Together we're strong & ready to try again

Alright ladies, I need your help!!

I just went back and looked at my tests and my O & wonfo looks DARKER than a few days ago... Uh oh... Hope we didn't get pregnant this week!! Or am I about to O because the Opk is darker??

So confused... :dohh:
Natalie, it would be incredible if we all got BFP's before/for Christmas! What better way to start a new year than with a new, healthy, pregnancy?

It would be absolutely amazing, I have no doubt it will happen for everyone soon!!!!

@Leah I am not sure what that means? Have you had a regular cycle yet?
Happy Saturday! How is everyone feeling today?! I got the results from my ultrasound last week, apparently I have a bulky uterus. Something I have never heard before but my doctor said it's not really a concern. Anyone ever heard of that?
I have a 3 day weekend!! Woohoo!! I have been having terrible heartburn last night and this morning though... Kinda reminds me what it was like when trying to sleep in the third trimester of my pregnancy with my son. Anyways I believe firmly that I ovulated yesterday as I got my O cramps and temp spike :) we have bd so much this cycle... If we haven't caught the egg I will be shocked!!

Anyways trying to stay positive and not go crazy in this tww... It's so hard though :(
Happy weekend all, we're mid way through getting a new kitchen. House feels like its upside down but it will be so worth it can't wait.
@amanda whoopy glad to here u've Oed. One more week for me we to bd every other day for almost 3 weeks. Feeling a little disheartened to be honest as am pretty sure am out no symptoms & my temp isn't looking very high either, kinda expecting AF one day next week pretty gutted to tell u the truth. I no it's not over till AF arrives but I just have a strong feeling am not :-( xx
@Bumblebee... 3weeks? That's a lot of bding! I hope you get your bfp this cycle, but if you don't a Christmas bfp would be a great gift :)

I'm going hardcore now. I've starting charting in addition to my opks. I'm in the middle of my cycle, but right now I'm just curious as to whether I'm ovulating or not since I've had so much weird stuff go on this month. I haven't gotten a positive opk yet, so hopefully that happens in the next few days and I can see what my chart does. It's kinda nice that the temping is only something you can actually do once a day, unlike those stupid pee sticks....
@bumblebee oh I know how you feel, it can really be discouraging. You're right though, it's not over yet!!!

I have never temped, is it accurate? I have only ever used OPK's and my mid cycle spotting I get every month.
Natalie, I'm new to it but I've heard A LOT about it over the years. OPKs only tell you if you're getting the hormone surge that can lead to ovulation. Charting your temp actually tells you if you ovulate or not (and when) because you get a temp increase after you ovulate. I'm using If you go to the site there is a WHOLE bunch of info. I just bought a cheap thermometer at the store that remembers the temp (to the tenth of a degree) because you have to take your temperature before you even get out of bed in the morning.... I started mid-cycle so we'll see what happens. Since my opk was lighter today than yesterday I'm guessing it was positive yesterday - we will see what the chart tells me. It's all kinda fascinating....
Woo hoo! Glad y'all are gearing up! Sounds promising!!

I haven't had a regular cycle yet, so hoping to see AF soon.. Never thought I'd say that... :haha: Although if I did O first, I want to have a regular cycle first before baby!
@natalakie am not 100% sure Hun it's my first propper cycles temping. Started mid cycle last month just after I O'ed. like 3minors said I think it's more to say if u have Oed but I no ur temp should stay above the cover line for more that 15 days if ur pregnant. It's not really a way to confirm pregnancy. X
Interesting, I might give it a try! If I am back on track I should O within the next 7/8 days, hoping things go back to normal.
Hey ladies!! So I don't want to sound ridiculous but I think me and DH have done it this month... I am only 2dpo but I have the feeling like I did with my son. It's insane I know but I think I have caught the egg!! I got a beautiful temp spike this month and everything is lining up in the way of body changes for pregnancy already. If I get a bfn on November 21st I will be thoroughly shocked!
@amanda wow I so hope u have Hun. When u thinking of testing. X wat sort of symptoms are u having, I have heard of women just knowing when their pregnant so FX huni
Hope you got it amanda!! :) Fx!! Can't wait to see your bfp ;)
I'm have tempted to try testing again tomorrow morning instead of waiting Tuesday. I'm so impatient! I figure if it's negative AF will be right on time. It usually is. Finals week is approaching soon so I'm hoping I don't get stressed and be late again like I usually get at the end of semester. Last December I thought I was pregnant because I was a week late! School got to me I guess lol
Hey ladies I am having a bit of a panic. Af is due on wed but i have a tiny feeling I may have got lucky this month.

Prob is I was really poorly middle of week and dr put me on antibiotics for a chest infection. I was so kken to avoid ending up in hospital that i just started taking htem and now i am panicking as not sure whther they are safe or not.

I know i have had antibiotics in late pregnancy and it has was safe but not sire about this early (if i even am)

I really hope if i have managd to fall pregnant that i havent jeopardised it b taking the tablets.

As i said AF is due Wed (i think) but as first proper cycle since miscarriage I am going to try and resist testing til friday if AF doesnt arrive on wed.

How is everyone else today?

Hi @Smiler, I am sure you are fine. I know how worrying it can be though, I was in Las Vegas last year (trip booked prior to getting pregnant) and I found out I was pregnant the weekend after I got home. I miscarried and blamed myself for it, I figured the poolside cocktails contributed. Don't panic though, if you are sick you need to recover and be healthy for your little bean. I am sure they are completely safe, most of them are.

@Amanda I am crossing every part of my body for you!!! I am so excited to hear the news in the next couple of weeks!

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