Truly NTNP...

I'm so glad I came across this thread! We are NTNP, I had my Nexplanon taken out in the middle of February because I was having problems with it. We've talked about getting pregnant, but with less stress as possible. I feel SO much better since I've gone off birth control and we stopped using prevention(not sure if allergic to latex, but no matter what type of condom it was irritating to my skin). If I become pregnant then great! If not, then we will TTC later down the road.
Busytulip, wow! I LOVE large families!

Today DH says to me that he really wants to wait until after our summer trip to try, which is in 2 monthd and was our original start date until I asked to move it up. He says I'm crabby in early pregnancy and have horrible morning sickness, which are very true, and he'd like to enjoy our trip. I totally understand but still bummed though. We dtd twice without pulling out since AF ended this cycle. The last time I thought was near my fertile days but to be honest I'm clueless this cyCle. I normally get a decent amount of EWCM but only noticed a tiny amount So far. I had some cramping over the last few days but it wasn't one sided like it normally is. I also had 2 dizzy spells last week at work which was totally not normal for me. I said I wouldn't symptom spot but I just can't help it!
Welcome rescuemom :hi: Glad to hear that you are feeling better these days. :)

Nursekat-we are rather fond of our large family too. :haha: We still plan on 'waiting' until August-September. Although we've been NTNP. So I really understand what you mean when you say it's hard not to symptom spot. Aaaand that is why I don't buy Pregnancy tests before hand, I would probably POAS daily. :rofl:

How is everyone else doing?
Today is CD 18 for me and I have been feeling off for the last few days. Today I noticed some brown spotting, just a small amount when I wipe. I've never had mid-cycle spotting before so I'm hopeful it's implantation bleeding. I've had a couple of dizzy spells at work also. Im trying so hard not to work myself up but I'm not doing so well!
Sounds promising Nursekat! That would be brilliant to have caught an eggy so quick. FX'd :dust:
So I am new to this baby world. We are currently not trying and using the "pull out" method that we have used for 7 years. We are both still young I am 27 and he is 28. Recently though he decided that he did not want be careful( which if you knew my husband it is out of character for him.) Anyways it happened and what I didn't realize was that it was so close to my ovulation. I was fertile from Saturday- today and this happened Thursday night. I don't even know if it is possible to get pregnant but I have also been feeling really strange since Sunday. I have been getting daily headaches, twinges in my uterus. Last night I felt nauseous and have been having a lot of discharge... And today I feel crampy and moody. This would be out first child if it were too happen. I am hoping that it does. But what do you guys think? TIA
Hey Everybody! Can I join? :happydance:
I stopped my bc on Saturday, and just got my "period" today. So I will wait to see when my actual cycle starts again. And we are truly NTNP! I think if after 6 months nothing happens, I may try temping or 'trying' but we'll see! It's so funny how once you're on the journey every little thing your body does becomes magnified!

I've read all your stories, and really thinking good thoughts for you all!!
Welcome ccoast and uhlease!!

Sounds promising ccoast-looking forward to an update. :)

Uhlease it does all become magnified doesn't it? Haha
Hey ladies, just thought I'd check in :) how are you doing? I'm a little down since DH has started feeling a bit anxious again lately (he had some weird stomach issues and was put on antibiotics which caused his major anxiety so the doc prescribed him Prozac...which he stopped taking once he finally felt better stomach wise and no more antibiotics) but anyways he told me he started feeling anxious again and took a Prozac. He knows I want him to talk to a psychiatrist before just taking Meds some doc prescribed him so easily. I don't want to TTCntnp if he's on it. He respects my thoughts but I know his health is important too, so we'll see. That's where we're at. Then of course today in the mail I get the little football team onesie that I bought (for when we do get out bfp to surprise him) I figured I could hide it for as long as I need to, but now depending on DH we might be waiting longer. Shrug. Just feeling down. Hope u guys have a good week.
So I meant to come back and update before now but I've been a little busy with my kids! I got a faint BFP this morning! I'd love to post what my symptoms were but I'm still newish here and don't know if it's allowed! Haven't even told DH and I'm really afraid to get excited but I'm praying that this is my rainbow baby!
Congratulations Nursekat, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

Uhlease hope things with your DH are okay and he's getting some help for anxiety (it's such an awful thing).

I am now on cd39 with several bfns and no signs of AF... it's a mystery (a kind of annoying one at that).
Hello ladies can I join?

I was TTC my second for 6 months, I have PCOS and Endo, and me and my husband decided to stop TTC and wait a few months to get our finances back on track after we had to have an expensive car repair. I didn't want to go back on BCP since it took like 4 months for my cycle to regulate after I was off, so we were going to use condoms.

Then one night we were BDing :haha: and had a talk (after lol) and decided we will just NTNP, and obviously as we want a baby will be thrilled if it does happen but wont be temping, using OPKs or testing, as I was before this month. I am happy this way and more relaxed :) What I am trying to do is plan a date night with the hubby roughly around my fertile window, trying to schedule intimacy opportunities rather than sex, like I was doing before.
Congratulations Nursekat! :dance:

Sorry to hear about the weird cycle Berri, I can relate. :(

Welcome :wave:
Hey all!

Thought I might chime in as we are truly NTNP. (Love this thread BTW) We are trying to keep the whole process as relaxed and fun as possible. This will be our second cycle NTNP. Currently CD 20, going to wait to test the 14th of June (if AF is late). Hoping I can hold off until then! :haha:
Hey ladies- I think I would like to join you. I have just come off b/c due to it making me feel terrible. I am thinking we are going to NTNP while I try to lose weight. I am fairly certain I am not ovulating (took Clomid with DS) and I have very irregular cycles. So I thought NTNP would be a good spot to start.

If we do not fall pregnant I plan to start Clomid next May and let the OPKs and crazies start.
hello make story short i ovulated and BD'd good timing been having the twitches and pulling etc..AF due in 2 headache like usual..took test negative but went back 30 min later its a curved positive faint line...i heard some ppl read it later n were actually pregnant...y is it curved tho..i know its a HUGE possibility of evap line but just do i post pic?
hello make story short i ovulated and BD'd good timing been having the twitches and pulling etc..AF due in 2 headache like usual..took test negative but went back 30 min later its a curved positive faint line...i heard some ppl read it later n were actually pregnant...y is it curved tho..i know its a HUGE possibility of evap line but just do i post pic?

I have never seen that. I would be curious to see a picture. Go to advanced options and there is a paperclip that you can upload with. If you are on a mobile you might have to switch view to desktop to get the advanced option.

It might be worth it to take another test in the morning. That way there is no question. Fx for your bfp.
hello make story short i ovulated and BD'd good timing been having the twitches and pulling etc..AF due in 2 headache like usual..took test negative but went back 30 min later its a curved positive faint line...i heard some ppl read it later n were actually pregnant...y is it curved tho..i know its a HUGE possibility of evap line but just do i post pic?

I have never seen that. I would be curious to see a picture. Go to advanced options and there is a paperclip that you can upload with. If you are on a mobile you might have to switch view to desktop to get the advanced option.

It might be worth it to take another test in the morning. That way there is no question. Fx for your bfp.

Thank you..just posted pic....

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