Transverse Mamas

Well baby is back to transverse as confirmed by my MWs at my appt today 34+2. Basically she needs to be head down by my next appt (at 36 weeks on August 5th) or else im probably going to have to transfer care (they are HB MWs). Ive been doing everything from swimming, to standing on my head, inversions, spinning babies stuff, visualization, relaxation, being super careful about posture, sleeping in certain positions, belly wrapping, hip support, chiropractor 2x per week and websters technique. There really isn't much else i can do. At this point im just stressing myself out over it. I dont really think i can just do more to get her to turn (and it's really hurting my feelings that some ppl-not here- seem to think if i just did more or did it better she would turn :( ). Im to the point now that she will be how she needs to be and bc this hasn't happened in previous pregnancys, than im taking it as there's a good reason why she is in the position she is in and it must be the best and safest thing for her. I dont feel anything else i do is going to change that since ive been at this since before i was 30 weeks.

MWs mentioned the ECV however i dont feel im a good candidate for that bc of other health issues i have going on (severe pelvic organ prolapse so the failure is even higher for me than most ECV ladies, etc). Also, on top of my pendulous uterus (and prolapse which both are more than likely making her go sideways), there is a chance she is super tangled in her cord which could be why, the limited times shes gone head down, that she doesn't stay that way. ...which would be really bad if i had an ECV and that was the for my uncommon situation, i do not think i'll be getting an ECV. For most ladies i would say it would probably be worth it, but since i have some very specific issues, im not the greatest candidate. So if little miss doesn't ever flip (AND stay that way) then i'll be switching from HB to hospital, and more than likely scheduled CS. ....ugh.

Just seeing if anyone had any luck turning their LO. I did not and because of HBP issues that have developed I am having a planned csection on wed at 7:30am. Hope you guys have better luck with turning than me.

Best of luck sweetie :flow: please let us know how you get along...i may be finding myself in your shoes very soon.

I know exactly how you feel. People treat me like i have just given up but nope that's not the case. My doctor and I have discussed all options and with my hypertension there is just very little choice. I would rather him get here healthy than the way everyone feels he should get here. Good luck mamas and yes I will be posting pics for sure.
Just seeing if anyone had any luck turning their LO. I did not and because of HBP issues that have developed I am having a planned csection on wed at 7:30am. Hope you guys have better luck with turning than me.

Good luck! will be watching to see how it goes. On thursday i will get a ultrasound to see if baby turned!

Good luck I hope baby turns for you.
Well baby is back to transverse as confirmed by my MWs at my appt today 34+2. Basically she needs to be head down by my next appt (at 36 weeks on August 5th) or else im probably going to have to transfer care (they are HB MWs). Ive been doing everything from swimming, to standing on my head, inversions, spinning babies stuff, visualization, relaxation, being super careful about posture, sleeping in certain positions, belly wrapping, hip support, chiropractor 2x per week and websters technique. There really isn't much else i can do. At this point im just stressing myself out over it. I dont really think i can just do more to get her to turn (and it's really hurting my feelings that some ppl-not here- seem to think if i just did more or did it better she would turn :( ). Im to the point now that she will be how she needs to be and bc this hasn't happened in previous pregnancys, than im taking it as there's a good reason why she is in the position she is in and it must be the best and safest thing for her. I dont feel anything else i do is going to change that since ive been at this since before i was 30 weeks.

MWs mentioned the ECV however i dont feel im a good candidate for that bc of other health issues i have going on (severe pelvic organ prolapse so the failure is even higher for me than most ECV ladies, etc). Also, on top of my pendulous uterus (and prolapse which both are more than likely making her go sideways), there is a chance she is super tangled in her cord which could be why, the limited times shes gone head down, that she doesn't stay that way. ...which would be really bad if i had an ECV and that was the for my uncommon situation, i do not think i'll be getting an ECV. For most ladies i would say it would probably be worth it, but since i have some very specific issues, im not the greatest candidate. So if little miss doesn't ever flip (AND stay that way) then i'll be switching from HB to hospital, and more than likely scheduled CS. ....ugh.

Just seeing if anyone had any luck turning their LO. I did not and because of HBP issues that have developed I am having a planned csection on wed at 7:30am. Hope you guys have better luck with turning than me.

Best of luck sweetie :flow: please let us know how you get along...i may be finding myself in your shoes very soon.

I know exactly how you feel. People treat me like i have just given up but nope that's not the case. My doctor and I have discussed all options and with my hypertension there is just very little choice. I would rather him get here healthy than the way everyone feels he should get here. Good luck mamas and yes I will be posting pics for sure.

thank you! im looking forward to the details and such. Planned CS seems so different than EMCS (based on other's experiences ive read about). Every bit helps me mentally prepare. Maybe that wont be the route i take, but at this point im trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself since it could def happen
Hi guppy! Wow you've done so much for that little girl already! I give you tons of credit for all the effort you've made. Wishing and praying you get some good news at that next appointment, you never know. But if all else fails and you do have to have a c section, think positive and focus on the fact that its the best and safest way for you and your daughter. If you two turn out healthy after all of this, that's what's important! Thinking of you and I will be checking in on you! Hugs!
Hi guppy! Wow you've done so much for that little girl already! I give you tons of credit for all the effort you've made. Wishing and praying you get some good news at that next appointment, you never know. But if all else fails and you do have to have a c section, think positive and focus on the fact that its the best and safest way for you and your daughter. If you two turn out healthy after all of this, that's what's important! Thinking of you and I will be checking in on you! Hugs!

Thank you friend :flower:
It's so nice to see you around and hear your encouraging words!
I hope you and that sweet new little bundle of your is doing great!
Im 34+3 today.I know ive still got some time, but i really dont want to wait until 36 weeks to figure out transferring care to an OBGYN (from HB MWs). So i called the practice i delievered DS1 with. Was hoping for the same OB i had with him bc she was very natural oriented and i thought there was a chance i could get her to okay some of the natural elements into a CS ("natural CS"). However, she is on sabbitcal leave until August 18th, which is too late for my planning as i'll be 38 weeks at that point.

Dr. Chase (who also happens to be my specalist for the prolapse) apparently still does the birthing/CS side of things. I had no idea! I have severe prolapse and she is the one that is going to do the surgery to fix it. She was very supporitive of my birthing choices with boy boys, even out of hospital birth, so i thinks he will be more willing to agree to some of the things i would want at a CS (immediate skin-to-skin, delayed cord clamping, no tied down arms, etc). I can't be sure, but i really hope so.

So anyways, i set up a consult with her for monday (07/29). I'll be 35+2 weeks. Do you guys think this is a bad idea? The nurse told me it would be wise to get my ducks in a row. She said they wouldn't be offended at all if i went on to have a HB and not have to use them.

I really like that my prolapse specialist could be the one perfomring the CS (if i need it). At least she knows my case and everything and how my organs are sitting improperly so hopefully no damage is done. She is also good with surgery, so i know im in good hands as far as major surgery goes w CS.

when did you all go to consults over transverse? Is 35 weeks too early? Im just afraid to wait too long and then not have a plan.
Im 34+3 today.I know ive still got some time, but i really dont want to wait until 36 weeks to figure out transferring care to an OBGYN (from HB MWs). So i called the practice i delievered DS1 with. Was hoping for the same OB i had with him bc she was very natural oriented and i thought there was a chance i could get her to okay some of the natural elements into a CS ("natural CS"). However, she is on sabbitcal leave until August 18th, which is too late for my planning as i'll be 38 weeks at that point.

Dr. Chase (who also happens to be my specalist for the prolapse) apparently still does the birthing/CS side of things. I had no idea! I have severe prolapse and she is the one that is going to do the surgery to fix it. She was very supporitive of my birthing choices with boy boys, even out of hospital birth, so i thinks he will be more willing to agree to some of the things i would want at a CS (immediate skin-to-skin, delayed cord clamping, no tied down arms, etc). I can't be sure, but i really hope so.

So anyways, i set up a consult with her for monday (07/29). I'll be 35+2 weeks. Do you guys think this is a bad idea? The nurse told me it would be wise to get my ducks in a row. She said they wouldn't be offended at all if i went on to have a HB and not have to use them.

I really like that my prolapse specialist could be the one perfomring the CS (if i need it). At least she knows my case and everything and how my organs are sitting improperly so hopefully no damage is done. She is also good with surgery, so i know im in good hands as far as major surgery goes w CS.

when did you all go to consults over transverse? Is 35 weeks too early? Im just afraid to wait too long and then not have a plan.

I think you are just trying to do what is best for your LO. You do what you need to mama. hopefully you will not have to use them. I am getting up at 4am in the morning to have my bundle of joy and I am having a CS and I do not feel bad because I know it was the only choice for me and my LO. Thats all any of us can do.
Ekk! :dance: i bet you are just smitted! so happy and excited for you!

I think you are just trying to do what is best for your LO. You do what you need to mama. hopefully you will not have to use them. I am getting up at 4am in the morning to have my bundle of joy and I am having a CS and I do not feel bad because I know it was the only choice for me and my LO. Thats all any of us can do.

How true is that!
Im really glad i have you ladies! So many women dont seem to understand how frustrating and tiresome it can be dealing w transverse. It's totally different ball game, it's even far different than a breech-at least with breech there is an option of vaginal delivery (Though not as ideal as head down) but still...with transverse there isn't any option that route.
I totally agree hon. Thanks for the reminder :friends:
Hi Ladies,

Can I join please. This will be our 3rd and last DS. I'm now 34w 2 days and baby is transverse from what I can tell.

I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday to find out for sure, I also think they will book a growth scan as I am measuring 4 weeks ahead of my dates.

My other boys were always head down, so this is a total new experience, and as it's my last I really didn't want a C-section, but I guess it's out of my hands, has anyone had any luck on the swinging baby site???
Hi Ladies,

Can I join please. This will be our 3rd and last DS. I'm now 34w 2 days and baby is transverse from what I can tell.

I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday to find out for sure, I also think they will book a growth scan as I am measuring 4 weeks ahead of my dates.

My other boys were always head down, so this is a total new experience, and as it's my last I really didn't want a C-section, but I guess it's out of my hands, has anyone had any luck on the swinging baby site???

you and i are practically the same! Im 34+6 with third baby. Never had a transverse in my previous pregnancy and this is also our last one. Interesting, huh? Has your baby been transverse the entire time or is this new for this pregnancy of yours? Mine has been transverse basically 100% of the time (That im aware of...well i take that back, she did go head down for a couple of days, but then went right back to transverse, however she's been sideways the entire time, other than that)

I havn't had any luck w spinning babies (or Websters, chiropractic care, moxa, visulazation, ball boucning, stair climbing, walking, inversions, swimming-the list goes on), but by all means it's certainly worth a shot! ive done everything imagineable for the last 6 weeks. Im at the point now, what will be will be. Im sick of stressing myself out and obsessing over ways to get LO to turn. But if you havn't tried it yet, i would def recommend it. You never know what will work until you try!

I too have a consult (monday), but not sure they are doing any u/s or not as im meeting with an OB to go over my "birth plan" in case i do end up w a planned CS.

I hope your baby flips hon :hugs: i know its probably causing anxiety. Ive never had a CS, so ive gotten a bit from that, but overall im becoming accepting of it. ..will you be getting an ECV?
Hi Ladies,

Can I join please. This will be our 3rd and last DS. I'm now 34w 2 days and baby is transverse from what I can tell.

I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday to find out for sure, I also think they will book a growth scan as I am measuring 4 weeks ahead of my dates.

My other boys were always head down, so this is a total new experience, and as it's my last I really didn't want a C-section, but I guess it's out of my hands, has anyone had any luck on the swinging baby site???

you and i are practically the same! Im 34+6 with third baby. Never had a transverse in my previous pregnancy and this is also our last one. Interesting, huh? Has your baby been transverse the entire time or is this new for this pregnancy of yours? Mine has been transverse basically 100% of the time (That im aware of...well i take that back, she did go head down for a couple of days, but then went right back to transverse, however she's been sideways the entire time, other than that)

I havn't had any luck w spinning babies (or Websters, chiropractic care, moxa, visulazation, ball boucning, stair climbing, walking, inversions, swimming-the list goes on), but by all means it's certainly worth a shot! ive done everything imagineable for the last 6 weeks. Im at the point now, what will be will be. Im sick of stressing myself out and obsessing over ways to get LO to turn. But if you havn't tried it yet, i would def recommend it. You never know what will work until you try!

I too have a consult (monday), but not sure they are doing any u/s or not as im meeting with an OB to go over my "birth plan" in case i do end up w a planned CS.

I hope your baby flips hon :hugs: i know its probably causing anxiety. Ive never had a CS, so ive gotten a bit from that, but overall im becoming accepting of it. ..will you be getting an ECV?

Hi Guppy,

Wowsa what's the chances of us being so much the same. Yes baby has as far as I know always been sideways... I definitely don't like the feeling of the kicking down below if you know what I mean, and I pretty sure you do LOL :haha:

I've had a few goes at the crouching off the sofa with head down, but don't feel anything has changed as yet.

Is an ECV where they try and turn the baby..? I'm not sure I like the look or sound of that... I guess I'll have to see what the consultant says on Tues.

Hope you hear that baby has turned on Monday... my friend also had a sideways baby but he turned right at the last minute, think she was about 38 weeks when he turned... so I'm hoping I will follow suit.. and my fingers crossed that you will too LOL :thumbup:
I gave birth weds July 24th and everything is well now but he was not breathing and had to be resuscitated. However, it had to do with something that happened during delivery and not in utero. It did have to do with position where he was at he got stuck and when they had his body out he thought his head was out as well and attempted to breath but he couldn't because there was no air to breath. he is well now and we are going home tomorrow.


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Congratulations, Jazzy! I hope you're recovering nicely.

I'm 28 weeks and transverse. She's been that way since I've felt her move. I've always been worried about having to have a CS. Everyone says you can plan as much as you like, but it often goes out the window. I'm really hoping for a natural water birth. My doula has faith I will, but bc the baby's been transverse, I'm not so certain. I had a check up yesterday and the dr. confirmed she was lying across. She said not to worry at all and that there's still plenty if room for her to move around. My concern is that she doesn't seem to be moving all over, but has been in the same spot for a while. The dr. also said she won't be concerned until 35 weeks.

I hope everyone's LO turns!
As I wrote earlier my baby has been head up for a long time but finally turned at 32 weeks. Now I'm 35 and yesterday MW think she felt something hard down but she belived that he has turned to transverse. Next week I have a and if she also belives he is not head down I'll be sent for a scan.
Thought i would update.

Im 34+3 and baby is now head down but with his bum under my ribs on the right, so he's kind of in the right place lol
I too am updating. My baby flipped head down (ROT, specifically :roll:) a couple of days ago (35+1). It was verified via u/s though im taking the u/s with a grain of salt bc she goes from transverse to ROT back to transverse back to ROT, etc. So she is classed as an unstable lie and bc my womb is so stretched out and bc she is a tiny little thing (30th percentile, currently 4lbs & 15oz), she just has tons of room in there.

So, she is head down. The MWs want me to do belly wrapping to get her to stay that way, so thats what ive been doing...i really hope she decides to come a little early, bc its more anxiety i have due to more time to allow her to flip back to transverse.

I met with the OBGYN about EVC (if its needed) and lets say i am not going that route with this care provider :nope: she said they require you to have an epidural and do it in the OR "in case anything happens". And that they would do it at 37 weeks....ermm...hellz no lol. My MWs on the other hand do a much gentler verision which isn't harmful and doesn't require the use of pain numbing meds, so if i ever needed an ECV i would do that but i will never agree to the extremes that the OBGYN wanted :nope:thankfully, at this point i dont need to worry about it, however, im not out of the woods yet since she is an unstable lie and could flip back to transverse.

I gave birth weds July 24th and everything is well now but he was not breathing and had to be resuscitated. However, it had to do with something that happened during delivery and not in utero. It did have to do with position where he was at he got stuck and when they had his body out he thought his head was out as well and attempted to breath but he couldn't because there was no air to breath. he is well now and we are going home tomorrow.

Beautiful :cloud9:
I hope you are enjoying your baby! Glad to hear you both are doing fine now :friends:

I'm 28 weeks and transverse. She's been that way since I've felt her move. I've always been worried about having to have a CS. Everyone says you can plan as much as you like, but it often goes out the window. I'm really hoping for a natural water birth. My doula has faith I will, but bc the baby's been transverse, I'm not so certain. I had a check up yesterday and the dr. confirmed she was lying across. She said not to worry at all and that there's still plenty if room for her to move around. My concern is that she doesn't seem to be moving all over, but has been in the same spot for a while. The dr. also said she won't be concerned until 35 weeks.

I hope everyone's LO turns!

:hugs: i know how stressful it can be. I dont want to down play your fears bc i had those same exact fears at that stage of my pregnancy. It is scary to think the baby isn't going to go vertical :hug:
With that said i truly hope it happens for you. And i know it's hard not to stress (i def did!!!), but you really do have a lot of time to get the baby flipped. And even if she doesn't flip by 34-35 weeks doesn't mean it cant happen...though i know it does mean probably undue stress to you bc i know i was freaking out about a few days ago and im now 35+3. :blush: Baby finally did flip...much much later than they like to see but she did. I hope you can have your water birth. They are amazing in every right. <3

As I wrote earlier my baby has been head up for a long time but finally turned at 32 weeks. Now I'm 35 and yesterday MW think she felt something hard down but she belived that he has turned to transverse. Next week I have a and if she also belives he is not head down I'll be sent for a scan.

I really hope your baby is on the transition to head down!
Something i had read on spinning babies site, that although transverse is NOT ideal-at all, especially when a baby has been transverse the entire time, she did say that if a baby was breech and then transverse for a bit, those babies are typically on their way to head down position. I really hope thats whats going on with you hon, but if not we are here for support.'s such a mind game and one that causes a lot of anxiety, so i hope baby goes head down for you...enjoy seeing your LO at your scan :winkwink:

Thought i would update.

Im 34+3 and baby is now head down but with his bum under my ribs on the right, so he's kind of in the right place lol

This is exactly how my baby turned head down!!! INteresting!

congrats on this hon! I know it's such a HUGE relief!
Couple of pictures...the first is a profile view of DD (we finally picked a name! Eva Victoria :cloud9:) She wasn't being very photogenic so it's tough to make out. She wouldn't move her first out from in front of her face, silly little girl. But she is adorable and has a cute little button nose and very girly eyes :cloud9:

The second is my bump being wrapped with the Rebozo in hope of keeping this little diva head down...was quite the challenge to put on by myself...will def be getting DHs assistance tomorrow lol
Thought i would update.

Im 34+3 and baby is now head down but with his bum under my ribs on the right, so he's kind of in the right place lol

That's great news!

Josefin, I hope your LO turns...there's still plenty of time.
Thought i would update.

Im 34+3 and baby is now head down but with his bum under my ribs on the right, so he's kind of in the right place lol

This is exactly how my baby turned head down!!! INteresting!

congrats on this hon! I know it's such a HUGE relief!

Thought i would update.

Im 34+3 and baby is now head down but with his bum under my ribs on the right, so he's kind of in the right place lol

That's great news!

Josefin, I hope your LO turns...there's still plenty of time.

Thanks Ladies, was quiet suprised really! He has been verified by the midwife yesterday and also last thursday at the hospital (went in due to him having a quiet day and the midwife was so nice she gave me a scan to reassure me and checked his cord flow etc).

Just hoping he moves round a bit as its uncomfortable when he decides to fight my rib cage! lol

Hope everyone elses babies co-operate! The baby wrapping sounds interesting!
Guppy, looks like we were posting around the same time. I didn't see your previous post until now. So glad your dd seems to be cooperating. I hope the belly wrap works for you! Your avatar says you're outside of Boston...I'm in NH. You mentioned a dr. Chase in one of your posts. There is a dr. Chase at my practice. How funny would that be if it were the same one. I hope you get your homebirth though...

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