Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Hey ladies,

Die - what And odd dream. I dreamt that my SO cheated on me once and I wouldn’t speak to him for a day. It felt so real. I hate vivid dreams. I rarely remember them but when I do, they are always horrible.

Lee - you should test tomorrow morning with FMU. That will then be 32 hours (ish) from your last test. Got everything crossed for you.

Wanderer - same here, I’m uk. I’m so glad about our health service. I’m 35 this year so I wouldn’t get IVF funded. I just need my SO to pull his finger out. Which part of the uk you from? I’m south west.

I really hope the lack of boob pain is a sign. Who knows. I’m feeling a bit fed up with it all at the moment. I think I have a bad case of the Monday blues

Nawww sorry you're feeling down. Hope getting Monday out of the way is all it takes to cheer you a bit. And hope for you and for me that the lack of AF signs is a good omen. Felt like I had a few cramps coming on earlier but they went as soon as they arrived, just feels a bit tight around there. Who knows, maybe she'll make her regular appearance and has just decided to leave my upper half alone this month.

We're Northerners, Yorkshire-based - so I should apologise now for how often I slip into the local dialect when I write haha. I work mainly with Americans on an Eastern Time schedule, and it really amuses me how they've started copying me in emails now - I get 'aye' and 'ta' and 'cheers' and even 'ey up', bless 'em!

I don't think I could handle this process if my OH wasn't 110% into it tbh - he's more committed than me, bless him, keeps me positive and on track. He's been lurking in the forums longer than I have, every so often he sticks his head up from his phone and goes 'what's DTD? what's ecwm? what's a TWW?'. He's ordered pre-seed and a bunch of tests this week, and he was gutted when the nurse wouldn't let him come in for my u/s appointments - he wants to be part of everything, so we don't start to feel too disconnected with all this third party intervention. He takes me to all my appointments, even my blood tests. Absolute diamond he is - hope I can soon reward him for his efforts with a lovely squishy baby for him to adore. :happydance:
Oh my god Lee!!! I live right by your mom!! (Fort Myers) GUILTY!!! That’s so crazy oh my god! Yes we will all wear hoodies and sweatpants to work like I did this morning haha. Guilty too!

haha omg she and my stepdad are like 20 min from the Fort Myers airport. Well whenever we get down there to visit them again we will have to say hey and by then I'm sure we will be either very much pregnant and have babies hehe.
Hey ladies,

Die - what And odd dream. I dreamt that my SO cheated on me once and I wouldn’t speak to him for a day. It felt so real. I hate vivid dreams. I rarely remember them but when I do, they are always horrible.

Lee - you should test tomorrow morning with FMU. That will then be 32 hours (ish) from your last test. Got everything crossed for you.

Wanderer - same here, I’m uk. I’m so glad about our health service. I’m 35 this year so I wouldn’t get IVF funded. I just need my SO to pull his finger out. Which part of the uk you from? I’m south west.

I really hope the lack of boob pain is a sign. Who knows. I’m feeling a bit fed up with it all at the moment. I think I have a bad case of the Monday blues

Thank you!! I will definitely test with FMU tomorrow. I have been skipping on doing that because I either have to pee bad lol or I say screw it I wont have lines anyways. I just hate the tease, especially now being late. If I get to a week late without a BFP I'm gonna be pissed lol luckily I go in for a physical on the 14th so I'll be mentioning it to my doc whether I'm pregnant or not and go from there.
Thank you!! I will definitely test with FMU tomorrow. I have been skipping on doing that because I either have to pee bad lol or I say screw it I wont have lines anyways. I just hate the tease, especially now being late. If I get to a week late without a BFP I'm gonna be pissed lol luckily I go in for a physical on the 14th so I'll be mentioning it to my doc whether I'm pregnant or not and go from there.

Hope tomorrow's test works out well for you! I'm living vicariously through the successes of others right now, almost more excited for everyone else's BFPs than the chance of my own haha!
Lee how crazy would that be if you came down and we both had babies! Ahhh to meet our BnB friends in real life with our kids! How cute omg but crazy coincidence! Can&#8217;t wait to see your test in the morning :) FX FX FX! <3

Wanderer- Your DH sounds like a GEM for sure girl! What a good guy you found :) So many UK ladies here I love it so much!! Please don&#8217;t feel the need to refrain from your dialect. I&#8217;m honestly weirdly obsessed with the way you guys talk <3 It&#8217;s oddly attractive to me and maybe a tad bit jealous lol.

Anyways today was long and I&#8217;m exhausted! Hoping my temp does something badass and brave tomorrow. Like Idk spike up or something exciting haha. Would mean I ovulated today which isn&#8217;t true but my chart is sooo damn boring I&#8217;m over it! I showed my SO it the other day and I told him this is the app I use to record all my temps on and he said &#8220;oh wow babe that&#8217;s your chart? That&#8217;s cool!&#8221; Uhh kinda curious how he knew it was a chart hahah. I guarantee I told him at some point so I&#8217;m actually seriously SHOCKED he remembered that term I used. Cause remember I gave him full ttc detail. Temps, opks, cm, CP, O, etc. I bet if I asked him now what test I take to see if I&#8217;m ovulating he&#8217;d be like .. &#8220;they&#8217;re called the cheapie strip things you&#8217;re obsessed with.&#8221; Haha. Makes me wonder if he&#8217;s been stalking the forums lol. Totally doubt it and maybe my &#8220;chart&#8221; looks just like it is .. a chart haha. Although if I was a guy and looked at the lines on FF I&#8217;d probably be more inclined to say a graph. He&#8217;s a clever one though ;) And I think way more excited and into this ttc stuff he listened really well that night I laid it out to him. I know he&#8217;s interested in making a family with me but the whole science aspect is really not his thing. He&#8217;s more of a hoper that god just provides and &#8220;shit just happens&#8221; type of deal lol. Night ladies!! <3
Die - You crack me up every time, I know it was a nightmare, and the movie was surely to blame, now I kinda feel left out with you all having these dreams. I also had an exhausting day, and one more waiting for me tomorrow. Usually it gets very busy before the weekly progress meeting. Some Mondays I do feel energetic about the work, but there are those when I wish for a long weekend, today was one of those days.
Our hubbys are amazing aren't they, we are lucky to have such supportive guys in our life. Their attention to details are how they know what chart, cm, ddt means whether they are lurking on the forums or not.
p.s. I seriously need a change of weather, we are at 30s now, and a little bit of snow.

Lee - Yes, you can find it OTC, and I ordered preseed on amazon. If you want I can link the one I bought, or take a snap of the product if you want to search for it in store.
I am seriously waiting for your next test girl, use fmu so there is less chance of it being diluted.

Wanderer - This forum is one of the best, I got reply almost immediately after I joined, and I am grateful for the support getting from the ladies here.
I haven't really done opks before, so I don't know what to expect, may be my cycle will be weird, but I just want to know what happens, so decided to give this a try. I will update when I start to test. I am actually waiting for my AF atm.
Your husband sounds awesome, trying to be part of each and every details, thats just wonderful. I have to lecture my unwilling DH sometimes on every little thing I can find, lol. But he listens, I shouldn't be too ungrateful. So, looks like we both will be using preseed this cycle. Mostly people are recommending them, but there were some reviews saying it feels a bit unpleasant (sorry if tmi), that's why I was asking if anyone used it.
And, like die said, I do love the words you use, like 'chap' so don't worry about it.

Nix - I am sorry you are feeling down. It is sometimes hard after a weekend, hope you will feel better tomorrow, I will check back for any other updates from you.

Fx that af stays away from all of you. That's all for me now, good night ladies :hugs:
Hi ladies. I have been reading all the posts to keep up, just haven’t posted anything.
Lee- I hope to see your darker bfp tomorrow!
Wanderer- I have been ttc for 2+ years. I haven’t been to a doc about it yet. I always think just one more month. I need to just go &#128580;

My dreams are always crazy and weird. The stranger the tv show I watch before bed , the crazier my dreams get. I’ve been watching The Last Man on Earth so they have been weird, lol.

I can never wait to test, even if I tell myself it’s too early. I wish they more expensive sometimes so I wouldn’t buy so many tests, lol. I am 5 dpo today. I started to get sore boobs yesterday. I hope it’s a good sign this round. After ttc for 2+ years I think I’ve had every symptom at this point, lol. And not having a symptom as a symptom, lol

Good luck everyone! I am determined not to test until the 13th at least this go, we shall see.
Morning ladies, welcome zoey.

I feel a lot better today. After a stressful day in work yesterday, I think I just had my head up my ass. I’m on the late shift for the rest of the week, so I don’t start work until 2pm. A week of lie ins and catching up on sleep.

Wanderer, your hubby sounds amazing. A dream hubby. I’m scared to put too much pressure on him at the moment. He gets soooo stressed over the tiniest things and it affects him in the bedroom. I’d definitely say that he is the female in our relationship ha ha

I had a few mild cramps last night. They weren’t like AF cramps, more tingley. I thought BDing at be painful with them, but it wasn’t.

Lee - test test test and good luck
This is unfortunate :( I had to pee at 1am but then used my FMU at 630am and it was dark so that’s good... but I got nothing :(

I appreciate all the cheers for me :) I’ll reply back at work in a bit, but just wanted to show you all. I’m now 17DPO and AF is 4 days late. It’s sucky because I feel pregnant but mentally now I don’t. Just wish AF would come then.

I took 2 Wondfos because 1 has a dent in it


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Ah Lee how utterly frustrating for you. I hope you get some answers soon
Ah Lee that's a bugger, sorry you've not got your answer yet. Not out til the witch shows her face though... maybe you have a crazy long cycle this month is all... still keeping everything crossed for you

Ah, you're all lovely about my fella, thanks guys. He's the nice one of the two of us, you see, whereas I'm an absolute arsehole hahahahaha. As you say Nix - he's the girl in our partnership! Just a shame he doesn't have the womb, I could hand all this over to him and be done with it. Seahorses have it sussed lol....

He was raised by his mam and older sister so he's not squeamish at all about woman things, and they've knocked some manners and respect into him over the years too. About time I had a good one to be honest, the last two were horrendous each in their own ways. This one's a keeper, if he'll keep me that is lol. He's a bit poorly at the mo though, gotta go for some urgent tests Fri to see if he's got a stomach ulcer - or something worse - and so that's going to overshadow the end of this cycle. Doesn't matter how much we want to conceive, having him well is the priority. So if this cycle's a bust I might push back the Clomid and give it a miss next month - means next Clomid cycle will be May, as we're away in April round that time. See what happens Fri though, might be something over nothing.

On dreams... last night he dreamed that he was also being really mean to me! So god knows what that's about haha, maybe we're overdue for a major row - it's been years lol.

Zoey - I do recommend seeing the doc. It's so much less stressful TTC when you know exactly what the issue is (for me, not ovulating) and how to try and resolve it. Before that I was in the dark and thinking 'this might never happen for me' - now I think 'this may well happen for me as I'm having the right treatment'. I've wasted seven years in total just wondering why it wasn't working (though I'm now glad I did, the idea of having a child with my ex is, with hindsight, pretty laughable!)

Good luck!!

Lady - our pre-seed is due to arrive later this week. Although we don't need to use it til middle of next cycle now (presuming it's a trying cycle), we'll probably have a go at the weekend just to see what it's like hahahaha. I'll report back.

Symptom update while I'm here... Last night I had weird pain over my left hip bone, too high for ovary pain I think, and today I have a strange slight pulling feeling in the same place but on the right hand side. But I think perhaps that's my posture - I work at the computer all day, I don't sit properly (am on sofa in front room, not a proper desk), and I get such a lot of weird aches and pains. The older I get, the worse they get...

I've also got... not cramps, but discomfort, a slight but definitely there ache in the lower part of my abdomen, in the middle. A little AF-ish but not what I usually get. And now I've got one slightly sore boob (right one, on right side) but that could be from me poking it to see why it doesn't hurt yet.

It occurred to me that if I did O, but any later than cd20, then we have probably missed our slot because we didn't bd between cd20 and cd24!! So that's got me a bit downhearted. I only know for sure that I hadn't O'd by 11:40am on cd18, that's the last thing I can say for certain, because my follicles were still growing away at the ultrasound. After that - who the flip knows? :shrug: :cry: We got cd6, cd8, cd10, cd11, cd13, c15, cd16, cd18, cd19, then cd25... all that effort to miss the window would be a massive shame!!!
(Not that it wasn't worth doing for the hell of it hahahahahahaha) :sex:
Hi Ladies, mind if I join you here?

DH and I have been TTC#1 for what seems like forever. Wrapping up cycle 11 right now. AF is actually due today, and by the looks of my temps she's certainly on her way.

I've been doing acupuncture since last November. It has helped to 'normalize' my cycles. I used to have 31-34 day cycles and since starting acupuncture they moved to be more like 29 day cycles. Of course this cycle I O'd a little late so it's a long one again.

We're stressed and trying not to let it get to us but it's so frustrating when what seems like 'everyone' around us is getting pregnant and having healthy babies. We have an appointment April 26th with a fertility specialist to hopefully do a monitored cycle and see what's going on. Seems like forever away. We will get 2 more cycles in before then so FX we won't even need the appointment.

I've also embarked on a little weight loss journey February. SW was 167lbs which gives me an overweight BMI, for a healthy normal BMI at my height I need to get down to 140lbs. CW is 153lbs so I'm about half way there. I'm hoping the healthy diet and exercise with magically aid in this TTC process.

Anyways, enough about me. I know you're all probably well acquaited with each other but maybe give me your Coles notes on your stories to catch me up.
Hi Ladies, mind if I join you here?

Hi and welcome! These are the loveliest bunch of ladies I've found so far on any forum, so you'll enjoy their company and support I'm sure. They've been very welcoming to me :)

Our OBGYN said a lot of her referrals don't actually make it to the appointment, somehow just the thought of taking action seems to spur their systems into action and they get PG right before. Maybe you'll be one of them, who knows? FX!!

Didn't work that way for us though lol.

I'm 31, he's 32, been together 5 years - and trying five years too. He was a very old and dear friend (and one-time-one-night-stand in our youth hahahahaha), so once we decided to get together things moved quite fast for us - lived together within three months, started NTNP by six months in. Then found out I don't ovulate, so all the trying has been for nowt - but we're getting help and this is our first Clomid cycle.

Congrats on your weight loss, you're doing marvellously! Glad to hear acupuncture has made a difference for you - I've been considering it, I bloody hate needles but hell, I'll try most things once at least.
Welcome Zoey! It’s always nice to have the support of BnB! All the ladies on here whether trying for their first or 5th are so helpful and amazing! I hope you feel welcomed & FX for your bfp this month! How is your ttc journey so far? Do you do all the craziness like temping and using opks? Also don’t dee bad I don’t think any of us can ever not POAS unreasonably early haha! Good luck && keep us updated in your tww <3

I’m currently at my torture chamber job (jk it’s not THAT a bad haha) so I’m going to be quick but

Lee-Seriously wth? I’m so confused by your situation. I’m still praying for that bfp but I hope you get answers soon! That BC really does a number on its victims :( Keep your head up & have a good day <3

Lady- I totally get the work stuff. My job is so demanding but also can be very relaxed so I’m thankful and stressed at the same time! I’m so glad things are going good with you though! And you get to look forward to seeing your hubby soon!! <3

I agree with wanderer about icing vicariously haha. I’m honestly doing that with each of you in your TWW! You girls are blessed for every chance you get =D I’m still *just* crazy enough to test still on the 10th even though I know it’s 98% chance I didn’t even O :( FF said if you didn’t detect O your first month charting not to worry because since it’s so new that they might not be able to recognize your pattern yet. Too bad I don’t have a pattern cause there’s been no temp shift! BUT I’m still hanging onto that thread of hope they’re right and didn’t have enough of my info to see maybe that’s just normal for me. Doubtful but I’m a trooper y’all :)

56 degrees this morning!! 56! If it had been any colder last night I’d be the typical Floridian lighting their fireplace like Lee’s mom lol. It cut it close but we were ok with our normal amount of pjs and blankets. Oh I meant just me. SO is HOT no matter what! I was wearing a hoodie this morning and he was wearing his t shirt and shorts to work. He literally didn’t even believe me when I said that how cold it was. I even showed him and in the middle of the gas station (we usually follow each other our the door each morning and go to the same store for our morning drinks/coffee and to grab a candy bar or chips for work snacks lol) and he was almost yelling like “that thing is WRONG! There’s no way .. I’d be freezing!” And I said but .. but I’m freezing :( Haha but I’m always cold he said. True! I also absolutely must change into a tank top or t shirt with boxers, sofees, or some type of pajama shorts to bed. I can’t wear normal clothes to sleep in unless I’ve been drinking or honestly beat from work and end up passing out. He on the other hand sleeps in jeans and a T-shirt. Oh and also his work boots! I honestly have to take his shoes off at night otherwise he sleeps with them on and I’ve gotten a good kick with em during his sleep lol. Polar opposites on the sleep front. Except when it’s time to wake up because we both suck at it!

Alright my daily novel is done lol. Off to actually do some work =D Have a great day girls! <3

LoneWanderer - yeah I started it strictly because the blood circulation is good for TTC but I found myself really enjoying it. It's a nice de-stresser, I always feel great after a session.
Dream- of course you can “sit with us” haha! Total mean girls reference and I am not ashamed haha. Anybody is welcome <3 I love the idea of acupuncture! I always thought I’d check with my insurance on it. I too have irregular cycles but mine or way worse that that sometimes. And I should just say it looks more like annov cycles that turn into long cycles. It’s awful but I’ve started Vitex and I’m so confident that it will help regulate me just as the acupuncture did for you =) Also yes congrats on the weight loss! That’s amazing for you!! Are you on any certain diet? A lot of my family (and half the city- world actually) has started the Keto lifestyle. They’re putting tons of butter in their coffee.. it’s super good for you and prevents cancer from my understanding but also seems super hard to maintain. Lots of fat and no sugars. Not even fruit! Ugh! I’m kind of the opposite to you though, I am pretty underweight and can’t gain weight. My doctor never brought it up but after ttc to for years I think it’s the issue with me not ovulating and getting regular af. I’m so curious to see how your appointment goes with the specialist! Keep us updated for sure :) I’ve been NTNP for 3 years probably.. so I totally understand! My sister had three and she’s one year older than me. It’s really hard to see everybody on fb or just around town get pregnant. I never thought it would break me as much as it has! But good luck to you && we will all be cheering you on while you wait for your bfp <3 FX

Also I wanted to share with you guys what I found when I researched weight issues and ttc! I found that being underweight is that over the years as women our body’s have evolved like crazy! So back in the days of starvation and famine (not current day because that’s still happening obviously) but like beginning of our time days. That as a result of women that were so malnourished and underweight their bodies would literally just shut down on ttc! Because if they had conceived, the baby would have starved because, well the mother was starving. So over time our bodies learned this defense mechanism like if we’re underweight our body goes into this defense mode sending signals to not even conceive due to the fact that it believes we are starving and therefore shouldn’t be carrying a child! Ok HOW CRAZY IS THAT YOU GUYS!!!! But how completely unfair for somebody who isn’t starving and is honestly trying to get to a healthy weight regardless if it’s up or down in numbers/size and our bodies don’t understand because it’s just designed this way now. My mind was blown when I read all of that! Anyways that was something new I never learned lol. I actually gained two pounds so went from 110-112 and I told my SO I wanted to try and get to 115 and he said 120 would be better and healthier. He started making me daily protein shakes after work lol. I guess I should’ve never read HIM that article lmao. Poor guy <3
I run a Office and factory. I basically have to do it everything myself and am usually the only one here all day. I keep myself company with pandora and Netflix while I work lol. But I make really great money so I&#8217;m happy about that :) just definitely a physically and mentally stressful job. My guy does physical work too so we both are weak y&#8217;all when we get home. Makes dtd hard sometimes when we are soo sore!
I run a Office and factory. I basically have to do it everything myself and am usually the only one here all day. I keep myself company with pandora and Netflix while I work lol. But I make really great money so I’m happy about that :) just definitely a physically and mentally stressful job. My guy does physical work too so we both are weak y’all when we get home. Makes dtd hard sometimes when we are soo sore!

Blimey, bet that keeps you busy! Wish my job made me great money - I'm a freelance writer so pretty much at the bottom end of the pay scale hahaha! Plus I'm also by myself all day, but at home. Lots of people say they envy me the working from home thing - but basically it means I live at work and am never away from it, which sucks. BUT I don't have a bitch of a boss to deal with anymore, well I do, but she is me. Some days I'm tempted to fire myself... :haha: He works in the pathology lab at the hospital - great for getting my bloodwork rushed through ;)

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