Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Lady - yeah the chocolate thing is bizarre, I just don't fancy it at all at the moment, I made 12 chocolate cupcakes yesterday for an event, and needed to chop the tops off to make them flat...usually that's a great excuse to binge eat cake, but they are still sat on the side, because I didn't fancy them!

...savoury party eggs and mini sausage rolls are keeping me going at the moment ...oh and my major craving...Heinz spaghetti!! ...but it has to be Heinz, not an own brand (no idea why, I Never usually buy Heinz!) Went into Morissons the other day, and they were on offer 5 for £3, so i gave in to my craving and treated myself :D no regrets at all!
Also I think the midwife might tell me off when I meet her, I've lost 2kg since finding out I'm preggo...not on purpose!!
Lee - I used to use a few apps as well but it became way too much. It was taking over too much of my time. Even though I really enjoyed it I decided to cut back. So only using FF now. Your chart is looking good. Temps on the rise. I love it.

Zoboe95 - Happy 6 weeks to you and your sweet pea.

7DPO. I've been planning to start testing 9DPO on Saturday since the start of this TWW. But now realizing that tomorrow is Good Friday and I'll be off work I'm going to be sooooooooooooooo tempted to test then at 8DPO. Someone tell me it's a bad idea.

Anyhoo, still feeling a little lightheaded today. I dunno what's up with that 3 days its been now. meh. Woke up bloated today as well. Sore boobies, thats the norm, usually start up around this time. Nothing really screaming at me that this cycle is THE ONE but nothing saying it isn't either. I'll just keep waiting.
Ha ha ha dream, I get the urge from 7DPO. I’ve had to ban myself from buying ICs. I’ve somehow managed to wean myself down to only buying if AF is late. But as soon as I’ve peed on them af arrived! So now I’m waiting until af is two days late. It’s painful to wait, it really is
Zo - I cannot be trusted around chocolate full stop. I hope I don’t go off it when I get preggers, I’ll cry
I have this major food aversion to Peanuts and Peanut Butter. I literally HATE the smell and taste, I've been tell people since i was teenager that I'm allergic (I'm not). It literally makes me want to puke. When I lived at home I wouldn't let my family even keep the jar in the same cabinet with the rest of the food. Luckily my husband doesn't care for it either so he's perfectly fine not having it in the house.

Sometimes I have nightmares, yes I called them nightmares about being pregnant and becoming obsessed with peanut butter. Literally slathering it on EVERYTHING. It's awful.

Okay, now you guys officially know how weird I am. I feel better. lol
I have this major food aversion to Peanuts and Peanut Butter. I literally HATE the smell and taste, I've been tell people since i was teenager that I'm allergic (I'm not). It literally makes me want to puke. When I lived at home I wouldn't let my family even keep the jar in the same cabinet with the rest of the food. Luckily my husband doesn't care for it either so he's perfectly fine not having it in the house.

Sometimes I have nightmares, yes I called them nightmares about being pregnant and becoming obsessed with peanut butter. Literally slathering it on EVERYTHING. It's awful.

Okay, now you guys officially know how weird I am. I feel better. lol

Exactly the same thing, but bananas. I hate the yellow *******s with a passion. I swear, if bananas are the thing I end up wanting, well, fuck.

ADDED: I can't believe B&B edited out my pretty mild swearing but has no issue with the f-bomb.
Die - Sounds promising, hope that temp stays up tomorrow. I LOVE TEEN MOM!!! lol total guilty pleasure. I'm also obsessed with some other MTV shows that I would never claim to watch in public. The Challenge and Are You The One? So sad when they ended the Real World. I'm literally pooping my pants excited for Ex On The Beach. lol I hope I'm not alone here. Someone say me too please!

LoneWanderer - Is One Born Every Minute on Netflix?

Oh man do I LOVE AYTO!! The last group pissed me off soo bad! To be fair these are yougins’ and even though I met my guy at 19 I don’t think I’d be good picking the one out of 10. Unless it was my SO because we’d bee line for each other like we did in real life haha!

I also REALLY loved the OA on Netflix. Can’t wait for season 2!!
I’m going to have to check out one born every minute! I’ve never even heard of that but we are always down to find good new shows =D My temp was still up today and I put a dummy temp in tomorrow and it definitely will give me solid crosshairs! :happydance: I think this is it you guys!! God if my temp drops I’ll be super upset! I do feel feverish but I know I always feel really crappy around O. It’s been soooo long I can barely remember haha. Just kidding that’s a little too dramatic. Slightly true though ha. If I did O I only got it in the day before I ovulated. Soo.. not terrible but I wish I wasn’t sick and could’ve DTD more :( It only takes one time .. without a condom right? Lol.. yea RIGHT! As if it’s that easy .. but here’s to hoping that one time was on point <3

Dream- Oh no! I love PB!! It’s one of the few ingredients in my protein shake. But haha that is a nightmare for you! Eek! Hope that never happens .. hopefully it’s just pickles lol. Btw I despise pickles so that would be MY nightmare lol

Lady- So glad to hear you’re keeping busy and got home safe <3 Yes the TWW wait sucks! Thankfully we have each other though! My guy would be up a walk if I kept bringing every little thing up haha!

Lee- I swear I’m the last gassiest person! I burp like once a year and only after drinking soda lol. If I ever become gassy it would just have to be a bfp symptom!! Any new symptoms for you? I really really hope this is your cycle girl! <3

Nix- Wow I could never run that much haha! You’re amazing girl!! Im very fit and active but running kills me! I actually don’t like cardio of any kind really lol. Post pictures from your race if you can =D

Zobo- I’m still just so insanely happy for you!!! I can’t wait to see your first U/S picture!! Do you want a boy or a girl?? We need to all make a bet on what it’ll be!! I say GIRL! And definitely don’t worry about the weight! It happens to almost every new mom to get s bfp with bad MS.. (she) is just getting nice and cozy in there ;)

I know we can do Polls on here somehow but for now ... I say Zobo is having a beautiful little baby girl <3 :baby:

Check in later ladies. Works been a drag I usually wind up getting home, cooking, watching something on tv with my man then passing out lol. I’ve been woken up every night with him coaxing me into the bedroom. “Cmon babe lets go get in bed.. come lay down and I’ll rub you..” the million dollar line is usually “baby I don’t want to be in their by myself.. come with me!” Hahah. Like damn I wanna go to bed .. but can you just carry me? I’m too tired! Lol the days after being sick is still just as bad. Feel like I’ve been run over by a school bus! Which are everywhere now that spring break is over. I can barely get to work without getting stuck behind one getting out of my neighborhood!
Dream - Thanks and my temp dipped slightly today, so I'm hoping that's the dip that happens at implantation that I read about. Your symptoms could lead to something good :) LOL peanut butter nightmares. My husband HATES pickles and condiments and he's the same with just smelling it. He can't stand it. Sadly for him I love pickles lol

Die - Thank you :) I'm regularly gassy LOL but the other day was unusual. No more gas, but I DID just have white EWCM... not clear, but like almost solid white. I googled and found some good things about it! Women getting it before a BFP, so hopefully. Don't wanna get my hopes up though. Temp did a slight dip today. I have read you get a dip around implantation, so hopefully! So with your O being a pest, when do you think you actually Od? I'm curious what DPO you are.

AFM... I'm 6DPO today and very mild cramps here and there. CP is high and what I found interesting was that just a little bit ago I checked CP and CM and my CM was EWCM but it was WHITE not clear. It wasn't just pearly either, it had a lot more thick white color in it than clear. I googled and found some positive things, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Temp did a slight dip today, which I also read about happening around implantation. Who knows!
Oh my gosh I have missed so much!

Zobo, congrats -- and I wouldn't worry about the weight. I've read that it's common for women to lose weight in the first trimester because of MS. Which sucks when all you want is that bump!

Coming off BCP is for the birds.
Last day on the pill was the 12th. Withdraw bleed started the 16th, ended the 18th, and dark OPK on the 18th, then positive on the 21st! SO I figure ok, starting off with a 21 day cycle maybe, (counting from the last day on the pill rather than first day of withdraw)… whatever. But it was not until this Monday the O symptoms actually began. Thick CM, a little spotting, headache, my lower back was killing me on Mon, left side pain... mostly this has all faded over the last couple of days, but my uterus area still feels like there's a water balloon in there lol. But totally neg OPKs, just stark white. So IDK. BCP jacks you up, so I figure I'm on target for eitehr a 21 day or a 25 day cyce, have a rough idea of when to look out for AF and will try to track better next round!
Meanwhile... while cleaning the house the other day my hubby threw out the used OPKs so I guess I'll have to do pics next time. I knew I shuld've photographed them when I thought about it last Firday haha

Baby Dust!
Dream/wanderer ha you’ll hate me, I love peanut butter with bananas on toast. I like bananas almost green though. I can’t stand them ripe.

Die- haha love it with the coaxing you into bed.

Stella - I had 25 day cycles for 3 months after bcp. Now I’m a sturdy 27/28 after taking vit c and b complex
Thanks Nix, that actually helps -- I knew it could screw you up but the confusion is aggravating!!! :) I appreciate it
Stella - Thank you I'm checking that site out now :) I'm in my 2nd cycle of TCC and in my 1st cycle I came off BCP after taking the first week of them (we decided to start trying then and I was too impatient to take my pills till the end of the month lol). It threw my whole body off of course haha so I never knew when my AF was due cuz I Od early according to my OPKs, so I was either 9 days late or 4 days late but AF came but god that had me so impatient lol sounds like your cycle is a little more on track though so you did it right :)
Lee, Haha, no, I stopped after the first week, too, although in my case it was because I got so fed up with the hormonal crap that was going on. I did not realize how many side effects had crept up on me until I stopped!
But really it doesn't sound like yours was too bad -- a few days late on AF is really not bad! I guess some people get really screwed up for weeks or even months, so that's great news!
Good to see everyone having good strong signs/symptoms here! Hoping for the best for all. As for me got my HSG test set for next week, and hopefully I'll be able to be one of the lucky few who get a positive after it.
Stella- I was on bcp for 6 years, I took the last one in Jan, it was the end of pack, had AF as usual, then spent the entire next month sure I was preggo because I had so many symptoms...turned out coming off bcp was horrible!! ...2 months of trying and I got my bfp. I know its not that easy for most, but as my mum said, I have a super fertile, massive family!! ...its worth the comedown when you get your bfp, trouble is, I know I won't want to go back on it afterwards!!

Diedrek - I managed chocolate cake today, and was so excited!! ...not sure if I want boy or girl, buti tend to refer to 'it' as a he at the moment. I change my mind daily on what I would prefer! ...its amazing that something the size of a sweet pea can have such a huge effect on your body!

AFM. Felt terrible at the start of the day, but got better as the days gone on. I think I'm much better when I'm busy, and distracted, or out and about. Cant believe I'm halfway through first tri already!! According to the photo on baby centre app, little squishy is vaguely starting to look like a baby...although more like those toy 'grow your own alien's' we had as kids (I hope I'm not the only one whose heard of those!)
Just updating my symptoms just in case.

-Day before O day: Watery CM, BD that night, got a positive OPK at 11pm.
-O day: Watery CM.
-1DPO: Dry CM, horrid nausea for half the day (maybe car sickness)
-2DPO: Dry CM, BD in the morning, light cramps, at 12pm had a twinge/flutter on left side of uterus area, my ring finger swelled so much I almost couldn't get wedding rings off. Took them off for a few hours until finger was less swollen.
-3DPO: Lotion CM (light amount), light cramps, this is the day I was SUPPOSED to O but I did early.
-4DPO: Light cramps off and on, I guess tacky white CM? High CP, gassy, pimple on nose.
-5DPO: Light cramps off and on, bad headache.
-6DPO(today): Super white sticky/stretchy CM (like EWCM but not clear), also light white lotion CM, light cramps off and on, constipated, tiny pimple forming under nose but went away.
Where my ladies at?! I was so swamped at work today and now hitting the hay, but impatient me at 7DPO is already testing and killing my eyes by squinting hahaha I donno why I test so early when I know I won’t see anything lol shared below for fun.

How’s everyone doing? I’ll get on my laptop tomorrow to type more. Night!


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