Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Girls, I need advice. Posting my opks, upper image from yesterday, lower one taken today. I am guessing I may get a positive tomorrow. Do you think I should test again in the afternoon or testing tomorrow is fine. We will definitely squeeze in some BD tonight, just in case. Please please let me know what you think.


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If you're bd'ing tonight either way, then taking a test is purely about peace of mind. If you feel you want to know as soon as its positive, then test again just in case, but if you're happy to go with the flow, try again in the morning. I found mine stayed positive for about a day, so you may not miss it anyway, but its down to how you feel :) good luck!
Lady I’d be BDing tonight as well, your surge could be anytime between now and tomorrow. Cover all bases
Woooo, back from appointment, feeling great. Nurse was one I've not had before, and lovely. Showed me the screen and talked me through everything, very reassuring. Looks like the right ovary is the one to watch this month, two 16mm follicles growing nicely. Left has a ton of little ones but they're not really worth bothering about. She thinks based on the scan, Monday or Tuesday will be O day. Back tomorrow late afternoon for a second u/s, so hopefully there'll be some progression overnight. From what I understand, follicles grow 2mm per day and anything over 18mm is ready for ovulation - though 20mm+ is the ideal. Going to be a busy weekend haha - though, annoyingly, we're away for a family birthday on Sunday and travelling back really late. OH suggested we might need to sneak a BD in on train on way back haha!
Zoboe95 - Happy 5 weeks!

Die - I've tried Wondfo and Easy@Home OPK simultaneously to see if the results varied and they were the same. So now I just reorder whatever I can find cheapest at that time. Not sure about any other brands.

Matcha Tea is my Vibranium - I hope you guys have seen Black Panther or that reference will make ZERO sense.

CanadianMoose - oh man that's a nasty bruise. I had one like that, but only once. The nurse was completely incompetent .

Lady_Alysanne - I suspect that OPK will be positive by tomorrow morning but def wouldn't hurt to test again this evening. I don't know how long you usually get your positive for but you wouldn't want to miss it. But like you said, it's close so for sure get that BD in tonight. Good luck!

LoneWanderer - Train BD sounds sexy, I support that fully. lol

Well its CD16 for me and also +OPK day. Woohoo!


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Zoboe - Sorry about your back dear. Hoping for your smooth journey. Those leaflets sound something, I would be reading through them all, you know, and become one of those annoying know-it-all mom-to-be, lol. And first appointment in less than a month :happydance::happydance: all that is so exciting!! Keep us posted, I want to know every tiny details!

Die - Your prayer did come my way I hope, got a much darker line today. So thank you for that! Your first one sure looks like a +opk, not sure whats happening with the tests. Maybe the illness is making the tests go wrong, or they were faulty. Try to get more rest hun, and eat as much as you can. Prayers for your speedy recovery ...

Canadian - That bruise looks terrible, and to think how it looked before 3 days. I am really sorry again you had to go through all that poking around, hope and pray that it heals faster.

Wanderer - Glad that you got your appointment done and had a nice nurse. Let us know how the second one goes. BD in train sure sounded naughty to me. But as you mentioned, I don't have experience riding it either. So, theres no way?

Zoboe, Nix, Dream - Thanks ladies for your responses. I will probably wont test again (maybe!!). But surely I will not miss BD tonight, I almost shoved the test under DH nose like "what do you think?" He was confused and then asking me, "erm, tell me what are we looking for?" I shouldn't have done that, I guess, lol. Who knew only getting a darker line could make you that excited!

Dream - Congratz on that blazing opk, time to get naughty and busy then. :happydance: GL!
LOL no never! Not conducive for such naughty behaviour? No washroom?

They are basically just hollow tubes of despair, horrifically dirty outside and in, overpacked with angry people who've paid £100+ for a reserved seat ticket yet they are left sat on their bags in the aisle. Often the toilets are broken, filled with fare-dodgers, or just entirely inaccessible due to the mass of people. And if both of you leave your seats, you'd better carry all your bags with you or someone will steal them - and don't expect your seat back either.

A few months ago there was a mass brawl on a British train because somebody kept going round putting bagels on people's heads. I kid thee not.

Oh, and they're pretty much the only public place, other than pubs, where drinking alcohol is still acceptable. This is not seen as an invitation, but a challenge.

Now, the station on the other hand, that's a definite possible. Back in the day, we once did it in a lift between station floors. The doors opened on us at one point, thankfully nobody was there, but they could well have been. Fairly sure it had CCTV but to my knowledge, we've not appeared in a viral video hahahahahaha
Hi! Sorry, I had time last night to log in and decided to lay there and watch TV instead. Some days I can't bring myself to focus on anything after work

Lee! I keep seeing all the new about the storm -- hope you are tucked in tight! D.I.A. has cancelled pretty much all flights to the NE and people are losing their minds about it out here lol.

LadyA, I don't know all the variations of the tests yet but it looks darker to me. When in doubt, BD!

Canadian, bad nurses are the worst! My Mum used to have all of her students practice on oranges loooong before they were ever allowed to touch a human being. Maybe you should take your nurse one :) So sorry for that!

LoneW, Good luck! And glad that your appointment went so well.

Dream, Good luck!

I hope I didn't miss anyone -- there was a lot to cover lol. Good luck to everyone! I have nothing to report, just testing and blah blah.
LoneWanderer - OMG I'm laughing out loud. Bagels?!?!?! LMAO
Die - Thank you! Just plan ahead with everything and buy something now and hide it. I always plan way ahead hahaha.

Wanderder - Glad to hear that things went well today.

Canadian - Ouch!! I can't complain about my tiny bruise spot I got during blood work then!

Lady - Your OPKS look like mine!! Check mine out below. I don't usually test with FMU, but my friend is literally on the same cycle as me and she tested this morning and got a BFP on her OPK and we both aren't due to O till Monday... so then I said well maybe I should check mine as well. Sure enough, it's getting darker and I'm going to test again in a couple hours and keep testing so I don't miss this surge and will also be DTD a bunch haha. So yes I suggest testing a couple times a day now to check because it can go away in 12 hours. Your test, being similar to mine, looks like you might O later today or tomorrow for sure.

Nix - sounds like a bunch of us will be BD tonight LOL I sure will be as I'm just about to O.

Dream - Nice dark BFP OPK!

Stella - Haha thank you! The meteorologists have no idea anymore haha they just guess I think. We got like 4 inches but it's thick and heavy. It was a crappy drive to work today. In Boston they cancelled most flights as well. It's crazy cuz in the middle of winter we didn't get much snow, but now that it's spring (and right before spring) we just keep getting more and more like come onnnn lol where do you live?

Sounds like a bunch of us are around the same CD, which is funny cuz it's like how women hang out in person and get AF around the same time... that's us in this forum bahaha jk.


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Haha, I must've been reading too fast, I totally missed that bagel part. Too funny.
For anyone curious, I've attached a follicle scan (not mine - Google images lol) so y'all know what I'm on about. The ones in the first image are just a bit bigger than mine but basically what I was looking at today, except I had a few small ones too. I've also attached one that shows what happens when the Clomid goes crazy - that's what the scans are for really, to make sure there's no overstimulation. A scan like the second pic, with a whole ton of big holes, would generally mean abandoning the cycle as it's too risky.


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Lee, I'm in Denver where we USED to have winters, but this year has been like spring almost the whole time. Even the mountains aren't getting much. Ugh. I miss the snow... February/March is supposed to be the worst but you took it all lol.
I just skimmed back a few pages to see if I missed anything. Honestly Wanderers nails caught my eyes the most haha. Girl!!! Grab your stuff for real, Florida welcomes you!! Lol. And train BD! Hell yes haha! What do they call that? Not joining the mile high club but ....? Lol I guess you can always start a phrase :)

Lady- Yes!!! That’s so amazing to hear! Most women Definitely get darker lines on the opks as you get closer to O. So if you’re seeing them getting darker by the day that means your close! Start testing twice a day to not miss the surge :) Also yes if you BD yesterday, and today, and you O tomorrow. That’s PERFECT timing <3 So exciting for you! Hope the rest of your trip has been going good :) You’re amazing && you definitely deserve that!

Dream- + <3 Yay for another O in the group!!! Good luck girl, hope you and your OH have lots of *fun* tonight ;) xo

Canadian- Yikes! I HATE getting bloodwork or anything involving needles! I have three tattoos and yet I cringe when they have to jab around for a vein. Eek! But it’ll all be worth it :) So glad you have a doctor that’s listening to you and you’re getting to the bottom of everything. Thank god & im definitely sending prayers/positive vibes your way. Whichever form you’d prefer <3 GL and keep us updated!

I’m sure I missed lots of stuff including bagels. Uhh what? Haha. Excuse me but I’m even worse this morning. Totally coughing a lung up here and just miserable. I don’t feel super full on cold though. Usually I’d have a super high fever with an achy back/body, sneezing, the works. I really just feel exhausted, sore throat and a cough. But like I’m feeling miserable and run down so I don’t even want to be here at work.

Oh and I got DOTTED CH on FF this morning. I’m sure they’ll get taken away in a few days though once the little fever I do have subsides and i start to feel better over the weekend. Or maybe (twilight zone) .. I DID ovulate. Total gasp lol. That’d be the worst timing!! Nothing else to report really other than having to deal with the creepy neighboring building guy at my job. Ugh... I literally just want to scream “go away!!”

So much stuff going on in this thread, so many soon to be O’ers! It’s exciting all the chances coming up :) :) That calls for some serious ..

:dust: <3
LoneWanderer...I can totally vouch for the British train thing, used to travel home for the weekend from uni most weeks, and your description is perfection &#128514;

Dreamer - Thanks!

Lady - I'd not thought of the fact that its less than a month...that's really exciting, and I have bridesmaid duties to do between times that will hopefully make it go super quick!! Totally get shoving the test in oh's face, I did that with the first vaguely positive preggo test, and he didn't understand that even the faintest line means positive! I will deffo read all the leaflets, would like to feel like a bit of a know-it-all mum the moment I feel like a know-nothing crazy lady!

Afm- just chilling mainly today, went for brunch with dad which was nice, and been doing some cleaning and sorting this afternoon, just put on a pork stew which smells amazing, just hope I can stomach eating it when its done!
Wanderer - Bagel incident is certainly funny. And wow, you did it in lift. I am sure you all ladies did something daring back in the days, I am probably the only boring one who doesnt have anything like that, I guess that adds one more thing in the bucket list, and its never too late, right?

Stella - Its not always exciting, but we just have to hang in there. Perhaps post some of your tests for fun? And we do post about anything really, we dont really need anything worth to report, as long as you are comfortable.

Lee - your latest test is exactly like mine, fx to our O. Time to get busy next couple of days. Did you test again?

Die - Thanks hun. I am sorry you are still under it, sending prayers your way. And whats up with that creepy neighbor guy?

Zoboe - lol, yeah, my line is getting darker after all. And this is the first time Im doing opks, thats partly responsible for my over excitement. And wow, this month is more eventful then with your bridesmaid duties. Enjoy your pork stew, is it too early for me to say, you need to eat for two? :)
I’ll type to everyone at work tomorrow (priorities lol forum over work), but just wanted to show you my most current OPK (bottom). Juuuuust about positive so I had DH and I BD a little while ago hehe ok off to bed :) fx for all!


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