Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

Psychochick- Yeah I get where you are coming from on the early front. I have had friends who have had chemicals and mcs, ttc can be so cruel :(
I just know Id regret not celebrating the news with Hubs and what will be will be, I dont think I would tell anyone else until safe to do so though.
I think there is no right or wrong, totally up to individuals.

Love the ''gusty question'' hehe.. Imagine their faces if after they ask you, you say no (I probably will do that ;D) :D haha that would be priceless!

Supergongjoo - I had that feeling too, it was a fair few moths back. I thought maybe I was getting a water infection. It was like being stabbed with a knitting needle or something :O I never did get to the bottom of it.
I should of had it looked into but I had alot on with the wedding. I still wonder what that was about.:shrug:

Hello beemeck :flow: (I like your pretty dress!)
Im so sorry to hear of your struggles :hugs: but you sound like a brave fighter to me :thumbup: We are happy to have you on the thread and share our experiences all together!
It sounds good that your cycles are getting back to normal for you, do you have anymore checkups to see how things are going? Sorry to hear that af crept up... keep us posted on how things are going though.

Im beginning to get impatient now... :sleep:

but not much longer girlies.
Psychochick- Yeah I get where you are coming from on the early front. I have had friends who have had chemicals and mcs, ttc can be so cruel :(
I just know Id regret not celebrating the news with Hubs and what will be will be, I dont think I would tell anyone else until safe to do so though.
I think there is no right or wrong, totally up to individuals.

Love the ''gusty question'' hehe.. Imagine their faces if after they ask you, you say no (I probably will do that ;D) :D haha that would be priceless!

Supergongjoo - I had that feeling too, it was a fair few moths back. I thought maybe I was getting a water infection. It was like being stabbed with a knitting needle or something :O I never did get to the bottom of it.
I should of had it looked into but I had alot on with the wedding. I still wonder what that was about.:shrug:

Hello beemeck :flow: (I like your pretty dress!)
Im so sorry to hear of your struggles :hugs: but you sound like a brave fighter to me :thumbup: We are happy to have you on the thread and share our experiences all together!
It sounds good that your cycles are getting back to normal for you, do you have anymore checkups to see how things are going? Sorry to hear that af crept up... keep us posted on how things are going though.

Im beginning to get impatient now... :sleep:

but not much longer girlies.

hi magic! Glad you like the dress :flower: I want to wear it again but I feel like it won't be appropriate :haha: thanks for the warm welcome :hugs: I have had many check ups since the cervical pregnancy - had stitches in for 6 weeks after :growlmad: but my last appt was in July when they parted me with "call us when you are pregnant again". I LOVED hearing those words, but hoped that I would be calling them earlier. if I go a couple more cycles without any luck I might play the "I almost died with my first pregnancy so please see me now and talk about my fertility" card. :haha: (since I know they normally say to try for a year). trying to stay patient and positive and BNB helps me with that :hugs: GL to you!!! FX you get your BFP super soon
@beemeck i completely understand how you are feeling. i worry about that constantly. but my mom had serious fertility issues and when she gave up out i came. So that gives me hope. The journey has been hard but i feel the end game is TOTALLY worth it. dont lose hope! We are all in the same boat <3

Is cp changing a good or bad sign? I cant seem to find a definitive cause online. i had a few more of the shooting pains and now im just crampy and miserable. hoping its a good sign i poas and of course BFN. my period isnt due until the 10th and im only 7dpo. i dont know why i insist on torturing myself lol.
Has anyone else tested? Does anyone else check cm? as mine has been yellow since yesterday. I usally get yellow cm right before AF. i think it has to do with the blood mixing in. but ive gotten snot like yellow cm yesterday and tacky thick yellow cm today. sorry for the tmi but im usually dry by now
I also POAS yesterday at 9DPO and stark white BFN! I'm also now regretting it because there was really no reason to believe I could've been BFP yesterday anyways. It wasn't even the most sensitive test (but the cheapest one) I was just bored/curious. It's one of those things where you hear other people get early positives and think that could be you, but you're not hearing about the billions and billions of women testing too early hahah

But since I indulged myself yesterday, I think I'll hold out until Sunday or Monday morning, 13-14DPO. Assuming AF doesn't start then.

supergongjoo I check cp and cm but it's different every cycle. And I would say it all depends on what's normal for you. I'm also not as dry as I am usually by this point, but not really by enough. I am also not feeling PMSy as usual so that probably affects the cm as well.
@psychochick yea my best friend got early positive for all of her pregnancies so i went for it a week early. i also use the cheapies. but ill probably keep using cheapies as sometimes i cant resist torturing myself lol

i am definitely much more crampy than i usually am around this time but im trying not to get my hopes up cause i tend to get excited every single cycle over nothing.
@beemeck i completely understand how you are feeling. i worry about that constantly. but my mom had serious fertility issues and when she gave up out i came. So that gives me hope. The journey has been hard but i feel the end game is TOTALLY worth it. dont lose hope! We are all in the same boat <3

Is cp changing a good or bad sign? I cant seem to find a definitive cause online. i had a few more of the shooting pains and now im just crampy and miserable. hoping its a good sign i poas and of course BFN. my period isnt due until the 10th and im only 7dpo. i dont know why i insist on torturing myself lol.
Has anyone else tested? Does anyone else check cm? as mine has been yellow since yesterday. I usally get yellow cm right before AF. i think it has to do with the blood mixing in. but ive gotten snot like yellow cm yesterday and tacky thick yellow cm today. sorry for the tmi but im usually dry by now

thanks super :hugs: BNB has helped make me feel less alone. I'm also working on my journal just to get all of my thoughts out and that's been helping too. so I'm looking forward to this cycle :thumbup:

I don't check my CP but from what I know it is supposed to change position during each cycle. I want to say it's low during the fertile period and like middle height the rest of the time. And then supposedly when you are pregnant, it rises up very high? Again, this is just info I've gathered from the threads on here so don't quote me on it! I just couldn't believe others were experiencing this weird pain too so I wonder if that's what it really is....
excited for you to test in a few days. FX! :happydance:
I thought I posted here before, but I just went through all of the pages 3 times and couldn't find anything. I must have just been lurking. If I have posted and I missed it, I apologize >_<.

Hi all!

I'd really like to join you here.
This is my first cycle actively trying to conceive.
Ovagraph has me at 12dpo today and FF has me at 7dpo. I believe that my temps are making my FF graph wonky as I was temping at a later time and then started work, causing me to temp much earlier. I'm planning to test Saturday morning :).

I'm an American woman living/working as an English teacher in Saudi Arabia. My husband is Saudi. We met at university. We got married religiously 3 years ago, but the Saudi government has specific requirements to have a legal marriage in the country. It took us 1 year to get the proper paperwork. We just got it this past June after many submissions. :)
I thought I posted here before, but I just went through all of the pages 3 times and couldn't find anything. I must have just been lurking. If I have posted and I missed it, I apologize >_<.

Hi all!

I'd really like to join you here.
This is my first cycle actively trying to conceive.
Ovagraph has me at 12dpo today and FF has me at 7dpo. I believe that my temps are making my FF graph wonky as I was temping at a later time and then started work, causing me to temp much earlier. I'm planning to test Saturday morning :).

I'm an American woman living/working as an English teacher in Saudi Arabia. My husband is Saudi. We met at university. We got married religiously 3 years ago, but the Saudi government has specific requirements to have a legal marriage in the country. It took us 1 year to get the proper paperwork. We just got it this past June after many submissions. :)

hi lvksa! your chart is looking great :thumbup: so excited for you to test - when will you take an HPT?! :flower:
Hi ladies!
So I think my cycle is out a bit this month, normally I o on cd15, but this cycle I only got my + opk yesterday on cd19! I thought it was weird I did have my niggly little o pains around my regular days, and then yesterday, wham, they hit on both sides with a vengeance. So I hope I now don't have a short lp. According to ovia af is due on the 15th. Hopefully she stays away and this is our lucky cycle!!
I thought I posted here before, but I just went through all of the pages 3 times and couldn't find anything. I must have just been lurking. If I have posted and I missed it, I apologize >_<.

Hi all!

I'd really like to join you here.
This is my first cycle actively trying to conceive.
Ovagraph has me at 12dpo today and FF has me at 7dpo. I believe that my temps are making my FF graph wonky as I was temping at a later time and then started work, causing me to temp much earlier. I'm planning to test Saturday morning :).

I'm an American woman living/working as an English teacher in Saudi Arabia. My husband is Saudi. We met at university. We got married religiously 3 years ago, but the Saudi government has specific requirements to have a legal marriage in the country. It took us 1 year to get the proper paperwork. We just got it this past June after many submissions. :)

hi lvksa! your chart is looking great :thumbup: so excited for you to test - when will you take an HPT?! :flower:

I'm planning to test tomorrow morning :). That way it's 14 dpo according to ovagraph and 9 dpo according to FF.
The bfn's really suck don't they!! :growlmad: but it's still early days and aslong as we don't get our afs then there is hope.

I tested this morning 13dpo and there was no hint of a faint or anything :( boooo! Lol. Still I will try again in 2-3 days I'm cd29 today and I'm usually covered in dreadful spots around my chin so hoping that's some sort of a sign (not having them) :wacko:

Oh MrsW- that's still good.. Compared to some that's not that late to Ovulate so try not to worry too much. My Lp's are between 12-13days so Ovia tells me.

Beemeck- hopefully your ttc journey will get easier now you have been through the rough parts :hugs: but don't lose hope like super said :)

Super- I do check my cm just because I don't want to waste a test if af is lurking. I'm really jealous of girls who can check their cp because mines quite far back- whenever I have a smear they have to get a longer one. (Seriously contemplating purchasing a stork to try because of this!)
My cm gets thinner leading up to af and then comes the streaky spotting normally mixed in with a bit of yellow.

Welcome lvksa :D I always lurk to hehe. Congrats on your marriage too. I love to hear about weddings.
Goodluck this cycle and lots of baby dust your way.
@Ivska try opks? It may make things easier for you

Today is 5 days before AF and i didnt allow myself a test. Ive read some people dont get positives until several weeks after missed period so i should wait a little lol.

@magic in my experience ANYthing can be a sign. i have looked up silly "symptoms" and at least a handful of people say THAT was their sign. even the absence of symptoms. lol

Anyone else have symptoms? I have been unusually crampy and still going on with the rls. ::crossing fingers::
you have so much self control super! I start testing so early :blush:

When I was actually pregnant, I didn't notice ANY symptoms before my missed AF. But the cycles I haven't been, I have every symptom in the book, so I'm no help! :blush::dohh:

Your username, profile pic and sig really make me smile. I remember the first time that I saw that movie with my friends at university! hahaha.


I will have to see if they sell them in the pharmacy here. I've never tried buying anything online because the mailing system here is not the same as it is at home. We don't have an actual mailbox. I'd have to have them shipped Fed-ex and then go find whatever branch received them and pick them up >_<
You guys have made me feel better for my lack of symptoms / only little signs :)
Feeling a bit (af) crampy. I hope she stays away >:(

I pushed my luck and went swimming also had a little Fun with Hub to show af who's boss LOL. Still nothing yet.. Time will tell.

lvksa - hahaha I'm glad someone else can appreciate Labyrinth :D it's one of my favourite films and of course I have the cd too hehe.

I'm not having any symptoms either. Just cramping. I've been waiting to see spotting...I usually get it 1-2 days before AF, but haven't seen anything yet.
Exciting! ! I'm going to test on Wednesday is af doesn't come. Are you all testing soon?

Game faces ladies~!:af::af: :dust:
I tested this morning despite having a temp drop from 36.7 (yesterday) to 36.2 (today). Here is the picture...let me know if you can see anything...
I tested this morning despite having a temp drop from 36.7 (yesterday) to 36.2 (today). Here is the picture...let me know if you can see anything...

I can see that line without even squinting! Congrats

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