I'm so sorry about your losses Little J. We both MC on the same day 17th April I hope you get your sticky bean.
It all depends on your circumstances, how far along you were and how you feel before you start trying again.
I'm just waiting for results back from the lab... And then we will be trying!
We have tried for years and I'm not gonna give up now! I will be pregnant again
GL little j! FX for your sticky BFP! We've tried to BD as much as possible I've got a sore back now
If no BFP this month I'm getting OPKs so i know for sure when I ovulate!
Isn't it weird that I actually had ovulation pains and I've never had/noticed them before.
When are you first testing? I'm gonna test on the 15th or you just gonna wait until you miss period?
Hi ladies!
I found out on 19th April at the scan that I'd had a missed miscarriage,
I then had my d&c op on 26th.
As soon as I've stopped bleeding (currently its like a very light period), then well bd loads and take it as it comes. Hopefully we do get a BFP instead of af, but if af comes then my cycle I'll use opk's to try and catch that month.
Looks like hubby and I are NTNP this month. I'm so scared that if I take and something happens again I'll beat myself up for not waiting, but after waiting for over 3 years and watching everyone around me have their one, or more babies it also hurts to wait. I'm tracking and temping to prep for next month. It's nice to have others who are in the same boat...