Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Morning y'all. Everyone seems to be having a really rubbish week, either feeling ill or sad or, like me, just bloody bored! Hope things start to improve for everyone having a poo time of it in general. Thinking of y'all.

This has been the most uneventful TWW ever. CD26 and NOTHING to report. Nothing. I feel as normal as can be. Last month at this point I'd started with boob pain, cramping, horrendous low mood - all the usual AF symptoms. But no sign so far. Hopefully this means my cycles are getting longer with the Clomid - that's what we need to happen.

I'm probably 7dpo, so could do with her holding off for another week. She's technically due Saturday, that would be 10dpo - not quite long enough IMO. So if she arrives on time, I'm going to chase up the OBGYN and ask about the trigger shot for next month.
Nixnax - Glad you're feeling better today!

Lady_Alysanne - Thank you. Yeah, I'm done testing this cycle. Unless for some reason AF is late and my temps stays high.

Moose - oh wow. Is the pain gone today? That sounds terrible.

AFM - CD29/13DPO - I refused to test this morning. Temp is still up. Chart looks great, don't mean to brag but my chart always looks great so that's pretty much irrelevant. lol Had an awesome workout this morning, all cardio. Back down to my pre-easter 3 day binger weight. heehee. AF due Friday, I had some usual pre-AF cramps yesterday. None today so far.
Dream- ughh I’m so sorry to hear you had such a bad day :( It’s seriously perfectly fine to break down some days. I mean we ALL have right? Trust me when I say for some reason my car knows all of my pain! I don’t know why but some days after I had a bad day at work, or more negative tests and just everything under the sun, I’ll get in my car to go home and just bawl my eyes out! Hysterically crying .. like legit ugly cry all the way home in the middle of 5:00 traffic. It happens and you should take that time to be upset and reevaluate things. You’ll come back at it much calmer, I promise! Hang in there girl <3 And ok just sorry and wtf about the tinder baby shower. Omg.. you have every right to feel some type of way about that! What I do in those situations is make myself feel 1,000x better by saying “I’ve been with my guy for years and years, we love each other, my child will grow up with parents who fought to have them.” It helps :(

Lady- Right!? I’m honestly just still using them to see if they even do give me blazing positives when I actually O. If they don’t .. I’ll know. And if they do then I will just have to keep using them! I call it a science experiment right now haha! Girl .. I’m with the creamy cm too after days of dry! Except it probably means more for you haha. We’re cm sisters atm haha!

Canadian - oh my god how scary!!!! So glad you’re ok but what the hell?? I thought Canadian healthcare was better than the US. You sound like you went to a Florida hospital! Are you feeling better today? Glad you’re husband was there .. he must have been freaked out! If you ate something you don’t have on a regular basis I’d definitely say it say it was a bad reaction issue. Wow .. definitely not cool to have right before you’re HSG! Tomorrow’s the day for you though! FX for you it goes smoothly <3

Nix- I’ve always wanted one of those artist to come and paint my walls something fierce! Like an ocean or something <3

Wanderer- Hang in there girl! Do you plan to test Saturday or just wait till 11dpo to see if af shows? Eek I love when you girls start testing!!

Lee- and speaking of testing.... :) :) How you doin girl??

I’m still stuck in ovulation limbo so I have nothing to report. Except my nips are sore .. again. And I will say that I blamed my fiancé for that last night because he’s been tugging on em lately! I swear he comes home like a wild banshee some days. Ok off to do some job stuff .. blehhh. I’d rather be home ;) Have a great day ladies!!
Wanderer - that was me last month, absolutely nada. Whereas this month I have every bloody symptom going. I feel so different and it’s probably all for nothing.

Die - oh my days you crack me up. Wild banshee. Nearly spat my tea out at my desk lol.

Dream - you do have a lovely chart, I hope it turns into a bfp. Good work on the gym work. I ducked out of a run today due to rain. Will do it tomorrow though. Got to keep our spirits up somehow and the exercise is a great way.

I’m going to test tomorrow morning. I have so much going on that I just need to put my mind at ease, at least until AF shows or doesn’t. I’m so dismissive of symptoms most of the time but this month feels odd. Even my chart looks odd compared to normal. I never get dips in the TWW, not until AF anyway. Knowing my luck AF will show right on time though.
Hey everyone, I have to get caught back up. I went MIA for a couple days cuz I was mad at that fault test lol :( and I was stressing myself out too much testing so early and hoping for results. My bff, who is 2 days ahead of me in her cycle, just got AF this morning so she's bummed but she said she didn't feel pregnant. I wasn't cramping for a couple days, but I'm cramping again a little harder so I'm wondering if AF is coming. I haven't had any IB. I was mildy cramping almost this whole cycle and had some strange symptoms, but nothing lately. I was checking CP this morning and it was super tight in there and that happened last cycle before AF came, so it might be coming. I always feel like I see faint shadow lines on tests (within the 5 min window), but I can always find a line lol it's a curse.

So I haven't really been testing much and just kind of waiting it out so I don't stress myself out. Waiting for a BFP has like taken over my life lol below are some recent tests from today and yesterday just cuz I felt like it.

Also, I think in previous posts I was saying I was 1 DPO ahead of where I am. Today I am 12DPO and FF app thinks my AF will come on Tuesday, but if my body goes by my old cycle when I was on BCP my AF would be this Friday. So I would say it would be between both dates. Sunday?


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I’m 9DPO and just caved and tested. BFN. No more testing now, it’s out of my system (ish) af is due Sunday (ish). Just gonna kick back and relax (ish). There are a lot of ishs today
Nix - Relax and enjoy yoir next couple of days. Its still early so you never know! I really hope theres more to come for you later in the week :)
Lee - I am sorry youre having to go through that letdown. I cant imagine.
LoneW - I bet this means its working! thats really great!
Canadian - that sounds horrible and really scary. I cant believe they made you wait so long! I though pain moved you to the front of the line. I am so glad you are feeling better. Get rest and back on your feet soon.
Lady - thanks. The hormones seem to be levelling out and i read that after your first AF the symptoms pretty much sjould go away so fx. An app is a good idea, i should try that.

Stopped with the OPKs for now (cuz I keep forgetting). AF is either tomorrow or Monday. Maybe. Got a 20 minute hot flash with flushing today at work which was fun. Sore nips. A little achy in the abdomen. So i hope this means AF coming soon!

Maybe i can give a lught to everyone having such a tough week: This morning i woke up and went to the bthrm to get ready for work and when i came back the bedroom there was a huuuuge wet spot by my pillow - about the size of a big orange. I asked my husband why he ket the dog lick my sheets and he was like "uh... No baby that was you." Omg ive never been a drooler! IDK how i ever got such a hottie to marry me hahaha.
Nixnax - way to get the POAS out of your system(ish) lol I totally support that.

Stella2018 - LOL too funny. Yes, I needed that, thank you.

AFM CD30 and 14DPO: Temp still hanging decently well. I didn't test yesterday or today. AF is due tomorrow. The only way I'm testing again is if she doesn't come tomorrow, then I'll test Saturday FMU. (If I get enough balls, fear of more rejection)
Thanks for the well wishes everyone doing much better physically, and it was totally a bad food reaction leading to gas/constipation and badly inflamed intestines.

On a more ragy note, I couldn't get my HSG test done today because my GYN fucked up the time on it forcing it too early I couldn't get to the cashier's office to pay the hospital for it cause they open at 8:30, appointment was set to 7:30. Doc, my GYN, told the hospital to "cancel it" because she couldn't stay past 8.

Apparently they set everything up KNOWING I had to pay by cash only, but forgot to tell me to come in another day and which when they called to set up the appointment I asked if I needed to do that, come in before the day and pay, to which they said "no, just come in early and stop by the office before hand and make sure you get the check." Thing is they have a place you are supposed to go to "after hours" that will take care of the payment except when I went there today the guy was like " uh, I dunno ask so and so, I don't do that here" >.< It says on the sign you do! FFS people! So now I have to wait a whole nother fricken cycle and go through this shit AGAIN but maybe people will have their shit together this time.

And breathe....

So taking advantage of this "break cycle" and sexing the hell outta my hubs for the stress relief, screw this nonsense, not allowed to drink so this is the next best thing. Oh, and also 7days till my mother comes to visit, right during O. Fuck my life right now.
Moose - O M G! Wow. Makes you wonder how these people even have their jobs? Seems pretty simple for them to have told you the process, especially since you asked! Wow that's incredibly frustrating that you have to wait anything cycle now. Is it already booked? I'm so sorry. That really friggin sucks!
Moose - O M G! Wow. Makes you wonder how these people even have their jobs? Seems pretty simple for them to have told you the process, especially since you asked! Wow that's incredibly frustrating that you have to wait anything cycle now. Is it already booked? I'm so sorry. That really friggin sucks!

Nope they won't even book it till I call with confirmation of 1st day of period, CD1, so I have to wait a whole cycle now. :dohh: So stressed and angry right now I "told" hubby that he WILL give me sexy times tonight regardless of how he thinks I am "feeling", A.K.A sick still or w/e, because I need it to chill out. So sexually frustrated and need the relaxing stress relief from it. To which he laughed and repeated my phase to me " you will be having sex with me tonight, whether you like it or not!" And called me silly and that he loved me...not sure I'm doing this right but w/e. So glad he is an understanding and loving man, at least with this I'm lucky. :rofl:
Ok I'm baaack lol yeah I have just been mad since my false positive on Easter. What an April Fools joke for life to play on me!

Thank you all for the excitement when we THOUGHT it was a BFP haha now I'm hoping I didn't O late because that positive OPK was the most positive I have ever gotten before and we didn't BD around that time...

Dream - I can also see a faint line. I'm also one who always finds a line lol. FX for you! Your sad post hit the feels. I can't imagine trying for a year. I'm sure it's super upsetting and I'm so sorry. I always worry about that with me because I'm going to be 33 this year and I know so many people who have trouble trying. FX for you <3

Zoboe - Love hearing your symptoms of early pregnancy :) I'm living through you haha I can't wait to start setting up the nursery. COME ON BFP lol

Die - I HOPE it's my turn haha but I'm now wondering if I just Od super late :( because I've never seen an OPK so positive for me (but it's only my 2nd cycle taking them). But the odd thing is I kept checking my CM and it was never EWCM with that mega positive OPK... it was just creamy. Regarding prego tests, I just keeping THINKING I see faint lines on tests, but it's just always like that. I will def keep you posted if I get some good lines :) thanks! Glad you're back from being sick, but sorry about your frustrating OPKs. Glad you're getting some blood work to give you answers.

Nix - Sorry you're sick :( seems like everyone on here is sick.

Moorse - So scary! Glad you're ok. ERs are the worst. I have left before as well.

Stella - Thank you :) the drooling LOL I hate when I drool omg I've drooled on DH before when I've fallen asleep on the couch leaning against him LOL

AFM, I'm at CD24 and 13DPO I THINK... I haven't been so sure of my body these last 2 cycles. If I was still on BCP my AF would be due tomorrow, but if I go by FF app it's due Tuesday because that's going by my last cycle which was late due to coming off BCP... So I have no clue LOL. I don't have sore nips or boobs like I got last month before AF. I'm trying to stay away from tests and any that I do take are eh. I just ordered some more Wondfos because those are so much easier to look at than ClinicalGuard with my old lady eyes. I find myself almost cross eyed trying to look at them.

Obviously don't know if these are regular symptoms or prego symptoms, but things out of the ordinary:
-Mega heartburn yesterday and the day before. I usually don't get it.
-More hardcore cramps, like AF cramps, today and yesterday.
-Lots of creamy CM
-CP is super low and this is weird but my vagina canal is super tight. It did this last month too before AF but it feels tighter. DH clearly enjoyed that last night LOL sorry.
-Constipation (could be cuz I've been eating grits like a mofo, new fave thing)

I have been slacking at temping :( will let you know when I have some more updates. I read everyone's posts and got caught up.

I hear y'all on drooling but I got ya beat. Haha hubs would KILL me if he knew I shared this...

When you go to scratch and rub on their head being affectionate but end up getting stuck being the pillow so the can get an hour nap in. And yes I had my hand up holding his head for at least an hour! Has happened many times and I just love him too much to grumble about the arm cramp and the drool on my hand/arm(sometimes his head tilts and my hand ends up holding his chin/head up getting a handful of drool for thanks!) LOL poor guy, he tries so hard but he works so hard.
On a lighter note I had to share this for the ladies taking about the tea earlier posts back. We love tea, but not as much as this guy apparently...
HAHAHAHAHA. I dont think ive ever git my hand stuck like that! Hilarious - love the pic too. He looks so peaceful. :haha:
I am sorry for your doc crap tho... Thats soooo frustrating
Lee - glad yo see you back and feeling happier!
Nix and Lee- ugh sorry about the BFN’s! Hang in there you beautiful ladies! <3

Stella- Hahah I wish your hubby would’ve just been like “sure... the “dog” did it...” lol. I do drool in my sleep .. but only under pure exhaustion! It always freaks me out when it does happen that’s how rare it occurs lol.

Canadian - what a load of horse shit!!! BD the hell away.. I hope you’re feeling more relaxed now ;) I personally would never not BD with company in the house. Just make sure the door is locked, TV is on, and just being super quiet! GL to you and I hope you have a good visit with your mom <3

Nothing going on here .. feeling stressed because of work but it is what it is! Ready to go home, shower, and relax! :)
Canadian - Can't believe you had those awful days back-to-back, some people just need to be sued, seriously!! Okay, was that too much? They should be fired.. Hope you are feeling better today. I am sorry you have to wait like another month for HSG. And that pic you posted is really adorable, so clear that he feels safe and peaceful in your arms. Mine does this odd shaking movement sometimes when he naps in my arms, usually what we do when we have a dream about falling from sky or something.

Wanderer - These weeks have more than 7 days in it, I swear!! Why does tww has to be like this? Fx you get some symptoms as you enter later part of tww.

Stella - Lol, that part defo made me smile.. I do drool though occasionally, and first thing I do is making sure DH doesn't notice. Obviously that doesn't really work when you are married to a guy for years, eventually he sees me as I am, gross and drooly ;)

Lee - Good to have you back dear, sorry the tests are not going your way. But if AF is still 3/4 days away, you are early, right? I was feeling a bit down today, so I was reading other peoples symptoms and when they got their BFP to cheer me up. And some ladies had to wait until 16/17 dpos. I say none of us are out until witch shows her ugly head.

Die - Oh, Die, cm sisters and Banshee DH, honestly girl you crack me up. I don't know if it means anything for me either. I am not having a lot of creamy cm like is normal if you are preggo, just a little bit. And that is kinda normal for me before af. Hope the pressure of work clears up soon for you.

Nix - I am sorry about your test, you are right, sometimes you just need to get it out of your system. I won't be testing until Tuesday, as af due on Monday. GL with your test on Saturday, fx that witch stays the hell away from our life.

Dream - I am sending positive vibes dear, and as I was telling Lee, I read lots of success stories today, ladies had to wait until 16/17 DPO. So, I am keeping everything crossed for you..

Zoboe - Where are you hun? Hope work is not too much. I love hearing your early symptoms. And your scan is I guess is only 10 days away, that is super exciting!!

AFM, I am having some pulling, pinching sensations in my lower abdomen and lady parts since yesterday. Today, I got a mild headache. The only thing standing out to me is I can hold my pee at most two hours, then I literally have to run. And its not a lot in amount, which is weird. I hope all this is not in my head, which could be though. I have an extraordinary imagination *sigh*, so I'll try not to see too much into it.

Good Luck to you all!!
Morning ladies

Moose - wow how incompetent can they be, seriously?! I’d be fuming. Haha get that frustration out this weekend. That’s so sweet you holding his head whilst he sleeps

Lee - we appear to the be the same. I had horrendous heartburn last night (I never get heartburn unless it’s from drinking too much cider). I’ve had lower back ache for 2 days.

Dream - I feel better since testing, it’s made me think I’m out this cycle so I’m more relaxed now.

Die - thanks Hun

So I’m 11/12 dpo today depending on the app I look at. My temp dropped below the cover line today. I’m expecting af tomorrow. Which would make my Flo app correct. FF says af on Sunday. We shall see. I’m ready for this cycle to be over, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster
I'm back :) ...had a busy 3 days at work, and was trying to fight off a bug too! I found that I was getting home at about 6pm, having dinner, then pretty much just sleeping! the new job though, so when I'm feeling better life will be good! ...just checked in at the hotel for my besties wedding this weekend, which is so so exciting! My voice is a little sore, but pretty much back now, so definitely on the mend :)

Funny story...every morning at the moment, I wake up and have to run to the toilet to dry heave ...this morning I woke up, ran to the toilet...and didn't feel sick, I stood there like a lemon for a few seconds, before deciding maybe I should just get on with my day!! Tried on my bridesmaid dress again last night to check it still fits, all good, but a little tight across the chest, boobs are deffo growing at last!! I've also got a total pregnancy brain, I keep forgetting things or making stupid comments! I managed to forget to bring the wedding card with me today, yet remembered the presents, and the card from my parents!!

Hope you're all doing OK, hopefully now I'm feeling better, I'll log on a bit more!! ...although probably not this weekend, going to be a tad busy celebrating :D

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