Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Lady - I do keep my OPK strips for that cycle to compare and see when they lines get darker. I like to do that, especially since I'm new at OPKs. I will have to check that show out!

Now Im mad at myself for throwing them out, lol. Once you have a few, do you mind posting them here? I would like to see the changes. I will keep mine from the next test.

of course! I posted some last cycle, but that's hidden deep in here somewhere haha I took 1 today and I have 1 from yesterday and Friday. I'll post those here for now even though I'm not close to O day yet.


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Oh and I know I'm not pregnant yet and I don't want to jinx, but some of you saw that I had purchased baby mittens a month ago cuz I was HOPING I would be pregnant before we had a vacation in the mountains where we snowboard and I'd tell DH by giving him those... but I wasn't pregnant... I still have those, but I found this and HAD to get it... bought it on Amazon and it's a nice soft and thick material. I'll post the mittens as well to show those who didn't see. I'll be giving DH both of these to tell him I'm prego when the time comes :)

For those who don't know, DH and I snowboard :) and I took a pic of our 2 boards with a child's board we bought for $10 that will eventually be our FB announcement. I took a better pic in the middle of a blizzard last week, posted below. Before it was a pic against the fence with no snow.


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LeeMcMee that's all so cute! idea how we will announce it yet my back aches...a lot ...I can't find a comfortable way to sit, stand or lay! But it almost makes me feel more confident, because while I have symptoms, 'little squishy' (long story, but the name stuck) is probably OK! Phoned the midwife team today, but got answer phone, so waiting for a call back some time soon :) haven't really suffered with nausea much yet, but I do find sometimes that I'll be eating, and suddenly look at a certain bit of my food, and think that if I eat that again, I may be sick! Happened yesterday with leftover Chinese, I just couldn't face eating the beef, but could eat the sauce and the rice fine! Pregnancy is weird!
Lee - you're the best. Thanks for posting the tests.

I have seen your previously posted fence shot, which was cute. With that being said, this one with the snow is simply amazing!! I love all of your snaps, its gonna be something when we do get to announce, right? Ill be asking you for announcement tips, if I do get preggo.

Zoboe - Im super excited for you, cheers for those symptoms. Hoping you get your call back soon and they can get you started on this memorable journey!!
Yeah I'm brusied on both sides but not as bad as last time. The one side that got poked alot aches but isn't bruised vein so that's good but the other the lady was a bit rough, but then again I have such small veins they always have a fun time finding them and have to use the butterfly needle. I agree Lee, not looking forward to that with pregnancy but hopefully I'll get a few weeks respite during the first 2 trimesters and near the end I'll be ready for anything. I could post pics later if y'all want to be forwarded of "bad blood drawning" dun DUN DUUUN!
Tried to update previous post but it was having none of it; updated tracking sheet attached for cycle so far.

I know what you mean, it’s takes me so much longer to get over a night out now. I feel like a little old lady.

I too adore my tea. Ha ha we are so British! Someone tried to poison me with sugar in my tea this morning, tea went straight down the sink, how dare they ruin my Yorkshire tea!!

I LOVE your charts. They look amazing

Do you know, I've been converted away from Yorkshire Tea. I know, I never thought it would happen either. But the Sainsburys Red Label own brand tea is the absolute bomb, seriously. £2 for 160 of the buggers and my word, it's good stuff. OH and guests keep going, 'oooh, that's a great brew - Yorkshire? Tetley?' Like nah mate, Sainsburys hahaha

Funny you should say that. OH went shopping to Sainsbury’s yesterday and came back with red label. It’s amazing, I have no choice but to agree with you here. Tea is everything. I cant survive without it. I dread having to switch to decaf when I get pregnant
Thanks ladies for understanding my wifi and moving drama, now on top of it I have got some high temp from last night, not sure if I got the flu or something else.

Stella - So much information you have to wrap around your head, I completely understand. Like you I still dont get the temp part, I am sure when Im ready to give that a go, one of these lovely ladies will guide me along. I get the de-stresser part, normally we dont need the 'right' day, it's just we were too tired last couple of days. We are mostly done now, thinking about a quiet dinner tonight, lets see what happens after that. :winkwink:

Nix - Its hard to stay without internet, at least Im not alone in this. Glad that you had a fun weekend, but hangover are the worst, its the time when I promise never to cross my limit, and then of course I forget it as soon as the hangover is gone. Do you have anything specific plan for next weekend?

Zoboe - If it felt right, that was the special way to go. Great that you can spend a lot of time with your dad this week. I am excited for that scan :happydance: Let us know how you feel.

Canadian - omg, I am sorry you had to go through all that. Sweet of your OH to take the day off and help you through the day. I hope that you feel better today.

Wanderer - Good luck with the moving!! Its a nightmare for sure, but we do it when we need it. Bathroom being so far from bedroom, I cant have that either. So did you start your house hunting yet?
On preseed (sorry if asking tmi), are you doing the external use or the internal use? Won't be a fan of the cold part, but hell, if it helps, will tolerate.

Dream - Im at CD11 with negative opks. Enjoy your acupuncture appointment and :winkwink::winkwink: for more BD.

Well I will be ovulating this weekend so I will most likely be staying in all weekend getting busy ha ha. It’s the weekend before payday as well so I’m too poor to do anything exciting. Most likely just gym and housework. Boooo
Wanderer - Glad they finally got you scheduled in. Love the updated journal. I wanna keep one now haha.

Lady - I do keep my OPK strips for that cycle to compare and see when they lines get darker. I like to do that, especially since I'm new at OPKs. I will have to check that show out!

Zoboe - That's funny that your mom already knew, just like you said!

Die - I still have no idea what I'm doing as far as comparing the temps LOL, but I've been getting slightly used to checking it in the morning. I'm wondering if you are in a DPO and the painful nips could be promising :)

Stella - I somehow missed your first post, sorry! Welcome!! :) I don't understand temping either hahaha so anything I can find out I'll post for you lol I just started that last week for the first time, so we will see. Thanks :)

Nix - Thanks for the temping tips! I don't know what anything means, so the more I learn the better. So around 3DPO is when it starts to change? You should totally get a dog :D our pup is our baby. How did you get the code to add your FF chart into your signature? My app doesn't give me the code and I'm wondering if it's because I have the free version. Do you pay for your app?

Canadian - Damn! I had routine blood work done today because I have hypothyroid and high cholesterol and the woman was moving the needle around a little inside and it bruised, which never happens usually. And usually my arm doesn't hurt after, but it did. Then I thought... I guess I can't bitch since I want to give birth and will have to deal with that pain (also will have the epidural) AND they poke you tons while you're pregnant for all different reasons... *sigh* so that will be fun lol

Dream - Keep us posted with OPK pix :) you have reminded me to go take one now at work. I'm only at CD 7, but I like to get an early start to compare - to + and it keeps me busy hahaha

I guess we are all in the waiting game for the most part... zzzzzzzzzz.

Hey, your temps will rise that day after you ovulate, but ff won’t say you ovulated until you have had 3 higher temps. So on 3DPO you’ll get your red lines (cross hairs) showing your base line temp and day you ovulated.

I think I had to do the Bb code thing on my laptop. I know it was a pain in the arse to do it lol.
Tea is life. I will certainly cut down if successful but can't see me giving it up entirely. I've packed in enough things I love lately hahaha!

New week, new manicure (attached).

Annoying new Clomid development: BDing HURTS. It's seriously uncomfortable, feels like everything inside is low, tight and really sore. Apparently that's normal according to Google. Even the Preseed's not resolving it, though it is helping. This is meant to be the fun bit, dammit!! Still going for every day from post-AF to post-O where possible though, we're bloody troopers:haha: 6 days of the past eight - not bad.

Looking forward to first scan tomorrow, at least then I'll know how this month is progressing. Hoping for earlier O than day 20 this month.

Keeping busy with blogging and article writing this month. Coming up on 50,000 words produced for March - not bad, eh?

Last night I had the weirdest dream that OH and I were getting married, except at one point he wasn't even him, he was some random old chap I don't know - and I was okay with this - and then he was him again and he pulled a prank on me saying he wasn't going through with it because no-one he knew was there (but his friends and family were hiding under the altar and came crawling out screaming 'surprise'). And I didn't have any shoes on, and I got engine oil on my dress (that was nothing like anything I'd pick for myself) from literally nowhere. But it was generally a good do. Clomid has massively messed up my brain, never dreamed anything til I started taking it.

How you feeling today Zo? And how is everyone else doing?


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LeeMcMee - adorable announcement ideas, I hope you get to use them all soon!

Zoboe95 - happy you're not too too sick with vomiting and stuff like that.

We use preseed internally but only a fraction of the recommended amount. I don't get much EWCM. So I use 1 or 1 and a half on the syringe provided and that's plenty.

I take daily pics of my OPKs for comparison, so I throw them away once I've read the result. I've kept them for comparison in early cycles when I just started TTC but for me I found that after its dried and sitting for a couple or few days it really doesn't look like how it did at the time the test was taken and completed. It dries differently, sometimes darker sometimes lighter. They're not really meant to be analyzed days later. So I find the pics work better but I understand some ladies prefer or need to see the sticks actually side by side next to each other.

CanadianMoose - I don't know if it's real or if it would help you but a nurse once told me to drink TONS of water before going in for a blood draw and that helps the veins surface better.

LoneWanderer - Gorgeous mani. I miss doing my nails. I started working in the office of a food manufacturing plant about a year ago and you're not allowed to wear polish. If I do then I have to wear gloves all day which is totally annoying and so not worth it.

Well, I'm CD15 today. OPK is a little darker. If I test this evening I'm guessing it will be pretty close and thinking I'll see a positive tomorrow morning. So more BD'ing to come.


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Nix - Thanks for the info!! Couldn't mind out too much when I googled about BBT, so that helps. I feel like I'm doing a math equation with all of this LOL
Hey ladies—

So had a pretty big temp spike yesterday. Also started having a sore throat.. so today it spiked a little more and I’m full blown sick over here :( Now I know why I’ve been feeling just so run down lately!! I’m hoping these spikes are solely due to me running a slight fever and not the fact that I ovulated. Because I’ve been without BD for almost 4 days! But on the other hand my opks are sooo negative. Almost like I did have a + and now they’ve started going in reverse mode. It’s possible I missed it because the day before the spike I never tested that evening or the following morning and by the afternoon the following day it was real negative. I’ll be upset we didn’t even get in there but I’ll just be happy to ovulate :) And to feel better asap!! The remainder of my work week is going to suck. Ludens wild cherry throat drops have become my long lost best friend. Not that long lost since I got the flu/cold when it was really bad over “winter.” Oh and my nips are painful. Like Jesus take the wheel painful. But knowing my situation it’s probably all just a game and no ovulation has happened lol. But I am feeling awful so I have to go attempt work and be miserable all day. Try to get back later or tomorrow to really check in on you girls and see how everybody is doing <3
Die - Sorry to hear you're sick :( When I was pregnant before, I also got a cold. That's a symptom of pregnancy, so hopefully you DTD in time when you Od :)
Hi Ladies!! I finally got my wifi, wohooo ... and guess what I did first, signed in here. Now I can get some work done, I have to work remotely next couple of days. The opk test today got a bit darker, nothing close to positive I would say, fx I O before I leave DHs place. We DTDd last night, DH was again like is it your time? I told him its a good de-stresser I heard, even if it is not the right time, funny that turned him on.

Nix - BD sounds like a perfect plan, fx that you get your sticky bean this cycle. And you are planning to hit gym, thats wonderful! I am so lazy when it comes to gym, I literally make excuses like do I really have to go, look at me, I am too skinny. Then DH will go on and on about its about staying fit, nothing to do with how skinny or otherwise you are, until he convinces me to join him *sigh*

Canadian - I hope you are feeling better now and healing. I wouldn't mind a picture tbh.

Wanderer - Those are some gorgeous manis!!! Love love love it!! Good to see you are getting your work done, keep it up!
That was a weird dream, you know, I never dreamed about getting married, mostly I dream about (if it is concerned with DH) sometimes is I am having a fight with DH, and then wake up vaguely mad with him, finally realizing it was a dream. I guess that says something about me, lol.

Dream - good point on keeping the pictures, yes I do understand some ladies prefer to store the tests together. But it is advised not to read the strip after 5 minutes window, so that makes sense with the point it may dry differently. Glad that your opks getting darker, post your next test as well, won't you? Fx for your O and getting that sticky bean!

Die - Oh Die, I am sorry that you are sick. I was thinking about you last night, (like where is she??), I love reading your novel like posts so much... and I missed you. I hope you feel better and check back in when you can.

Stella - Hope you are having a better day than yesterday with some free time. Check back in and let us know whats new.
Hope you feel better soon Die!!

Lady, such good news getting WiFi, being without is annoying! the nails!! Used to paint my nails all the time, but now if I do, my big pulpy tries to chew it all off?!

AFM...feeling OK in myself today, but can hardly move. Went food shopping today, and must have looked a right state! When I'm standing up my upper back hurts, and when I'm sitting or laying down my lower back hurts...bit weird! ..midwife phoned today and talked through everything, she was lovely! She's also going to post me a whole load of leaflets about the process over the coming months :) first appointment booked for april 16th, when I will be 8 and a half weeks :) bought myself some caffeine free diet coke today to help combat the nausea when it arrives!
Lee - no problem girl, took me ages to work it all out, happy to save you some time.

Lady - yay, welcome back to the world of having WiFi. I too struggle to get my arse in the gym. I have full blown arguments with myself sometimes.

Die - sorry your feeling unwell, hope it passes soon.

Wanderer - I can’t see me quitting it with either to be fair. I love it too darn much.

Dream - very nearly + there. Time to get busy.

Zo - awww sorry baby is killing your spine, I hope that eases up soon.

I’m going to start opks on Friday I think. I’ve a monstrosity of a zit arrive on my chin. Also spotted one on my chest and one on my arse. WTH?! I look like a teenager
Ok res quick THIS IS INSANEEEE! Ugh I feel like I’m going crazy right now (mainly me just being a cry baby cause of the cold) with these opks. Blazing at 2:30 Pm and negative at 7. I really think I just need to chalk it up to faulty opks. I never even reordered wondfos but I think I’ll do that Friday. I’d like to have another brand to see if it’s me or the opks. How many surges can one person have haha.

Lee- Those are ADORABLE!! Omg it’s so cute! I totally wish I had something cute like that for an announcement <3 LOVE!

Nix- Weekend O is the best!!! Lots of time to dance ;) GL girl!!

Lady- You’re the best <3 So glad you got WiFi so you can keep in touch in here and keep sane from the move. So glad you’re spending good quality time with your DH :) Praying that opk turns blazing for you!! I’m gonna hone in on it and send it your way <3

Zobo- eek sorry about the pain :( But it’s all worth it! <3 Yay!

I’m really not much of a tea person unless it’s sweet tea hahah. Welcome to the south lol. I do love my coffee though! That’ll be the worst to give up if I everrr become pregant. I’ll be 28 soon and I’ve been drinking coffee since I started my first job at 15 haha. How can I live without it??! But I know when you have your LO it’ll be the easiest thing to give up on vices for them :) Hope it’s soon for the rest of us first timers <3 We got one down so far! Hope Zobo can spread the baby dust ;)

Yea really feeling awful and my OH had to work late and just got home. Brought me soup from the cafe down the street and some more cough drops. I need to shower but I can’t even stand up anymore lol. Think I’m gonna go take a nice hot bath. And hope I can get out to crawl into bed ..

Night ladies <3


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Heading off to the hospital in a few minutes for a peek at my insides. Fingers crossed for the nice nurse and not the nasty one. Should have a better idea how this cycle is going when I return. CD13 already - the month is whizzing past at this end. Once the TWW starts I just know it's gonna drag again.
GL lone! And thanks for the nice wishes guys,. 3 days and this is what my arm looks like, it better than yesterday but man does it still hurt!P_20180322_074916.jpg

Hopefully you girls won't ever get someone like this to take you blood, hubs was wanting some last night so we had sexy time but it was not fun for me with less than 5 days till AF due, but hey I love him and I want to be close with him. Now it's just sit and wait for me, hope y'all are doing better.

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