Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Wanderer - oh my days that’s hilarious. I love this country sometimes. The people are nuts!! Kudos to lift naughties.

Lady and dream - woo hoo OVULATION time. Let’s get busy

Die - yay for CH. I hope they stay.

I’m going to start opks today. Managed to get a good BD session in last night after my swim. I felt dead but made an effort.

Canadian - ouchie that looks sore.

Just a quick message as I’m getting ready to go to work, so glad its Friday
Lady- yea this month is a tad exciting, just hope I feel OK on the wedding day!! Also starting a new job on 2nd April! ...busy busy busy! ...I've changed job role slightly given circstances, so I will be cover staff, so mainly covering for sickness, holiday etc, which means I can have time off when I need it :) ...definitely not eating for two yet, stuggling to eat for one some days!! ...its really odd I'll suddenly be disgusted by a food half way through a meal. Eg. The other day I had beef and broccoli in oyster sauce (had to google it, yes we're allowed to eat it!!) From the Chinese, was really enjoying it, then suddenly half way through the beef really turned my stomach, but I could still eat the broccoli, oyster sauce and rice fine! ...weird!! ...stew was good last night though :) good luck to all those nearly pos opks!
Wanderer - Bagel incident is certainly funny. And wow, you did it in lift. I am sure you all ladies did something daring back in the days, I am probably the only boring one who doesnt have anything like that, I guess that adds one more thing in the bucket list, and its never too late, right?

NEVER too late hahaha! Our favourites are still a picnic bench overlooking the sea - by the river during a walk on holiday - on a climbing frame (best not to ask with that one). Gotta keep things interesting lol.

We were supposed to be having last night off from BD - we knew I wouldn't O yesterday based on scan so would have been a good time to rest. Buuuuuut it didn't work out that way lol. OH took a small amount of persuading, but I certainly know how to get my way ahahaha. Last couple of times have been way less sore than it was right after the Clomid dose, back to enjoying it again so that's a relief.

Late last night I spotted the closest thing I've ever produced to EWCM on my own - still the usual creamy lotiony stuff I tend to get, but a little bit stretchy..? So I'm taking that as a positive sign that I'm approaching O. FX for me!!!!!!! See what this scan says later this afternoon, hopefully it shows progress.

Canadian - sorry the bloodwork tech butchered your arm. A little bruising is normal, but that is certainly not. Demand a smaller needle next time, drink a ton of water beforehand - and if it's the same person, run a mile hahaha! Some people have the knack for blood draws and some don't. I make sure to only see the same person now, because she's great. But I get to be picky as OH was a phlebotomy tech himself until recently. Still, you have the right to not be brutalised, so get them told.

Die - I have an Instagram - - with a little bit of manicure porn thrown in - go have a peek, and give it a follow if you're on there ;) I'm very jealous that you are in Florida, especially looking out at the UK weather today. It is grey, wet and grim! Hope your cold is starting to ease up. Feeling ill is rubbish at the best of times, but when it messes with a TTC cycle it's awful. FX you've got O still to come.

GL to the ovulators, hope you're getting busy and making babies :happydance::happydance:

Aaaaaaand - it's only bloody Friday girls! Wooooo, weekend!!!! :happydance::thumbup:
LeeMcMee - Looking good on those OPKs, just about there. Baby Dust to you!

Zoboe95 - that is totally weird with the food aversions half way through. I'm memorized but that kind of stuff though. I mean it's annoying but so cool at the same time that your tiny little seed is def in you and already effecting your life. warms my heart.

LoneWanderer - sending you good vibes for your scan today. FX you've got amazing follies.

Happy Friday to all of you. So happy to be almost done with this week of work.

It looks like I MAY have ovulated yesterday based on my temp. My OPK is still positive today but not as blazing dark as yesterday. I've never O'd on othe first day of my positive before so I dunno. We will see what my temps and FF say over the weekend. We're going to get one more BD in tonight for good measure as today was the last day of FF's predicted fertile window.
Zo - you going off your Chinese halfway through reminded me of a friend of mine. She got a Chinese takeaway one night, and boy was she unwell the next day. She took to Facebook to complain, slating the takeaway, telling people not to go there, calling them every name under the sun for giving her food poisoning. Then, about a week later, she very sheepishly posted that apparently she was pregnant and that was actually why she was so ill!!!! :haha:
LoneWanderer/Zoboe, that is too funny with the Chinese. When my dear friend was pregnant with her daughter last year, she started slowly not liking this and then that and then this... until by the end all she could stomach was Chik-fil-A, and only if it had their special sauce on it. I love her, so I went with her to lunch every day like she asked, but I don't think I will ever touch Chik-fil-A again haha. (And pregnancy brain, by the way, was proven real too lol)

Lady, I'll post some OPKs, you're right, that might be fun! Also, I am not sure what I am seeing, one day they are dark and the next they are almost invisible, so maybe another pair of eyes will help. Thank you :)
Wow, looks like a number of us DTD last night, I guess we are at the fun part of ttc atm, I certainly am! I got a +opk today, at least that is what I think. Since O can happen between 12 - 48 hours, I might have to convince DH to BD before dinner, as soon as he gets home, poor guy!! Now the problem is I don't temp, I have no idea how to make sure I did O, and also girls, what do you suggest? How many nights should I continue BD including tonight to be on the safe side?

Lee - I know exactly what you mean, as soon as DH is off to work, I am on this forum, before starting my work. Those lines are certainly getting darker, how about the one you did today? I am guessing you may have a +opk like me, fx!!!!! And post update when you can.

Nix - let us know how the test goes once you start. Fridays are always good, Mondays are the worst. Wishing you a happy weekend and lots of activity!!

Zoboe - That's new for me, I haven't heard not liking the food half way through. I love learning these new things. I am glad you enjoyed your stew!! Like Dream said, it is such a wonderful thing that your tiny bean is effecting your life already. I understand that you swapped the work responsibility, it is always good to work when you are pregnant, but you do need those flexibilities. This time is so unpredictable, I am glad you have that in your job. BTW when is your friend's wedding?

Wanderer - Cheers on getting something close to EWCM. I also got some today, the stretchy ones. That bit about your friend complaining about chinese food and later finding shes pregnant totally cracked me up. And seducing your OH is the right way to go, I am proud of your girl!! And GL for your appointment today.

Dream - Happy Friday hun!! I am sending :babydust: your way. Definitely, go for another one tonight, I was also gonna ask, how many days we should continue after getting a positive?

Stella - That is so nice of you, now you know who is gonna join you for lunch once you are preggo,lol. Yeah, post those opk pics, I am new to doing opks, these ladies have been helping me a bunch!

Here, attaching my opk. The upper one is taken today, I am chalking that up as a positive. The lower one is from yesterday, when the line started to get darker.


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Lady_Alysanne - I would suggest BD'ing at least until your OPK turns negative again. I try to dtd until at least 1dpo but without temping you won't know for sure. Hard to say.
Stella - Oh yes usually you guys get tons of snow!

Lady - I attached my updated tests. I'm CD11 today and this morning I took (1) Wondfo and (1) $ Tree and the $ tree was actually negative but the Wondfo was still positive. I took another just now and it almost looked positive, but it looks negative so my surge has passed. We BD around 11:30pm last night, so hopefully we catch it :) as far as when to BD, I mean I did last night and we wont tonight I'm sure since we have company staying the night, but then I want to do it again tomorrow night. If you BD tonight you are probably good to wait until Sunday if you want. I'll leave this here (what I just typed), but I just read what dreamer said and that's a good point. I myself am just waiting until Saturday night since we have company tonight and I'm at the end of my surge now.

Dream - Thank you!! Now the TWW begins ugh lolol

AFM... my temp rose slightly this morning (pic below) and as I mentioned to Lady above, today I'm CD11 (or I just now at O day) and we have company staying the night so I don't think we will BD tonight since we are getting up early tomorrow and our room touched the guest room lol our bed is literally touching that wall. Tomorrow driving 3 hours north to New Hampshire with the other couple to snowboard at my fave mountain.

Looking at my pic below, (sorry it's squished) CD10 at 11pm my lines were both very dark (lighter since they dried). At CD11 at 7am (this morning) they were also very dark. Now at CD11 at 10am (an hour ago) it still LOOKS positive but it's actually just getting negative. Easier to see in person. The 2 tests that aren't blue on the right side are $ tree tests. the one I took this morning with the same pee was negative. I trust the Wondfos more.

Weird thing is after telling FF that I had a positive OPK yesterday and negative today, it's not changing my O date from Monday to today. Oh well. I can tell by the tests I took that I had my surge from give or take 11pm last night to some time after 7am today because 11pm I was positive, 7am I was positive, and now at 10am I was negative. My guess is because it's going by my temps.

Sorry I didn't reply to everyone right now, there are just so many things to reply to lol but I'm reading.

It IS funny that a bunch of us BD last night haha love how we are all pretty much on the same cycle. Post pix of your OPKS!

Add me on FB if you want, Zoboe did :)

Instagram: pinkbury


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Lee - I would also say CD10 was your day girl, and happy that you squeezed in BD in time. Fx for that sticky bean. Great that you have a fun filled weekend ahead, good luck with that! And post some mountain pics perhaps if you want.

I decided to continue BD until Sunday, I will be leaving on Monday afternoon. So I am not sure if we will be able to do it on that day. Fx that I O by that time and catch that bean!!
Lady - Good idea! I'm gonna see if DH will BD tonight haha but definitely tomorrow night as well and Sunday. Luckily sperm live for 3-5 days inside. FX! I will def post some mountain pix when I get back :)

I just took a better pic of my results and put a pink dot on the surge tests from 11pm last night and 7am this morning, but it was a better surge at 11pm last night. It's harder to tell after the tests dry lol

2 pix of the same tests so you can see a close up view and another view w/ details. Have a great weekend everyone! I'll check in when I'm not snowboarding :D


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Aah the food stories are so funny!!

Lady - the wedding is 2 weeks tomorrow, so very exciting. Its a full weekend away for us because my bestie lives 3 hours away. I moved from Hampshire to Staffordshire (UK) a few years ago with my family, but still talk to my lovely best friend every day! ...I was going to announce to her today, but she popped up this morning to announce that they've finally had an agreement on a rental house and will be moving in straight after their honeymoon. I didn't want to try to one up her, so will try again in a few days!! The wedding is at a zoo, with a hotel and a big grand house, I can't wait!!
Morning ladies.

Ha ha wanderer I’m just as bad. I practcally started dry humping OH last night. I just Connor control myself around ovulation. My body just wants him. Is amazing :haha: I get zero complaints from him about it. He is a man after all.

Here’s my opk for today. Taken at 9am this morning. That’s as positive as I’ve ever see. May do another this afternoon to see whether it gets stronger. We’ll be at it like rabbits tonight no doubt :blush:

Just a quick message because I’m in work on overtime today. No rest for the wicked


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Lee - Thanks for posting your opks, those side by side definitely makes it easier to compare. Hope you DTD again last night, :happydance: its funny, but most of us being in same cycle is encouraging me more to BD. You are probably driving today, have a safe one and have loads of fun!!

Zoboe - That is so thoughtful of you. :thumbup: Thats what best friend are supposed to do. Unfortunately, I have heard stories, even here, that besties trying to top each other, whether with pregnancy or wedding announcements. I wish people were more like you. The wedding sounds so much fun and something to look forward to, I am excited for you!

Nix - Thats funny what those hormones do to us. That line sure is a dark one, post the other test too if you like. Most importantly, get busy :winkwink:

Die - I know you haven't been updating girl, I hope you feel a bit better. Come back soon! :hugs:

AFM, I think i got another positive or very close to +opk today. Guess my surge stays longer. Its all fun knowing these about my body.
Nix- yay! Keep testing because it might be even more positive later today or first thing in the morning. Just keep having sex all weekend ha ha. That’s a nice dark line though. It’s funny you mention that you want your husband around the time you’re ovulating because I don’t know the last time I ovulated since I was always on birth control pills but in the last week I have been wanting my husband like crazy ha ha he’s definitely enjoying it

Lady - I hear you on that. It is very encouraging having all of us are on the same cycle days. I’m at the mountain now but I’m all done snowboarding for the day but my husband and our friends are still out. The conditions were perfect today and they haven’t been like this and a couple years now. I attached some pictures below. Hope everything is going well :) and I’m glad to hear you got another positive.

Sorry I didn’t reply to everyone but I’m so beat ha ha it was a great day the mountain and I’m still here chilling in the lodge alone.

In the pictures I’m the one with the white coat and helmet in the front and my husband is behind me. Two of our friends are behind him and there are two others not in the picture. The view of the mountains is Mount Washington which is the biggest mountain on the East Coast. In the photo of legs... those are my legs just chilling in the lodge ha ha I’m not sure why it uploaded the picture upside down


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So I know it’s super early but today I felt so nauseous today for a good chunk of the day. I think it might be car sickness from our travels since I was in the backseat, but I felt it out of the car a little bit as well. Only type of possible symptom so far. Maybe from ovulation?
Hey all sorry I've been MIA for a while, we had to set up a new bed and sheets for my mother. She will visit in a few weeks and the cats accidentally got lock downstairs a few months back ruining the bed/sheets. Anyways, sounds like everyone is having a good time and O'ing together or nearly together (zobo excluded of course ;P) as for me, been unusually cramping last day or two before AF and just had tinge of pink in my CM. Feeling pretty normal and still expecting AF ether Monday or Tuesday.
Lee - Pictures look awesome. The first one, from all of your face, it is clear you are excited and having some good fun. I haven't really googled ovulation symptoms, I just know there could be slight cramp. But I will look that one up for you.

Canadian - No worries girl, hope your hand is okay now. Your mom is visiting, thats exciting!! Fx that witch stays away, and that twinge of pink is IB. GL!!

AFM, I got a negative opk today, so I'll stop testing this cycle, considering I already got my surge. Looking forward to one more BD, before leaving tomorrow.

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