hi lucky 4, i was just about to post the same post about being afraid to test for 3+ when i saw your post!! I went and did the test therenow and got 3+! i'm not 100% sure of how far along i am as i had a m/c 5weeks and 3 days ago with no af in between and a m/c in june before that too so i haven't had a normal period since april! - doctors was fun trying to date me!lol but im counting myself as 5w3days anyway and got 3+ today - i never had 3+ before even though i m/c at 7w2days the first time! everyone's different and ive heard of loads of people not getting their 3+ until they were 6 weeks by their dates!!
Can i ask if you know what the hcg levels should be for each result on the digi?