to circumcise or not?

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Such a delicate subject when I had my last son a male doctor showed me what to do when bathing my son to make sure his foreskin never got tight and there fore wouldnt cause any future problems due to cleanliness, He is now 14 and has been cleaning his penis this way ever since he just assumes that every boy does the same and touch wood he has never had any problems and never will.

My brother had to be circumcised at 2 due to the lack of blood flow I think unless they tell you when his born that it needs doing I wouldnt get it done, plus ask a doctor if they can show you the technique to clean bubs penis unti his old enough to do it himself, hope this helps xx
Such a delicate subject when I had my last son a male doctor showed me what to do when bathing my son to make sure his foreskin never got tight and there fore wouldnt cause any future problems due to cleanliness, He is now 14 and has been cleaning his penis this way ever since he just assumes that every boy does the same and touch wood he has never had any problems and never will.

My brother had to be circumcised at 2 due to the lack of blood flow I think unless they tell you when his born that it needs doing I wouldnt get it done, plus ask a doctor if they can show you the technique to clean bubs penis unti his old enough to do it himself, hope this helps xx

What needs to be done while bathing to prevent tight foreskin?
Thinking about it... it seems truly barbaric. Cutting off part of the body with the effect or reducing sexual pleasure? What year is this?

It's truly barbaric. There are regions in Africa that circumsize women by cutting off their clitoris and I think one of the main reasons is to take away her ability to feel pleasure. It seems to me pretty much the same thing.

Does anyone know what the religious laws are that require jewish and muslim boys to be circumsized?

Not really a quick answer but lots and lots of links to longer articles.
I think the rate in my town is extremely high, too. Mostly because everyone just does what their parents did. Everyone formula feeds and circumcises, I'm not sure very many people even really think about the fact that circumcision is not often medically necessary, they just think that's what's "normal" so that's why they do it.
I think the rate in my town is extremely high, too. Mostly because everyone just does what their parents did. Everyone formula feeds and circumcises, I'm not sure very many people even really think about the fact that circumcision is not often medically necessary, they just think that's what's "normal" so that's why they do it.

It's that just so frustrating!
It really is! I can't stand ignorance! No one puts any thought into anything. They just jump on the bandwagon. "Everyone's doing it" is their reasoning for everything around here! I like living in the country and everything, but sometimes I wish I was a city girl. Then again, we even have rednecks in the city, too... In the age of information, people should know more about everything they do. There is no excuse not to make informed decisions. I feel so sorry for the children in my community. I know a lot of people might call me judgmental or snobby, but I really can't stand how horrible most parents are around here. It's so sad. People talk about how others are being bad parents, and then they turn around and do more than half the stuff they talk down about other people doing. It makes me wonder if I will really be as good of a parent as I hope to be, or if it's really just impossible to be that good of a parent at all...
Such a delicate subject when I had my last son a male doctor showed me what to do when bathing my son to make sure his foreskin never got tight and there fore wouldnt cause any future problems due to cleanliness, He is now 14 and has been cleaning his penis this way ever since he just assumes that every boy does the same and touch wood he has never had any problems and never will.

My brother had to be circumcised at 2 due to the lack of blood flow I think unless they tell you when his born that it needs doing I wouldnt get it done, plus ask a doctor if they can show you the technique to clean bubs penis unti his old enough to do it himself, hope this helps xx

What needs to be done while bathing to prevent tight foreskin?

I was told to gently push the foreskin backwards and forwards when bathing him to begin with it was a bit tight and I didnt force it and eventually the foreskin moved back about 1/4 inch. I was told that water only not soap would cleanse underneath the skin and if he grew up doing that then he would have no future problems.
Hope this helps xx
Thinking about it... it seems truly barbaric. Cutting off part of the body with the effect or reducing sexual pleasure? What year is this?

It's truly barbaric. There are regions in Africa that circumsize women by cutting off their clitoris and I think one of the main reasons is to take away her ability to feel pleasure. It seems to me pretty much the same thing.

Does anyone know what the religious laws are that require jewish and muslim boys to be circumsized?

Not really a quick answer but lots and lots of links to longer articles.

Thank you, excellent sites. Just further proof that religion gets it wrong.
I don't think it is a problem of religion getting it wrong as such but peoples interpretation of religion. My mother and I read scripture on circumcision and she was convinced that our religion advocates it but I read it in a way that it was against our religion.
Why inflict unnessary pain on a newborn baby, I juat do not get it :( also TMI but Im prefer an uncircumcised penis and from my experience guys enjoy things like oral and heavy petting shall we say, more because the whole penis isnt fully out and about, bit like full on clitoral touching versus you know covert touching lol. BD is circumcised but due to medical reasons only. I remember there was a guy at school that every1 got it in their head that he was jewish cos he had a big nose, I know kids rite, but anyway this therefore , meant that every1 said he had no foreskin and he was horribly teased for years and I dont even think he was circumcised. x
I think this is a really good thread--- provided that everyone can be mature :)

I understand that everyone has their opposing views-- but OH and I will definitely be having all male children circumcised. We are Jewish, so it will definitely be done. I would rather have it done when they are little, than to wait (like some Jewish families do) until he is 13. The newborns don't even cry when they get snipped. I am also a member of the United States... it's much more common here.

Most everyone has conducted themselves with respect for others. I think that is great, ladies. :) Everyone has their own opinions and traditions. :thumbup:
I have to admit, I think this is the first thread that I have ever read through about circumcizing that hasn't turned nasty. It is nice to see!

I had to make this decision 2 1/2 years ago when we had our first boy. I did soooooo much research. My husband who is, didn't care either way. He ultimately left the final call up to me. I was 99% sure going into labor that I wasn't going to do it. My OB happened to step into my room as I had to make the final decision. I asked him many questions. I learned that he was uncut and so was his son, who is a teen. He made the final decision so much easier. I have never regreted our decision. Our son is perfect, and those that questioned it when I brought it up during pregnancy, don't even think about it now. (This includes my mother in law, who had strong opinions) If this one is also a boy, he to will be uncut.

It is a very personal decision, and I am sure you will make the right decision for your family.
I think this is a really good thread--- provided that everyone can be mature :)

I understand that everyone has their opposing views-- but OH and I will definitely be having all male children circumcised. We are Jewish, so it will definitely be done. I would rather have it done when they are little, than to wait (like some Jewish families do) until he is 13. The newborns don't even cry when they get snipped. I am also a member of the United States... it's much more common here.

Most everyone has conducted themselves with respect for others. I think that is great, ladies. :) Everyone has their own opinions and traditions. :thumbup:

I respect your religious decision but do be aware that the procedure is quite painful for newborns. My son had all the painkillers (cream, block, injection) but he was still in extreme pain. Newborns do feel pain and studies do show that circumcision is very painful. I am also in the USA and the circ rate has dropped to 32%, it is becoming much less common to be circed and far more common to be left intact.
I think this is a really good thread--- provided that everyone can be mature :)

I understand that everyone has their opposing views-- but OH and I will definitely be having all male children circumcised. We are Jewish, so it will definitely be done. I would rather have it done when they are little, than to wait (like some Jewish families do) until he is 13. The newborns don't even cry when they get snipped. I am also a member of the United States... it's much more common here.

Most everyone has conducted themselves with respect for others. I think that is great, ladies. :) Everyone has their own opinions and traditions. :thumbup:

I respect your religious decision but do be aware that the procedure is quite painful for newborns. My son had all the painkillers (cream, block, injection) but he was still in extreme pain. Newborns do feel pain and studies do show that circumcision is very painful. I am also in the USA and the circ rate has dropped to 32%, it is becoming much less common to be circed and far more common to be left intact.

Thank you very much for not attacking our religous decison. :hugs: To clarify, I wasn't saying that they didn't feel pain. For us, we plan on having a physician and a Rabbi present (even though, technically, a physician isn't supposed to do it... I'd rather be safer.) :blush: The Rabbi will put a few drops of wine on a cloth, and put in on the baby's tongue. I'm not sure I LOVE the idea of wine on a newborn, but it is what it is. Even though the newborns may feel it, they hardly ever cry. I can't imagine it's too terrible-- especially because newborns scream when having their feet pricked. Also, we will be present for the ceremony-- it's a little bit different than just sending our son off into a random room of the hospital to get snipped.
I don't think very many jewish people have been convinced by those who believe circumcision to be mentally/physically harmful. As far as it being medically unnecessary, it was never practiced for that particular reason. For people who do it for cultural reasons, circumcision is performed simply because God has commanded it and because it is tradition. :thumbup:
I think this is a really good thread--- provided that everyone can be mature :)

I understand that everyone has their opposing views-- but OH and I will definitely be having all male children circumcised. We are Jewish, so it will definitely be done. I would rather have it done when they are little, than to wait (like some Jewish families do) until he is 13. The newborns don't even cry when they get snipped. I am also a member of the United States... it's much more common here.

Most everyone has conducted themselves with respect for others. I think that is great, ladies. :) Everyone has their own opinions and traditions. :thumbup:

I respect your religious decision but do be aware that the procedure is quite painful for newborns. My son had all the painkillers (cream, block, injection) but he was still in extreme pain. Newborns do feel pain and studies do show that circumcision is very painful. I am also in the USA and the circ rate has dropped to 32%, it is becoming much less common to be circed and far more common to be left intact.

Thank you very much for not attacking our religous decison. :hugs: To clarify, I wasn't saying that they didn't feel pain. For us, we plan on having a physician and a Rabbi present (even though, technically, a physician isn't supposed to do it... I'd rather be safer.) :blush: The Rabbi will put a few drops of wine on a cloth, and put in on the baby's tongue. I'm not sure I LOVE the idea of wine on a newborn, but it is what it is. Even though the newborns may feel it, they hardly ever cry. I can't imagine it's too terrible-- especially because newborns scream when having their feet pricked. Also, we will be present for the ceremony-- it's a little bit different than just sending our son off into a random room of the hospital to get snipped.
I don't think very many jewish people have been convinced by those who believe circumcision to be mentally/physically harmful. As far as it being medically unnecessary, it was never practiced for that particular reason. For people who do it for cultural reasons, circumcision is performed simply because God has commanded it and because it is tradition. :thumbup:

I do indeed respect your religious decision...even though I don't understand it.

Please excuse this emotive response-

I was present when my son was circumcised. Honestly, many doctors, nurses and parents will agree that a baby does cry quite a bit during circumcision. Sometimes, a baby will go into shock to deal with the pain. This is not sleeping and even though he is not crying the trauma is too much for the newborn to bare for him to be completely aware. I saw the aftermath of my son's circ.- I was there when he would not look at me, when he would not sleep, when he would not breastfeed, when he screamed while he peed, when he cried as I tried to pick him up... I deeply regret having my son circ'd and we will not be circ'ing our next son.

Maybe the Jewish circ you plan for your son is different than what my son had? I have read that Jewish circ is removal of just the floppy tip or even just a gash in the foreskin. My son had his foreskin ripped open, torn apart and cut off. He was in so much pain that he was hoarse and turning purple. The experience was mentally harmful for me and physically harmful for my son. I deeply regret it and it still haunts me.
I do indeed respect your religious decision...even though I don't understand it.

Please excuse this emotive response-

I was present when my son was circumcised. Honestly, many doctors, nurses and parents will agree that a baby does cry quite a bit during circumcision. Sometimes, a baby will go into shock to deal with the pain. This is not sleeping and even though he is not crying the trauma is too much for the newborn to bare for him to be completely aware. I saw the aftermath of my son's circ.- I was there when he would not look at me, when he would not sleep, when he would not breastfeed, when he screamed while he peed, when he cried as I tried to pick him up... I deeply regret having my son circ'd and we will not be circ'ing our next son.

Maybe the Jewish circ is different than what my son had? I have read that Jewish circ is removal of just the floppy tip or even just a gash in the foreskin. My son had his foreskin ripped open, torn apart and cut off. He was in so much pain that he was hoarse and turning purple. The experience was mentally harmful for me and physically harmful for my son. I deeply regret it and it still haunts me.

Your experience sounds truly awful and I'm very sorry that both you and your son had to go through that. I was in no way saying that you were one of the people that "sent their children alone" to be circ'ed. That was in NO way a poke at you-- I was just trying to convey that while most people are not present, it is an important ceremony for Jewish people. Most of the time, it is required that at least the father is present.
I have been present for two of my nephews circs. None of the experiences you had to endure where at all the same that we had. Neither of the boys cried at all & afterwards, they were just fine. It really is so sad that you had such an awful time of it. :nope: I've never heard of anyone having such a bad procedure. Perhaps it was the doctor? I really am not sure. However, this has never been the case that I have seen. Even while peeing, they never screamed. The only bad experience we had was an accident by my sister-- She accidentally touched him on the tip with a wipey (she felt awful about it, btw.)
I'm not sure-- I know that the tip hardly even bled when they snipped. It wasn't traumatic for us at all. I'm pretty sure that different familes can choose different procedures that they would like done. It's a very personal family decision, especially when done with a Rabbi & not with a physician. For my nephews, just the 'hood' was removed.
I personally think its a choice my child can make one day, it is after all his penis. Just because men aren't circumcised does not mean they are not clean. Good luck on your decision.
I have not had any of my sons circumcised and this one will also not have this done. I feel it is a procedure that should only be done for religious reasons or anatomical problems. My DH was circumcised but he feels his sons should be intact. It reduces pleasure, and the American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends the procedure routinely so I see no need to have it done.
I think this is a really good thread--- provided that everyone can be mature :)

I understand that everyone has their opposing views-- but OH and I will definitely be having all male children circumcised. We are Jewish, so it will definitely be done. I would rather have it done when they are little, than to wait (like some Jewish families do) until he is 13. The newborns don't even cry when they get snipped. I am also a member of the United States... it's much more common here.

Most everyone has conducted themselves with respect for others. I think that is great, ladies. :) Everyone has their own opinions and traditions. :thumbup:

I think that for 40some pages of this thread everyone has been very mature without having someone comment on our maturity level.

While I respect everybody's religion I do think it is inappropriate when people say "God said so" because even people within your religion disagree on what "God" says. Please take a look at these sites that were posted on the previous page.

After reading these and watching the videos on the second link I was prompted to google a bit more about circumsicion in order to try to understand the religious aspect of it more only to find out that it is even more barbaric than I originally thought. I couldn't sleep all night after watching videos of circumsicions on youtube. Listening to those poor babies screaming like that and then falling into a silent agony is not an image I ever want to see again. Luckily the downward trend in the US is declining rapidly and with a little hope the jewish rite of circumcision can go back to what it originally was intended to be.

Frankly I'm horrified that you are more worried about a drop of wine on your baby's tongue than cutting off the most intimate part of your child's sexuality, an act that will affect his appearance and alter his sex life forever.
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