Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

I live in Saudi Arabia and haven't been able to find OPKs at all. I need to go to a few different pharmacies in the city to see if I can find them for next month. Unfortunately, most of the time online shopping is not an option here. I'd end up paying an arm and a leg for shipping.

I honestly have no problem temping everyday, but my problem is that living here makes it very difficult to be consistent with temping times. On the weekend we may be awake until 4 in the morning or so for social gatherings, weddings, dinners etc (we basically wait for the morning prayer), which means that I can't sleep and temp at 6 am as usual.

If I can find them I will definitely give it a go.
Haha, "romance juju", I like that idea :).

Fingers crossed that I can find them.

Welcome and best wishes <3

I have three temps from this cycle that are weird. I took them, saw the number and said huhhh, so I took it again to check. I'm not sure which temp to keep. My FF chart has all of the second temps (taken literally 1 min after the first) and my ovagraph has the first temps. Ovagraph is actually giving me crosshairs with an O day of CD15.
Any thoughts?
CD15 - 96.26--96.93
CD18 - 96.86--97.40
CD23 - 97.39--97.54

ovagraph chart

lvska - I'm sorry that temping is rough. I can understand how it would be with all of that late night partying lol! I can hardly stay awake past 11, even when something fun is happening so kudos to you!

remind me again how ovacue works? What is the difference between normal temping?
First, thank you all for the support. I'm feeling much better now. Here goes another cycle and another chance!

@Ivksa: Sorry to near opks are hard to get! Sadly I don't temp so I have no clue but hopefully someone else here can help.

@Soph: Absolutely I agree an app is the way to go. I mostly just chart AF and peak LH. That's all you need to know your fertile window and when to poas. You can also look for patterns in symptoms, cm, cp, sleep, diet, etc...but I've found that this just makes me obsess too much. I can't post links yet, but if you need it, you can search for "lingo abbreviations" in the forum to find a list.

@MK: Yes, thanks. I have been looking into vitex a bit. Maybe a backup for later if it doesn't lengthen back up next month. The more I read the more I wonder about my progesterone levels. Looks like there are saliva tests you can order, but I'm leaning more towards just giving it more time for now. I guess I could always chart my bbt to get more insight into my progesterone levels since that's what causes the temp rise....but I worry that it'll just give me one more thing to fret over :/. I'm hoping that my body is still just getting back to normal after bcp for years. I've read that it can take a few months to have regular cycles again. Let me know how it goes with the vitex. Fingers crossed for you.

@super: I'm an educator of sorts too, and I think you explained it perfectly :)

@bee and super: Here's hoping for you both! If it helps moderate those hopes while you wait - I've also read that some women get globs of yellowish ewcm after they O...maybe it depends on how many dpo you are? It's so confusing isn't it! I feel like women with BFPs look back and say a, b, and c happened so those must have been signs...but sometimes they would have just happened anyway...our bodies are designed to act as though we're pg while waiting for implantation after all *sigh*. The more I read the more I feel like the only clear sign will be from rising hcg levels and well we should get a positive if that's high enough anyway right?

that does help! haha isn't it horrible I'm glad to find evidence pointing in the other direction? it just hits me so much harder on a month when I have my hopes up, so I really try so hard not to!
super - what DPO are you again?

magic - hi! I miss your positivity on here :hugs:

earthy - where are you???

mkkayes - yay for TWW :happydance::happydance:

erin - how is it going??

hi trr!

welcome sophie - I love the excitement of the beginning of TCC - we need some of that around here :)

I'll be testing tomorrow girls :nope: I have halloween parties this weekend so want to know about drinking. I'll be 11 DPO. not feeling positive but of course holding onto hope :shrug:
@mkaykes that makes sense. it explains why i usually get it right before af

@leson i agree with beemeck it helps not to get overly excited lol

@beemeck i am 7dpo today. the ewcm has slowed a bit and its now thick paste which isnt too unusual. im excited for you to test! when is af due?
Super- I'm 7dpo as well. When are you testing?

Hi bee! I was wondering where all those ladies were as well?!

7dpo- no symptoms. Creamy cm and mildly sore chest, which normally comes around this time anyway. Will test tomorrow (early of course) then November 1 and if af doesn't show by November 3 I'll test then too. Have to feed the addiction. I need another hobby. Ugh.
Super - I have long lps so af isn't actually due until nov 3- Tuesday. We might all be due around then actually so let's gang up on the witch and not let her in!
super - what DPO are you again?

magic - hi! I miss your positivity on here :hugs:

earthy - where are you???

mkkayes - yay for TWW :happydance::happydance:

erin - how is it going??

hi trr!

welcome sophie - I love the excitement of the beginning of TCC - we need some of that around here :)

I'll be testing tomorrow girls :nope: I have halloween parties this weekend so want to know about drinking. I'll be 11 DPO. not feeling positive but of course holding onto hope :shrug:

Aww! :hugs2: Thanks hun. Its nice to be thought of and know im not out the loop for when things do settle down and I creep back :D (Things are so hectic here and im extra tired.)

But heres some positivity for your test: :dust: Best of luck <3

:twisted: Enjoy your Halloween Parties :twisted:
@Trr af isnt due until nov 7 for me. i plan to test nov 10th is af doesnt show. i had a chemical a bits back and it was VERY hard to see af after the positive. so i dont test until she is super late. When is your af due?
no symptoms here either. other than the freak cm situation. nothing is sore, not fatigue, just nada. i have noticed my rash has gotten a bit worse. ive been avoiding snow peas but for some reason i have red splotches all over,stuffy nose, and just allergy symptoms

@beemeck YES dont let her in! lol

@magic u were missed! hows this cycle been treating u?

Well sorry for the tmi but every time i have a bowel movement i have GLOBS of yellowish ewcm. just so much of it! it was gone this morning but i wen to use the restroom and boom it was there. im wondering if perhaps i didnt ovulate? i have never seem this much cm before esp at this point in my cycle
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone!!!
When did you guys first start using home pregnancy tests? I assume it's WAY too early, but we have a few at home and I was honestly so tempted to try it today, though I know I would've been disappointed because it's too soon :)

Also, random and TMI, but I had some weird brownish/tanish discharge today... I read that can be a sign of ovulation?? Maybe? I dunno, lol, kinda gross.
Hi guys!! Welcome newcomers!!

I've missed chatting on here the past week. AF came on the 27th for me and I've been really stressed with work so I was kind of laying low for a while. Glad to be back! AF is almost gone and I'll be back in the ovulation craze in no time. Lol.

How's everyone? I still have some catching up to do on here :)
@bee and super: Glad it helps, and not horrible at all. I may need some moderation thrown back at me during my tww or rather what will hopefully be a tdw (ten day wait). I prefer to keep my hope in check...the fall hurts less if you're not as high...and a BFP would be amazing no matter what :)!

@soph: You usually get clear, stretchy cm around the time you O. I also notice a substantial increase in libido. When did your last cycle start? Even if you're not testing LH or temping, you can get a general idea of when you O based on your cycle length (unless you're like me with a short cycle but an average O). Most tests say that you can test as early as 4-5 days before your next period, but that really depends on your LP. 4-5 days before MY next period is just 5 dpo which is far too early to get a BFP, but for others it could be 10-12 dpo which is plenty of time to get a BFP. The average day of implantation is 8dpo, and hcg levels double each day, which means most women who are pg will get a BFP at 10dpo. That being said some can get a BFP as early as 7 dpo. This is when I start poas in the am each day, bc I just want to know as early as possible and I know that a BFN at 7dpo doesn't mean that I won't get one later. Others find that the BFN is just too disappointing, so they wait until later to test. It just depends on what works for you and your cycle. You can get a big pack of hcg strips on Amazon for pretty cheap - much cheaper than the ones at cvs and just as accurate.

@Earth: Thanks for the welcome. Tell me about the stress at work. I was just putting out fires all day today! Glad I made it home in one piece. Sounds like we're on a similar cycle for this month at least...cd4 for me. Here's hoping for us both this round!
totally different culture. it definitely takes time to adjust :P if the kids and old ladies can do it, then I should too haha.
I use the ovagraph chart, but I use my regular thermometer. I just tried it by chance and so far in the past months it seems to give me more reasonable data than FF.

FF did give me dotted crosshairs this morning though. Saying that I&#8217;m 7dpo, while ovagraph says 8dpo, so I&#8217;m finding that kind of promising. Both of those days fall in good BD time too.

Past 15 minutes I&#8217;ve been having pains in the lower right side as well.
lvska - yay for CHs! :happydance:I always wish that I could randomly wake up and be halfway through the TWW so hopefully it kinda feel like that for you now :haha:

that's probably the thing I dislike most about TTC - always wishing the time away. Where have the past 7 months gone? I am always just looking ahead to O and then next test date, wishing the time would speed up. That's def what I hate more than anything :(

BFN this morning as expected. sigh. feeling frustrated. and of course wanting to jump forward to end of Nov now. It will be my last chance to get pregnant before my original due date. :cry:

Thank you so much. That was incredibly helpful! I haven't admittedly tracked my cycle at all, ever, so if this month we're not successful, I guess we'll start tracking. We tried last month and that didn't work either, so maybe tracking is what we need to do. Thank you guys :)
@soph i have heard about slight spotting during ovulation but leason is right. ur cm become like eggwhites.

@earthly welcome back!

@leson have you tried black cohosh tea or raspberry leaf tea? ive been using it to help my cycle and its done wonders. ( even helped with my cm)

@beemeck i hear you on the wait game. and hugs. tons and tons of hugs
@Trr af isnt due until nov 7 for me. i plan to test nov 10th is af doesnt show. i had a chemical a bits back and it was VERY hard to see af after the positive. so i dont test until she is super late. When is your af due?
no symptoms here either. other than the freak cm situation. nothing is sore, not fatigue, just nada. i have noticed my rash has gotten a bit worse. ive been avoiding snow peas but for some reason i have red splotches all over,stuffy nose, and just allergy symptoms

@beemeck YES dont let her in! lol

@magic u were missed! hows this cycle been treating u?

Well sorry for the tmi but every time i have a bowel movement i have GLOBS of yellowish ewcm. just so much of it! it was gone this morning but i wen to use the restroom and boom it was there. im wondering if perhaps i didnt ovulate? i have never seem this much cm before esp at this point in my cycle

Yes not too bad thanks.. Think I'm only 4dpo so early days yet.

Your tmi ewcm is so intriguing! I hope it could be a good sign.. And not ovulation. ;) Maybe do an opk just to be on the safe side though? Sometimes we can all have a wacko cycle! I don't think I have experienced it - either ew or a little cloudy (sometimes tinged with blood when ovulating) sorry can't be any help.
Any of you have any experience and tips for fake drinking? We are going to a friend's Halloween party tomorrow night. Most people will be heavily drinking. I'm usually a light drinking and often am the one driving I'm thinking I can maybe pull off carrying around 1 bottle of beer and taking fake sips for the night?

I'll only be 7 DPO, so too early to know anything.
I do this! But it's easy - my signature drink is vodka water so I just hold the vodka and make sure to keep my lemons and limes. If you've been known to do mixed drinks - go with that and skip the alcohol!
Any of you have any experience and tips for fake drinking? We are going to a friend's Halloween party tomorrow night. Most people will be heavily drinking. I'm usually a light drinking and often am the one driving I'm thinking I can maybe pull off carrying around 1 bottle of beer and taking fake sips for the night?

I'll only be 7 DPO, so too early to know anything.

I had to do this when visiting my in-laws for Labor Day. DH's dad has acres of grapes and makes his own wine..which we always drink when visiting...they would know something was up if I didn't join in. I just kept bringing the glass to my lips but not swallowing any, and then I dumped a bit when I was in the bathroom or in the kitchen alone. I also "accidentally" spilled a good amount. Worked like a charm :)...I think.... At dinner with friends I drive so DH and I just "share" a beer...he wasn't very good at drinking it faster though so I was worried they noticed but it seems to have worked. Good luck!

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