Lone - Welcome!! We are talkers haha and we just about talk every day. I'm sorry to hear that you have been trying for 5 years. I'm sure that is tough. We just started a month ago and I have been on birth control pills for 17 years, so my cycles have been screwed up already in the last month... had a withdrawel bleed, them ovulated late, now my period is 3 days late and I have had SOME light positives on tests, but yesterday nada... haven't tested yet today. And being 32 and my husband 34 I do worry about having trouble trying. Also because we both have some health issues, both a little overweight, and 2 years ago I thought I was pregnant while on the pills because I missed a bunch but it ended up being that I had a large cyst on my ovary and a fibroid in my uterus. My period skipped a month! So now I worry that I have PCOS (I'm a paranoid person lol) but I'm sure the doc would have told me I did. They had to do an ultrasound to find that. Anyways, just a quick background on me lol. Also, I have the same symptoms as you and some more. I'm at 16DPO. Also no sore boobs and usually when I'm off the pill and about to get my period I have sore boobs. I got pregnant 10 years ago by accident (has a miscarriage at 6-8 weeks) and my boobs killed on the sides and the nipples and I THINK this was a week after getting my BFP. My boobs are slightly tender, but that's probably because I keep poking at them haha. You did one of those cool diaries! I love it! And as Die mentioned, I use the app Fertility Friend (but I don't pay for the updagrades) so that I can track all my symptoms. It's great.
Lady - I have no tried preseed, but I have heard about it. What is it and how do you go about getting it? Is it OTC?
Nix - No more BFPs just yet
haven't tested yet today, but I brought some tests to work. I think I get too impatient and pee too soon or my pee is diluted. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not pregnant and it's my uterine fibroid messing with me. This happened 2 years ago where I thought I was pregnant and had ALL the same signs and that's when I signed up on this forum. I went back and reread some posts of my symptoms recently from 2 years ago and they were all the same as now
EXCEPT I don't have pinching on my ovaries. When my doc discovered my fibroid back then, they did a blood test to check for pregnancy and then an ultrasound. I skipped a whole period, which is odd. Anywho, I had a large cyst on my ovary as well and anytime I sneezed or had sex it hurt on my ovary. I don't have that right now.
Die - Thanks!! I will check my CP today and see what's going on, but for a week now it dropped down super low then keeps going up and down lol it's undecided. And you sound like my mom who lives in Cape Coral, FL. She's always like "it's so cold we had to start a fire in the fireplace... it's in the 50s" I'm like "Mom it's 5 degrees here, so" LOL no but in the last week we had days in the 50s, 60s, and one day in the 70s!! That's sooooo not like Massachusetts at this time. Today we have like an inch of snow on the ground. March is like the last time we get snow then April is when everything is just wet from melting and it's more like spring weather. Our snowboarding days are almost up! I will be done when I find out I'm pregnant. I'm waiting on symptoms from you all damnit! LOL I have the same ones, but less cramping so I'm sad. I keep testing to see if my boobs are sore and they MAY be slightly tender, but I think it's from poking them.
Same symptoms that I've been having, but less cramps over the weekend
I'm at 16DPO today and hoping it's not just my uterine fibroid messing with me this cycle. It could be since it's my 2nd cycle since coming off BCP and even so, this cycle and last were squished together because my AF was early after getting off BCP, I Od early, but now AF is 3 days late. I also read online yesterday that on average a BFP is seen 12 days after implantation and that would be this Thursday if I go by the day I got a dot of blood. Hopefully I get some darker lines by Thursday. Getting tired of this lol spent too much money on the 'good' tests for this to be a BFN LOL I should have just stuck with the Wondfos I have. I'm almost out of them!! I think the Walmart tests are so cute. I bought some yesterday to try out. Anywho, so that's it for now for me. Monday... yay...