Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Zoboe - Glad you went though and trust me it's better that you went and they will figure out the due date and want to keep track. I was at my regular physical today with my new doc and to clarify I said, "So if I DO get pregnant before I see you next, I will just call once I get a positive test?" and she was all matter-of-fact like, "Oh YES". Your doc will be keeping tracking of all your pregnancy things and will want to probably see you here and there. Ask your midwife (once you get one) all these things. Definitely should go like you did though :) sorry it's not more fun, they just don't have anything to really check yet since the baby is oh so itty bitty. That's so strange that you didn't really have symptoms until you got your BFP. I guess that's a good thing though haha less to deal with.

Dream - Wouldn't that be something if we were due around the same time?! My bff is just starting to try now and just had her AF a few days ago, so she would also be due around the same time if she gets pregnant. I had her join this forum.

Die - Where are you?!
Last month I had so many symptoms, oh was sure I was preggo, but it was all from me coming off bcp...this month, I don't even know what made me test, I just decided to one morning, and bam there it was! My mum is coming round tonight and I'm going to really struggle not to tell her! I will tell here asap, but dad is away on busineas in Norway, and I want to tell them together really! We're so close though, wouldn't surprise me if she guesses!
Last month I had so many symptoms, oh was sure I was preggo, but it was all from me coming off bcp...this month, I don't even know what made me test, I just decided to one morning, and bam there it was! My mum is coming round tonight and I'm going to really struggle not to tell her! I will tell here asap, but dad is away on busineas in Norway, and I want to tell them together really! We're so close though, wouldn't surprise me if she guesses!

Oh man it will definitely be hard not to tell! I'm sure you're glowing as well haha if she doesn't figure it out, how long are you going to wait to tell?
Hey girls! I’m so excited we have one bfp in the group! Really hoping for more! Been having a rough few days I decided not to take opks today cause I’m just over it. Temps not rising after positives anyways. Thinking until I get regulated opks just will not work.. I do have thyroid test and hormone bloodwork in a few weeks though. So that’s good because I can’t go forward not knowing. If it turns out that there’s something majorly wrong I’ll breakdown and then deal with it after ;) Still at work so I’ll catch up later today <3
Hey girls! I’m so excited we have one bfp in the group! Really hoping for more! Been having a rough few days I decided not to take opks today cause I’m just over it. Temps not rising after positives anyways. Thinking until I get regulated opks just will not work.. I do have thyroid test and hormone bloodwork in a few weeks though. So that’s good because I can’t go forward not knowing. If it turns out that there’s something majorly wrong I’ll breakdown and then deal with it after ;) Still at work so I’ll catch up later today <3

I know it's scary in the bit before you have all the tests done. You think the worst - I did anyway - like what if they say it's game over, that it'll never happen, that something really serious is wrong? But in truth, in all the stories I've read on here and elsewhere, I've never heard of a hopeless case. Even folk with blocked tubes and low reserves and no progesterone and a host of health issues, still find their answer out there eventually. There's basically always something they can do, once they know what the cause is they can put it right. Could be as simple as not making the right chemicals at the right time - a pill, a shot, a bit of extra help here and there - and you'll have the best chance you can give yourself. It's a positive thing, even if it doesn't feel it at the time.

I was gutted, briefly, when I was told I didn't ovulate. OH was fine, but I wasn't - felt like I wasn't working properly, got me a bit down. BUT then we got onto what could make me ovulate - and as it happens, its working - and now I feel I have as good a chance as anyone else. So honestly, I do think when you have some answers you will feel better - I hope so, anyway. :hugs:
Oh man it will definitely be hard not to tell! I'm sure you're glowing as well haha if she doesn't figure it out, how long are you going to wait to tell?

Hopefully I can tell them both early next week. Dad will be back on Friday, but they are both going away for the weekend straight after he gets back, so probably either Sunday eve, or early next week. I don't think mum noticed tonight, I feel more yawny than glowy, but she had had a stressful day at work, so probably wasn't taking quite as much notice as usual!
Die - Glad to hear from ya! :D

Zoboe - Are you gonna do something cute to tell them? I always think about ways to tell them. I have a pair of baby mittens I'm gonna give to DH to tell him (to go along with our snowboarding) and I also JUST bought a bib on amazon with a snowboarder on it and it says iShred so gonna give him both. No idea for parents yet. Well I have several ideas and it all depends on when I get pregnant cuz my mom and stepdad live across the country during the winter, so I wont see them in person until June. So the closer to June I get pregnant the better cuz I will be anxious to tell them and don't wanna have to do it over the phone. I want to record their reaction. I love watching those videos.

Well what am I supposed to do now that I can't take HCGs yet?! LOL I'm gonna be so damn bored. I started temping this morning for the first time even though I still have my period. Wanted to see how it fluctuates from now till the next AF (IF I get it). In a few days I'll start with OPKs just to get an early start in case. DH was anxious to 'start trying' yesterday haha it was funny cuz I said "Well my period came, so now we have to start everything alllllllllll over" and he said "why don't we start now?" (being all sexy) and I got all serious like "Well technically I wont get pregnant cuz I have my period right now, but.... ok sorry let's just go have fun!" and so we did LOL poor guy was probably like "ummm I just wanna bang" lol so I will keep busy with that as well ;)

Out of work now and heading home!
Hahaha I think oh is kinda gutted it happened so quick for us, he didn't get to try as much as he thought he would!!

I've had a few ideas, but not really sure...I was way too excited telling oh, and just thrust a positive test at him!

In terms of parents, a local shop had a really cute mug saying 'only the best mums get upgraded to nans' should have bought it then and there, they haven't got it any more!! Not sure on other ideas at the moment!
Hahaha I think oh is kinda gutted it happened so quick for us, he didn't get to try as much as he thought he would!!

I've had a few ideas, but not really sure...I was way too excited telling oh, and just thrust a positive test at him!

In terms of parents, a local shop had a really cute mug saying 'only the best mums get upgraded to nans' should have bought it then and there, they haven't got it any more!! Not sure on other ideas at the moment!

You could definitely find something like that on amazon! That’s a cute lil quote
Sorry for the delay in responses, GYN said it's probably linning, it can happen some cycles if it gets thick and unstable due to hormone fluxes. However, my blood tests for Lh TSH prolactin and all that other stuff looks good and in great range. Which I'm relieved cause my mom has bad thyroid issues(Hashimotos diesease) so to hear my thyroid is doing great is a huge relief. Next is the HSG test at the beginning of next cycle and husband's SA to be done. Although, I'm getting some answers about what's going on nothing has be done or explained about the "enlarged ovary" and if that's the underlying cause of the infertility. I don't even know what she purposes to do about it.

Good luck with the HSG. You do get some pretty valuable information from it so it is definitely worth it, and I don't think everyone's experience is even half as bad as mine was. And they say you have a better chance in the few months after, as it forces your tubes open so there's plenty of room for the little swimmers to navigate.

I really hope this is the case cause I have a feeling this is the reason why we are not successful..that and the possibility of the enlarged ovary blocking path way til it's too late for egg.
Sorry for the delay in responses, GYN said it's probably linning, it can happen some cycles if it gets thick and unstable due to hormone fluxes. However, my blood tests for Lh TSH prolactin and all that other stuff looks good and in great range. Which I'm relieved cause my mom has bad thyroid issues(Hashimotos diesease) so to hear my thyroid is doing great is a huge relief. Next is the HSG test at the beginning of next cycle and husband's SA to be done. Although, I'm getting some answers about what's going on nothing has be done or explained about the "enlarged ovary" and if that's the underlying cause of the infertility. I don't even know what she purposes to do about it.

I have hypothyroidism and it has made me gain weight and have high cholesterol it sucks. I’m on daily medication for it so that’s nice that you don’t have it.

What were your level for your thyroid Lee? I'm wondering if I have that because my mom said I was on the low scale at 2.5(3.5?) for it.
Hahaha I think oh is kinda gutted it happened so quick for us, he didn't get to try as much as he thought he would!!

I've had a few ideas, but not really sure...I was way too excited telling oh, and just thrust a positive test at him!

In terms of parents, a local shop had a really cute mug saying 'only the best mums get upgraded to nans' should have bought it then and there, they haven't got it any more!! Not sure on other ideas at the moment!

I wish I had bought it when I saw it and saved it for when we get pregnant, but I saw the "keep calm" tee shirt but with a fun twist. It said " I CAN'T keep calm, I'm going to be a GRANDMA!", Haha I fucking loved it... can't find it anywhere now... :cry:
A ha ha Lee, keep practicing. Practice makes perfect.

Die - are you temping orally or vaginally? I can’t remember. I do it vaginally, less room for error. Hope you see some movement soon
I wish I had bought it when I saw it and saved it for when we get pregnant, but I saw the "keep calm" tee shirt but with a fun twist. It said " I CAN'T keep calm, I'm going to be a GRANDMA!", Haha I fucking loved it... can't find it anywhere now... :cry:

Aah that sounds a good one too!!
I walk my parents dogs most days, and I didn't realise how scared I would be of them jumping on my tummy! Lovely Freddie is only a year old, and a mega fan of cuddles, he gets so excited when I arrive, he just wants to say hello, but it scares me now!
Zobo- I love that quote!!! To be honest I’ve never thought about how to tell my “people.” But I bet I’d probably do the same and just run to my SO with the test haha. It’s sweet to do something special for the grandparents though!! It’s just exciting isn’t it?? Eek!! :happydance:

Lee- The snowboarding baby thing is honestly the CUTEST idea!!! It’s so perfect for you guys! Aw man I can’t wait until you get to do this and post pics!! <3 I’ve never bought anything baby related lol. I just can’t bring myself to do it! . I think it’s amazing to be like that and have something as a positive reminder and something to look forward to!! I’m a little jealous to be honest!!

Nix- Orally.. and I agree I can’t wait to switch!! I’ve been waiting for “a new cycle” to make the switch though. Hopefully I won’t have to wait too much longer but yes my temps are all over the damn place! Especially since it’s been so cold here lately, that hasn’t helped. But thanks girl <3 I just want a +opk and a temp spike! Not too much to ask for right ..? Haha. I hope your dads doing much better <3

Wanderer- Wow thank you!!!! Did your doctor ever give you an answer on why you don’t ovulate? Exactly what you wrote is how I’ve been feeling. I’ve put it off for TOO long now because the what if’s. The biggest being “what if” we get the news I am inferitle and just simply can never bear my own child. I know that would be such a stretch but I’m honestly terrified it’ll end my ttc days :( But I’m starting small! Will start with my ths and hormone panel because I feel it’s one of those culprits and hopefully an easy fix! She also has me booked for another ultrasound around the same time just to check up. My U/S have always looked great though so I’m not too worried about that. I had to do it for a few weeks in hopes I can use this time to calm down and stop freaking out about it. FX for that to work =D

Not much going on with me lately. Temp went down again. Woke up to it 60 degrees in the house and I was shivering! Wish my OH would’ve let me put the heat on last night :( He said if I really needed to that I could but he’d have to sleep in the guest room with the fan and window open. Poor guy has had a stomach bug these last two days. Hes finally going back to work today so it’s been rough at home with all the bodily fluids ha, gross! Anyways I just wish I’d freaking pop an eggy out cause I’m getting impatient! Work is crazy though so I gotta get back to it and I’ll check in with you girls later :) How’s everybody’s day going? Work, school, anything keeping you busy today?
Diedrik I so need something to keep me busy!! I start a new job in 2 weeks working at the nursery my mum manages (great timing, not sure how that will go down) the moment I spend way too many hours thinking!! Have just been for a nice dog walk in the sunshine though :) enjoy work!
Sorry for the delay in responses, GYN said it's probably linning, it can happen some cycles if it gets thick and unstable due to hormone fluxes. However, my blood tests for Lh TSH prolactin and all that other stuff looks good and in great range. Which I'm relieved cause my mom has bad thyroid issues(Hashimotos diesease) so to hear my thyroid is doing great is a huge relief. Next is the HSG test at the beginning of next cycle and husband's SA to be done. Although, I'm getting some answers about what's going on nothing has be done or explained about the "enlarged ovary" and if that's the underlying cause of the infertility. I don't even know what she purposes to do about it.

I have hypothyroidism and it has made me gain weight and have high cholesterol it sucks. I’m on daily medication for it so that’s nice that you don’t have it.

What were your level for your thyroid Lee? I'm wondering if I have that because my mom said I was on the low scale at 2.5(3.5?) for it.

I just went onto my patient portal to check. I THINK it was found in 2014 because that's when my online records go back to. It showed I was 3.35 then 3.40 a few months later, then I must have been on meds because like 6 months later it was 0.72 and range is 0.358-3.740 (mclU/ml)

In July 2017 (last time my blood was drawn), I see these results which are set up different than the others:

T3 UPTAKE 19 (Low) Range: 22-35 (%)
F T4 (THYROXINE), TOTAL 14.3 (High) Range: 4.5-12.0 (mcg/dL)

I have been taking Levothyroxine daily since.
Hahaha I think oh is kinda gutted it happened so quick for us, he didn't get to try as much as he thought he would!!

I've had a few ideas, but not really sure...I was way too excited telling oh, and just thrust a positive test at him!

In terms of parents, a local shop had a really cute mug saying 'only the best mums get upgraded to nans' should have bought it then and there, they haven't got it any more!! Not sure on other ideas at the moment!

I wish I had bought it when I saw it and saved it for when we get pregnant, but I saw the "keep calm" tee shirt but with a fun twist. It said " I CAN'T keep calm, I'm going to be a GRANDMA!", Haha I fucking loved it... can't find it anywhere now... :cry:

Here you go :) click the link,aps,434&crid=1TEOTHSH2LO8X

I have a hoodie that I bought myself when I was engaged that was bedazzled on the back and says, "I can't keep calm I'm getting married!" DH isn't a big fan of it anymore cuz I think he thinks it looks like I'm on the market if I wear it LOL! I have worn it and he's like "but I mean... youre married now" and I say "I just love the hoodie, it's comfortable haha"
LoneWanderer - I love that attitude. Way to stay positive!

I have cute little onesies to announce to DH and the grandparents. DH's says something along the lines of "Just as cute as my daddy". I bought it so long ago and can't remember the exact quote but its super cute. I also got 1 for each set of grandparents, also can't remember what they say. Just hoping and praying I actually get to dig them out of the back of my closet one day and give them out.

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