They are so adorable BBH!!!! Glad you were able to make time to post a pic for us!!!
I have my anatomy scan coming up in 2 weeks and 2 days!! I've been trying to figure out a cute way to tell my mom as she lives on the other side of the United States from us. I thought about sending her a cake, or having her pick one up. Also thought about balloons but I just don't think she'll be able to wait that long and will keep pestering me until I tell her! is my thoughts. Maybe I can take a pic of a really cute infant dress on my phone and one of a cute suit so that way when we find out in the ultrasound room, I can go ahead and send her a pic of the outfit from my phone so she knows relatively the same time we do.
I'm wondering when they started delaying starting school due to cold temperatures!! They have already posted a lot of delays because we have a low tonight of 12 degrees F with a wind chill in some places at -5 degrees F. I understand we don't want our kids in the cold, but that's why parents need to bundle their kids up NOT let them go outside with a slight jacket on! Maybe it's just my common sense! My son has a scarf, beanies, his coat along with the hood on it and multiple pairs of gloves! I just don't understand why delaying their learning just because it's cold out. It's not supposed to snow and the roads are dry!