Trying to conceive #1 Buddies!

I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I hope that you are starting to feel better. It is very sweet that he is so excited about everything, but good that he finally understood how you're feeling. I'm not sure how I would have dealt with that, to be honest.

I should be using OPKs. I think that would help me a lot. I just have to find them here. fingers crossed for you.

Thanks for the positive words <3. I think the problem is that I still don't know if I have ovulated at all. I've only had 1 temp above beginning cycle temps and it went right back down after that day.

I'm so so emotional these days. I feel crazy. I have cried over absolutely nothing and I don't mean a couple of tears, I mean full on sobbing.
I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I hope that you are starting to feel better. It is very sweet that he is so excited about everything, but good that he finally understood how you're feeling. I'm not sure how I would have dealt with that, to be honest.

I should be using OPKs. I think that would help me a lot. I just have to find them here. fingers crossed for you.

Thanks for the positive words <3. I think the problem is that I still don't know if I have ovulated at all. I've only had 1 temp above beginning cycle temps and it went right back down after that day.

I'm so so emotional these days. I feel crazy. I have cried over absolutely nothing and I don't mean a couple of tears, I mean full on sobbing.

OPKs and temping is almost a must if you want an idea of when everything is happening. OPKs will tell you that an egg is going To be released soon and Temping will confirm that it was released.

I recommend Amazon for OPKs because they are usually cheap. The ones in the pharmacies are a ridiculous price. Wondfos is the best, but I'm biased.

I am a very emotional person and this whole process has made me cry more then I would have liked.
I get all worked up over symptoms and then there is nothing. My honest opinion is to keep expectations low.

This board is here for that reason. Take out our stresses and get answers all while surrounded by people going through the same thing. We are here :D
hey girls -

lvska - as much as I hate temping and opks, after this month I feel like it's a necessary evil. All of my friends and fam keep telling me I need to stop thinking about things so much. This month I was sure I o'ed on CD 12 due to my EWCM. I've normally been o'ing at CD 14 or 15 so I assumed I did early. But nope, didn't even O until CD 18 once ewcm was done with and I would have without a doubt missed my O if not for the tracking. I would have been taking my much needed rest from BDing lol!

but something is def in the air because everyone is O'ing late this month grrr :growlmad:

trr - hi! glad you are still hanging in there. TTC our first is so hard. I think there is so much added pressure cause we can think - what if it never happens? dramatic, I know, but I can't help it. :shrug:

AFM - just hanging out. waiting not so patiently 3 more days to test. feeling hopeful despite all of my efforts not to be. made sure to look up O times for Nov so right now trying to focus on Nov 19 as opposed to Oct 30.... not working well. sigh.
super - let us know what Doc says! thinking of you!

magic - good to know someone else has a DH like mine lol. this morning he asked what my temp was again.... :growlmad: I was like I'm just going to say a number that is obscure to you because you don't know what my chart is even like! and he said, yes I do - I looked at it since you left it up on the comp. :growlmad: I dunno, I just feel like - I got this, thanks. :shrug:

leson - you never know about the waiting 3 months. I know they always "say" to wait a year, but after having a super complicated and scary cervical pregnancy 6 months ago (got pregnant on the first month and now haven't been able) my doctor ran all sorts of blood tests to see what was going on. so you never know? maybe give them a call? worst comes to worst - you can always say you started TTC 3 months before you actually did? :shhh::muaha:
@trr: Thanks that actually does help to hear. I did a good job of not getting my hopes up last cycle, and I had it mostly in check this cycle right up until AF arrived early. My DH was actually so perfect inspite of his seeming indifference during the 2ww (or in my case 1 week). He held me and said he understood and let me have a bit of a cry. Bright side absolutely no cramps this time, and I don't have stew for another week. I keep trying to remind myself of the statistics. Only 60% are pregnant by now (just a bit more than half) but then my head just yells, "but I want to be on that side of the stat!"

@beemeck: Tricky, tricky :)! Sorry to hear about your loss. Sending good thoughts your way. I thought about calling or writing in and asking about the short LP, but I can already hear them saying that it was just one month and I should just keep trying. Ah well now I have a plan B if I feel like I just can't take it anymore. Thanks!
leson: 7 day LP is definitely really short. You are sure of your O date right? I'm sure you've heard of this, but are you already taking B-complex vitamins? Heard great things about B vitamins lengthening LP and also good for other things like hair :)

ivksa: Agree with Trr@ on OPK being really nice heads up. Highly recommend it. :thumbup:

super: rash could be a good sign although agree 1DPO is a tad early. Hopefully it's just an allergic reaction and nothing serious. :flower:

beemeck: haha wow your DH is micromanaging your TTC eh ;) Sometimes I do wish my DH would take a bigger interest in the details and he does ask from time to time but I can imagine it being overwhelming. Sometimes even when I take temps I know it's mostly for retrospective, and not meant to predict anything. I don't want to be made to think too much about it.

Speaking of which, temp dipped below cover as expected. But cervix not open yet, so thinking AF will start tomorrow. Which means 27 day cycle again! I know it's not much to celebrate but looking for that silver lining :haha: Also looking forward to november, seems like fertile window will be around a weekend during which we are celebrating our engagement anniversary by visiting where he proposed. Hopefully some romance juju will help with TTC :happydance:
@leson i for one give myself a pity party every cycle. just to release all those emotions. its hard. its real hard to stay positive, i know at least its a challenge for me. Look into herbs that help with your cycle, for some reason researching and trying different natural remedies makes me feel better. I guess knowing im progressing and seeing my cycle getting normal makes me feel a bit closer to finally catching that egg.

@ivska first of all <3. I do agree opks are a mst. just to get an idea of whats going on and to help with timing

@trr i agree. i have never cried so much in my life than during this journey.

@beemeck thank you! turns out i am suddenly allergic to snow peas! ive lived my whole life with no allergies and poof snowpeas! lol what ?!

Funny i O'ed way early this cycle. perhaps too much herbs? lol

I have 8 days to test. and im waiting not very patiently

@psycho yes! romance always helps!
I agree! doing all sorts of research makes me feel better. knowledge is power and I like feeling *somewhat* in control of things - as much as I possibly can be. my family is being really tough on me to stop all of this. they say I'm thinking about it too much since I got pregnant on the first try when I wasn't. But like I said, I know it's not that. My body was just really put off by my traumatic experience. I work with drug addicted women and I always say if heroin doesn't stop pregnancy from happening, me thinking about it surely won't!

PC - you and your husband sound so cute! neither my husband or I are romantic. Heck, we probably both forget when we got engaged :wacko:that will definitely be a nice time and hurray for 27 days! and also - yes, that's the word I was looking for - micromanaging! grrr he's the king of that in all regards, so at least just give me one thing! :haha:
Hey everyone. Hope it's ok to post. DH & I just got married earlier this month. We're TTC #1. We're just kind of having fun with it now -- not really keeping track of anything, but figured we'd see how it goes. DH is going back to school in January, so finances will be tight if we do get pregnant, but we'll also be able to be home opposite one another, so that'll be a money saver. Just wanted to say hello... excited to be here!
Welcome Sophie. Hope you enjoy our posts. They can get a little tmi once in a while. Be prepared lol.
@psycho: I test LH and get a clear peak. Since my first cycle trying, my LH keeps peaking a day later, but AF keeps arriving a day earlier. The first cycle I had just 12 days from the peak, then 10, and now 8. I haven't started tracking BBT to confirm, so I'm just subtracting a day to estimate my LP. I have heard about B6 helping with a short LP, but I've on a prenatal with all sorts of B vitamins since we started trying. Maybe it's not enough? I'll see if I can find out more about it - thanks!

@bee and super: I agree knowing and understanding more helps me feel like I have a better handle on things. I'm a research addict. I'm on pubmed way too much!
I live in Saudi Arabia and haven't been able to find OPKs at all. I need to go to a few different pharmacies in the city to see if I can find them for next month. Unfortunately, most of the time online shopping is not an option here. I'd end up paying an arm and a leg for shipping.

I honestly have no problem temping everyday, but my problem is that living here makes it very difficult to be consistent with temping times. On the weekend we may be awake until 4 in the morning or so for social gatherings, weddings, dinners etc (we basically wait for the morning prayer), which means that I can't sleep and temp at 6 am as usual.

If I can find them I will definitely give it a go.
Haha, "romance juju", I like that idea :).

Fingers crossed that I can find them.

Welcome and best wishes <3

I have three temps from this cycle that are weird. I took them, saw the number and said huhhh, so I took it again to check. I'm not sure which temp to keep. My FF chart has all of the second temps (taken literally 1 min after the first) and my ovagraph has the first temps. Ovagraph is actually giving me crosshairs with an O day of CD15.
Any thoughts?
CD15 - 96.26--96.93
CD18 - 96.86--97.40
CD23 - 97.39--97.54

ovagraph chart
i was horrible with temping so i cant help you there. i would forget, temp at wrong times.

So strange occurance. WARNING TMI! i had to ehem use the restroom a few time yesterday. and all 3 times i found huge globs of yellowish ewcm on the toilet paper. we havent bd-ed since friday. My question is can the pushing push out residual sperm from 5 days ago?
super!! I'm having yellow CM too. well, not anymore. I think like days 5-7. I posted on another thread about it. I've heard many women on here talk about it before and tbh always thought it sounded pretty odd. then it happened to me! I was worried about a possible infection of something since my immune system was clearly not working with how sick I've been, so I made the mistake of googling it. I'm saying mistake because it seemed almost overwhelming that women got their BFPs after experiencing yellow cm.... i hate getting my hopes up so I dunno! :shrug:
Welcome Sophie. Hope you enjoy our posts. They can get a little tmi once in a while. Be prepared lol.

Hahaha, thank you & I am looking forward to it :P

We have just started tracking my cycle... Weird question, but I get my period a few days later each month; i.e. August I got it the 10th, September I got it around the 14th, this month I got it on the 18th. How do you track things when it's so irregular?

Thanks :)
Welcome Sophie. Hope you enjoy our posts. They can get a little tmi once in a while. Be prepared lol.

Hahaha, thank you & I am looking forward to it :P

We have just started tracking my cycle... Weird question, but I get my period a few days later each month; i.e. August I got it the 10th, September I got it around the 14th, this month I got it on the 18th. How do you track things when it's so irregular?

Thanks :)

There are no weird questions here.
Most of us use apps on our phones to track periods and ovulation.
It really depends on how involved you want to get.

You can try apps like ovia for a general idea of when you are ovulating.

If you are a control freak like some of us here, you can start tracking your temperature, using ovulation predictor kits and using an app called fertility friend.

Ovulation predictor kits tests LH which is a hormone that peaks right before ovulation, temping will actually confirm that you ovulated because your temperature rises after releasing an egg and the fertility friend app allows you to put in all your information and it will give you a visual picture via a chart as to when you ovulated and when you can begin testing for pregnancy.

It can get a little more involved then that depending how deep you want to go into trying to conceive.

A lot of us have been through a couple cycles so we can give you all the info.

Hope this helps
@soph every month has a different number of days. our bodies dont know which months have more days than others. tracking your cycle does not go by calendar days it goes by the number of days from cycle a to cycle b. does that make sense?
for example, day 1 of your period is day 1 of your cycle. and if your cycle is 32 days long than your next period is due on day 33.
I've been an educator for years and for some reason im having trouble explaining that one lol

@beemeck dont you dare get me excited lol. i didnt google it cause everyone has a weird bfp symptom and i get too excited. I have gotten yellowish ewcm before but its usually right before my period and only when i check my cp. ( tmi sorry) This is the first time ive had so much and on a tissue and this early on. Beemeck i hope this is it but trying real hard to not get my hopes up. when is af due for u?

Ladies in the tww have u had any different symptoms?
"After ovulation, the cervical fluid will dry up or become creamy. This is due to the progesterone which warms the body. As the body gets ready to start another menstrual cycle the fluid usually becomes wet again, almost mimicking the egg-white like fluid. However, if you are pregnant, the cervical fluid becomes creamy - I&#8217;ve even heard some women say it becomes more yellow in color too. Pregnant women produce a lot of cervical fluid. But the presence or absence of fluid does not determine pregnancy. ''

If thats the case then im out. my cm mimics eggwhites
Could it be possible that the yellow CM actually has some blood in it, like the brownish blood maybe when diluted with the CM is more yellowish in color?

I know other bodily fluids if yellow usually indicates infection, but interesting that there are a lot of BFPs following. FX for you!

lesondemavie: have you thought about Vitex as a supplement? I don't have any issues with the length of my cycle, but have started taking Fertility Blend from Daily Wellness that contains Vitex that is suppose to regulate hormones. I used it starting about a week into my cycle this past month and it actually delayed my ovulation, but hopefully that works itself out. Only 4 dpo, so can't speak to any affect to my Luteal phase yet, but could be something to look in to to lengthen that, there are several posts and threads on here referencing it.
First, thank you all for the support. I'm feeling much better now. Here goes another cycle and another chance!

@Ivksa: Sorry to near opks are hard to get! Sadly I don't temp so I have no clue but hopefully someone else here can help.

@Soph: Absolutely I agree an app is the way to go. I mostly just chart AF and peak LH. That's all you need to know your fertile window and when to poas. You can also look for patterns in symptoms, cm, cp, sleep, diet, etc...but I've found that this just makes me obsess too much. I can't post links yet, but if you need it, you can search for "lingo abbreviations" in the forum to find a list.

@MK: Yes, thanks. I have been looking into vitex a bit. Maybe a backup for later if it doesn't lengthen back up next month. The more I read the more I wonder about my progesterone levels. Looks like there are saliva tests you can order, but I'm leaning more towards just giving it more time for now. I guess I could always chart my bbt to get more insight into my progesterone levels since that's what causes the temp rise....but I worry that it'll just give me one more thing to fret over :/. I'm hoping that my body is still just getting back to normal after bcp for years. I've read that it can take a few months to have regular cycles again. Let me know how it goes with the vitex. Fingers crossed for you.

@super: I'm an educator of sorts too, and I think you explained it perfectly :)

@bee and super: Here's hoping for you both! If it helps moderate those hopes while you wait - I've also read that some women get globs of yellowish ewcm after they O...maybe it depends on how many dpo you are? It's so confusing isn't it! I feel like women with BFPs look back and say a, b, and c happened so those must have been signs...but sometimes they would have just happened anyway...our bodies are designed to act as though we're pg while waiting for implantation after all *sigh*. The more I read the more I feel like the only clear sign will be from rising hcg levels and well we should get a positive if that's high enough anyway right?

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