Trying real hard not to read into this...

did you ever test?!?!

Yes I did. I tested about a week ago, and then I tested this morning. :bfn: It actually looked like the start of something this morning, but I think it was just a horrible case of line-eye. :( I only looked at it for about a minute and a half, then I threw it away. Didn't care to look it at for much longer. I'll probably look at it again when I go home just to torture myself. But until then. I am sure it was negative. The month is still early and all. Not super worried about it. Its more frustrating than anything to see only one line. :wacko: Oh well. Onward I guess. :shrug:

I know the feeling! I just had a miscarriage and I am just ready to give up. Its way too heartbreaking. :cry: Have you had any new symptoms or anything?

I'm so sorry girl. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. :hugs: Umm, no not really. I have had some irregularity in digestion and just been really tired. However, other than that, I have no other symptoms. I went home and looked at my test, but there was not even a hint of color on it. I keep dreaming about getting BFP's though. Last night I had a dream that I took a test, and I didn't see anything on it (of course) and DH was like, "I see pink in it!! Don't you! Tell me you see it!" And then my dream changed to something else. I don't know. This probably isn't related to pregnancy whatsoever but I woke up this morning with the inside part of my eye and nose swollen. It looked like I had a black eye. :/ It was super weird. Anyway, that was somewhat of a side note. If this isn't too personal, I was wondering if I could ask you what your mc was like? I somewhat feel like I may have had one last month. AF was gone for 2 months, and then came back but it was really bad. The blood was super dark red, and my cramps had be doubled over. :(

Thank you it's been hard. I'm still coming down from my symptoms. Every once in awhile ill have heartburn or feel queasy and its just a reminder there's no baby. I jihadis light spotting and cramping on day one then in the middle of the night I had really bad bleeding and clotting really bright red with cramps. I didn't have to bad cramps really but I had really bad bleeding. Like I had to wear a tampon and pad and was soaking through in about 45 mins time. It's possible you had a mc!!!! :(

Yeah, I had to change like every hour or so. It was pretty bad. Very dark red. Almost crimson red. Was pretty bad. Did you have like tissue or membranes or anything? Was it chunks or just lots of blood? Cause thats how it was for me.

Yeah I had tissue and dark red clots. I had a bad lower back ache but I had that maybe a day or two before I started spotting. I also had a really upset stomach. It was like I had a virus or something. I felt really really sick and had an upset stomach. Sounds like you may have had a m/c and that would explain why af was mia for 2 months and why you're possibly still having symptoms. I was told it takes a little bit for symptoms to go away. :hugs:
Yeah, well I am sorry girl. Had you already taken an HPT and knew you were expecting? I guess the only thing I have to my advantage was that I didn't know. (if I actually was) I am not sure cause I took a bunch of HPT's and they were all negative. But like before, I am sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine it. I hope you get your :bfp: soon. :hugs:
Yeah, well I am sorry girl. Had you already taken an HPT and knew you were expecting? I guess the only thing I have to my advantage was that I didn't know. (if I actually was) I am not sure cause I took a bunch of HPT's and they were all negative. But like before, I am sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine it. I hope you get your :bfp: soon. :hugs:

Thanks girl! I am sorry for you too if you did! I took lots of test. I kept getting all really faint lines. I guess it was cause the baby wasnt growing. I took a digi finally got a pregnant. Got really excited but just had a bad feeling. I tested again got a not pregnant. Took 5 more test all were negative. It was crushing. It makes me just wanna take a break from the whole thing. I know everyone says at least I know I can get pregnant but it sucks having that bfp and then losing it. Are u still havin any symptoms? Thanks girl I hope you get you're bfp soon too! They say ur most fertile after a m/c so fingers crossed.
Yeah, well I am sorry girl. Had you already taken an HPT and knew you were expecting? I guess the only thing I have to my advantage was that I didn't know. (if I actually was) I am not sure cause I took a bunch of HPT's and they were all negative. But like before, I am sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine it. I hope you get your :bfp: soon. :hugs:

Thanks girl! I am sorry for you too if you did! I took lots of test. I kept getting all really faint lines. I guess it was cause the baby wasnt growing. I took a digi finally got a pregnant. Got really excited but just had a bad feeling. I tested again got a not pregnant. Took 5 more test all were negative. It was crushing. It makes me just wanna take a break from the whole thing. I know everyone says at least I know I can get pregnant but it sucks having that bfp and then losing it. Are u still havin any symptoms? Thanks girl I hope you get you're bfp soon too! They say ur most fertile after a m/c so fingers crossed.

Hey lady. Well I hope that being more fertile after a miscarriage is true. I am still not sure if that was it, but all I have to say is thank goodness it has passed. I have had a few "symptoms" If you could call them that. I have been waking up many times a night with REALLY bad gas. I am sorry, I know that is TMI. Also, I have been having problems with my digestive system. I am either constipated for a bunch of days, or then it is real bad "runny". :nope: Anyway, I had a vent fest with DH last night, and it was okay. I got a lot off my chest. I was going to cry, but then I stopped myself. I guess I couldn't really come to crying (too many wasted tears). I actually took a break all of October. It worked out okay, but as you can see, I am not yet pregnant.
Being relaxed feels good in the sense that you have an open mind to focus on other things; ie: house, hubby, YOURSELF, family. The thing I found though, was that all of those things tied into a baby. My house feels too empty, I have an extra room with white walls waiting to be prepared for a baby. My husband starts pointing out baby things, he smiles every time he sees one, he rubs my belly, having a baby is just who I have become for the last year. It has become essential to my happiness. Even if I am not yet pregnant. Thinking about being pregnant brings me a smile. Just knowing that every month there is a possibility of me conceiving makes me SO happy. And then there is the issue of family. At EVERY get together, they ask me where baby is.
I have a friend who lives here that is now also excited about her WTC. She and I talk about it all the time. We download baby name apps, look at baby clothes, all that good stuff. I guess I don't feel complete. I know I went on for a while, but it feels so good to express what I feel. I hope that baby comes soon, or that I conceive. I am a little curvier, so I am thinking about working out to see if that will help. I have heard that can be a factor in infertility as well. After I shed a few pounds, if I am not yet pregnant, I am going to start taking Geritol again. I really hope I can be pregnant in the next couple weeks. I would love to get my parents a "Best Grandparent's In The World" shirt for Christmas. That is my plan to surprise them. If I do in fact get pregnant. How are you doing? :flower:
Heyy Girl! I hope that is the case too! I picked up some geritol about a week or so ago for my hair! Now I hear they are really good for helping with TTC. Don't know if theres any truth to it or not but I guess it can't hurt. I have been really gassy too still! I also have been still having heartburn really bad which kinda makes me feel uneasy because it seems to be getting worse instead of going away. I just wish it would all go away. :nope: Its good that you were able to sit down with your DH and get things off your chest.

Being relaxed is a good approach but idk if your anything like me when it comes time for af to arrive I start freaking out and spotting every little sign or detail. I hate it. I wish I could just totally forget about making a baby. I understand what you mean how its all you can think about. Its hard. No one ever tells you how hard it will be to get pregnant when you actually do want to get pregnant. My best friend got pregnant a week after she was married and wasn't even trying. I try to talk to her about things and all she says is maybe I shoud wait till next year or that it will happen when it is supposed too. I know thats true but that doesn't help make me feel any better at all. So its good you have a friend who is WTC that yall can share stuff with.

My future Mother in law is terrible. All she ever talks about is how she wishes she had a grandbaby and how she lives to have a grandbaby and we need to hurry and have her a grandbaby. I mean seriously we are trying over here. Its not like I am trying to prevent it from happening. and my Fiance wants it so bad its just hard. I know where your coming from. How you want it so bad and everyone else wants it so bad to happen and you jsut feel all this pressure.

That is an adorable idea about how to tell your parents at Christmas. I love it. Hopefully you are able to do that! Sorry I just rambled on I just needed to vent. How are you doing today???

Hey lady. Well I hope that being more fertile after a miscarriage is true. I am still not sure if that was it, but all I have to say is thank goodness it has passed. I have had a few "symptoms" If you could call them that. I have been waking up many times a night with REALLY bad gas. I am sorry, I know that is TMI. Also, I have been having problems with my digestive system. I am either constipated for a bunch of days, or then it is real bad "runny". :nope: Anyway, I had a vent fest with DH last night, and it was okay. I got a lot off my chest. I was going to cry, but then I stopped myself. I guess I couldn't really come to crying (too many wasted tears). I actually took a break all of October. It worked out okay, but as you can see, I am not yet pregnant.
Being relaxed feels good in the sense that you have an open mind to focus on other things; ie: house, hubby, YOURSELF, family. The thing I found though, was that all of those things tied into a baby. My house feels too empty, I have an extra room with white walls waiting to be prepared for a baby. My husband starts pointing out baby things, he smiles every time he sees one, he rubs my belly, having a baby is just who I have become for the last year. It has become essential to my happiness. Even if I am not yet pregnant. Thinking about being pregnant brings me a smile. Just knowing that every month there is a possibility of me conceiving makes me SO happy. And then there is the issue of family. At EVERY get together, they ask me where baby is.
I have a friend who lives here that is now also excited about her WTC. She and I talk about it all the time. We download baby name apps, look at baby clothes, all that good stuff. I guess I don't feel complete. I know I went on for a while, but it feels so good to express what I feel. I hope that baby comes soon, or that I conceive. I am a little curvier, so I am thinking about working out to see if that will help. I have heard that can be a factor in infertility as well. After I shed a few pounds, if I am not yet pregnant, I am going to start taking Geritol again. I really hope I can be pregnant in the next couple weeks. I would love to get my parents a "Best Grandparent's In The World" shirt for Christmas. That is my plan to surprise them. If I do in fact get pregnant. How are you doing? :flower:
It's okay girl! I said a lot too. :flower: I am doing okay. DH and I sort of bickered last night. I don't talk to his mom and he wants me to. She has a drinking problem so I told him I don't want our kids around her. (when we have them) and he was upset. He understood where I was coming from, it just wasn't what he wanted to hear. I haven't talked to her for like 2 months now, and he feels bad about it. I really don't. She chose drinking over me, him and his sister. So I wasn't going to be involved in her life whatsoever.

Besides that, I am doing pretty good. Still symptom spotting as usual. That is funny how similar we are in that pretense. We share a lot of the same ideas. I take it your family is very tight knit family that has had a lot of kids and is not shy to be opinionated? Well I am right there with you. My family is the exact same. I know how you feel about having that person get married and pregnant a week later. My cousin is on her second baby since I started thinking about having one. She is currently 7 months pregnant with a little girl. She will be naming her Abigail. She had a baby boy about a year and a half ago. His name is Caiden. She is a HORRIBLE mother. Her son has a flat head because she left him laying on it for a long time. His bottles are never washed, and she gives him baths in a sink that is moldy and has food in it.

I see all of that and how I wish I was their mother. I absolutely hate it when people tell me, "well maybe its not your time yet."
"Live your life."
Who told them that having a baby is not living my life? What does living my life mean? I am already married. I work all week. I basically live for the weekend. What does it mean to live my life? That I have to go out and get drunk? That I have to meet and hook up with people? Is that living my life? What kind of life is that? Yeah, that may be a good life for others, but certainly not for me. I don't spend my week thinking about what I am going to do to get wasted this weekend, or where it is I am going to go next. I spend my week working, and sitting on Facebook stalking preggo friends, or on Babyandbump collecting some sort of hope.

Something I also hate with a passion, is the fact that I am young. I am 20 years old. They think that being under the age of 25 makes me incapable of taking care of a child, inept to raise one, and my favorite "wasting my life away." I am sorry I don't want to be 50 years old when my child graduates high school and then for his college graduation, have to walk in with a cane. I don't think so. Part of my happiness is being able to enjoy life with my kids. Relate to them on a better level. I have said this so many times, but my husband and I are so well off. We have a strong marriage of almost a year. (not nearly as long as others but good) a beautiful home. A car. (getting a new one next week) Nice things, awesome jobs! But most importantly, we have mental and financial stability. We wouldn't offer anything different than all the people that read books, and spend years preparing for a child who will probably not end up being who they envisioned. Because they try way too hard to make them perfect. I know it wont be easy to have a child, no one ever said it was, but I want to take on that challenge. Its a new road, it may be tough, but its all about love.

I am sorry I rambled on girl. I had a lot to say. :wacko:
How are you today?
Thats sad about your mother in law. My fiances grandpa has a drinking problem and it is terrible. I can't even stand to be around him. He is all the time saying rude things and I just can't take it. So I could def totally understand why you wouldnt want to talk to her!

How is your symptom spotting going? Any unusal things going on? Any testing taking place? I have no idea where I am in my cycle. So I have no idea what is going on. Or if I should be looking forward to testing soon or not. I am just waiting for the day that af shows her face. ugh. :growlmad: My fiances family is very opionated. They are the only ones who knows we are trying. My side of the family has not a clue other than my sister. His mom reminds me everytime I see her how much she wants a grandbaby and how we need to hurry it on up and have one because she needs something to feel her time. Yeah sure let me snap my fingers and make that happen cause we obviously haven't been trying for about 5 months now. But hey now because you want it so bad let me make sure to hurry up this process for you. :hissy:

Oh yeah people who are unfit parents and having kids. Doesn't it just make you feel just wonderful? I work at a hotel and at this exact moment there is a woman letting her baby sit in a dirty diaper because its her husbands turn to change him. SERIOUSLY lady. Change your babys diaper. I can't stand it. Everywhere I turn there is bad parents and people who would make wonderful parents are the ones who have trouble. Just doesn't seem to fair.

I know its tough but at the end of the day we have to just look at it as our perfect baby isn't ready yet and we just have to wait because when it is ready its gonna be so perfect. I have to remind myself every single day that if it hasn't happened yet its because its not meant too. Not saying that helps me feel any better at all but its the only outlook I can have because if not I would drive myself crazy. I know my fiance would make a wonderful father. I see him with my best friends little girl and its the most beautiful thing in the world. Seeing him with her makes me want one that much more. I wanna share those moments with him every single day. I just wish it would hurry up and happen. I wish it were easier.

How have things been going for you? I got busy at work and with the holidays and I forgot I didn't reply back to you. Sorry:blush:

It's okay girl! I said a lot too. :flower: I am doing okay. DH and I sort of bickered last night. I don't talk to his mom and he wants me to. She has a drinking problem so I told him I don't want our kids around her. (when we have them) and he was upset. He understood where I was coming from, it just wasn't what he wanted to hear. I haven't talked to her for like 2 months now, and he feels bad about it. I really don't. She chose drinking over me, him and his sister. So I wasn't going to be involved in her life whatsoever.

Besides that, I am doing pretty good. Still symptom spotting as usual. That is funny how similar we are in that pretense. We share a lot of the same ideas. I take it your family is very tight knit family that has had a lot of kids and is not shy to be opinionated? Well I am right there with you. My family is the exact same. I know how you feel about having that person get married and pregnant a week later. My cousin is on her second baby since I started thinking about having one. She is currently 7 months pregnant with a little girl. She will be naming her Abigail. She had a baby boy about a year and a half ago. His name is Caiden. She is a HORRIBLE mother. Her son has a flat head because she left him laying on it for a long time. His bottles are never washed, and she gives him baths in a sink that is moldy and has food in it.

I see all of that and how I wish I was their mother. I absolutely hate it when people tell me, "well maybe its not your time yet."
"Live your life."
Who told them that having a baby is not living my life? What does living my life mean? I am already married. I work all week. I basically live for the weekend. What does it mean to live my life? That I have to go out and get drunk? That I have to meet and hook up with people? Is that living my life? What kind of life is that? Yeah, that may be a good life for others, but certainly not for me. I don't spend my week thinking about what I am going to do to get wasted this weekend, or where it is I am going to go next. I spend my week working, and sitting on Facebook stalking preggo friends, or on Babyandbump collecting some sort of hope.

Something I also hate with a passion, is the fact that I am young. I am 20 years old. They think that being under the age of 25 makes me incapable of taking care of a child, inept to raise one, and my favorite "wasting my life away." I am sorry I don't want to be 50 years old when my child graduates high school and then for his college graduation, have to walk in with a cane. I don't think so. Part of my happiness is being able to enjoy life with my kids. Relate to them on a better level. I have said this so many times, but my husband and I are so well off. We have a strong marriage of almost a year. (not nearly as long as others but good) a beautiful home. A car. (getting a new one next week) Nice things, awesome jobs! But most importantly, we have mental and financial stability. We wouldn't offer anything different than all the people that read books, and spend years preparing for a child who will probably not end up being who they envisioned. Because they try way too hard to make them perfect. I know it wont be easy to have a child, no one ever said it was, but I want to take on that challenge. Its a new road, it may be tough, but its all about love.

I am sorry I rambled on girl. I had a lot to say. :wacko:
How are you today?
Thats sad about your mother in law. My fiances grandpa has a drinking problem and it is terrible. I can't even stand to be around him. He is all the time saying rude things and I just can't take it. So I could def totally understand why you wouldnt want to talk to her!

How is your symptom spotting going? Any unusal things going on? Any testing taking place? I have no idea where I am in my cycle. So I have no idea what is going on. Or if I should be looking forward to testing soon or not. I am just waiting for the day that af shows her face. ugh. :growlmad: My fiances family is very opionated. They are the only ones who knows we are trying. My side of the family has not a clue other than my sister. His mom reminds me everytime I see her how much she wants a grandbaby and how we need to hurry it on up and have one because she needs something to feel her time. Yeah sure let me snap my fingers and make that happen cause we obviously haven't been trying for about 5 months now. But hey now because you want it so bad let me make sure to hurry up this process for you. :hissy:

Oh yeah people who are unfit parents and having kids. Doesn't it just make you feel just wonderful? I work at a hotel and at this exact moment there is a woman letting her baby sit in a dirty diaper because its her husbands turn to change him. SERIOUSLY lady. Change your babys diaper. I can't stand it. Everywhere I turn there is bad parents and people who would make wonderful parents are the ones who have trouble. Just doesn't seem to fair.

I know its tough but at the end of the day we have to just look at it as our perfect baby isn't ready yet and we just have to wait because when it is ready its gonna be so perfect. I have to remind myself every single day that if it hasn't happened yet its because its not meant too. Not saying that helps me feel any better at all but its the only outlook I can have because if not I would drive myself crazy. I know my fiance would make a wonderful father. I see him with my best friends little girl and its the most beautiful thing in the world. Seeing him with her makes me want one that much more. I wanna share those moments with him every single day. I just wish it would hurry up and happen. I wish it were easier.

How have things been going for you? I got busy at work and with the holidays and I forgot I didn't reply back to you. Sorry:blush:

Its okay girl. And yes, alcohol is a horrible drug. It makes the people addicted to it, even worse too. Yeah, it really sucks that I cannot get along with his mom.
The symptom spotting has been going alright. I haven't really been paying much attention except for the whole overdose on gas thing. I am sorry that is TMI, but it is SO bad. It is EVERY day. For the last two weeks or so. I am getting so sick of it. I wake up every morning around 7:15 and my stomach feels like it is going to burst. I am also 8 days late today. :wacko: I haven't tested or anything, cause I just don't feel the need to. I have thought about it, but I don't know. I have been feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions too. For like two days, I wanted to kill DH. Everything he did was annoying me. And then one minute I am all depressive and upset, and then the next, I couldn't be happier. It is just driving me bananas.

Then my boss is doing some crazy changes in the office, and I am having to deal with all of the angry/raging customers because he doesn't want to. It is stressing me out. Then I cannot sleep. Ugh, its horrid. On a brighter note, I put my Christmas tree up last night and made it all look beautiful. I will attach a picture so you can see. I really hope I am pregnant, even though I haven't thought about it too much. It would be an awesome holiday blessing. :cloud9:

Its okay girl. And yes, alcohol is a horrible drug. It makes the people addicted to it, even worse too. Yeah, it really sucks that I cannot get along with his mom.
The symptom spotting has been going alright. I haven't really been paying much attention except for the whole overdose on gas thing. I am sorry that is TMI, but it is SO bad. It is EVERY day. For the last two weeks or so. I am getting so sick of it. I wake up every morning around 7:15 and my stomach feels like it is going to burst. I am also 8 days late today. :wacko: I haven't tested or anything, cause I just don't feel the need to. I have thought about it, but I don't know. I have been feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions too. For like two days, I wanted to kill DH. Everything he did was annoying me. And then one minute I am all depressive and upset, and then the next, I couldn't be happier. It is just driving me bananas.

Then my boss is doing some crazy changes in the office, and I am having to deal with all of the angry/raging customers because he doesn't want to. It is stressing me out. Then I cannot sleep. Ugh, its horrid. On a brighter note, I put my Christmas tree up last night and made it all look beautiful. I will attach a picture so you can see. I really hope I am pregnant, even though I haven't thought about it too much. It would be an awesome holiday blessing. :cloud9:

View attachment 527097

Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Christmas tree! Its beautiful!!! We put ours up almost two weeks ago but our furbabies keep getting wrapped up in the lights and taking the tree apart so I had to take all the ornments off.

girl I would be testing like crazy. If you never have gas like that I would say that could be a pretty good sign!! And if you have the emotions going along with it too. Are you planning on testing anytime? I am pretty sure AF is coming early. I had some spotting this morning and I have been extremely sleepy. So I am guessing AF will be here soon. Boo to her. No holiday blessinig for me. I hope you have better luck!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
Its okay girl. And yes, alcohol is a horrible drug. It makes the people addicted to it, even worse too. Yeah, it really sucks that I cannot get along with his mom.
The symptom spotting has been going alright. I haven't really been paying much attention except for the whole overdose on gas thing. I am sorry that is TMI, but it is SO bad. It is EVERY day. For the last two weeks or so. I am getting so sick of it. I wake up every morning around 7:15 and my stomach feels like it is going to burst. I am also 8 days late today. :wacko: I haven't tested or anything, cause I just don't feel the need to. I have thought about it, but I don't know. I have been feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions too. For like two days, I wanted to kill DH. Everything he did was annoying me. And then one minute I am all depressive and upset, and then the next, I couldn't be happier. It is just driving me bananas.

Then my boss is doing some crazy changes in the office, and I am having to deal with all of the angry/raging customers because he doesn't want to. It is stressing me out. Then I cannot sleep. Ugh, its horrid. On a brighter note, I put my Christmas tree up last night and made it all look beautiful. I will attach a picture so you can see. I really hope I am pregnant, even though I haven't thought about it too much. It would be an awesome holiday blessing. :cloud9:

View attachment 527097

Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Christmas tree! Its beautiful!!! We put ours up almost two weeks ago but our furbabies keep getting wrapped up in the lights and taking the tree apart so I had to take all the ornments off.

girl I would be testing like crazy. If you never have gas like that I would say that could be a pretty good sign!! And if you have the emotions going along with it too. Are you planning on testing anytime? I am pretty sure AF is coming early. I had some spotting this morning and I have been extremely sleepy. So I am guessing AF will be here soon. Boo to her. No holiday blessinig for me. I hope you have better luck!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Hey lady. Yeah my furbabies keep getting into my tree. I have two kittens, one is like a year old and the other is like 5 months old and they are roudy little things. They keep knocking my lights down, so DH got a spray bottle and he chases them around the house when they mess with it. They know not to cause everytime they do, they look to see where we are...Smart kitties. Lol

I am wanting to test like crazy, but I have yet to buy a test. I had a super REALISTIC dream last night to the point that I woke up and just knew I was pregnant. So this is what it was, I was at some family thing, and I went and took a test... The line was bright red! A beautiful line. It felt SO real. I went up to DH and told him, and I was so in love with him. He gave me the BEST gift. In my dream, it was amazing to me that his "system" could make me have a baby. Anyway, then I went and told my sister and told her not to say anything because I wanted to surprise mom and dad for Christmas. I was going insane! :) SOOOOOO HAPPY! Words couldn't even explain it. Once I woke up, it was sorta sad though. I then realized it wasn't real. BUT it felt entirely real. Thank you for crossing your fingers for me! I am now 9 days late. Another thing I noticed though, was I thought I was gunna get AF so I put in a tampon last night after DH and I BD'd and when I took it out, I had the smallest pink smear. So I don't know if that is aunt flow or what. I have a feeling it is though :cry:
Ah that sounds like a perfect dream!! Maybe its a sign? Maybe this is gonna be your month!!! When are you gonna test?! I am getting excited for you!! I am dying to know!!!! AHHHH. I doubt it is af its prob from bding and old blood is coming. You HAVE to keep me updated!!!!!! Seriously all my fingers are crossed!!!!!
Ah that sounds like a perfect dream!! Maybe its a sign? Maybe this is gonna be your month!!! When are you gonna test?! I am getting excited for you!! I am dying to know!!!! AHHHH. I doubt it is af its prob from bding and old blood is coming. You HAVE to keep me updated!!!!!! Seriously all my fingers are crossed!!!!!

Oh girl! Thank you! I am going to go on a shopping deal tomorrow with the "married" ladies in my fam. My mom, grandma, two aunts, cousin, sister, and cousin's wife. :) It is going to be so much fun. I will probably tell them about it, and then test with them. Plus, I live in a small town where everything is expensive, so when I go shopping I will be able to buy a test for cheaper. I am so excited!! In other news, I am having a makeup party tonight. I have always done my makeup, and a bunch of people have asked me to show them how, so I am going to have a party for it tonight. I have been preparing it for a month. I am excited to hopefully get a good outcome, and a good client base. You should add me on Facebook! Here is my page.
Any new updates? I'm dying to know if you have tested or not?!? Hope you had fun on your shopping trip. Also hope your makeup party went well. I bet that was a ton of fun!!!
Any new updates? I'm dying to know if you have tested or not?!? Hope you had fun on your shopping trip. Also hope your makeup party went well. I bet that was a ton of fun!!!

Hey girl!! I see you are pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! :D I am so happy for you!!! :D:D:D My shopping trip was fun and my party was a success. I got AF while having lunch with the ladies of our shopping trip. She has come pretty full on as well, no baby in my tummy. If there was, well its long gone cause AF came with a vengeance. It sucks. I am so happy for you. I am at the point right now where I am not going to try anymore. Trying is out of question now. How are you feeling?? :happydance:
Any new updates? I'm dying to know if you have tested or not?!? Hope you had fun on your shopping trip. Also hope your makeup party went well. I bet that was a ton of fun!!!

Hey girl!! I see you are pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! :D I am so happy for you!!! :D:D:D My shopping trip was fun and my party was a success. I got AF while having lunch with the ladies of our shopping trip. She has come pretty full on as well, no baby in my tummy. If there was, well its long gone cause AF came with a vengeance. It sucks. I am so happy for you. I am at the point right now where I am not going to try anymore. Trying is out of question now. How are you feeling?? :happydance:

I am not saying anything to anyone we know yet. We are keeping it to ourselves until I go to the doctor. I am very cautious and scared after the previous. I really have no symptoms I am just extremely exhausted I feel like I could sleep forever and my boobs are swollen no pain just swollen. I also have been TERRIBLY moody with my fiance. Bless his poor heart. Hes glad to know its because I am pregnant and not because I am turning into the devil though.

That sucks about your AF. I was hoping so much for your little Christmas blessing. Maybe if you just enjoy the holidays and try not to think about a baby at all.(trust me I know easier said than done, and you have probably heard it a million times) but Thats seriously what I did. My fiance and I both had already said there was no way were going to be pregnant this cycle because we didn't bd much and we Didn't really put any effort into it at all. We just both took geritol. I hope your little blessing happens soo. As much as I want it for myself I want it just as much for you girls! Don't lose hope but a few days after my af my fiance and I just had a few nights where we played board games and had a few drinks. I bought me some of those frozen drinks and I drank a couple of those. Don't give up. I know your little bean is going to come soon. I just know it! Good soon to be mommies like you deserve it!!
Aww thanks lady! I am so happy for you. I am going to pray that you have a happy and healthy 9 months. You deserve it so much! I hope you are able to surprise your family with an awesome announcement. :) Yeah, that is where I am right now. I am REALLY enjoying my time with my hubby. I have been decorating my house, and getting the holidays put together. We went on a date last night, and we watched the Grinch when we got home. Next weekend we are driving up to the city for some well deserved fun and then in March we are going to Seattle to watch a professional soccer game. Mexico vs. U.S.A. We are so excited. I am just glad I have things to look forward to until I do get pregnant. We are also getting gym memberships in January. I really want to lose weight too. I have gotten chubbier since we got married. I also have really sensitive skin so I struggle with stretch marks. It sucks :( I know I am going to get them SO bad when I get pregnant. Oh well, It will be worth it! Lol
Aww thanks lady! I am so happy for you. I am going to pray that you have a happy and healthy 9 months. You deserve it so much! I hope you are able to surprise your family with an awesome announcement. :) Yeah, that is where I am right now. I am REALLY enjoying my time with my hubby. I have been decorating my house, and getting the holidays put together. We went on a date last night, and we watched the Grinch when we got home. Next weekend we are driving up to the city for some well deserved fun and then in March we are going to Seattle to watch a professional soccer game. Mexico vs. U.S.A. We are so excited. I am just glad I have things to look forward to until I do get pregnant. We are also getting gym memberships in January. I really want to lose weight too. I have gotten chubbier since we got married. I also have really sensitive skin so I struggle with stretch marks. It sucks :( I know I am going to get them SO bad when I get pregnant. Oh well, It will be worth it! Lol

Thanks girl. I am just so nervous to get excited. My fiance keeps making me test and I have had about 5 postives now. I don't wanna test anymore. I am going to try to get an appointment with our health department cause unluckly I don't have insurance at my job. I am hoping well have had a doctors appointment by Christmas morning and can wrap like a doctors report or something up in a box and have them open it. Idk hopefully I will get to that point.

Sounds like you have a fun and busy month planned with your hubby. I think staying busy will be good. I hope this is this month you get your new years blessing. It would be awesome to be able to move over to first tri together. (I haven't moved over yet. Way too scared.) My fiance and I had just started working out again. Now I am scared to do anything. I know that it doesn't hurt but I am just so scared to do anything after the previous. I hope this nice break is what does it for you. The soccer game sounds fun! I am kinda jealous! I bet that will be lots of fun!! I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying you get your bfp soon!!! I have a feeling its going to happen soon!!! :thumbup:
Yeah girl, I don't have insurance at my job either. :/ Hubby and I will have to pay for all of it when we do finally get pregnant. I am so excited for you girl. I think this is going to be it! You are going to have a beautiful baby. For some reason I just have a feeling you are going to have a boy. I don't know why, I just feel it. Hehe is that weird?

Anyway, hubby and I had a long talk yesterday after work. We want a baby, but we have things to finish paying. We are almost done, but hubby wants to have a lot of money when I do get pregnant so that I can get all the fancy, expensive baby things I want. I saw a beautiful baby room set in Babies R Us. I want it so bad! Anyway, DH and I talked about me taking birth control again, but I don't want to at all. It makes me gain weight and I also feel like I will never be able to get pregnant. :/ We may start doing the pull out method, he hates condoms. Anyway, I came to a point in the middle of our convo though. I told him if it hasn't happened now, why would it happen anytime soon. I also told him that if it was meant to be, we will be able to do it. So I really don't know where we stand right now. We know for sure that we have another month or so until a chance at getting pregnant, and then another 9 months for a baby to cook so we are being patient.

I am not hoping I don't get pregnant (as bad as I want it) because we are getting a new car tomorrow. We want to get that paid off and a few other things. We also want to finish decorating our place with updated appliances. So much to do! I am not sure where we stand, but DH said we will continue without using protection. I guess now I will be hoping I am not pregnant. :shrug: lol But if its meant to be, bring it on! :D :haha:
Hey girl!!! How are things going with you? I for some reason never got your last post. Sorry! Hope your new years and Christmas was good!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that even though you are not trying that lil baby miracle will come :)
Hey girl!!! How are things going with you? I for some reason never got your last post. Sorry! Hope your new years and Christmas was good!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that even though you are not trying that lil baby miracle will come :)

Hey lady! Its okay :) My Christmas was great, got my new car!! New years was great too, had a party for all our friends at our place, it was a BLAST! Hubby and I decided to start working out so that is very exciting for me. Printed off some diet stuff, some food lists, and workout lists! I got my work out room all ready. Hubby and I start tomorrow. So pumped! I want to lose weight so bad. I went from 135 to 190. BAD!
I think my weight was a factor in me not being able to get pregnant. I do think though that I will get pregnant after I lose a few pounds. if so, I will continue to work out. Hubby doesn't like condoms so he won't use them, and bc makes me gain weight like crazy! I kinda hope I do get preggers though. Haven't thought about it in a while. I feel like I don't really want it.
Just found out today that my sisters husband may have a child he created a month before being with my sister. He "forgot" that he had had sex with that girl and now she has a baby. And he looks like him. It frickin sucks. She lives all the way in North Dakota so its not an easy drive to go see her. It really sucks.
On better news, I have been so much more relieved with not stressing about baby. How are you and your pregnancy?! Baby still looking good?? :hugs:

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