my son did sttn from a very young age. he would demand to go to bed at 6pm, meltdown if i dragged it out, and sleep till 8am. hes now 13 and still does .
Hi girls Its been ages since I posted on here, 4 kids keep me busy ha ha, so this is my problem Max is 13 months and has never properly slept through, ok I can live with that but the last couple of months he just won't sleep He won't go into his own cot anymore to go to sleep, sometimes he will fall asleep drinking the bottle so I put him into bed and maybe get a couple of hours out of him before he wakes screaming looking for me. He is so clingy with me its unreal. I can't even go to the toilet without him crying for me so he wakes loads and sometimes he will eventually go back if I stay in the room with him but more often than not he just ends up coming up to the sitting room with us and then falls asleep up there so I try him in the cot again and might get an hour or so but without fail he never lasts past 1 or 2 a.m. he ends up in the bed. now I don't mind this cos literally from the day he was born he wouldn't sleep in the cot in the hospital so ended up in the hospital bed with me the problem is now he is waking up and sitting up and won't go back to sleep. last night was the worst. he woke at 1.40 a.m. and I ended up coming back up to the sitting room with him and changing his nappy, gave him calpol and then even tried a bottle, he is not mad on milk so only ever haves one before bed, he didn't want it so I sat up with him for about an hour and then headed back down to bed and there was no sign of sleep on him by about 5 a.m. he finally went back to sleep but still woke up at his usual time 8.15 a.m. wide awake He doesn't get much sleep in the day either. he only ever sleeps about 40 mins if that!! I have tried everything, no sleep in the day, loads of sleep in the day, nothing works. I am at my wits end.I am actually goin to ask my doctor if there is anything I should be trying. None of the other kids were like that I can't let him cry it out cos of the other kids, Jack is only 3 so he would wake if I did that. Any suggestions?? please?? So sorry for the really long post
A little bit of history... Molly was a wonderful baby. On her first night in this world, she slept 6 hours straight and was hitting 10 hours straight by day 7. This continued until she hit 10 months and then it all went to pot. We changed nothing and for some reason she started waking once a night.