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to circumcise or not?

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Im so glad im a having a girl

but i was thinking about this when i wasn't sure i personally wouldn't do it

but would never tell another person to or not to

that video i couldn't even watch!

god made the baby like that so its normal

and ya when do the boys really stare at there dads penis lol

:rofl: Boys are weird so I just don't know!
I think this might be more of a cultural thing, in the UK circumcision isnt common (or really done unless religion suggests it) I guess its a personal choice, but I suppose why would you make your baby have an operation if it wasnt needed?
Im so glad im a having a girl

but i was thinking about this when i wasn't sure i personally wouldn't do it

but would never tell another person to or not to

that video i couldn't even watch!

god made the baby like that so its normal

and ya when do the boys really stare at there dads penis lol

:rofl: Boys are weird so I just don't know!

lol true!:haha:
Dare I say that I'VE never seen an uncut one?
(and I will admit that having never seen an uncut one in person does make it seem very foreign to me)

IF there are good reasons to think a child MIGHT want to be cut later in life (not saying this is easily predictable) then I do have to say that having it done as an infant is known to have fewer risks than doing it later in life.
bella my lil lad tends to stare when ben gets a bath with him, it makes ben uncomfortable but tbh they're just curious! i get baths with him too and he stares, thats just infants for you. they learn about their own body, eyes ears nose etc just as much as they learn about their own private parts and that girls are different. When i change my son infront of his cousin whos only a week older than him she always very interested, 'why dont i have one of those' and then she gives me a nappy and toddles off :)
Lisaf - for some reason my phone won't let me quote you! :dohh:

The appendix is also not routinely taken off newborn babies as the foreskin is?

Also when using a condom the foreskin should be fully retracted before putting it on so I don't get how it makes a difference?

Don't want to stir anything, just wanted to point them out :flower:

No problem with being pointed out... and yes I agree that the appendix is not routinely taken out when there is no problem. In fact, you could argue that the appendix is a good analogy for the foreskin... we DONT mess with the appendix until its a problem, so why don't we leave the foreskin alone unless there's a problem?

I just didn't like the dotted line comment because NOTHING comes out with a dotted line... heck.. HAIR doesn't grow a dotted line when its time to cut it :)

And I don't know if there are better brands of condoms available in some places, or if guys just use the foreskin as an excuse ... but I have heard it from multiple sources that the foreskin just doesn't fit well under the tight condom.

I live in the UK and so have only slept with British men who have all been un-circumcised. They have never had a problem with condoms this is perhaps a bit of a myth in places where circumcision is more common because I have never heard of it.

Just to clarify there is no health incentive to circumcising a boy, as far as I am aware it is more a religious cultural thing. The US has the highest neo-natal circumcision rate in the world, I know a lot of different religions live there maybe this is why?

This is very interesting:

The perception that foreskin is unhygienic is a myth, says George C. Denniston, M.D., president of the Seattle-based Doctors Opposing Circumcision. "Foreskin protects against disease; it doesn't cause disease. If foreskin is unhygienic, eyelids should be considered unhygienic."

This article is pretty good I think:


I wouldn't do it, purely because I think a boys body parts belong to him, you don't own your child to cut off what you like for no medical reason and inflict pain for no good end. If he wants to do it when he's older, so be it! We are born with free will and choice its a human right and boys should have it. x
i dont think i be doing my lil man,i dont know if theres any benefits to it or not,but i find it a lil weird.
sooo glad im having a girl as i wouldnt really know what to do :wacko:
hehe! Cute..

Lisaf this may be to much infomation lol

but when a guy is erect there is no extra skin the penis is firm

when hes not erect you can see the extra skin

im pretty sure i only have seen my husband's lol so dont know about others lol

its not that bad :)
And to those ladies who think un-circumcised is 'gross'

The perception that foreskin is unhygienic is a myth, says George C. Denniston, M.D., president of the Seattle-based Doctors Opposing Circumcision. "Foreskin protects against disease; it doesn't cause disease. If foreskin is unhygienic, eyelids should be considered unhygienic."
Lol... I've heard that the skin retracts when erect.. BUT I've also heard many guys have an excess of skin (more than the average guy).
BECAUSE circumcision is more popular here, I DO wonder if the condoms are sized/shaped differently?

All I really know is what was reported to me by guys, and by female friends who had experience with both (one female friend commented that with at least one of her uncut partners, it DEFINITELY caused problems with the condom fitting properly... and well, she had comparitive experience so I have to say she probably knew what she was talking about better than I do!)
I was just reporting what I've heard. And yes, it could be the guys just using it as an excuse!
also..id like to add.... aherm.. this might be tmi... but i find fellatio muccch harder when ben pulls it back :S... its much easier, he doesnt have excessive amounts of foreskin just a lil bit.
I always wondered if fellatio would be easier with an uncut one. Harder to get "caught" on the ridge around the base of the head (can't remember the term atm).

And I got so behind and had a lot to catch up on so I forget who posted it, but the information about HOW it is performed made me cry! I could NEVER put my child through that!

I think it's more common to cut in the US because there are so many rednecks tbh. They tend to not think for themselves, they just go along with what everyone else in their family has always done. I am surrounded by rednecks, and have several in my family as well as family-in-law. Really, not a lot of people put much thought into it if they aren't rednecks, either. They put more thought into their coffee! My best friend had it done on her kids just because "it's what you do." The doctors don't ask IF you want it done, they ask WHEN. They don't ask HOW either. They just assume it's going to be done and do it however they please. Everyone in my area just expects it. They think it's a normal, natural part of having a boy. Just like formula feeding. Almost everyone in my area formula feeds because "it's what everyone else does." They don't even think about breastfeeding. When I went in for my first OB visit, they gave me a huge bag of formula samples and coupons! My OB has not said anything to me about breastfeeding, and I doubt she will. I am going to wait until closer to the time of birth to bring up the subject myself, just so I can see if she will bring it up. If we have a boy, I will do the same with the circumcision. I only know what others have told me about their experiences, I have no firsthand knowledge of what they ask or assume.

After reading this thread, I have no hesitation left in making the firm choice not to circumcise. I spoke with my husband last night and this morning about it, too, and it took very few words for him to agree not to cut. I am over the moon about how easy it was to talk to him about it this time, now that I have a firm decision in my mind :cloud9:
The only thing my baby boy is having cut is his cord... I just could not cut off something that is obviously meant to be there. Medical reason... fair enough. Cosmetic or religious? No thanks.

Firstly, it's of course your choice what you do and I respect that.

But think that's a fair enough statement if it's not part of your religion. And although I'm a raging atheist, I think that breathing "cosmetic" and "religious" in the same sentence is unfair.....

Soz..not too sure how to say it in any other way tbh :shrug: I dont agree with it for a cosmetic reason. I dont agree with it for a religious reason either. So if I put it in to 2 seperate sentences does that makes it better? It doesnt bother me what everyone else does. I just personally would never ever consider it.
I always wondered if fellatio would be easier with an uncut one. Harder to get "caught" on the ridge around the base of the head (can't remember the term atm).

And I got so behind and had a lot to catch up on so I forget who posted it, but the information about HOW it is performed made me cry! I could NEVER put my child through that!

I think it's more common to cut in the US because there are so many rednecks tbh. They tend to not think for themselves, they just go along with what everyone else in their family has always done. I am surrounded by rednecks, and have several in my family as well as family-in-law. Really, not a lot of people put much thought into it if they aren't rednecks, either. They put more thought into their coffee! My best friend had it done on her kids just because "it's what you do." The doctors don't ask IF you want it done, they ask WHEN. They don't ask HOW either. They just assume it's going to be done and do it however they please. Everyone in my area just expects it. They think it's a normal, natural part of having a boy. Just like formula feeding. Almost everyone in my area formula feeds because "it's what everyone else does." They don't even think about breastfeeding. When I went in for my first OB visit, they gave me a huge bag of formula samples and coupons! My OB has not said anything to me about breastfeeding, and I doubt she will. I am going to wait until closer to the time of birth to bring up the subject myself, just so I can see if she will bring it up. If we have a boy, I will do the same with the circumcision. I only know what others have told me about their experiences, I have no firsthand knowledge of what they ask or assume.

After reading this thread, I have no hesitation left in making the firm choice not to circumcise. I spoke with my husband last night and this morning about it, too, and it took very few words for him to agree not to cut. I am over the moon about how easy it was to talk to him about it this time, now that I have a firm decision in my mind :cloud9:

The only thing my baby boy is having cut is his cord... I just could not cut off something that is obviously meant to be there. Medical reason... fair enough. Cosmetic or religious? No thanks.

Firstly, it's of course your choice what you do and I respect that.

But think that's a fair enough statement if it's not part of your religion. And although I'm a raging atheist, I think that breathing "cosmetic" and "religious" in the same sentence is unfair.....

Soz..not too sure how to say it in any other way tbh :shrug: I dont agree with it for a cosmetic reason. I dont agree with it for a religious reason either. So if I put it in to 2 seperate sentences does that makes it better? It doesnt bother me what everyone else does. I just personally would never ever consider it.

Firstly, you are entitled to your opinion of course. My opinion is that your opinion is harsh....

It's not about punctuation use, it's about connotation.

It's fair enough that you wouldn't consider it for religious reasons if it's not part of your faith. But it's part of the religion of millions of others.

If you were, say, Jewish, it would be fair for you to judge other Jewish people for participating in a time honoured and culturally and religiously mandated tradition. But if you're not part of that religion, I don't think it's okay to suggest that a religious reason is not a fair basis.

And like I said, I say this as a raging atheist.
The only thing my baby boy is having cut is his cord... I just could not cut off something that is obviously meant to be there. Medical reason... fair enough. Cosmetic or religious? No thanks.

:thumbup: I cried my eyes out when my baby had her cord cut, I thought it might've hurt her :blush:

She was so tiny, the thought of her being in pain killed me! I was the same when she had a prick in her heal to test her blood sugars, and her heal prick test.

I don't quite get the religious reason either.. If God didn't want baby boys to have foreskins, why the hell did he give them one?! (not that I believe in God)

If there was some new religion coming out that said all babies should have their little fingers removed, would that be okay? Same thing in my opinion.
I always wondered if fellatio would be easier with an uncut one. Harder to get "caught" on the ridge around the base of the head (can't remember the term atm).

And I got so behind and had a lot to catch up on so I forget who posted it, but the information about HOW it is performed made me cry! I could NEVER put my child through that!

I think it's more common to cut in the US because there are so many rednecks tbh. They tend to not think for themselves, they just go along with what everyone else in their family has always done. I am surrounded by rednecks, and have several in my family as well as family-in-law. Really, not a lot of people put much thought into it if they aren't rednecks, either. They put more thought into their coffee! My best friend had it done on her kids just because "it's what you do." The doctors don't ask IF you want it done, they ask WHEN. They don't ask HOW either. They just assume it's going to be done and do it however they please. Everyone in my area just expects it. They think it's a normal, natural part of having a boy. Just like formula feeding. Almost everyone in my area formula feeds because "it's what everyone else does." They don't even think about breastfeeding. When I went in for my first OB visit, they gave me a huge bag of formula samples and coupons! My OB has not said anything to me about breastfeeding, and I doubt she will. I am going to wait until closer to the time of birth to bring up the subject myself, just so I can see if she will bring it up. If we have a boy, I will do the same with the circumcision. I only know what others have told me about their experiences, I have no firsthand knowledge of what they ask or assume.

After reading this thread, I have no hesitation left in making the firm choice not to circumcise. I spoke with my husband last night and this morning about it, too, and it took very few words for him to agree not to cut. I am over the moon about how easy it was to talk to him about it this time, now that I have a firm decision in my mind :cloud9:


My hubby was the same way when we hadnt found out the sex...he's been cut but said if we had a boy that he didnt want them cut..at the time i did and looking back now i am soooo thankful that i had my girl and didnt make a decision about it before being so educated and informed about it and actually seeing it and knowing some current stats about it etc....just crazy!
Come on ladies. Have some respect.

If it's a MANDATED part of your religion, and your religion requires it, then circumcision is a responsible and loving thing to do. COME ON. Just because you believe in Jesus, or just because you (like me) believe there is no God, doesn't invalidate other peoples' beliefs.

And as far as I can tell, neither Judaism nor Islam mandate the cutting off of babies' fingers. Our lovely Jewish and Muslim members can correct me if I'm wrong.

Please ladies, I'll start talking about Christmas baking and then we'll all gain 5 pounds.

Also: have bj'd both cut and uncut and found no difference in that department.
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