Toddler Sleepless nights support thread

Wondering if anyone has any advice for me! Olivia goes to sleep ok between 7pm and 8pm but has taken to waking up between 11pm and 12am and wanting to get up for the day! Sometimes she is awake for hours before going back to sleep and it is beginning to run me down :(

I cant leave her to cry for any length of time so I just trying shushing her, cuddling her etc but it doesnt seem to work.

I keep it dark in her room and her toys are put away at night so there is nothing around to stimulate her.

Just ramblings from a tired mum :(

Hey how about giving her a bottle of warm milk for her that what we do with our dd.
Hey! I have never noticed this section before I must really need my eyes tested lol! So basically I have just copied and pasted from the thread I posted earlier! lol!

Ihsan has never been a great sleeper but for the last few weeks I am losing my patience and energy. On a normal night, Ihsan goes down to sleep in his cot about 8.30-9pm with no problems. He will then wake about 11pm, 12am, 4am and 7am and 2 of these will be for bf's. At 4am he comes in beside me and falls asleep after his bf. I have tried to put him back in his cot at times but its too much drama! He is such a fidgety, rolly polly sleeper and often wakes up more with bumping into cot bars/me/or just from all his moving around

3 weeks ago things got worse! He has quite a few teeth coming in and is very bothered by them. Also, he came down with a fever on Sunday night and is ill now on top of that! My poor baby He wakes up 2-3 times every hour just now (sometimes more!) and fights sleep. I know this is partly due to him being congested and his teeth are bothering him too (i do give him calpol nasal spray, put vapour rub on him and olbas oil on the pillow) and give him teething powder so I don't know what else to do! He bf's much more just now too! I would like to say things will get better soon when he is feeling better but he wasn't a good sleeper to begin with, its just worse just now!

So, thats our story and sorry its long! What to do..... ?
Three days of up every two hours. I thought he was being awkward but he has a tooth through :) i do feel seriously guilty now thinking that. Fingers x tonight will be less
My tot is done teething and has been for a while, but lately she cries when I am not in the room when she sleeps. She usually is not like this, she'll watch tv until she falls asleep for naps. And the other night she wouldn't sleep until I was sitting next to her bed. If I moved, she'd wake up! (I don't let her sleep in my bed, as I want her to get used to her toddler bed.)

Don't know what the sudden change in sleeping patterns is, but I hope it doesn't persist. :cry:
My experience with toddlers is always have a afternoon nap - actually 11.30am is great time till at least 1pm given them a nice snack enough to bed them down then when they get up a big lunch. Then when it comes to bed time no later then 7pm without a doubt make them a nice warm milk put a warming spice like cinnamon or cardamon most dont like cardamon but mine did. And then wait out the 2wk drama - they wont like it but in the end they will love it --routine... and you will have perfect sleeping!! Key consistency you cant faulter once no matter how loud they scream.
having another (ive posted in other threads but not this one before) bizarre nights sleep with my little girl.
she's just gone back down to bed for the 5th time, and im hoping she settles!
i wish i knew what's going on with her, she's always been a great sleeper, but the past month things have been shocking x
My toddler still gets up several times in the middle of the night because he does not want to sleep in his bed. I know that he will outgrow this, but I will be happy when he does.
Harry is just over 14 months, this last month his sleep has been brilliant - we have even had. 1 or 2 12 sleep throughs a week. Tonight things are awful!
He woke at 11.15 and is still awake nearly 3 hours later! I tried a breastfeed and a bottle of warm milk but he is just chattering away and playing with his cot toy.
DH and I have to be up for work in less than 5 hours. :-(
Rubys 1 this week

shes nevr STTN

Since 6 months shes woken every 2 hrs

lately shes woken very 2 hrs and been hard to settl

she never self settles

im sleep deprived

it hurts!
Rubys 1 this week

shes nevr STTN

Since 6 months shes woken every 2 hrs

lately shes woken very 2 hrs and been hard to settl

she never self settles

im sleep deprived

it hurts!

How long ago did her sleep change? Is it still bad? Have you though about trying giving her some supper? Just a yoghurt or something?

A friend is a miidwife and she said that her 2 only slept after they were weaned. Another friend has a 27 month old daughter who still breastfeeds at night and only started STTN this last month.

I hope things get better for you soon.
it changed at 6 months she was doing about 8 hrs the waking for a feed then another 4 hrs but it changed at 6 months and now its between every 1-3 hrs waking for a feed not really drinking much just needing to get back to sleep

in this heat and with her being ill its been every 30 mins im shattered :(

tried offering her food before bed she just wont take it
Have you tried co-sleeping?
Every 30 mins is awful! What does she sleep in? How warm is her room?
we do partially co sleep now shes still in our room cause ive been ill and cant get up all night into a different room itd be too much so shes in our room the temps always fine she usually does till 2 in the cot then shell start waking every 15 mins so il bring her into the bed cause im just shattered
last night it was every hr cause shes been ill and didnt hve anything to eat yday
My four year has finally become a good sleeper, but it took about 2 years. She finally moved into her own room when she was three, largely because her little sister arrived. Now, her little sis is up 4-5 times a night and driving us crazy. It is amazing how sleep stress can put stress on a marital relationship. Still, my wife and I know that there is an end in sight. We also try to hire a sitter whenever we can to get some alone time (i.e. date night).
yeah its ruining my home life i have no energy

i wonder if shes too old to go in her own room
i havent moved her cause i wanted her to have the bigger room seen as her sister only comes onc a week but OH says the eldest should have the biggest and i didnt wanna move her into a box room

is 1 too old to move her?

she was up every hr last night but has recently been waking only 3 times a night
Can I join in too - I'm finally reaching the point after 19 months where I've had enough of being sleep deprived and would just like a child that sleeps consistently like all my friends seem to!

Tom has never been brilliant at sleeping. From birth to 7 weeks old he was awake every night from 2 to 5am. Then he started going back to sleep after feeding at 2am and 5am. He gradually dropped feeds at night by the time he was 6 months old but even now will sometimes have half a bottle of milk in the night to try and settle him.

His sleep comes and goes but we never get more than 2 or 3 nights in a row where he sleeps through and then he tends to wake up at 5am which I find totally soul destroying! When he doesn't sleep through he's awake from 2 to 3 hours for no obvious reason but then he will sleep till 6.30amish. I can only think of 3 times in his entire life where he has slept past 7am.

I don't really know what to do to make it better. He has a consistent bedtime and goes to sleep fine. It just goes downhill after 2am.
I'm totally against CIO and tbh he doesn't cry in the night anyway...he's just awake and either wants to chat and play or is trying to get back to sleep and making loud whingy noises which keeps us all awake. Sometimes we have to hold him tight and make him cry very briefly to get him out of the whiny cycle he's stuck in and then he switches off and goes back to sleep. But it takes up to 3 hours for this to happen. Or he sleeps through but is up and shouting at 5am.

Sorry for the long post - after 19 months I needed to let it out! :coffee:
i dont want to sound mean or rude but im glad in a way that im not the only one. everyone i talk to says "ohhh mine never did that" etc etc.

nicole has never been a good sleeper especially at night!! i guess in the last year she has sttn about 2weeks (all broken up). we thought 2 weeks ago we were on a roll but noooooooooo thats gone out the window again. she is just really restless wether shes in her cot or in the bed with us. she just whines, stands up in her cot, we put her back down and she goes back to sleep usually straight away. this can happen every 2 hrs or so. we tried a dream feed but it didnt help. we tried shortening her day nap, this didnt help either. basically we tried everything.

im beyond sleep deprived. im now convinced she might be a vampire although she does like garlic :haha:. she has recently started napping for up to 2 hrs twice a day. up to 11months she would only nap for 40mins (this didnt make her sleep longer at night either)
Am so glad its not just me. I have just posted this thread

I really am at the end of my rope with this and have tried everything.
I don't believe that babies actually sleep, ever. I think all those ladies who say their babies STTN are big, fat liars or hallucinating due to sleep deprivation. :haha:

We've recently had a huge development and I sometimes get 6-6.5 hours of broken sleep a night with one 3-4 hour block at the beginning. I'm really loving the extra sleep.

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