Emerald: how was your LO after getting the lip tie cut with laser? We are going to Dr. Kotlow tomorrow. He's the expert here in the US for tongue and lip ties. At the very least I want a consult to hear his opinion on how restricted my LO is. We had her LT clipped with scissors but there is still a very thick piece of skin holding her lip down. I'm not hopeful this will do anything for our BF relationship at 3 months old. That's why I'm not sure it's worth it to pursue more than a consult right now.
Kaida didn't get hers done until around 2 months and after stretches and healing it made a big difference. She doesn't click anymore and gets less wind. It's also important for her teeth![]()
Was she in a lot of discomfort after? Olivia has never clicked but she sure is a gassy little thing! He's going to assess her PTT also. I just don't think anything we do will make a difference with my supply issues at this point. I hate to put her through any procedure based on "what ifs.". Very very nervous!
Never give up on your supply. Some women completely relactate from almost nothing so the fact their milk had come in previously means very little.
Yes, I'm sorry, LO was uncomfortable and very swollen post laser even though they guaranteed she wouldn't be. However there was no bleeding and she didn't cry or have troubles feeding like she did the second time she got her PTT clipped. Two days later she was mostly healed and doesn't remember a thing.
I have moments when I question if I did the right thing but then she looks at me and pokes out her cute little tongue and I know I made the right call