Hi ladies
I thought I would introduce my LOs and see if I can pick up some tips and share some of my wisdom
DS is 16months and has been a crap sleeper since birth. He was born with a dysphagia (difficulty swallowing & aspiration) and severe reflux and that set us up with pretty terrible sleep habits. I was also a single parent until DS was around 9months old (I'm actually back with OH now) so I did anything and everything to get him off to sleep.
Fast forward to now and his sleep is still pretty crappy. He wakes 1-4times a night for a bottle of milk/a cuddle/a cry etc. He wakes early every morning (before 6am) and is overtired, cranky, clingy,, throws tantrums, rubs his eyes etc. most of the day. Now I'm a morning person and really don't mind a 6am wake up but when he clearly hasn't had enough sleep and cant enjoy his day because of it it's time to put my foot down and make changes! When he wakes in the night there is no way of getting him back to sleep without giving him a bottle of milk and 80% of the time it doesn't work so we are left trying to comfort him back to sleep while he screams at us. Quite often we eventually leave him and he usually cries for 5-10mins then gets back to sleep. DS naps not too badly - 30mins in the morning around 9am and 2 hours after lunch. I don't think his naps are interfering with his night sleep (maybe the morning one doesnt help his early waking though) because he goes to nursery 3 days a week where he only sleeps 30mins all day and sleeps worse than ever at night. The interesting thing with DS is that he doesn't have any trouble falling asleep on his own!!!
Needless to say we are all exhausted, me and OH are snappy and emotional, struggling at work, no energy
DD is 3 (well, 3 next week) and is a much better sleeper (phew!!!) Trouble is, she's really spirited and sensitive to noises, changes in routine, stimulation etc. and despite all my efforts I can't get her to sleep unless she is in her own room in the dark and quiet! Meaning she doesn't sleep at nursery either and nursery nights are pretty horrific - tantrums, won't eat, crying, wont go to sleep
So when DS wakes early morning the second DD hears him she is out of bed but not ready to get up yet so is in the same mood as DS.
After the past few days I have decided that none of us can cope with this anymore, we're all unhappy and it's time to make some big changes.
Last night DS woke twice but I don't know exactly what he did as it was OH's turn to get up. He cries really loudly during the night so we usually try to get to him as quickly as possible or he wakes DD. He then woke at 5.55am (again I wouldn't mind this if he was rested enough to get up!!) so I ignored him (he doesn't cry - just moans, shouts, whines etc.) but DD woke instantly, I made her come into my bed and lay down instead of getting up although we didn't get to sleep because our kitten (another story) wouldn't stop crying until I let it out of the living room then it came into the bedroom running around and making noise. DS was on/off quiet (kept thinking he was sleeping) until he heard DD or the kitten and would start up again. We gave up at 6.35am and got up all DS did was cry, throw himself on the floor, hit and headbut me and rub his eyes. So gave him a bottle (his 3rd that night I Think) and put him back to bed. He fell asleep around 7.15am and I'm not sure what time to wake him. If I don't he probably won't nap for me until really late and wont go to bed then be tired tomorrow again or he won't nap at all and he'll be really overtired and unsettled again tonight.
I think he might be teething (he's not really showing any symptoms except more night wakings though) so have been using gel/powder and nurofen but I might also get an amber teething necklace.
I don't know what to do about the kitten. We've had it for 2months and the problem is only getting worse although it's part of the family now. It seems such a trivial thing but honestly the lack of sleep and early wakings are ruining all of our lifes and we can't keep going like this. If I ignore it it just gets louder and louder until it's practically screaming and we are all wide awake (but grumpy!). I honestly don't know what to do, we bought it as company for our older cat (who loves it and was never like this as a kitten) but I really wish I had never gotten it now and it makes things so much worse although I don't think I could live with the guilt if I rehomed it over something as stupid as this.
Do you guys think I am doing the right thing with the kids? I am thinking of just taking a complete cold-turkey, zero-tolerance approach to sleep for 2 weeks and just riding it out. It would make so much difference to us if we could finally get on top of the sleep troubles
Edited to say - they have their own rooms but we live in a flat so we are all really close together (I have even considered moving to a house with 3 floors so I can seperate them