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to circumcise or not?

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Come on ladies. Have some respect.

If it's a MANDATED part of your religion, and your religion requires it, then circumcision is a responsible and loving thing to do. COME ON.

And as far as I can tell, neither Judaism nor Islam mandate the cutting off of babies' fingers. Our lovely Jewish and Muslim members can correct me if I'm wrong.

Please ladies, I'll start talking about Christmas baking and then we'll all gain 5 pounds.


The only thing my baby boy is having cut is his cord... I just could not cut off something that is obviously meant to be there. Medical reason... fair enough. Cosmetic or religious? No thanks.

Firstly, it's of course your choice what you do and I respect that.

But think that's a fair enough statement if it's not part of your religion. And although I'm a raging atheist, I think that breathing "cosmetic" and "religious" in the same sentence is unfair.....

Soz..not too sure how to say it in any other way tbh :shrug: I dont agree with it for a cosmetic reason. I dont agree with it for a religious reason either. So if I put it in to 2 seperate sentences does that makes it better? It doesnt bother me what everyone else does. I just personally would never ever consider it.

Firstly, you are entitled to your opinion of course. My opinion is that your opinion is harsh....

It's not about punctuation use, it's about connotation.

It's fair enough that you wouldn't consider it for religious reasons if it's not part of your faith. But it's part of the religion of millions of others.

If you were, say, Jewish, it would be fair for you to judge other Jewish people for participating in a time honoured and culturally and religiously mandated tradition. But if you're not part of that religion, I don't think it's okay to suggest that a religious reason is not a fair basis.

And like I said, I say this as a raging atheist.

Sorry, I am not very politically correct... I accept you dont see it as fair of me to have an opinion on a religious belief but hey ho I do. I dont and will never agree with it for any other reason other than medical. Oh and by the way my Grandmother was Jewish and she rejected the religion for many many reasons :flower: And I am not being disrespectful by giving my opinion on a public forum. I would and have never told someone they are wrong for doing it.
Sorry, I am not very politically correct... I accept you dont see it as fair of me to have an opinion on a religious belief but hey ho I do. I dont and will never agree with it for any other reason other than medical. Oh and by the way my Grandmother was Jewish and she rejected the religion for many many reasons :flower: And I am not being disrespectful by giving my opinion on a public forum. I would and have never told someone they are wrong for doing it.

It's just about respect, not about opinion.

And I applaud your Grandmother for rejecting religion. But I don't believe that's the debate we're having, otherwise, I suspect we'd be on the same side. Your grandmother's decision, and my similar decision, have nothing to do with other people's decisions about their families.

So I just had this absolutely delicious Christmas baking - butter shortbread base, with a gooey toffee layer, topped by a nice, rich, chocolate layer. It was heaven. Anyone else?


Pass over please
I think I might head back into the kitchen for more....

Also I picked up some dark chocolate peppermint lindt truffles. I bought them to share with my coworkers but I must admit I have yet to actually share them....
Well, I've finally caught up with this thread. Thanks, everyone, for all your responses.

I've decided not to circumcise. I was leaning toward it anyway. My mom will have to deal with it. It's not her penis. I think that is the best thing for me to do, unless it is medically necessary in the future. I can't justify cutting part of my baby off for cosmetic reasons, but that is just me. No offense to anyone who chose circumcision.

This has been very stressful to me, but I already feel better! Thanks, ladies.
I wouldn't do it for a religious reason, no matter my religion. I was raised christian, changed to Wicca when I was 12, and now I just don't really classify myself as anything because I'm not sure what to believe anymore. But even if I had a concrete religion I believed in wholeheartedly, I still wouldn't think my son's penis is any of their business! And I don't understand why christians say they do it because of their religion if the New Testament said it isn't necessary, and when they say that your body is a temple and god doesn't want you to alter it, then why alter the penis? Some of them won't let their daughters pierce their ears, but they'll cut their son's penises?! It doesn't make sense to me at all.

I definitely wouldn't perform a painful cosmetic procedure on my baby either without a medical reason. I'd definitely have surgery for a cleft palate or something like that, but that has medical reasons in addition to cosmetic. I wouldn't pierce my baby's ears either, like some parents do. My baby is their own person and should be able to make their own choices about their body. I'd have hated it if my mom had had a cosmetic procedure done on me before I was old enough to make the decision for myself!
I don't think Sarah&Ady said anything disrespectful to religion. Note there was a Jewish lady that posted earlier about not circumcising even though it is mandated in her religion. Just because it is mandated does not mean you should blindly follow it. You obviously reject religion because you would rather think for yourself and not blindly follow what someone else says. Why should you expect someone who has not rejected religion to blindly follow either just because they choose to have a religion? If I were to choose to follow Wicca again, I wouldn't do rituals with a bunch of naked people, which is a part of the religion, but it wouldn't be disrespectful to my religion, it's a personal choice and wouldn't make me a bad person for not doing it.
I glad you were able to come to a decision. As parents, we'll be called to make a lot of tough calls and I can guarantee that there will always be someone who thinks what you're doing is the 'wrong' thing.
hmm...I have only seen ONE circumcised penis in my life! And as I have had a few b/f's and also am a nurse and see willies all day I think that is surprising! It really must be an American thing!
hmm...I have only seen ONE circumcised penis in my life! And as I have had a few b/f's and also am a nurse and see willies all day I think that is surprising! It really must be an American thing!

I've seen a lot of willies, too. lol. used to work in a nursing home. It seems like maybe older generations were not circumcised as often. Or maybe they just had really saggy skin. Sorry TMI. Too much free time at work today.
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)
I don't think Sarah&Ady said anything disrespectful to religion. Note there was a Jewish lady that posted earlier about not circumcising even though it is mandated in her religion. Just because it is mandated does not mean you should blindly follow it. You obviously reject religion because you would rather think for yourself and not blindly follow what someone else says. Why should you expect someone who has not rejected religion to blindly follow either just because they choose to have a religion? If I were to choose to follow Wicca again, I wouldn't do rituals with a bunch of naked people, which is a part of the religion, but it wouldn't be disrespectful to my religion, it's a personal choice and wouldn't make me a bad person for not doing it.

Not all religions are the same - your analogy doesn't work very well. Christianity and I believe, Wicca, each have very few if any mandates for belonging. Judaism is not the same.

It is mandated by the religion. I don't expect them to blindly follow their religion. I expect them to make a choice informed by their religion and I respect their decision.

That some Jewish people might choose not to follow a mandate (a decision which I do applaud) doesn't change that.

All I'm saying is let's respect other people's beliefs and decisions.
hmm...I have only seen ONE circumcised penis in my life! And as I have had a few b/f's and also am a nurse and see willies all day I think that is surprising! It really must be an American thing!

My rotten ex was Jewish and therefore cut. I come from a city with a large Jewish population...

Ugh. Just thinking about my ex makes me feel sick. But not because he was cut!
Lol... I've heard that the skin retracts when erect.. BUT I've also heard many guys have an excess of skin (more than the average guy).
BECAUSE circumcision is more popular here, I DO wonder if the condoms are sized/shaped differently?

All I really know is what was reported to me by guys, and by female friends who had experience with both (one female friend commented that with at least one of her uncut partners, it DEFINITELY caused problems with the condom fitting properly... and well, she had comparitive experience so I have to say she probably knew what she was talking about better than I do!)
I was just reporting what I've heard. And yes, it could be the guys just using it as an excuse!

Having been with a few of both uncircumcised and circumcised guys (I'm really not a slut... honest....) I have to say that being circumcised had no impact on condoms fitting. When a circumcized penis is erect it looks just like an uncircumcised one and I've never witnessed any extra skin issues... I have however noticed that sometimes much larger then average penises can pose issues with condoms fitting well....

And in terms of fallatio (LOL fallatio :haha:) I never noticed a difference either in terms of uncircumcised vs circumcised penises.... BUT I have discovered that vegatarian cum is MUCH more tolerable then meat eaters cum :sick:
I love the comment to tell anyone who thinks they have a say in whether you circumsize or not "Its not your penis, is it?" :rofl: I think that is the BEST answer to give someone who dares to question your decision making! Regardless of what decision you make.

There are lots of parents who make choices FOR their kids because kids cannot make these choices for themselves (even once they speak their choices may not be safe or rational). Thats why I don't find it 100% truthful to say its their body, their choice... just a minor point though because for the most part, I'm against cutting!

As for religion... I know baptism isn't a permanently physical change to a body... BUT, I forsee many arguements with my mom on not getting our child baptized. Her FIRM belief is that a child will end up in limbo or hell or whatever unless we baptize them. I can see some Jewish families having similar FIRM beliefs about circumcision!

(PS.. Ember - I brought up breastfeeding with my doctor for specific concerns I have about a medication I'm on... and was surprised to find out its actually something you mostly discuss with the pediatrician!! Kind of makes sense that baby doctors are the experts on baby nutrition etc... but was not what I expected at ALL!!! I haven't had formula shoved down my throat... actually got my first formula freebie at the ultrasound office yesterda :haha:)

I didnt know that either until when I took Haley to her well baby check up at 4 days old that he was my go to guy about my BFing issues lol
Lol... I've heard that the skin retracts when erect.. BUT I've also heard many guys have an excess of skin (more than the average guy).
BECAUSE circumcision is more popular here, I DO wonder if the condoms are sized/shaped differently?

All I really know is what was reported to me by guys, and by female friends who had experience with both (one female friend commented that with at least one of her uncut partners, it DEFINITELY caused problems with the condom fitting properly... and well, she had comparitive experience so I have to say she probably knew what she was talking about better than I do!)
I was just reporting what I've heard. And yes, it could be the guys just using it as an excuse!

Having been with a few of both uncircumcised and circumcised guys (I'm really not a slut... honest....) I have to say that being circumcised had no impact on condoms fitting. When a circumcized penis is erect it looks just like an uncircumcised one and I've never witnessed any extra skin issues... I have however noticed that sometimes much larger then average penises can pose issues with condoms fitting well....

And in terms of fallatio (LOL fallatio :haha:) I never noticed a difference either in terms of uncircumcised vs circumcised penises.... BUT I have discovered that vegatarian cum is MUCH more tolerable then meat eaters cum :sick:

Like I said though.... this friend was with SEVERAL cut and uncut men and only one of the uncut men had a problem... so it could just be that he had more foreskin than most? :shrug: Just saying I know of one confirmed case where condom fit was a problem.

I also know an uncut guy who had trouble with fit... he was all narrow at the top but so wide at the base that they didn't really have a good size for him :haha: They come in all shapes and sizes!! :rofl:
lmfao kandy! damnit my partner loves meat and does the typical 'if its green i wont eat it' :O even carrots now :|... no wonder i cant stand it!
Lol... I've heard that the skin retracts when erect.. BUT I've also heard many guys have an excess of skin (more than the average guy).
BECAUSE circumcision is more popular here, I DO wonder if the condoms are sized/shaped differently?

All I really know is what was reported to me by guys, and by female friends who had experience with both (one female friend commented that with at least one of her uncut partners, it DEFINITELY caused problems with the condom fitting properly... and well, she had comparitive experience so I have to say she probably knew what she was talking about better than I do!)
I was just reporting what I've heard. And yes, it could be the guys just using it as an excuse!

Having been with a few of both uncircumcised and circumcised guys (I'm really not a slut... honest....) I have to say that being circumcised had no impact on condoms fitting. When a circumcized penis is erect it looks just like an uncircumcised one and I've never witnessed any extra skin issues... I have however noticed that sometimes much larger then average penises can pose issues with condoms fitting well....

And in terms of fallatio (LOL fallatio :haha:) I never noticed a difference either in terms of uncircumcised vs circumcised penises.... BUT I have discovered that vegatarian cum is MUCH more tolerable then meat eaters cum :sick:

:rofl: Can never say I've had the "pleasure" of trying the two! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Matter of fact I've never been with anyone who wasnt cut either...I have no idea what one looks like aside from google...but even at that I have no idea what it would look like on an infant or child...because literally, everyone I know, even people with baby boys...they ALL have cut penises! peni! however the hell penis is plural! :haha:
(can I just point out that EVERY topic in 2nd tri eventually turns to the discussion of things we put in our mouths? :rofl: PMSL :haha:)
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