Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Wanderer- I didn’t start temping until the two days before af ended or something like that. Definitely worth starting and not stopping for sure. I know some don’t temp during af and some do. I plan to just so I can see the pattern every cycle during my whole cycle. Even though yours will probably be more normal than mine haha.

Lee- Speaking of temping ... =D How is yours going so far??

All the fur babies!! I’m cuddling one of my two right now :)

I also think my cm is becoming more fertile (watery) and I had a +opk this morning and an almost + just now. I drank a protein shake though with a one hour urine hold though so it could be fainter than it is. Or it’s going to blaze soon if I start to see ewcm which I would expect to see following this watery cm. Who knows I’m kind of over it at this point but I refuse to give up so I’m just like meh it is what it is. I didn’t even temp this morning because I woke up two hours after I usually would. And my temp was high so I’m just gonna let it go for today. SO and I just finished watching Mother. Has anybody seen it??? There’s one part that just irks the ttc in me until I googled the explanation to this movie cause I was THAT confused! Now I get it but I swear me and my man were screaming at the tv we were so angry about one part haha.
LoneWanderer - the more stats you have the better, I would start right away.

Here's my boy. I have a Russian Blue girl as well but shes camera shy.


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The battle for an ultrasound scan continues.

It's cd10 today - went quite fast, tbh - and so my first follicle tracking scan should be cycle day 12 - Wednesday.

You're meant to call on cd1 to book your scans, but my cd1 was Friday afternoon after the department shut, and they don't open weekends. So I called cycle day 3 to book scans, and they said they didn't have a referral for me.

So I rang OBGYN, she put referral form in. I called u/s again on cd4 - the Tuesday - and they said 'yep, got the form, you'll get a letter with your appointments'. (I bloody knew she wasn't writing anything down, worked in enough phone-based jobs myself to recognise when someone's not listening or taking down any info).

I wait... and wait... and wait. Today I thought feck it, I'll chase up, maybe the letter's lost in the post. I call and the U/S desk chap answers - 'hi, yes we've got your referral form, it's just been booked in today, is this cycle day one, then?' They didn't even have a record of me calling on cd4!

Honestly, I was fuming! Haha. He was very apologetic and he's gone away to somehow squeeze me into this week's schedule - that won't be easy in the overstretched NHS - and hopefully to give someone a telling off as well. I'm now waiting for a call back with the appts - lets see if it materialises...

Rant over, anyhow. Back to work for me, hope you're all having a better Monday than me. :haha:
LoneWanderer - Very annoying!! I hope they can work you in for you appointments. and hopefully at times that work with your schedule. Arg!
LoneWanderer - Very annoying!! I hope they can work you in for you appointments. and hopefully at times that work with your schedule. Arg!

Aye, I'm so lucky to work for myself, at least I can shuffle stuff around and head up to the hospital on short notice - though I have to walk there as I don't drive and there's no chance of arranging a lift without a few days advance warning. Plus I've had to give up one client as I can't be consistent on timing lately. But many women would have to skip the scanning part altogether if this happened to them - there are very few bosses understanding enough to give time off on 24/48 hour notice, especially when there's four of these u/s appointments to go to over the course of eight days. :growlmad:
Despite all that kerfuffle, today is now shaping up to be a lovely day. A very dear friend is in town visiting his parents, an unexpected surprise, so we can have a long overdue brew and a catch up this afternoon, and I can totally freak him out by sharing far too much information about my malfunctioning innards hahahahahaha! :happydance::haha:
Hi Ladies! Have you got room for another? I just signed up here -- long story short, 2 weeks ago pregnancy scare, the hubby kinda took me off guard with how disappointed he was by the neg (children has always been a very open ended question with us). This, of course, led to The Conversation and we deciding to go off BCP to "see what happens". "See what happens" is NOT how it is working out in my Type A brain lol. So here we are and who the heck knows what comes next!

I loooove the fur babies -- I've got 3 of those, which sometimes makes me wonder if we are insane for wanting to add a baby on top of that.

Lone Wandered - sounds like a real pain in the a**, but you still seem to have such an amazing, determined attitude about everything. Well done!
Love the pet pix!

Die - I'm still temping and it seems to have dipped lower. I am now in the 96 range. So I guess it was higher during my AF and now dipped lower. Does it usually get higher during AF?

Wanderer - Ugh sorry to hear that! That's what I've been going through just to get my old doc office to hand over my medical records to my new doc that I just started seeing. Switched doc offices because my old office was 40 min away and my new one is 10 min (in my city) and it has a midwife. So when are your appointments? Do you know yet?

I'm at CD7 now and I tested last week once with an OPK, but not since. Not even sure why I did lol I was just bored. I'm gonna start testing today and compare strips because I don't trust my cycle still lol. My O day is a week from today.


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Lee, Die - Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

Its been hell last couple of days with moving to his new place. Buy stuff, put it in your vehicle, then drag them down the stairs. And to make the matter worse no wifi at our apartment yet. So being the drama queen, I have declared to get on a flight tomorrow if the wifi situation remain the same. Now I feel bad for DH, he is going through a lot.

I will reply to all once I get my wifi and use my laptop. I am really slow at typing with my phone. I'm CD10 now, for the last two days I have been testing with opks, all negative, pic attached for fun.


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Hi Ladies! Have you got room for another? I just signed up here -- long story short, 2 weeks ago pregnancy scare, the hubby kinda took me off guard with how disappointed he was by the neg (children has always been a very open ended question with us). This, of course, led to The Conversation and we deciding to go off BCP to "see what happens". "See what happens" is NOT how it is working out in my Type A brain lol. So here we are and who the heck knows what comes next!

I loooove the fur babies -- I've got 3 of those, which sometimes makes me wonder if we are insane for wanting to add a baby on top of that.

Lone Wandered - sounds like a real pain in the a**, but you still seem to have such an amazing, determined attitude about everything. Well done!

Hey Stella, wanted to chime welcome!!
LeeMcMee - sometimes my temps hang high through and a little after AF before dropping to normal pre-O range.

Lady_Alysanne - Moving sucks! hope you get some wifi soon!
LeeMcMee - sometimes my temps hang high through and a little after AF before dropping to normal pre-O range.

Lady_Alysanne - Moving sucks! hope you get some wifi soon!

Thanks dream, I took the liberty to call them up and the fastest they can set up the connection is on Wednesday morning. So I have one more miserable day ahead, and yes, rant completed :cry:

How are you doing, I know you all been updating. But I just lost track of things last few days.
LeeMcMee - sometimes my temps hang high through and a little after AF before dropping to normal pre-O range.

Lady_Alysanne - Moving sucks! hope you get some wifi soon!

Thanks dream, I took the liberty to call them up and the fastest they can set up the connection is on Wednesday morning. So I have one more miserable day ahead, and yes, rant completed :cry:

How are you doing, I know you all been updating. But I just lost track of things last few days.

Don't worry, I feel behind as well as there have just been tons of posts and lots more people haha but I'm kind of caught up. Everyone's basically just hanging around, except Zoboe who got a BPF :D

I'm a week away from O day, so I'm just temping and testing OPKs impatiently :)
LeeMcMee - sometimes my temps hang high through and a little after AF before dropping to normal pre-O range.

Lady_Alysanne - Moving sucks! hope you get some wifi soon!

Ohhhh ok thanks. First time temping for me. I also don't always do it RIGHT when I open my eyes. Sometimes it's while I'm sitting up in bed and an hour before that got up to tinkle.
So they finally called back this afternoon, I'm there 22nd (cd13), 23rd(cd14), 26th (cd17), 28th (cd19). Near enough, I guess. The chap had the cheek to say 'well you should have called back and chased up when we didn't have your form' - firmly pointed out that I DID! Not quite an apology, but hell, all booked in now.
LeeMcMee - sometimes my temps hang high through and a little after AF before dropping to normal pre-O range.

Lady_Alysanne - Moving sucks! hope you get some wifi soon!

Thanks dream, I took the liberty to call them up and the fastest they can set up the connection is on Wednesday morning. So I have one more miserable day ahead, and yes, rant completed :cry:

How are you doing, I know you all been updating. But I just lost track of things last few days.

Don't worry, I feel behind as well as there have just been tons of posts and lots more people haha but I'm kind of caught up. Everyone's basically just hanging around, except Zoboe who got a BPF :D

I'm a week away from O day, so I'm just temping and testing OPKs impatiently :)

Thanks Lee, yeah I'll do my part of catching up from Wednesday. I have started opks from yesterday. I'm impatient as well, you know we couldn't time this perfect. So if I dont get my surge within next week, I'm out this cycle again. So theres that. Are you keeping ur test strips? I have seen some people do that. I have thrown mine though.

Omg, the first BFP in our thread, can't believe I missed that. Congratulations zoboe!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!
Aww thanks lady :) ....don't mean to take over the thread with positive tests, but I just can't resist testing still!! ...we told my parents last night, and they were super excited, but as we thought would happen, mum had already guessed anyway!!
So they finally called back this afternoon, I'm there 22nd (cd13), 23rd(cd14), 26th (cd17), 28th (cd19). Near enough, I guess. The chap had the cheek to say 'well you should have called back and chased up when we didn't have your form' - firmly pointed out that I DID! Not quite an apology, but hell, all booked in now.

Hi Wanderer, sorry I'm not quite through all the posts, I have seen that you have been waiting to get these appointments. Glad that they were able to squeeze you in, good luck on getting some answers.
T minus 2 hours and I’m home free from this work day! Woo hoo! That’s literally the best thing I’ve got going for me today lol.

Wanderer- Oh man .. that is SUPER frustrating to hear! Ugh! That is good thought that you’re able to run over there whenever you need to and not have to schedule so much around it making ttc just that much harder than it should be. I hope it goes smoothly once you do get there though && as always GL ♥️

Lee- Your temp game is strong though ;) Are you having trouble adjusting to it?? It wasn’t as hard for me as I thought it would be! From what I see looking at my chart is that I only temped the last two days of af and it was actually my “norm” for bbt. I had a huge spike the day it ended though so who knows. I actually thought temps went higher during af but I won’t know until this cycle ends. Whenever the hell that decides to go down! Glad you’re doing good chick ♥️

Lady - Hang in there, love. I’ve never had an easy move. Every new house we moved to has been an absolute nightmare with lots of frustrated bickering between my guy and I. It usually ends with takeout or a pizza and a calmness at the end though lol. But we have never gotten to that point easily! It was actually so bad last time I swore that (if we had the extra money to spend) I’d hire movers because “I’m never doing this again.” Pizza calmed me down haha!. The no WiFi thing sucks for sure! Do you have decent service there at least for your cell phone? I have Comcast for my internet/cable and they’ve always switched us right on over to the new house the same day. One of the few perks and far in between perks with them though. I’m glad you got to see him though & I know the moving just honestly sucks and it’s no way to spend your precious time you get with him. But hopefully you two will get a break in just to sit and eat and enjoy each other. How long will you be there for again?? I know you feel like hauling ass to the airport lol but I say get some dinner and maybe even find a cafe or somewhere that has WiFi for now? Is there anything like that close by? I still vote to BD because that - could turn + tomorrow ;) Good luck & Keep us updated ♥️

Stella- Welcome ♥️ How exciting that one little “maybe” turned into full on (or half way) ttc haha. It’s very hard to be relaxed about it and the whole NTNP thing. We did that for a long time until I got a few nasty evaps last year on an hpt. Ever since then we’ve talked about really going for it and doing all the extras (at home) to conceive. This is actually been my first cycle really trying though. I know you guys are taking the relaxed approach but do you plan to do anything to help with all of this? Using apps or tracking ovulation? This really is a great group of women and i bet I can speak for all of us that we will be cheering you and your OH on during this journey :) Good luck!

Ok so nothing new here just beyond ready to go home. I am seriously beyond tired at this point and I have no idea why. Slept fine last night as always lol. I will say that my nips HURT you guys. Which isn’t normal with no reasoning for it. Aka not sure due to O’ing and definitely not from af so what gives! I wonder if I will start a breakthrough bleed or something or that Vitex is giving me nipples from hell. I have no idea but they honestly sting like a biotch! Not sure what I means yet —- keep you all updated ♥️

Aww thanks lady :) ....don't mean to take over the thread with positive tests, but I just can't resist testing still!! ...we told my parents last night, and they were super excited, but as we thought would happen, mum had already guessed anyway!!

Its about time we get some good news, and BFPs are certainly something that can cheer us up. So how did you tell your parents, anything special? I am assuming your dad is back in town now. And moms can always tell, right? I call it mom intuition.

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