Trying real hard not to read into this...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Okay ladies, well...I quit TTC like a month ago. VERY short time ago. I have been getting rid of some stressful situations in my life, which I did successfully. I rekindled my relationship with my husband. We are at the best financial place we can be, and I finally got my AF after two months of her being MIA.

Well here is the scoop. She came for a week. HEAD ON. After two months and many pregnancy tests later, I realized that it was just AF trying to be rude and get my hopes up. Anyway, I really don't want to read into this too much but lately, I have been feeling strange. These are the things I have been experiencing.

-SUPER Cranky with DH
-Random dizziness
-I feel chubbier
-Today I have gone pee A LOT!
-I can sleep ANY time of the day
-Some (very) random breast pain
-Period was normal even with its late arrival

I really don't know what is going on. I think AF was late due to the stress that was going on with a bunch of family issues, and I haven't told anyone that I am having these "symptoms."

The only person that is reading into them is my husband. Lol The other day I was about to get out of our car and I was like "oof, I just got super dizzy." He got a smile on his face and was like "hmmm.. I don't know, what could it beeeee?" He is a goof, but I am beginning to wonder. Right now, I feel sort of tired. But my brain feels foggy, like I am going into a headache. I also have slight nausea. My moods have also been horrible. On a few occasions I have wanted to shoot my hubby! Lol not really, but he makes me angry!!

:wacko: What does this sound like to you ladies? Maybe just crazy PMS? I don't know. :haha:
Every month is hard for me. But usually the symptoms I get before my periods are the same. This month however has been completely different. It seems I've traded sore breasts for nausea; I've never felt sick with PMS and my breasts have ALWAYS been sore. For as long as I can remember, they would start getting sensitive right around the time of expected ovulation.
I'm usually very cranky for a day or two before AF but the irritability I've been experiencing comes and goes very suddenly. I'm supposed to get a visit from AF today but I've been getting clear-ish yellow discharge since the beginning of this week. No spotting though. A lot of twinges in my lower abdomen.
My mother and mother-in-law both said to me that when all of a sudden you feel different, that's when you'll most likely be pregnant. Good luck!
Are you late or anything?

Hey Ashley. I was late two months. Then she came about a week ago head on. Strong cramps, heavy flow, that stuff. Only heavy for 2 days though. And I am still experiencing some weird stuff. I am CRAZY dizzy, and I keep getting like twinges of pain in both breasts. Like they sting on the inside. I don't know how else to explain it. I don't know if I should test? I don't feel super different. Except for the whole dizzy thing. Barely lets me think straight :/
Every month is hard for me. But usually the symptoms I get before my periods are the same. This month however has been completely different. It seems I've traded sore breasts for nausea; I've never felt sick with PMS and my breasts have ALWAYS been sore. For as long as I can remember, they would start getting sensitive right around the time of expected ovulation.
I'm usually very cranky for a day or two before AF but the irritability I've been experiencing comes and goes very suddenly. I'm supposed to get a visit from AF today but I've been getting clear-ish yellow discharge since the beginning of this week. No spotting though. A lot of twinges in my lower abdomen.
My mother and mother-in-law both said to me that when all of a sudden you feel different, that's when you'll most likely be pregnant. Good luck!

I have never felt sick from cramps, and this time it hurt! Like I was bent over. I don't know that I feel too different. My boobs usually hurt before AF. Not after. Well they are achy right now. But I "know" I am not pregnant because of my period. Could I be wrong? Could I still be pregnant but have normal vaginal bleeding? I am so confused.
There's spotting, which some doctors say can last for 3 or more days. But implantation cramps should never been that painful. I haven't been pregnant before so I'm just referring to The Book and what I've heard from women who have been pregnant.
I think I've had a time or two where my boobs were still sensitive after my period had already passed. How long has it been since you've been off your period?
There's spotting, which some doctors say can last for 3 or more days. But implantation cramps should never been that painful. I haven't been pregnant before so I'm just referring to The Book and what I've heard from women who have been pregnant.
I think I've had a time or two where my boobs were still sensitive after my period had already passed. How long has it been since you've been off your period?

I'd say about a week or so. :p
Who knows? It could go either way at this point :) Which is something I find very frustrating. PMS and pregnancy symptoms being so similar. For me, my breast usually start hurting a good 10 days or so before my next period. It confusing :/
I guess you're kinda in for the two week wait? Maybe not even that long before you can test?
Test now if you want or see a doctor. My period has been crazy the past couple months. And I've had positive and negative tests. Also have pregnancy symptoms, I never get with my period. i have 2 kids so I know what I feel like pregnant. Best bet is call your doctor. If you've missed 2 months and then got a very heavy/painful period, you may have had an early miscarriage. Been there done that as well. And as for the implantation cramping not hurting, it can be very painful, but is usually only on one side.
have you set a time to test or anything? or any new updates?
Hey ladies. I am going to test today. I have been holding out on testing cause I wanted to do that whole "no stress no disappointment" thing and refrain from thinking about a baby. BUT, I don't see sense in it now. I have had some killer breast pain yesterday and then cramping. As if AF was here. I thought I could be O'ing but it has never felt that way before. I also have continued to be dizzy. I also have a difficult time falling asleep and lately, I have not. I fall asleep anywhere, any time of the day. Another thing I find strange is I have been having some wacky VIVID dreams. About BABIES! I had one the other day about baby-snatching Demons. It was no good. I had a baby and this demon thing wanted to take it. I had to work hard to confuse it so that it wouldn't take my baby. I feel like I may be reading into this. I don't feel very different. :shrug: Everyone always says "you just feel different" or "you will know" Well, not me! I don't feel different or anything. My right side is continuing to hurt. But that's the only side. Oh, this may be TMI, but I have been having some crazy digestive problems. I have been constipated, and then I get that one sweaty/yucky feeling that you get during AF some times and then I can't go. It all sounds so promising towards pregnancy but I don't know. My period was pretty bad. I hope it wasn't a miscarriage. It would break my heart...:cry:
Hey ladies. I am going to test today. I have been holding out on testing cause I wanted to do that whole "no stress no disappointment" thing and refrain from thinking about a baby. BUT, I don't see sense in it now. I have had some killer breast pain yesterday and then cramping. As if AF was here. I thought I could be O'ing but it has never felt that way before. I also have continued to be dizzy. I also have a difficult time falling asleep and lately, I have not. I fall asleep anywhere, any time of the day. Another thing I find strange is I have been having some wacky VIVID dreams. About BABIES! I had one the other day about baby-snatching Demons. It was no good. I had a baby and this demon thing wanted to take it. I had to work hard to confuse it so that it wouldn't take my baby. I feel like I may be reading into this. I don't feel very different. :shrug: Everyone always says "you just feel different" or "you will know" Well, not me! I don't feel different or anything. My right side is continuing to hurt. But that's the only side. Oh, this may be TMI, but I have been having some crazy digestive problems. I have been constipated, and then I get that one sweaty/yucky feeling that you get during AF some times and then I can't go. It all sounds so promising towards pregnancy but I don't know. My period was pretty bad. I hope it wasn't a miscarriage. It would break my heart...:cry:

KUP!!!! sounds pretty promising!!!! I am excited to hear what your test come back as!
There is something I may add as well. So for about 2 weeks now, my two dogs have been following me insistently. They follow me into the bathroom, they stare at me, they sleep next to me on the couch, and every time when I go to bed, they look at me and cry. I let them out, I feed them, and they continue to come back to my bedroom and cry and stare at me. They are glued to my side. My lab Mia usually follows me when I clean the house and loves on me. My pit Blaze usually just wonders around not following anyone in particular. Well, for the last two weeks, that hasn't been the case. He follows me everywhere. He is ALWAYS wanting to kiss me and smell me to see whats different. He whines on my bedside in the morning and stares at me. He has been really protective too. Do you think they sense something? They are just acting so weird. Maybe its just the change in weather? I don't know. Just a random thought I guess. :shrug:
did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:
did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:

I know the feeling! I just had a miscarriage and I am just ready to give up. Its way too heartbreaking. :cry: Have you had any new symptoms or anything?
did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:

I know the feeling! I just had a miscarriage and I am just ready to give up. Its way too heartbreaking. :cry: Have you had any new symptoms or anything?

I'm so sorry girl. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. :hugs: Umm, no not really. I have had some irregularity in digestion and just been really tired. However, other than that, I have no other symptoms. I went home and looked at my test, but there was not even a hint of color on it. I keep dreaming about getting BFP's though. Last night I had a dream that I took a test, and I didn't see anything on it (of course) and DH was like, "I see pink in it!! Don't you! Tell me you see it!" And then my dream changed to something else. I don't know. This probably isn't related to pregnancy whatsoever but I woke up this morning with the inside part of my eye and nose swollen. It looked like I had a black eye. :/ It was super weird. Anyway, that was somewhat of a side note. If this isn't too personal, I was wondering if I could ask you what your mc was like? I somewhat feel like I may have had one last month. AF was gone for 2 months, and then came back but it was really bad. The blood was super dark red, and my cramps had be doubled over. :(
did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:

I know the feeling! I just had a miscarriage and I am just ready to give up. Its way too heartbreaking. :cry: Have you had any new symptoms or anything?

I'm so sorry girl. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. :hugs: Umm, no not really. I have had some irregularity in digestion and just been really tired. However, other than that, I have no other symptoms. I went home and looked at my test, but there was not even a hint of color on it. I keep dreaming about getting BFP's though. Last night I had a dream that I took a test, and I didn't see anything on it (of course) and DH was like, "I see pink in it!! Don't you! Tell me you see it!" And then my dream changed to something else. I don't know. This probably isn't related to pregnancy whatsoever but I woke up this morning with the inside part of my eye and nose swollen. It looked like I had a black eye. :/ It was super weird. Anyway, that was somewhat of a side note. If this isn't too personal, I was wondering if I could ask you what your mc was like? I somewhat feel like I may have had one last month. AF was gone for 2 months, and then came back but it was really bad. The blood was super dark red, and my cramps had be doubled over. :(

Thank you it's been hard. I'm still coming down from my symptoms. Every once in awhile ill have heartburn or feel queasy and its just a reminder there's no baby. I jihadis light spotting and cramping on day one then in the middle of the night I had really bad bleeding and clotting really bright red with cramps. I didn't have to bad cramps really but I had really bad bleeding. Like I had to wear a tampon and pad and was soaking through in about 45 mins time. It's possible you had a mc!!!! :(
did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:

I know the feeling! I just had a miscarriage and I am just ready to give up. Its way too heartbreaking. :cry: Have you had any new symptoms or anything?

I'm so sorry girl. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. :hugs: Umm, no not really. I have had some irregularity in digestion and just been really tired. However, other than that, I have no other symptoms. I went home and looked at my test, but there was not even a hint of color on it. I keep dreaming about getting BFP's though. Last night I had a dream that I took a test, and I didn't see anything on it (of course) and DH was like, "I see pink in it!! Don't you! Tell me you see it!" And then my dream changed to something else. I don't know. This probably isn't related to pregnancy whatsoever but I woke up this morning with the inside part of my eye and nose swollen. It looked like I had a black eye. :/ It was super weird. Anyway, that was somewhat of a side note. If this isn't too personal, I was wondering if I could ask you what your mc was like? I somewhat feel like I may have had one last month. AF was gone for 2 months, and then came back but it was really bad. The blood was super dark red, and my cramps had be doubled over. :(

Thank you it's been hard. I'm still coming down from my symptoms. Every once in awhile ill have heartburn or feel queasy and its just a reminder there's no baby. I jihadis light spotting and cramping on day one then in the middle of the night I had really bad bleeding and clotting really bright red with cramps. I didn't have to bad cramps really but I had really bad bleeding. Like I had to wear a tampon and pad and was soaking through in about 45 mins time. It's possible you had a mc!!!! :(

Yeah, I had to change like every hour or so. It was pretty bad. Very dark red. Almost crimson red. Was pretty bad. Did you have like tissue or membranes or anything? Was it chunks or just lots of blood? Cause thats how it was for me.

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