Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
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Hi all,

I am new to the forum~

We are trying to conceive #1. been kind of trying for 8 months actively trying for 2 months

We are currently using:
maca root for DH libido and my hormones ( my cycles are irregular)
acupuncture for my fertility
mucinex for my cervical mucus

We have also cut down on caffeine, switched to unprocessed dairy (ie raw milk) and upped our veggie intake. Mainly for health reasons

I am due to ovulate next week. any cycle buddies?
Hello there,

I never turn down a cycle buddy :) and welcome to the forum.

I have been ttc no.1 since January 15, me and hubby are more than ready as been together 11 years, so this is all we want now *pressure* although we know it may take a little time.

Currently eating clean and trying to exercise more, I'm taking folic acid and using preseed as well as trying some herbal tea too.

I'm also due to ovulate next week. :D
Hi ladies!
I'd like to join! I'm due to ovulate next week or possibly over the weekend if I ovulate early, which I think I did last month. This is my first cycle ttc! We're using preseed, DH is taking a multivitamin, I'm taking a prenatal and an omega 3 dha & epa supplement. We're both trying to stay active and eat healthy, so hopefully all of that helps. I have no idea how long it will take for us to become pregnant, but of course I'm hoping it's not long! :)

We have also been trying to eat clean. I'm a huge fan of the wellnessmama blog. And she mentioned cutting grains and unprocessed dairy.

Which herbal tea are you drinking? Ive heard good things about fertilitea but havent gotten to try it yet.

We've been trying since earlier this year but this is the first cycle we've gone the extra mile.

Earthly love use opks!
Me again,

Hows it going girls? :flower:

I will have to check out that blog, sounds like some good tips are there! :thumbup: always open to new ideas.

The herbal tea is - Raspberry leaf - I have heard such good things so fingers crossed anyway.

Talking of Ovulating early Earthylove I had a faint positive this morning and the start of ewcm. I am never normally this early cd16 so maybe its fluke or some of the things I have been trying have helped.

I think we are still in the game as we have bd twice this week and I think we should continue to for a few more days.

Its my Birthday next week and I have a few plans so distractions should keep me sane this cycle.

All I will say is for some it can take up to a year (or longer!) and alot of others seem to be very lucky, just hang in there and try to be patient I know its hard :thumbup:

Good luck will check in to see how youre doing :D
Hi ladies,

Wondering if I can join? My husband and I have been NTNP for 2 years and have been actively trying for just over a year now. I have been posting in the Long Term Trying To Conceive forum, but haven't received any replies. I'm currently in my TWW, 7 DPO. This month I have tried Maca 500 mg twice per day (discontinued on CD17, as I read you shouldn't take it while pregnant - not sure if that applies to the TWW as well or not), Vitex 400 mg twice a day, One A Day Women's Prenatal Vitamins once a day, two baby aspirin once per day, and on CD16 I added 20 mg of progesterone cream per day. I have also been drinking 8 oz of Raspberry Leaf tea per day but I've read conflicting info on this (does it CAUSE or PREVENT miscarriage in early pregnancy?) and am not sure if I should discontinue it.

I was really sick earlier this week and was hoping beyond hope it was due to being pregnant, even though I knew it was far too early for such symptoms. Unfortunately, I now feel 100% better and my husband has the flu, so I'm sure that's what it was.

Anyway, I'd love some friends for support through this journey! Thanks!
Hi ladies!
TTC #1 here as well. We've trying since June. Taking prenatals, vitex, fish oil, and eating clean. I had an early loss this month, at 5weeks5days, hoping I ovulate this cycle, because I've read/heard it's possible to not after a loss. I'm around cycle day 14. I'd love to have some buddies!
Hi ladies I'd love to join also. This our 4th month ttc.
I'm currently on cd8, and have just had a really abnormal cycle, I had 2 strong +Ve opks 7 days apart, then when the :witch: reared her ugly head, I had 1 day of brown spotting, 2 days of moderate regular af bleeding then 3 days of brown spotting with a lot of light cramping, nausea and tender breasts. So I have no idea what's going on.

Dh and I have been together 12 years next weekend and I'm also due to ovulate around that time. So hopefully it's going to be a good omen!
I used opks in the first and 3rd cycles ttc and just bd'd a lot the 2nd cycle. This cycle we are going to try Preseed for the first time and opks again. I'm also taking folic and will start using maca powder everyday.
Hi everyone!
Sorry for your loss, cheekylupita.
Happy soon-to-be birthday magic dance! And happy soon-to-be anniversary, MrsW!

I have a birthday coming up in October and I love planning little fun things to do to distract me. Last year I was trying to distract myself from wtt and now im hoping to distract myself from ttc! Although if I'm pregnant by then I'll probably be focused on distracting myself from worrying about being in the first trimester. Haha. Well I'm on cd 13 today and I saw some EWCM yesterday. I also thought I felt some ovulation twinges but it could have been in my head. Fortunately we were able to BD yesterday anyway. DH and I have been BD'ing just about every other day so I'm thinking that should give us a good chance.

I may try OPK's and temping in a few months if things aren't working out this way..I may also try using maca again. Do you ladies who are taking it notice a difference?
Aw of course you can join in.. (Im just speaking for everyone but I always think the more the merrier.) :D

MuseMama- Sorry you had no replies, but I wouldnt take it personally! Wow thats alot of pills and potions - Havent heard of the baby aspirin, could you tell me more about that?
Im afraid you are right about Raspberry Tea - you have to go careful how you use it. I normally only drink it from cd1 - 13. Alot of women drink it to promote the uterus (heres a good read - But I know it helps induce labour. Hope that helped.

Cheekylupita - Sorry to hear that. My fingers are crossed for your Ovulation though.

MrsW1985 - I can sympathize with a whacky cycle, I ended up having a severe water infection which then caused inflammation of the cervix a few cycles ago (I think I was trying too hard lol) but yeah it threw everything of course.
Do you think that maybe a little bean was trying to implant? Just the spotting sounds very curious to me, and your + opks strange! I havent had any experience with that happening so cant really offer any advice.
PreSeed - have you tried it yet? Did you find you didnt need as much as in the instruction too lol. Im going to continue to use it but havent had any success yet :(
Have a lovely anniversary too!

Earthylove - I love October, its such a great month here (Autumn and then Halloween!) I sound like a witch now lol. Birthday plans are fun.
Your chances sound good too.. lets keep our fingers crossed! With your Ovulation twinges do you get the pulling feel and then like niggles / uncomfortable vibrations? Mine hurt like hell and make me feel a little groggy for an hour. (I shouldnt complain though as it helps confirms.)
Temping can be really accurate but you have to stick at it which Im useless at but you should give it a go.

Also interested in hearing about maca experiences...

Read you all later :D
Aw of course you can join in.. (Im just speaking for everyone but I always think the more the merrier.) :D

MuseMama- Sorry you had no replies, but I wouldnt take it personally! Wow thats alot of pills and potions - Havent heard of the baby aspirin, could you tell me more about that?
Im afraid you are right about Raspberry Tea - you have to go careful how you use it. I normally only drink it from cd1 - 13. Alot of women drink it to promote the uterus. Hope that helped.

Cheekylupita - Sorry to hear that. My fingers are crossed for your Ovulation though.

MrsW1985 - I can sympathize with a whacky cycle, I ended up having a severe water infection which then caused inflammation of the cervix a few cycles ago (I think I was trying too hard lol) but yeah it threw everything of course.
Do you think that maybe a little bean was trying to implant? Just the spotting sounds very curious to me, and your + opks strange! I havent had any experience with that happening so cant really offer any advice.
PreSeed - have you tried it yet? Did you find you didnt need as much as in the instruction too lol. Im going to continue to use it but havent had any success yet :(
Have a lovely anniversary too!

Earthylove - I love October, its such a great month here (Autumn and then Halloween!) I sound like a witch now lol. Birthday plans are fun.
Your chances sound good too.. lets keep our fingers crossed! With your Ovulation twinges do you get the pulling feel and then like niggles / uncomfortable vibrations? Mine hurt like hell and make me feel a little groggy for an hour. (I shouldnt complain though as it helps confirms.)
Temping can be really accurate but you have to stick at it which Im useless at but you should give it a go.

Also interested in hearing about maca experiences...

Read you all later :D

Yeah, you should see my medicine cabinet :laugh2: I guess I'm getting frustrated, so I tried to go all out. We've been trying to go the natural route, so no Comid, IVF, stuff like that, but so far, nothing is happening. I did decide to stop the Raspberry Leaf tea for now. I will start it up again next cycle during the appropriate days. As for the baby aspirin, I have a genetic blood-clotting disorder that may have contributed to my two previous miscarriages and difficulty conceiving. After my second MC, my doctor recommended taking 1 to 2 baby aspirin per day. I did some research online and found that some women believe it can help prevent MCs. I figured I'd try it.
Magic dance: I haven't tried Preseed at all yet but from a lot of the reviews I've read a lot of people have said that they don't need to use the amount that is recommended as it's far to much! That was my initial thought of the whacky cycle and symptoms that it may very well have been a little bean trying to stick. But to be honest with you I have absolutely no idea!
Muse mama: will definitely have to look into the whole baby aspirin thing and do some reading up on it. Sounds interesting.
Fx'd that everyone here gets some nice :bfp: this month!
Oh bless you MuseMama hehe! It's worth a shot and yeah I'm constantly taking advice and researching into things.
Sorry to hear about your difficulties though :( I admire you for staying positive and keep going, I would want to do the same.
MrsW: tmi but it gives me flash backs of going for an U/S to check for Pcos and The wand had to go internally.. I swear she put a whole tube of it on and after she gave me one wipe!!! I casually grabbed the box of wipes off the side LOL.
My night of using preseed was similar, less is definitely more hehe.

Where abouts in your cycles are you ladies?
Well, I'm suddenly out this month. AF arrived today, 5 days early! :growlmad: CD1 for me.
MrsW: tmi but it gives me flash backs of going for an U/S to check for Pcos and The wand had to go internally.. I swear she put a whole tube of it on and after she gave me one wipe!!! I casually grabbed the box of wipes off the side LOL.
My night of using preseed was similar, less is definitely more hehe.

Where abouts in your cycles are you ladies?

I'm cycle day 11 of a 30-31 day cycle. Almost time to O again. Yay.
How about yourself?
Sorry to hear that you're out musemama. Best wishes on this new cycle! Will you be trying anything different this month?

Well I'm feeling sort of discouraged about this cycle because I'm thinking what if I ovulate later than usual! DH and I haven't been able to BD in the past 3 days, and I was hoping we could keep BD'ing this week even though Im pretty sure I ovulated on the 23rd and no later than the 25th. I didn't temp this month because i wanted to relax but not knowing exactly when I ovulated is stressing me out!! lol. i have about 10 days left in this cycle so it shouldn't be long now before I find out how things went!
Oh grrr MuseMama sorry the witch got you, I just look at it as getting closer to your bfp! Hang in there :) x

Mrsw oh baby dust for you and your ovulation.

I'm pretty sure I'm 5dpo. Fingers crossed Earthy! Go with your gut instinct, do you use an aps like fertility friend or Ovia to help you log data etc? I find it pretty useful :)
I love wellnessmama! She has all the natural recipes ( soap, toothpaste, food, etc) and offers great natural remedies. Def worth a view.
I will have to look into raspberry leaf teas. when in your cycle do you use it?

Crossing fingers for you! Do you know where in your cycle you are?

Im sorry for your loss. I recently lost at a little over 4 weeks and i was heartbroken. However i have read that some women find it easier to conceive after a loss. I'm praying that is the case for you!

Hows the maca working out for you? I dont feel like it has done much for dh libido which was the main reason ive been using it. I'm not sure if its working out well for me as i am now ovulating ( almost everywhere i read said to stop taking it while pregnant) and it was my first cycle giving it a try. I liked preseed but I've found we haven't used it as much when we are in the moment

Well i had a strong positive opk yesterday so we did the deed and plan to do it again today. I had strange pains these 2 days in what feels like my actual vagina. like a dull throbbing. anyone else have this before?

Its been a bit rough this month as ive found out that 7 of my friends have conceived. 5 of them by happy accident and 2 of them in their first cycle ttc. Its been emotionally very rough. Trying to stay positive but jealousy is rearing her ugly head.

This isnt my first ttc cycle where ive received other expecting news, just the first cycle ive received " we barely tried" expecting news. Its hitting me harder than the others since we've been trying so hard for what seems like forever.
Let me start off by saying i have never had hives before. I've been pretty brave in terms what the places ive been and the foods i've eaten and never once in my life have i gotten hives.

This morning i woke up covered in hives! At first i thought i just had a strange case of a bunch of mosquito bites but my mom took one look at me and said they were hives. She then immediately asked me if i was pregnant as apparently she was covered in hives when she was pregnant with me. Shes doesnt remember what part of her pregnancy though.

So my question is has anyone experienced this so close to ovulation?

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