Hey lovelies, I've read all your comments, and am always following along, when I can find them! ...I'm afraid I'm here for a mega rant today, I needed to rant somewhere, and I know you lot always listen!
Just me that's really struggling to find things now they've changed the layout on this page?? ...Been to midwife today at 33+6, and she's referred me for a growth scan in the morning because bump is measuring small. I get that it's part of the procedure, but it annoys me that so much of this comes from a graph. How can you measure something on a graph that is different for every woman? ...I was born 3 weeks early at 6lb half an ounce, and so was my brother. I'm only small, im about 5ft 4, and my bmi is pretty low, therefore it's quite likely that I will carry a small baby, but my midwife just wants to look at graphs and charts, and never thinks about these things. Last time I was measured, baby was head down, feet in my ribs, in a straight line, so bump was quite big, this time she is still head down, but bum to the left and feet to the right, so almost curled up in a ball. Therefore, bump smaller. the cross is still between the two lines, but not quite where she wants it to be, so I'm having to go for this appointment. I would understand it if i was having reduced movements or anything like that, but she never stops kicking!
I don't even think its the being sent for a scan that's the issue, it is just my particular midwife. She is so impersonal. She talks to my green book more than she does to me, never tells me what she's writing, or why, and often makes up half the answers. This time she wrote down that I was emotionally well, without even asking me! ...She had a student in this time, who was lovely, but clearly very new, and she paid little or no attention to her either. When the student took my pulse, she told the midwife it was 66, and the midwife wrote it down, and moved on, at which point i half jokingly said 'It's never been that low before', and was ignored by the midwife. The student took it again, at which point she realized it was 75, but didn't change what she had written down! ...I also told her I have been having quite a few moments of palpitations, and a very fast resting pulse, and she just said ok, and moved on, making no note of it or anything. They go on and on about how when pregnant, you should tell the midwife everything, even if it is the tiniest thing, but as soon as I tell my midwife something she can't read off a chart, she seems to just ignore it! She didn't even mention my urine test, even though they've been dodgy the last two I've handed in (student said today's was clear), and hasn't approached a birth plan either. It's lucky I know what I want!
Sorry, rant over, I can't wait to have my little one in my arms, and be living life as a new little family! Hope you're all doing ok, I'm always keeping my fingers crossed for you all!