Thanks guys! I'm so excited, I've already blabbed to a few of my coworkers :haha: to be fair it was because I can't handle certain medications while pregnant. We decided to not find out the sex this time since we have all the boy and girl stuff we could ever need. I thought it would drive me nuts but I actually like that we've decided to be surprised. I'm strangely content. I used the last of my HPTs this morning and finally saw "pregnant 1-2" on a digi:happydance::happydance:

I can't believe how far along you both are! Seems like just yesterday you were getting BFPs!
Your littles will be here soon!
Harri I'm so jealous you get 10 months maternity leave, I was just talking with DH about how I Will hopefully be able to take a full 12 weeks If that!
I saw the doctor today and she said everything looks fine, uterus is the right size but no scan yet. It's still too early to see anything really. I go back to have my scan on the 13th! I can't wait to see the little babe. I will be about 8 weeks, which is the latest I have had a first scan done so I'm just unreasonably anxious. I have studying for the big NCLEX to keep me occupied though. I can't believe I'm taking it next month. :wacko:
Yay that's awesome Kayla! Was just thinking about you today and wondering how it was all going! The 13 will come around soon enough!!!
My sweet sweet miracle baby :) we're going to try again right away, in case it takes forever.


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He is such a cutie Grace! Congratulations again!

I scheduled my NCLEX exam for the second week of January. I have to drive to Las Vegas to do it so I'm having my scan on the 13th then leaving for Vegas after that! I'm nervous as all get out but I'm so excited to get that RN and start making some serious cash :haha:
Aww Grace he is perfect! Im so happy for you!!

Kayla super big congratulations! :) Cant wait for a scan up date! Good luck on your test!

Sorry ive been MIA from BnB its non stop with two little ones! :) but I'm slowly gaining some free time back, Samanthas almost on a decent schedule
Yay I can finally log on instead of stalking! Congrats on all the new babies!!!! Lots more coming soon. I know what everyone is having except for Kayla and Harri. Harri did you announce gender? T any day now!
Hey!!! How are you? Long time no hear!!!

Still feels like ages away! Starting to get to that uncomfy stage now and it's sooo hot here at the mo!! Have c section scheduled for 28th if she doesn't come before then :)
Wow! It's gone so quick T!
We're having a boy! Theo is SO EXCITED. Me too, another me was a terrifying thought ;) xxx
Well after battling nausea and vomiting since last week I ended up in the emergency room. They are giving me lots and lots of fluids. Upside is I did very briefly get to see the little blobby booger making me so sick. The little heartbeat was flickering away. The tech was not really nice and wouldn't print a picture or even let me see it for more than a few seconds.
Well after battling nausea and vomiting since last week I ended up in the emergency room. They are giving me lots and lots of fluids. Upside is I did very briefly get to see the little blobby booger making me so sick. The little heartbeat was flickering away. The tech was not really nice and wouldn't print a picture or even let me see it for more than a few seconds.

What a Byotch :growlmad:
Aww hope your feeling better.
What a jerk to be so rude and not give you a picture
Thanks! I'm feeling better today after a two day anti-nausea med coma :haha: They gave me two prescriptions. One of them was for Zofran and the other was for Phenergran. The zofran won't knock me out but it doesn't work as well as the phenergran. The downside to that is the phenergran is a mandatory 8 hour nap haha

That tech was a total bitch. I wish I would have had the tech I know from working on the floor. He would have told me all of what he was seeing. The doc said baby was measuring perfectly and it looked like there was enough fluid around it so at least I know that. He also told me I have 5 decent sized cysts on my ovaries so I will probably have more pain and cramping than a pregnancy without cysts, so bummer for me. I am going to try and get a copy of the ultrasound report so I can see exactly what they were looking and and all the measurements and stuff, but it takes a while to get medical records to fork over the goods.

Now it's just the docs orders of lots of resting, try to push as much fluid as I can and keep eating. I'm off work for 2 weeks while I study for the NCLEX. I'm hoping I can have a "good" day like today with minimal nausea for the test.
hi al!:flower:
Happy 8 weeks Kayla!! how are you feeling now?
T - Almost there! bet you're excited :happydance:
Grace - he is adorable! love seeing the FB pics:hugs:
Harri - congrats on a boy!! I felt the same - the thought of a mini me was scary haha but it would be lovely one day I guess.

Hope you all had a great xmas and new year:kiss: we had a bad virus / bug thing and a flood but still manage to have a wonderful time.

We now have heating which helps the conditions of the flat a little.

Baby is due in just over 7 weeks and I have now packed my hospital bag & have started getting things ready. I am worrying though as Jack is no closer to toilet training and he still needs me in the room when he falls asleep (only for 15 mins) I am scared these things might make it harder? Jack is the most lovely little thing, he tells me he loves me all the time now bless him. I am such a proud mum:kiss:

Oh..... and... I am egaged! wedding booked for 11th September this year so 8 months time! I never thought a new baby, relationship & definitely wedding were in my furture but I honestly couldn't be happier:hugs: and he even picked the perfect ring.
Oh and me and OH cose our little one's name before we knew the sex & have not told a soul which we are very proud of. But I can of course tell you ladies. His name will be Dylan:kiss: Jack kisses my tummy and says 'love you Dylan' it makes me melt xxx
Awwww! Congrats T! Amazing news! I want to see a bump pic!

How's your weight gain going? I'm trying so hard not to gain too much weight but I'm already up 16lb!

Things are going well with me, nearly in the third trimester and feeling good. We've decided on a name but like you, we've not told anyone. We think this little one will be Henry :)

Congrats Kayla - hope you start feeling better soon! :hugs: xx
Awwww! Congrats T! Amazing news! I want to see a bump pic!

How's your weight gain going? I'm trying so hard not to gain too much weight but I'm already up 16lb!

Things are going well with me, nearly in the third trimester and feeling good. We've decided on a name but like you, we've not told anyone. We think this little one will be Henry :)

Congrats Kayla - hope you start feeling better soon! :hugs: xx

Aww Harri that's a lovely choice!:thumbup: Theo & Henry go great together:hugs: I love that we haven't told anyone the name- with Jack so many people butted in with what they did & didnt like that we decided it's between us this time.
I am not sure about weight gain, I am thinking at least 201lb though. I was under weight when I fell PG but I have eaten ALOT of junk:haha: just ordered some scales so I will find out next week eek:wacko:.

congrats on almost being in 3rd tri!:happydance: I am now at the stage where I am eager to meet him. 7 weeks left sounds ages!! can't wait:cloud9:.
Ok, here are some bump pics I took today & also a plaque we got for the boys room. And my engagement ring:flower:


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Congrats t!!! How exciting!!

Yay for third tri harri and only 7 weeks to go t!! I am at that tired can't sleep uncomfy stage so am hoping this little girl makes an appearance soon!

We haven't told names either but are thinking hazel so long as suits here when she arrives :)
Congrats t!!! How exciting!!

Yay for third tri harri and only 7 weeks to go t!! I am at that tired can't sleep uncomfy stage so am hoping this little girl makes an appearance soon!

We haven't told names either but are thinking hazel so long as suits here when she arrives :)

T, Hazel is such a pretty name!! aww:hugs: only 3 weeks left for you now!!!!:happydance: gonna be watching this space!!
You look amazing!!! I'm so jealous ;)

T - hazel is a lovely name! I can't believe how quick it seems to have gone, does it feel quick or is it dragging now? Xxx

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