Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

I told my lovely best friend who is getting married, and she was nearly as excited as me! Each time I tell someone, it feels a bit more real, but I probably won't tell anyone else until after 12 weeks now, just in case.

Today ms definitely kicked in! ...we had to get up fairly early because we had an electrician coming to rewire our house. He arrived about 9, and by half 9 I was fast asleep on the sofa (dont worry, oh dealt with electrician) and slept till about 11.30!! That is not something I ever do! I felt so sick, I managed half a slice of bread and that was it! Feeling much better the last couple of hours (phew) so decided to treat myself to poas...weirdo...haven't done so for nearly a week, and was fascinated to see how dark it would be at 5 1/2 weeks...very is the answer! (Control left, test right) fx for all you in the tww now!


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I told my lovely best friend who is getting married, and she was nearly as excited as me! Each time I tell someone, it feels a bit more real, but I probably won't tell anyone else until after 12 weeks now, just in case.

Today ms definitely kicked in! ...we had to get up fairly early because we had an electrician coming to rewire our house. He arrived about 9, and by half 9 I was fast asleep on the sofa (dont worry, oh dealt with electrician) and slept till about 11.30!! That is not something I ever do! I felt so sick, I managed half a slice of bread and that was it! Feeling much better the last couple of hours (phew) so decided to treat myself to poas...weirdo...haven't done so for nearly a week, and was fascinated to see how dark it would be at 5 1/2 weeks...very is the answer! (Control left, test right) fx for all you in the tww now!

Well you did wake up early, you needed that nap for your adorable little one. I understand not announcing till the 12 weeks scan, I would've done the same, just sticking to really close family and friends. Treating yourself to POAS, I know that sounds funny. But that dark line is soothing, I must tell you!!
Uneventful train ride haha.
As it happens we were back home by half nine anyway. I had it in my head we were booked to travel much later.
Off to hospital in 40 mins-ish for cd17 scan. Should be somewhat more informative than Friday's, as it's been three days between. If this cycle's anything like last month's, O due in another three days time. But I'd really like them to tell me it's already happened: not least because I CBA with going to four appointments this week. :haha: As I said, its such a good job I work for myself - surely no boss would allow all this time off every month.
LoneWanderer - good luck with today's scan.

4dpo for me, of course there's nothing going on. Just a whole lot of waiting.
It's almost lunch time, so I'm just going to post some symptoms I've been having that I'm sure are O related, but figured I'd get that list started just in case. I will send a longer message after lunch writing to everyone :)

-Day before O day: Watery CM, BD that night, got a positive OPK at 11pm.
-O day: Watery CM.
-1DPO: Dry CM, horrid nausea for half the day (maybe car sickness)
-2DPO: Dry CM, BD in the morning, light cramps, at 12pm had a twinge/flutter on left side of uterus area, my ring finger swelled so much I almost couldn't get wedding rings off. Took them off for a few hours until finger was less swollen.
-3DPO (today): Lotion CM (light amount), light cramps, this is the day I was SUPPOSED to O but I did early.

I think these are O related, since I haven't Od in ages due to being on BCP since I was 17, I am not used to having O symptoms. Just posting anyways!
GL lone hope you get the answer your looking for with your scan, and zobo enjoy the sleep while you can. I'm sure you will have more demands from your LO in the on coming weeks lol.

As for me, AF is MIA and I've still had cramps on and off for 4 days now, uncommon for me and no sensitive or swollen breasts at all. Still not ready to test as I'm pretty sure AF is just taking her sweet time showing up. But I'm now in the unbearable waiting part of TWW, sorry most of everyone else is here with me and we are just twiddling our thumbs, GL ladies!

EDIT: 5PM and I just had a bit of spotting, brown with a little bit of pink and I think maybe tissue, so thinking AF is on her way Gl to the rest of you.
I&#8217;m alive!! Barely though! Won&#8217;t be able to dive in and catch up on here until tomorrow but just wanted to pop in while the meds are working and say I hope everybody is ok! I miss you all (you guys are like my ttc sisters!) and I hope everyone is doing ok <3 Update with you all tomorrow :)
Wanderer - Good luck on your scan dear. Also time to get busy for you since O is so near. Enjoy the fun part of ttc!!

Dream - I am gonna join you in tww, however I have no way of telling what dpo I am at. AF is due on April 10 or 11ish. I guess gonna wait till then, to see if I can/may test.

Lee - Good idea, tracking all those symptoms. We all can compare against those, I felt slightly nauseous today. But don't know, could be nothing.

Canadian - It still could be spotting, sending positive vibes.

Die - Good to see you back girl, get some more rest and lots of fluid. I will be looking forward to your updates, anything really.

AFM, I am at the airport right now, boarding call just started. I thought this is gonna get easier as time passes, but airport and goodbyes, I am still not used to it. Missing DH so so much!!
Took some Tylenol tonight to deal with the cramping and pain and probably the oncoming of AF cramps and such I will have tonight/morning. So far still no AF
Morning everyone, hope the day is treating you all well.

First scan of the week out of the way yesterday - another nurse with zero charisma - whole thing took less than ten mins and she didn't give me any numbers, just said they'd grown "a bit". Helpful - not. Normally I have a read through of my notes while they do it, and get the info that way, but she turned the screen away from me and told me to lie back! So, no O as of yesterday aft, see what tomorrow's says. It's cd18 now.

Waiting for a call back from the local dog rescue shelter, we've been talking about getting one for ages now and OH saw a great little pup on Facebook earlier today. So, FX for expanding our little family! :happydance:
Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been MIA all weekend. I’ve been ‘busy’ wink wink nudge nudge. I think I ovulated Sunday but I didn’t get the usual pain, perhaps it happened in my sleep. My temps are all over the place from a weekend of lie ins.

Cd16 today and just counting down the days now. Hope everyone is well.
LoneWanderer - "a bit" - thanks lady, thanks! Don't these nurses understand how important this is to us. SMH. Well positive outlook is, you know they've grown, period. ohhh a puppy, what breed?

Nixnax - Ahh, now the waiting begins. Welcome.

Lady_Alysanne - Happy to have a waiting partner. My AF is due April 6th. FX

Canadian - Really hoping those cramps are NOT AF.

AFM - CD21/5DPO and W.A.I.T.I.N.G. Temp on the rise, so that's good. I've been feeling pretty lightheaded all morning and had to seriously hydrate to get through my workout. but it's too early to be pregnancy related so it's probably just cause I skipped dinner last night. lol
I somehow feel WORSE today! Ugh! I actually felt way better Saturday. I was actually able to get up and go to the store to fix our fridge up haha. OH did good while I was glued to our bed though. Surprisingly lol. I had told him to look in the fridge/freezer/pantry and see what we needed and to grab a few things I mentioned out loud. With NO grocery list you guys haha! He’s been taking such good care of me so I’m truly blessed with that :)
Last night was the first time we BD since I’ve been sick I think. Good thing too maybe because I got a blazing opk today. Last blazer was a damn liar so I hope this one is for real. I’ve been having ewcm too so FX it’s for real! I think the Vitex gives extra Cm too from what I’ve read so who knows anymore. I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to O. Literally hate my body x2 right now! Along with the couch, fever, body aches that finally made an appearance (of course right after I told you guys I had none) today I am nauseous! And dizzy. I usually feel a little dizzy and tired around O so I hope that’s all it is. If it’s still a + later gonna try to Bd again but sadly my guy has gotten this bug too now. The “baby I don’t feel good” before bed last night has turned into “baby I’m dying” aka man cold this morning lol. Isn’t that life though? We usually get lucky enough that one gets sick first and can take care of the other than we swap places. Thank god for that? Silver linings! ;) Oh and as expected once my fever subsided this morning FF took my fitted CH’s away. Onward I go <3

Dream- yay GL during your wait <3 FX that temp stays up!

Nix- I’ve heard a lot about how we ovulate overnight at like 2-3 in the morning! Others say in the afternoon. Does anybody really know? That totally makes sense you’d sleep through the O pains though! Hope it’s your tww! <3

Wanderer- ugh isn’t that ridiculous? I’ve had ONE tech who was a newbie and obviously didn’t know she could explain what she was seeing to me. She told me everything and took me step by step and I LOVED it! It’s so comforting. It’s actually silly to me for them to say they can’t tell you and your doctor has to explain it. I understand why I just feel comforted by the explanation during the process. Hope you hear soon! Can’t wsit to hear your update :) Also yes!! Get a rescue! We’ve rescued both of our pups and I would do 100 more if we could <3 Eek show us pics of the ones you’ve been looking at if you can!

Lee- You are freaking GORGEOUS in your snow gear!! Your hubby looks like he’s having the most fun he’s ever had :) You guys are lucky to get to spend time together doing something you both love. Those pics make me realize just how extremely perfect your announcement to him will be <3 What a lucky guy to have such a babe for a wife :) :) FX in your tww!!

Canadian- Any more spotting? Hopefully their not af cramps! I’ve missed a lot but when was she due? GL I have everything crossed for you!! <3

Lady- I swear you are the sweetest!! Did you make it home safely? How was the flight? I’m sorry ugh it must be so hard for you leaving your hubby like that. If you ever wanted to talk you can always write me a message on here <3 Just glad your trip went well!

I’m sure I missed tons and hopefully will be able to keep up to date as of now :) Almost the weekend again thank god!


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Tested when I knew I shouldn't and BFN, duh! After 2 years of trying I should know better! GL ladies pain medicining up and crawling back to bed. Gonna disappear for a bit and hope I'm the only AF in the room.
Tested when I knew I shouldn't and BFN, duh! After 2 years of trying I should know better! GL ladies pain medicining up and crawling back to bed. Gonna disappear for a bit and hope I'm the only AF in the room.

Damn girl I’m sorry! I had just asked about it to you! Hang in there & definitely embrace that bed of yours. Those bfns never get easier it seems .. but you have another chance at trying. That’s the only thing that gives me hope some days is another cycle= another chance no matter how shitty that is after so long. Trust me I’m going on years too so I’m with you girl. Hope you feel better tomorrow <3
I guess I double posted but I said I was excited it was almost the weekend again.. 20 mins later I realized it&#8217;s only Tuesday hahah. I thought tomorrow was Thursday for some reason. Ughh! I should&#8217;ve stayed off here until my head was put back on straight lol.
Here's a pic. He's 19 months old. We're waiting on the centre calling us back, but they liked the sound of us (I'm at home all day so it's perfect for a pooch that likes lots of attention like this fella, and we've got three different parks around us plus the beach nearby). OH has been desperate for a schnauzer forever but I always said he'd have to put up with whatever we can get from the shelter - and the in-demand breeds hardly ever pop up there. So it seems like fate that we spotted this chap today - he's being fostered just round the corner from us too, so he already knows the area.


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Oh my word, I have been so busy at work! I'm working late today and this gives me a chance to catch up with you all lol.

First, here are my updated symptoms and I have attached my chat from the app Glow which shows that I DID O when I thought I did. My FF app still hasn't figured it out...

-Day before O day: Watery CM, BD that night, got a positive OPK at 11pm.
-O day: Watery CM.
-1DPO: Dry CM, horrid nausea for half the day (maybe car sickness)
-2DPO: Dry CM, BD in the morning, light cramps, at 12pm had a twinge/flutter on left side of uterus area, my ring finger swelled so much I almost couldn't get wedding rings off. Took them off for a few hours until finger was less swollen.
-3DPO: Lotion CM (light amount), light cramps, this is the day I was SUPPOSED to O but I did early.
-4DPO (today): Light cramps off and on, I guess tacky white CM? High CP.

Lady - We did have a blast snowboarding. It was the best day we have had in a while! Perfect conditions. My symptoms are def O related and I'm more confident that I Od when I thought considering my temps have stayed up (I still I was temping wrong before lol) and my OPKS and symptoms above. Glad you got some BD in before he had to go :( thanks for googling for me BTW, I checked out that website you sent :)

Canadian - Twinge of pink sounds like it could be something! FX, hopefully it's not AF.

Zoboe - Crazy how fast symptoms arrive! Keep us posted :D would love to here the day by day of what's going on.

Dream - Have you had any post-O symptoms? I had some odd ones listed above. I know we may not feel symptoms until implantation but ya never know! Since I'm right behind you, it will be interesting to compare symptoms.

Die - Hiiii miss you, too. I check this thread daily, even if I'm not responding right away I'm always catching up on you all. Sorry you are sick and OH has the man cold lol my husband always gets the man cold. So dramatic LOL gahhhh youre too sweet!! Thanks for the compliments :) I'm curious what you look like! Add me on FB! ( if you want. I wont mention anything on your page of course. And yes he has gotten me into snowboarding since we met. It was hard at first, but as I figured it out and it's become 2nd nature, it's just our thing now so I figured that's the best way to announce to him and to everyone :) snowboard themed. You're the best :D your OPK is super dark WOW

Nix - Funny thing, I also didn't feel the O pains. I felt pains 2 days before O, but that wouldn't be right. Maybe also while I was sleeping. Glad you were busy ;) I'm at CD15.

Wanderer - OMG he is too cute!!

Well I'd write more, but I have to go now boooo. I'll check back later.



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Dream - I’m due 8th so we are very close. Let’s hope it’s our month

Die - glad you’re feeling a bit better. I hope this really is ovulation for you, you’ve been waiting patiently long enough. Funny you should say that, I did was up at 2:30am on Monday morning. Maybe it woke me up.

Lee- I’m cd16. Ff should show ovulation tomorrow or Thursday. Flo takes about a week and half to show ov. It’s not great in that respect.

Canadian - sorry about the bfn. Hope the next test is different

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