Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Omg Lee, I can't wait for news!!! Fx so much for you!! I had some news yesterday, one of my closest friends (not the one getting married) found out this week she is 5 months pregnant!! ...I'm so excited for her, and also for the fact we will hopefully have littlies about 3 months apart! I obviously then told her about me, so she could join in the excitement, but this was all over Facebook messenger, with my aunt and uncle who know nothing in the room with me, so I had to stay really straight faced!!

Not feeling to bad tonight, but I have no voice! Also still have this weird thing where every morning first thing I have to do is go and stick my head down the toilet (haven't actually been sick, but feel it!) I think it may be psychological, but I can't stop it!

Hope the wait doesn't go too slowly for all of you playing the waiting game at the mo!
Lee - Your first opk all most gave me a heart attack, thinking its a pregnancy test. And I do see the line in your next test you posted, no need to squint at all, or no tweaking necessary. I am su.....per excited for you, however, I am with Nix on this, that perhaps save the digi, test after a few more days. In the mean time we can see the progress on wondfo. What do you say?
Canadian - For me, I just find DH so sexy around O time, so that is somewhat similar I would say. Sending :dust: your way, enjoy your smexy time!!!!

Nix, Wanderer, Dream - How are you all doing? I am just too impatient atm, no symptom. I am kinda feeling frustrated.

Die - Thinking of you ..

Zoboe - Awww, that cold.. Hope you get your voice back soon, it must be terrible. Also, keeping that secret from your family, that is hard. Your other bestie is having a little one, that is plain wonderful!! That would help so so much.

I am happy that I have you all here, when the time comes, I have my own group of ladies to share everything.
I say do as Nix and Lady suggest - get that BFP straight up!

Zoboe - I am so sorry you feel so crappy. That sucks. And thats too funny about the messege w your relatives in the room but how great to have close friend to share this with!! Hooray!

Lady - I hope you get to share soon fx
It keeps unsubscribing me from this thread so I don’t see updates and I have to find this thread again grrrr

So I read that if you touch an OPK strip to an hcg strip it can give a false positive on the hcg. Looks like that’s what happened. I took a Wondfo OPK and hcg an hour ago and got nada. Then just now I took a Wondfo OPK and a ClinicalGuard hcg and put them next to the tests from an hour ago and it caused the dry negative hcg to become positive. The black on the test was eyeliner from my finger lol was rubbing a hair off the test and smudged black on it. ClinicalGuard test did nothing. I’m so pissed

Pix are before placing them together and after


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Lady - I hope you get to share soon fx

Thank you :hugs: How is your opk so far, your posted it was negative before. Fx it is getting darker, or maybe you got a positive already. Let us know and have fun obviously!! And keeping the pictures of opks is definitely a good idea, I think Dream here must have suggested that to me and I followed that last month.
It keeps unsubscribing me from this thread so I don’t see updates and I have to find this thread again grrrr

So I read that if you touch an OPK strip to an hcg strip it can give a false positive on the hcg. Looks like that’s what happened. I took a Wondfo OPK and hcg an hour ago and got nada. Then just now I took a Wondfo OPK and a ClinicalGuard hcg and put them next to the tests from an hour ago and it caused the dry negative hcg to become positive. The black on the test was eyeliner from my finger lol was rubbing a hair off the test and smudged black on it. ClinicalGuard test did nothing. I’m so pissed

Pix are before placing them together and after

Oh damn! I didn't even know that could happen. I understand how you must feel.. Keep testing though, fx for that line!!
Ah Lee - I didn’t know that! That must have been what caused my ‘line’ a few month ago. I put it next to an opk. How bloody infuriating. Don’t count yourself out yet, it’s still way too early. There’s still a chance.

Well I’m 7/8 dpo (more 7 I think) I had some light cramping last night along with a lovely headache. But that’s it. I feel completely normal otherwise. 6 days of waiting to go.

I have a day of decorating today. Ugh I hate painting, it’s not even our house so I’ll hate it even more lol.

Hope you ladies have a spendid day
Lee - wow! I can't believe that's a thing. Completely frustrating but good to know now. Thank you for sharing. FX your BFP is still on the way.

Sorry for those on the April testing thread you will see my update for today twice:

CD27/11DPO - AF due Friday.

This morning's test looks pretty negative. Although I am seeing a next to invisible grey shadow. Nothing even remotely close to anything the camera would pick up. It did show up near the end of the time limit. But I dunno. I'm pretty sure I'm grasping at straws here. I'm usually pretty realistic with my BFNs though and don't usually see squinters that aren't there. It for sure doesn't have any pink though. I actually brought it to work with me to stare at it even more in my office. lol These strips are usually pretty stark white. I dunno. I'll post the pic but I don't see anything in the pic.

I meant to mark a paper with where I as seeing the shadow but accidentally marked the actual test at the edges. Oops.


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Lee, that is so frustrating! I am so sorry... but there is still plenty of time.

OPKs are still neg for me, maybe getting a touch darker but it's hard to say. Just waiting for AF (next week? week after?) so that I can start fresh and hopefully my hormones will be calmer next round.

Everyone have a wonderful day!
This thrusday is my HSG test, ugh at an ungodly hour too...oh well. husband will be with me so that's a plus! Good luck to the rest of you ladies wait for that BFP
Oh my god, if yesterday I was a bit coldy, what on earth is today!! I can't talk at all, all that comes out is a squeak!! Its really weird, I'm not blocked up, and my throat doesn't hurt, but I feel queasy, and I just can't talk!! ...lazing on the sofa this afternoon so can live without my voice, but tomorrow I start at the nursery! Im Going to be squeaking at all the children! ...just made the mistake of watching casualty, and it was waaayy over emotional and I cried...a lot...that has never happened to me before...oh was shocked, and is making me watch a comedy next instead!

Bit worried about tomorrow, but I'll just have to see how it goes, I'm working from 8-5 which is quite long hours, but I'm sure I'll be fine :)

Any symptoms from you ladies waiting for a bfp?
Dream - I see a little something there. I hope it’s the beginnings of some thing.

Canadian - I hope tomorrow goes well for you.

Zo - good luck for tomorrow. I hope the long day isn’t too painful. Get some practice in with the little ones now that you have one on the way.

Just got home and I’m running a hot (ish) bath. I have more paint on me than on the walls lol.
Hey girls! I hope everybody had a good Easter!! I was so busy that day and I’m not sure if it was all the slip n sliding at my age or just the lingering cough but my stomach is so sore!! Like the muscles themselves are aching. Ugh! Yesterday was just a joke at work I literally can’t even talk about it or I’m going to get so frustrated again. Today is good though! Except I left my lunch at home and I’m aggravated I’ll have to make the whole 4 minute drive home to get it lol. I’m frustrated lately. I think it’s all the temping and not O’ing! That’ll do it for sure!

Dream- Hopefully it’s the start of a good line!! FX! Can’t wait to see your new test! <3

Canadian- Eek! I’m glad your guy can be with you though! Let us know how it goes I’m super interested because I’m sure next year if I’m not pregnant I’ll be getting mine done too. Hope Thursday goes smoothly for you, FX & GL to you girl!

Lee- Holy half a BFP??!!! Yesssssss girl with the +opks around the time of Bfps!! We see it all the time! That’s gonna be you! Update test this morning? =D Praying for a bfp and I’ve never heard of the touching can share a positive result before? That’s crazy but I don’t fully believe it just yet! Retest girl!

Lady- Hope you had an amazing Easter Lady <3 Anything new going on with you today??

Nix- Hope the decorating went well =) Were you painting the interior of a house? Was it at least a pretty color? Lol I bet it looks amazing if you did it!

Zobo- I hope you have a great day at work mama! Nice and smooth and MS stays the hell away from you! You’re strong & you got this girl <3 GL :)

I will be on here everyday now that the holidays are over and I’m 90% back to health. I’m pretty sure my temps are just not working because my constant fan on fan off situation with my OH. I just need to start sticking it in my Coochie and bite the bullet of switching “mid cycle” cause I’m not technically mid anything yet lol. Lots of creamy cm these past two days after almost three days of dry cm. But the days of dry were the last little bits of feeling sick and I wasn’t drinking very much because I wasn’t obsessing about putting liquids into my sick body anymore. Who knows.. so ready to ovulate already! SO and I are only ever doing it maybe every two-three days. Every other day is just too much for both of us with what we do for a living. Idk why I keep buying opks .. they obviously don’t work for me. I probably get at least one positive every two days. I have bloodwork on the 20th so hopefully that’ll give me some answers! But for now I’m praying for bfps for the group here and lots of :dust: spread my way <3
I'm so full of emotions this morning. I can't stop crying. I'm angry, irritated, sad, defeated, annoyed, depressed just so many things rolled into one.

CD28 - 12DPO
Test seems to be the same as yesterday. I can see a colourless shadow. but honestly I don't think it's really there. I've just reached a point of desperation to see something, anything at all on these tests after TTC for a year. I feel defeated and I just want to give up. It's just not fair.

To add to my stresses, my stupid cousin (the one who got knocked up by a random tinder hookup and has no idea who her baby daddy is) is HARASSING me about her baby shower and if DH and I are attending. The shower isn't until MAY 5th and I just got the invite on Thursday AND it doesn't have an RSVP date. Leave. Me. Alone.

I don't enjoy being the Debbie downer, but I know you guys understand it's needed at times. I just can't seem to get my emotions in check today. I cried when I took the test this morning. I cried in the car on the way to the gym. I cried in the bathroom at the gym. And now i'm locked in my office at work, still crying. This is so overwhelming.

Sometimes I feel like maybe we need a break. but seriously, a break?! time is ticking we don't have time to take a break. I feel like I'm just waiting for AF now. She's due Friday. I know I'm not out yet technically, but when it's the same story every cycle it's really hard to believe that. CD1 usually makes me feel better, I hope that will be the case again.

My appointment with the fertility doc is "coming up" April 26th. Looks like by then I'll be in another TWW. I'm hoping to get cycle monitoring done with him and then maybe move to IUI if he thinks its a good fit.

Dreamer - I really hope you start to feel happier soon, sometimes you need to let out all those thoughts and feelings!

Diedrek - I hope that your temps start to make sense now you're feeling better!

AFM - first day at work went really well, 6am alarm was a bit of a shock to the system, but after getting up and (tmi) dry heaving a few times (this seems to be my current morning routine) I was able to spend most of the day feeling fine! Worked in early years today, so 3+4 year olds...they were lovely all morning, and grumpy in the afternoon, which is pretty common! Spending a day in the baby dept tomorrow, which will be good practice!! Still got pretty much no voice, so going around squeaking at people, but hey ho, it will make my first few days memorable!
Hey ladies, just a quick update because I’m going to bed in a bit. Today has been an awful day (feeling wise). I woke up shattered. My turkey meatballs for lunch tasted gone off. I’ve checked the date and they don’t go off until 5th April. I’ve had a really light headed headache all after with feeling sick. Along with a croaky throat. DH said I don’t look too good. Had to have a lie down after work. Im 8/9 dpo today and feel horrendous
Stella - Its no fun with the guessing, is it? I don't have a super regular cycle either. I have recently used an app to calculate my average cycle using last 5 months af starting date, it calculated my avg cycle is 31 days. Based on the same app, I am 8 dpo today. Of course I have no way of telling if that is exactly true or not. Hope you get your answers soon.

Canadian - Hope your appointment goes smooth and you get some answers.

Zoboe - Good to see you had a wonderful day. Its all good practice I would say. Sending positive vibes your way to send MS and that awful cold away.

Die - Excited to have you back girl!! Now that you are feeling much better, those opks better start behaving!!

Dream - I am so sorry you are feeling so down. And on top of that you have to continue to work, that is tough. I do feel sometimes if I can get a break from life in general. We all have those dark episodes, don't we? Hang in there girl. You still have 2 days to go, lets just wait till af is due and then test. I know it is hard to wait, but lets just try together, okay? Fx for that beautiful line..

Nix - Fx taste going off, headaches will lead to something positive..

Wanderer, Lee - Any updates?

AFM, I am getting creamy/white cm from yesterday after going dry for several days. I do have headaches and back pain. But that is due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping well, and working all day without much break. Don't think it is pregnancy related.
I'm so full of emotions this morning. I can't stop crying. I'm angry, irritated, sad, defeated, annoyed, depressed just so many things rolled into one.

CD28 - 12DPO
Test seems to be the same as yesterday. I can see a colourless shadow. but honestly I don't think it's really there. I've just reached a point of desperation to see something, anything at all on these tests after TTC for a year. I feel defeated and I just want to give up. It's just not fair.

To add to my stresses, my stupid cousin (the one who got knocked up by a random tinder hookup and has no idea who her baby daddy is) is HARASSING me about her baby shower and if DH and I are attending. The shower isn't until MAY 5th and I just got the invite on Thursday AND it doesn't have an RSVP date. Leave. Me. Alone.

I don't enjoy being the Debbie downer, but I know you guys understand it's needed at times. I just can't seem to get my emotions in check today. I cried when I took the test this morning. I cried in the car on the way to the gym. I cried in the bathroom at the gym. And now i'm locked in my office at work, still crying. This is so overwhelming.

Sometimes I feel like maybe we need a break. but seriously, a break?! time is ticking we don't have time to take a break. I feel like I'm just waiting for AF now. She's due Friday. I know I'm not out yet technically, but when it's the same story every cycle it's really hard to believe that. CD1 usually makes me feel better, I hope that will be the case again.

My appointment with the fertility doc is "coming up" April 26th. Looks like by then I'll be in another TWW. I'm hoping to get cycle monitoring done with him and then maybe move to IUI if he thinks its a good fit.


I was right with you 3 months ago...this was me. Except I didn't have anyone inviting me to a baby shower but everyone in the family, including extended, is either having, had, or talking about their kids. I'm the only one without them and cue 2 years TTC in about 2 months.

I finally got to a GYN fertility specialist but right now it's only testing and not doing anything helpful. But at least I will know where the problem lies...maybe.

You've got the right idea girl, vent to those who know and are in the same bout...and breathe and try again after the rage subsided. :hugs:

Edit: forgot to say last night at 4:30 am hubs rushed me to the ER due to extreme abdominal pain. I thought it might be a busted ovary or appendix, but after having to wait 2 HOURS in triage line they finally saw me to "log me in" and have me wait some more. Fuck that, if after almost 3 hours I wasn't on the floor blacked out or in shock it wasn't those 2 things and probably was bad gas/constipation. So we left and I have been super drugged all day and taking a bunch of "poop helping" stuff. Hubs was freaking out because more than once I went into shock and became "unresponsive", so I think I just must have had a sever reaction to something I ate and it's causing really bad pain. Good thing to have 2 days before HSG test eh? FML
Dream - I hope you feel better today. Please don’t feel bad about vent to us, that’s what we’re here for. I know that this is the only place I can talk about it as my friends don’t really know we’re TTC. Today is a new day.

Canadian - sounds awful, hope you feel better today? Rest up girl.

Die - we only painted my DHs grandmothers kitchen white. It really wasn’t very exciting. It’s made us want to paint our place though, as the walls have become rather dindgey.

AFM - I feel a lot better today. But man was I rough yesterday. This month I have a lot of strange things going on. It’s probably all in my head so I’m going to try and forget about it all for a couple of days. Af is due in 3/4 days. I really want to test but I’m going to try and hold off

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