Trying again after MC/MMC/Ectopic/Chem/Molar

Ok hun ive posted it on here

thanks x x

Hey, I have just looked there is definite faint line. Can I be really niaive and ask what is an IC, is it an ovulation test or pregnancy test?
Thats ok hun means Internet cheapie lol x Can you see now why my head been battered lmao unless im very early eg 8/9 dpo
Yeah I can defo understand it, I still think its odd that you would get a negative last week, that means it was out your system. Like I said when I had my mmc and d & c i remember doing a test 2 days later and it being positive then negative after that. With the natural my HCG went down quickly but wasn't overly high as a very early loss.

Poor thing I bet your head is wobbling, I would honestly then try and forget about it and only test again in a week, this would then be a definite result for you. So if you can as hard as it may seem, if I was you I would try and distract myself this weekend maybe do xmas shopping or planning, enjoy yourself and relax, put your feet up and treat yourself. Do this until at least Tuesday, when you would prob be around 11/12 dpo, and if you must test again do after this day, you will have given chance for any last hormone to disappear and and new hormone to surge. x x
I replied there hun, and like I said. I have to be honest - not to hurt you but the pure opposite, because I care - they look like the last positives I got after MMC. But, I didn't get neg then pos. Kitty is totally right, you have to try and wait now. Even though it is like asking you to not blink - you will get there. Hope with all my heart this is it for you!

Majm - I am sorry for your loss. I am not sure about chemicals, might be worth posting a seperate thread in this section? :hugs:

Tonight, I am having a bad night. I want my baby back and I want this shit to be over and I can't really think about anything else. UGH! :hugs:
Thanks hun, im thinking this too x x x :hugs::hugs:
Aww Draz, I hope you can manage a nice distraction. Its probably because your plaque has arrived you are bound to think more about your babe, its purpose is to honor its memory, to make you remember.

I know its hard for you and basically it is shit, its one of the shittiest feelings in the world. Sometimes its good to fight this feeling and to try and focus on the positives, and then other times its good to let it wash over you and respect the feeling. That sometimes helps moving forward as the hurt gets a little less and you do get stronger. You can still be grieving, but as callous as it may sound, you need to take every day as a step forward. As hard or steep the steps may seem today, you have to keep taking them, your on you way hun. x x x
Thanks darling, what a lovely way of putting things. :hugs: I just am, like us all, scared of so much. Not conceiving, losing another baby, feeling like I'm replacing Edan...sometimes it just overwhelms. I would give anything to be still pregnant, but it can't happen and I have to accept it, however much it hurts. I am just so desperate to me a mum. We all are.

Soon girls, soon :hugs:
Hey Girls,

Draz I can relate to you so much today, had a really down day yesterday. Was okay then just lost the plot, things were playing on my mind a lot. Ended up having dreams of pregnancy tests, having 2 children a boy and a girl, just a whole mish mash of stuff. Apparently when I was half asleep/half awake, OH asked what was wrong and i just said that I cannot wait to get the year over with, the last few months have been the saddest time for me. He got upset cos I am wishing my life away lol. I just see it as enjoy Christmas make it really nice but then have a new year start, which I really want to involve me being pregnant and conceiving quickly, with a healthy baby which I hold and share the rest of my life with you know.

I think as you say, you just want things so much, the strangest things set you off, my set off was someone saying how he would be a grandad, he has just found out that she is 5 months pregnant, a few weeks behind what I would have been. I think you just start to think about stuff. But back to reality and time to shake the cobwebs off. x x
Aww hun, thinking of you :hugs:

It is sometimes the littlest things which trigger all that hurt off, but you have to let it out and never lose hope that the things you are wishing for WILL happen. And fingers crossed, they will happen soon :hugs:

Yeah definitely, I know that my time will come, well I just hope it does. He was on the phone at lunch and apparently I also "last few months are haunting me". So I have worried him a little, I wouldn't say I was depressed but I do have down days and he really is wary of me being down, so as much as he doesn't understand all of it I think he understands more than he thinks, as he knows it upsets me bless. But I know its just because things were on my mind yesterday. Once I shake the cold, lose weight instead of putting more on!! I am an emotional eater and as such ate everything yesterday lol. I will feel a lot better. x x

These are scary exciting times for us all, bound to be a rollercoaster, but personally I love those rides, so you have to embrace it. x x :hugs: My energy needs diverting, I have no willpower and as such my fantastic diet plans are failing. Must improve the diet! I feel horrible physically today x
Hi girls,
Im having a down day, all the commotion over the past few days has thrown me completely i was trying with the pma but that at this moment of time seems to have gone out the window. I feel so stupid to have thought i could of got caught so quick!!! Had a neg pt fri but then pos again yesterday and neg this morning. I dont know what im more angry with the fact my body is all of sorts or that i feel like im going backwards, Im so down today i miss my baby so much today is the first day in 2 weeks ive broke down and cried x :cry: . To top it off ive been getting preg signs sore boobs, increased app, and very unusual for me low sex drive. But a few ppl looked at my chart and said looks like ive not o'v so its all in my head i suppose !!:cry:
Sorry for the rant girls just feel like one big emotional mess :shrug::cry::nope:
Hey Lolly,

BIG :hugs: hun, I know some days are bad and for you it must really be frustrating with the tests being as they are for you. Awww but don't apologise you are entitled to a rant. I know I am definitely not pregnant and I have noticed recently that I am off sex (v.unusual for me) and have gone dead weepy all time, which was something I just didn't do. Maybe for me its a minor depression thing.

But I think you shouldn't give up hope, you haven't had AF yet it is possible. But should it not be your time this time, don't beat yourself up, yeah it may not be this time, but you are getting to know your body - as much as you want to get this sooner, it will happen for you x.

Can I have a nosey at your chart? Is there a link I can go too? x
yh hun its x x

I have had a look and I would say its not a definite clear sign, but you have missed a temp reading around when you had the positive opk (was this an opk? or hpt?). I think if your temp stays up for the next couple of days then its another positive sign, but could be a sign of either.x x

I would be tempted to go the docs and have them do a blood test that would give you a definite answer as the tests are really confusing you hun. Sorry I can't offer much more advice to you hun x
Hi hun,
All the tests on my chart are opk, ive not put any of the pt down on it x x x x

Well I think if your temp stays up for the next couple of days FF will say it happened yesterday or today, especially if temps taken at same time. But I do think the missing temp earlier in the cycle ( i think day 17) is inhibiting your results and FF may have used one of these days as ov. I ended up stopping with the temps as I found it confused me and I didn't get the hang of it. Not sure what else to advise you to be honest hun. I still think with the pregnancy results you should go the docs. Am I right thinking this is day 23 of your cycle?
Have to say I think it must be something in the air as I am not feeling very positive today. I have come down with a bad cold and in all honesty I feel like absolute shite :(

Was meant to be going out with my husbands work for a Christmas meal tonight and I have had to say I can't go as I feel so rotten. I wouldn't think anyone would want to sit in a restaurant with me sneezing and blowing my nose every 10 seconds either! My skin is so sore from blowing my nose all the time :cry: I know it's only a cold but why do they make us feel so bloody lousy? I was meant to be starting on my Christmas present shopping today and all I want to do is curl up in bed.

This has affected my masterplan as I was meant to be starting back at the gym today which blatently isn't going to happen so that is going to have to be put on hold until I'm feeling up to speed. Am hoping I'm not lurgied up for too long :(
Hi hun its day 28 of my cycle which before the mmc was 31days :cry:

Smilieshazza: Hope you feel better soon hun, def know the down feeling cant seem to shake it today x x:cry::hugs::hugs:
Hey girls,

Lots of sad faces here today. It's such a hard time of year, so difficult. :hugs:

I am in complete confusion. By my cycle guesstimate I should be OV tomorrow (would of been before Edan) yet today I get the first neg OPKS of this cycle?! :dohh: I did the maths of what someone else suggested in timing the gap between ERPC and AF which would mean my cycle had gone from 31 to 21 days. I used pregology and that said I would of OV'd on the 9th. Guess which is the only day this month we didnt :sex: ?! :dohh: Is there any chance if you don't BD on OV day?

If you were in my position, what would you do? Carry on following the guesstimate, BD everyday until 17th and test on the 31st, or consider the 9th OV day and test Xmas? Maybe I will just carry on and see when AF comes and just follow on from there. I won't rely on OPKS next month but get back on temping.

:hugs: :dust:
Hey everyone,

I am feeling a bit better today, but still not getting motivated. Really want to just stuff my face at the min, so want comfort in my food lol. No wonder I am plump!

Draz, the opk's will tell you before the surge, so you should get positives up to 72 hours before you actually OV, the temp rise is usually after. There is normally a 5 day window for conception, which are the 3 days leading up to OV, the day of OV and the day after OV - although conception happening the day after the release is rare. I still think there is a chance for you this cycle, it ain't over til the witch shakes her broom at ya.

I think I would carry on as I am keep :sex: no harm in that, then I would test at new year, this would stop risk of any false negatives before AF was due. x x :hugs:

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