain (Taco Bell better NEVER F**k up my order), and I have a serious mouth on me, and I have a hard time keeping friends because they always wind up getting on my nerves! Lol, just a little FYI on me
Everyone is different and some don't know how to take people who are different, I have had this experience! Because I'm so shy everyone thinks I'm a snobby cow until they get to know me lol!!! Then when they get to know me they wish they hadn't because they can't shut me up hahaha! Xx
And I feel you on the posts thing, I do hold my tongue, cuz I like being able to keep coming back hereBut some of these posts, and some of these people for that matter, really truly test my patience!! NOT you guys though!!! I love all you guys to pieces